The Student Info screen displays the student's record. The categories and student fields displayed in Student Info may have been set up by your school district, therefore what you see in Student Info may be custom to your district. The categories and student fields that display are also based on your user profile. You may not be able to view or edit certain fields. This article will go over some of the common features and functions in Student Info.
Click on the following articles for information on the specific sub-topic:
- Immunization Compliance (Immunizations tab): Student Info: Immunizations
- Enrollment: Student Info: Enrollment
- Re-enrollment restrictions: Student Info: Re-enrollment Restrictions
- Re-enrollment: Student Info: Re-enrollment
- Grades: Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank
- Vouchers: Student Info: Vouchers
- Threat Classification: Student Info: Threat Classification
- Hall Passes: Student Info: Hall Passes
For information on Student Info prior to version 12, see Student Info v. 11.
See Searching for Students for detailed instructions on the various ways to search for students.
After searching for and selecting the student, the student's record is displayed. The category that is displayed by default (such as General Demographics, Addresses & Contacts, Daily Visit Log, etc.) is set in Users > My Preferences or is determined by the district.
In the Select Student/Staff pull-down, the student's photo (if photos were imported into Focus), name, student ID, grade level, and student alert icon (if any) are displayed. The student's name displays in the format you have selected in the Student Name Format field in Users > My Preferences > Student Listing tab.
If local student IDs are used, the local ID will display in parentheses next to the student ID.

If the student has an alert icon, hover over the alert icon to view its description in a tool-tip. Click the alert icon to open the corresponding screen, tab, and field in Student Info (if you have the profile permission to view the student field).

Hover over the student's photo to view the student's name, student ID, and scheduling team (if the student has a scheduling team assigned on their most recent enrollment record for this school year and school). The additional student information that displays is based on the options you have selected in Users > My Preferences > Columns in Student Lists.

If students' birth dates have been included in your customized list, the age of the student displays next to their Birthdate, as shown in the image below. Customize Student List is accessable via any student search or via Users > My Preferences.

To message the student via the Communication screen, click the blue envelope icon.

If you navigate away from the Student Info screen, you can click on the student's photo to return back to it.
Along the left side of the screen, each of the student field categories are listed. These are set up and customized by the district in Students > Student Fields > Categories tab. The categories may have custom icons or short names. These icons and short names are also set up by the district in Students > Student Fields > Categories tab. If a category does not have a custom icon or short name, a system generated short name will be used. The system generated short name uses the first character of each word in the category's title.

1. Click a category to view the corresponding student fields.
2. To easily locate a category in the list, begin typing the category name in the Filter fields... text box. You can also enter a field name to locate the category that contains that field. The applicable categories will display in the list for selection. To return to the full list of categories, delete the text in the Filter fields... text box.

3. To view the student's primary information, click the Primary Info category in the categories list.

The Primary Info is displayed, including the student's first, middle, and last name, birthdate, local ID, nickname, username, password, and profile. This is the only location you will be able to see the student's username, password, and profile.
If the preference "Show Preferred Name fields on Add a Student" is enabled via Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences/School Preferences > Enrollment, the Preferred First Name and Preferred Last Name fields will be included in Primary Info if you have the profile permission to view these student fields.
If your district uses the UUID, the unique identifier utilized in Focus' Third Party Systems, and the field is enabled via Users > Profiles > Student Fields, you can view and edit the UUID field here.
4. To print an ID badge for the student, click the badge icon next to Primary Info header. The Print ID Badges screen will display, with the student already selected.
If the student has been flagged as a Protected Student, a warning message displays on the Student Info screen: DO NOT RELEASE STUDENT INFO. The warning message displays for all users. For more information about how to set up a Protected Student, see Student Fields: Protected Student.
Note: If a user has a profile such as "Registrar" and has permissions to View/Edit the Addresses/Contacts for a student at their school, then they will still have access to the student's Addresses & Contacts regardless of whether or not they have permission to "View Protected Students."
5. Click the links at the top of the screen to view other records for the student.
6. If you have been given the permission to log in as students, click the orange Log in as button at the top-right corner of the screen to log in as the student. This will log you in to the Student Portal as the student.
7. To print the current page of the student's record, click the blue Print button.
8. To navigate to the next or previous student's record, click the left or right blue arrows in the Select Student/Staff pull-down at the top-left corner of the screen.
A gray arrow indicates you are at the beginning or end of the list of students, and therefore cannot advance to the next student in the list.
9. Click the Back to Search Results icon to return back to the list of students if you had previously conducted a student search that resulted in a list of students.
10. To quickly switch to another student's record within the school, click the down arrow in the Select Student/Staff pull-down at the top-left corner of the screen and use the Filter to locate the student.
See Searching for Students for detailed instructions on using the Select Student/Staff pull-down.

Upon utilizing the student pull-down and left/right blue arrows in the top-left corner of the screen to navigate to other students, if a protected student is selected, a pop-up will display an error message and you will remain on the current student if you do not have the profile permissions to view protected students. For more information about how to set up a Protected Student, see Student Fields: Protected Student.

11. To change the layout of a category to one column, two columns, or three columns, click the applicable icon next to the category title.
The category layout will default to the Student Info Layout setting in Users > My Preferences > Display Options; you can override the default setting by selecting a category layout option.
12. Click the Expand View icon to view individual records from a data table in a pop-up modal to alleviate having to scroll horizontally on large tables.
To close the modal, click Close, press esc key, or click the dimmed background.
If the modal is opened on a non-insert row, blue arrow buttons are displayed, allowing cycling through the other records without having to close the modal.
If the modal is opened on an insert row, a Create button is displayed next to the Close button on the modal, allowing a record to be created.
1. Navigate to the category and field and make the desired changes.
The field will turn blue after edits are made. The Save button will also turn red to remind you to save after you Tab or click out of the field.
2. Click Save.
3. Errors in the student's record are listed along the right side of the screen. Hover your mouse over an error to view its description.

4. Click the error to be taken directly to the field in the student's record.
If the error is located in a different category, Focus will open the category where the field with the error resides. Fields with errors are highlighted in red.
Required fields are marked with a red asterisk. If a required field has not been filled out, it will be included in the Errors list. You may not be able to save if there is missing required information, depending on the validation rules set up for the field in Edit Rules & Workflow.
5. Fields with a question mark icon have a description. Hover the mouse over the icon to view the description.

6. Fields with a link icon have a link to a website. Click the icon to open the website in a new tab or window.

The field description and link are set up in Student Fields.
Users with the profile permission "Edit Student Photo" for Student Info can edit the student's photo directly in the Student Info screen.
1. Click the Primary Info category on the left side of the screen.
2. Click the student photo icon next to the Primary Info header.
3. To upload a file from your computer, drag the file into the provided area or click Choose a file and select a file from your computer.
The new photo is displayed in the window.
4. To use your computer's camera to take a photo, click Take Photo.
Your camera is activated.
5. Click Take Photo.
6. Click and drag the blue photo borders to crop the photo. Click and drag the photo itself to readjust the photo within the borders.
7. Click Retake Photo to retake the photo, or click Upload to upload the photo.
The new photo is displayed in the window.
8. To download a student photo to your computer, click the download icon beneath the photo.
9. To delete the photo, click the X beneath the photo.
10. Click Yes in the confirmation message.

11. Click the red X at the top-left corner of the window when finished adding or deleting a photo.
The system field "Personal Email" with the alias "personal_email" can be used to store a student's personal email address. After this field is added to a student field category, and the field is populated with the student’s personal email address and is saved in Student Info, a verification icon displays next to the field. The verification icon can be used to send or resend a verification email to the student. The icon also displays a tool-tip indicating the status of verification.
The Personal Email field must be assigned a category in Student Fields. The appropriate user profiles must also be given permission to view and edit this field.
1. In the student's record, populate the Personal Email field and click Save.

The red envelope icon indicates the student's personal email address has not been verified.
2. Hover over the icon to view the tool-tip.
3. Click the red envelope icon to send the verification email.

4. Click Yes.

5. Click the X to close the pop-up window.

The tool-tip on the red envelope icon updates to indicate the date the verification email was sent to the student. The icon can be clicked again to resend a verification email.

The student will receive the verification email and will click the link to verify their email address.
The envelope icon next to the Personal Email field turns green to indicate the student has verified their email address.

6. Hover over the icon to view the tool-tip.
The tool-tip indicates the date the email address was verified.

The student's address and contact information is housed in the Addresses & Contacts category. Multiple addresses and contacts can be defined, including separate mailing addresses if needed.
If a student has been flagged as a Protected Student, and you do not have the three listed profile permissions, the Address & Contacts tab will not display: View Protected Students, Edit Student Addresses, and Edit Student Contacts. Profile permissions are set up by the district via Users > Profiles. For more information about how to set up a Protected Student, see Student Fields: Protected Student.
1. In the student's record, click the Addresses & Contacts category on the left side of the screen.

Each address is displayed as a block. The physical address and mailing address (if defined) are listed.

At the bottom of the address block, the address icons give a quick indication if this is the student's primary residence, mailing address, or bus pick up/drop off location.

A blue star indicates that this is the student's primary residence.
An orange envelope indicates the student has a mailing address. Hover over the icon to view the student's mailing address in a tool-tip.
A green bus indicates that this is the student's bus pick up location.
A red bus indicates that this is the student's bus drop off location.
Click the Map this Address icon to open Google Maps in a new window or tab with the mapped address.

Only one address can be designated as the primary residence. If you select Primary Residence on an address, it will remove the Primary Residence status on any other addresses. Once an address is designated as the Primary Residence, the address is displayed at the top-left of the screen.
The Profiles permission Edit Primary Residence (Users > Profiles) must be enabled for you to make changes to the student's Primary Residence. If you do not have this permission, you will not be able to select or clear the Primary Residence toggle on any address; it will be grayed out. You also cannot edit the address fields if the address is flagged as the Primary Residence. However, you are still able to edit the mailing address and phone number of the primary residence.
Any contacts at the address are listed within the address block. Hover the mouse over a contact to quickly view the contact's information. Click the link to open the contact information for viewing or editing. See Editing a Contact below for more information.

Any contacts who are not associated with an address are represented by a separate contact block. The block lists their contact details and relationship.

The contact icons at the bottom of the contact block or next to the contact in the address block give a quick indication of whether the contact has custody, is the emergency contact, can pick up the student, or has notes.

The pink gavel indicates the contact has custody.
The word "custody" can be replaced with a different word, if needed. Use the system preference "Text to replace 'Custody' with" in Setup > System Preferences > Enrollment tab.
The yellow warning icon indicates this is the emergency contact.
The green car indicates the contact can pick up the student.
The red note icon indicates the contact has notes entered in the contact record. Hover over the note icon to view the note in a tool-tip.
Customized contact icons may also display. The titles for existing icons can also be customized. Customized contact icons and tool-tips can be set up in Students > Address Fields > Contact Flags.
The contact's calculated priority is displayed next to the contact's name in the address block or at the top of the contact block. Contacts are sorted by calculated priority. Focus calculates priority and sorts contacts as follows:
- 1 - Contact’s Priority
- 2 - Custody
- 3 - Emergency
- 4 - Primary Residence
- 5 - Student Relation
- 6 - Last Name
- 7 - First Name

The Contact's Priority on the contact block or in the tool-tip when hovering over a contact on the address block indicates the value set by the user in the Contact's Priority field when adding or editing a contact, if defined. This allows you to see the Contact's Priority set on the contact versus the calculated priority.

The contact details on the contact block or in the tool-tip when hovering over a contact on the address block are also sorted by the Detail Priority that was set when adding or editing the contact. The contact detail with a priority of 1 is the preferred contact method.

To message the contact via the Communication screen, click the blue envelope icon.

1. In the student's record, click the Addresses & Contacts category on the left side of the screen.

2. Click New Address.

3. In the New Address pop-up window, enter the Physical Address and select whether this is the Primary Residence, Bus Pickup, or Bus Dropoff location.
While entering the address, a small box with a loading ellipsis will appear if the Address Catalog is enabled; this is the Address Suggestion. Click on it to view the possible address matches. If the address is listed, select it instead of typing everything into the corresponding fields.
Additionally, districts with or without the Address Catalog enabled can receive address suggestions if the district has the USPS API integration enabled. To enable this feature, submit a Zendesk ticket to Focus including your organization's USPS API credentials. Credentials can be obtained by registering at
Only one primary residence can be marked per student.
4. Select Separate Mailing Address to define a separate mailing address if needed, and enter the address in the provided fields.
If the "International Address - Add additional options for non-US addresses " system preference is enabled, the District field and Country pull-down are displayed on both the Physical Address and Mailing Address. While the address card displays the full country name, the ISO 3166-1 country code is saved in the database. The State pull-down also updates to include the states/provinces/regions for that country for selection. U.S. military base options are available in the State pull-down when United States of America is selected as the country.
5. If needed, click Clear Address Fields to clear all the Physical Address and Mailing Address entry fields on the form.
6. In the confirmation pop-up window, click Yes.

7. Enter the Phone Number associated with this address, and select the contact detail flags as needed.
The Phone Number field displays as Student Phone Number when the Primary Address toggle is enabled for the address.
The contact detail flags, such as Unlisted, Callout, and Blocked, Texting (SMS), and Opted out of Texting are set up in Students > Address Fields > Contact Detail Flags tab. These may vary depending on district setup.

8. If address validation is enabled for your district, click Validate Address.

The zoned schools for the address are displayed for reference if the address is in the Address Catalog. If the address is not in the Address Catalog, you cannot save the address without selecting an Override Reason at the top of the window.

9. Click Save.
The address is added as a block.
1. In the student's record, click the Addresses & Contacts category on the left side of the screen.

2. Click the address block to edit.

3. In the Edit Address pop-up window, edit the address fields and options as needed.

4. To clear all Physical Address and Mailing Address entry fields, click Clear Address Fields.
5. In the confirmation pop-up window, click Yes.

While entering the address, a small box with a loading ellipsis will appear if the Address Catalog is enabled; this is the Address Suggestion. Click on it to view the possible address matches. If the address is listed, select it instead of typing everything into the corresponding fields.
Additionally, districts with or without the Address Catalog enabled can receive address suggestions if the district has the USPS API integration enabled. To enable this feature, submit a Zendesk ticket to Focus including your organization's USPS API credentials. Credentials can be obtained by registering at
The Profiles permission Edit Primary Residence (Users > Profiles) must be enabled for you to make changes to the student's Primary Residence. If you do not have this permission, you will not be able to select or clear the Primary Residence toggle on any address; it will be grayed out. You also cannot edit the address fields if the address is flagged as the Primary Residence. However, you are still able to edit the mailing address and phone number of the primary residence.
At the bottom of the window, the contacts associated with the address are listed. To edit a contact, click the contact. The Edit Contact pop-up window will display where the contact can be edited (See Editing a Contact below for more information).
6. Click Save at the bottom of the window to save your changes.
When edits are made to a student's address in Student Info or via a re-enrollment form, the prior address is stored in the system logging field "Prior Addresses" in the Address category (or in another student category as set up by the district). Profile permissions to view this logging field must be set.
1. In the student's record, click the Addresses & Contacts category on the left side of the screen.

2. Click the address block to delete.

3. In the Edit Address pop-up window, click Delete at the bottom of the screen.
4. Click Confirm.
The address block is removed.
If the only address in the student's record is the primary address and the primary address is deleted, another primary address must be added to the student's record before saving the screen.
1. In the student's record, click the Addresses & Contacts category on the left side of the screen.

2. Click New Contact.

3. In the New Contact pop-up window, enter the contact's name, relationship to the student, email address, any notes, and select the applicable Custody, Emergency, Pick Up, and Contact's Priority options.
Any notes entered on the contact can be viewed by anyone with access to the student's addresses and contacts, including parents.
If tooltips were set up for the contact flags in Students > Address Fields > Contact Flags, an i icon will display next to the contact flag. Hover over the i icon to view the tooltip.
When the system preference "Display Contact Birthdate Field" is enabled in Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Enrollment tab, the Birthdate field is displayed on the contact card to enter the contact's birthdate.
The Contact's Priority determines whether the contact is considered the primary contact, secondary contact, etc. A priority of 1 designates the contact as the primary contact.
If a Contact's Priority is blank (not defined), Focus will calculate the priority. Focus calculates priority and sorts contacts as follows:
- 1 - Contact’s Priority
- 2 - Custody
- 3 - Emergency
- 4 - Primary Residence
- 5 - Student Relation
- 6 - Last Name
- 7 - First Name
The relationships and options that are available for selection are set up in Students > Address Fields > Relationships tab and Contact Flags tab.
The Custody option will default to on for the first contact saved, and off for any subsequent contacts.
4. Click the Opt Out of Email Notifications toggle to stop the contact from receiving emails via the Communication Platform. It's important to note that this setting exclusively pertains to the Communication Platform and does not affect the Print Letters & Send Email functionality.
5. Scroll down to the Phone & Contact Details section of the screen, where you will enter the contact's phone numbers and other contact details.
6. In the blank row, select the Contact Type. Options include Alternate Phone, Cell Phone, Home Phone, Other, Work Phone, or Workplace.
7. In the Phone Number/Value field, enter the phone number. Note: Upon entering the phone number and clicking out of the field, the phone number will automatically format; therefore, you do not have to enter dashes and parentheses.
8. Use the minus and plus icons to select the Detail Priority. A "1" indicates that this is the preferred method of contact. A "2" indicates this is the next preferred method of contact, etc.
When Alternate Phone, Cell Phone, Home Phone, or Work Phone is selected, the phone number options become available for selection. These are set up in Students > Address Fields > Contact Detail Flags tab, and may vary by district.
If a user adds a new contact detail and leaves the Detail Priority blank, Focus will auto-increment the Detail Priority for the new contact detail. For example, if a Cell Phone contact detail already exists with a Detail Priority of 1, and the user adds a new Work Phone contact detail and leaves the Detail Priority blank, Focus will set the Detail Priority as 2 when the detail is saved.
If an existing contact detail is updated, Focus will not auto-increment its Detail Priority.
9. Select the contact detail flags, such as Unlisted, Callout, Blocked, SMS, or UNSUBSCRIBE, as needed.
If an attendance mobile alert has been set up by the district, you can select the SMS check box to indicate that the contact is accepting attendance texts. If the contact has indicated that text message are not to be sent to the entered phone number, you can select the UNSUBSCRIBE check box instead.
Attendance texts can be set up via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Attendance/General tabs.
10. Press Enter to add the row.
The newly added row will turn yellow to indicate changes have been made. A new blank row is available where you can enter more contact details.
11. At the bottom of the window, select the contact's address from the existing addresses that were set up for the student. If the contact does not have an address set up, click the No Address block.

12. Click Save when finished.
The new contact is added to the selected address block. If No Address was selected, the contact is displayed in its own contact block.
1. In the student's record, click the Addresses & Contacts category on the left side of the screen.

2. Click on the contact within the Address block or click on the Contact block.

3. In the Edit Contact pop-up window, edit any of the contact's information or details.
If tooltips were set up for the contact flags in Students > Address Fields > Contact Flags, an i icon will display next to the contact flag. Hover over the i icon to view the tooltip.
To copy a contact's email address to your computer's clipboard, click the green icon next to the email field.
4. At the bottom of the window, click an address block to move the contact to the selected address, if applicable.

5. Click Save when finished.
1. In the student's record, click the Addresses & Contacts category on the left side of the screen.

2. Click on the contact within the address block or click on the contact block.

3. In the Edit Contact pop-up window, click Delete at the bottom of the screen.

4. Click Confirm.

The contact is deleted.
The Linked Users table is used to link parent users to their child so that they can view the child's information in the Parent Portal.
1. In the student's record, click the Addresses & Contacts category on the left side of the screen.

2. Scroll to the Linked Users table towards the bottom of the screen.
3. To add a linked user, click the User pull-down. In the Filter box, begin typing the user's name. The list of users will filter. Select the appropriate user. Only users with a parent profile are available for selection.
4. If the linked user is also a contact in Addresses & Contacts, select the appropriate Contact.
If the system preference "Restrict Parents/Guardians to editing their own Contact and Address info and Non-Custodial Contact info" is enabled, then both the User and Contact must be populated in order for the parent/guardian to be able to edit address and contact information.
5. Click Save at the top of the screen.
The parent is added as a linked user. The parent will now be able to view their child's information in the Parent Portal. A new blank row is available to add additional linked users.
5. To disable a user's access to the student's information, deselect the Enabled check box next to the user.
6. To log in as the user, click the Log In As link next to the user.
You can log in as the parent if you have permission to Allow Login As Parent via Users > Profiles > Users tab.
7. To open the user's record in User Info in a new tab or window, click View User Info.
8. To remove the linked user, click the red minus sign next to the user.
9. In the confirmation message, click OK.

The row is grayed out, but is not yet deleted until you click Save.
10. Click Save to save the deletion.
The Linked Students table is used to define relationships between students, including siblings and parent/child relationships. When using Print Letters & Send Email, one letter/email can be sent per family. Focus uses the Linked Students feature to determine which students are in the same family.
1. In the student's record, click the Addresses & Contacts category on the left side of the screen.

2. Scroll to the Linked Students table towards the bottom of the screen.

3. To add a linked student, click the Student pull-down in the blank row at the top of the table. In the Filter box, begin typing the student's name. The list of students will filter. Select the appropriate student.
4. In the Relationship pull-down, select Child of ___, Cousin, Parent of ___, Sibling, or Step-Sibling.
5. Press Enter/Return to add the row.
6. Click Save.
Once saved, the student's School displays.
A new blank row is available to add additional linked students.
7. Click View Student Info to open the corresponding student's Student Info screen.
8. To delete a linked student, click the red minus sign to the left of the student's name.

a. In the confirmation message click OK.

The row is grayed out, but is not yet deleted until you click Save.

b. Click Save to save the changes.
Administrators with the profile permission "Edit Family Documents" for Student Info have the ability to add files in the Family Documents section of the Addresses & Contacts screen. The logging field includes a date field, file upload field, and description field. The documents are viewable for the student for which it was added, as well as all students that are linked to the student via Linked Students. Teachers, parents, and students can view and download the documents, but cannot edit or delete them.
1. In the student's record, click the Addresses & Contacts category on the left side of the screen.

2. Scroll to the Family Documents table towards the bottom of the screen.
3. To add a document, select a Date in the blank row.
4. Enter a Description.
5. Click Save.
The record is added to the table, and the File Upload field becomes available.
6. Hover the mouse over No File and select whether to Scan, Upload, or Take Photo. Follow the prompts to scan the file, select the file from your computer, or take a photo using your computer's camera.
7. After scanning, uploading, or taking a photo, the file name is displayed in the file upload field.
8. Click the file to view it in another browser tab.
9. Click the blue download icon to download the file.
10. Click the red X icon to delete the file.
11. To delete a record, click the red minus sign next to the row.
12. In the confirmation message, click OK.

The row is grayed out, but is not yet deleted until you click Save.
13. Click Save to complete deletion.
The Victims logging field can be used to document the victims of the aggressor student. When the "Restrict Co-Enrollment" check box is selected on the entry, the aggressor cannot be enrolled in the victim's school for the defined time period. A warning message will display on the Add a Student screen or on the Enrollment record indicating the student cannot be enrolled because he or she is an aggressor of the victim student. When the "Prevent Co-Schedule" check box is selected on the entry, the aggressor cannot be scheduled in the same section as the victim during the defined time period when using the Auto-Schedule feature from the Student Requests or Student Schedule screens, or when using Run Scheduler.
1. In the aggressor student's record, click the Victims category on the left side of the screen.

2. In the blank row of the table, click Victim pull-down and begin typing the victim student's name in the Filter.
No students will display in the pull-down until you begin typing the victim student's name.
3. Select the applicable student.

4. Select a Start Date and End Date.
If the Restrict Co-Enrollment or Prevent Co-Schedule check box is selected, the restriction is applicable during the specified date frame. If no end date is entered, then the restriction is indefinite.
5. Enter any Comments if desired.
6. Select Restrict Co-Enrollment to prevent the aggressor from being enrolled in the victim's school in the time frame defined in the Start Date and End Date fields.
7. Select Prevent Co-Schedule to prevent the aggressor from being enrolled in the same section as the victim when using the Auto-Schedule feature from the Student Requests or Student Schedule screens, or when using Run Scheduler.
8. Press Enter to add the row.
9. Click Save.
If a student's account is locked, it can be unlocked directly from the Student Info screen.
At the top-right of the student's record, a red lock icon will display if the student's account is locked. This icon only displays if the student's account is locked. Click the icon to unlock the student's account.
The Forms category in Student Info displays all the Form Builder forms the student is attached to (forms where the student was selected in the student dropdown component on the form). On the Student Fields screen, the applicable profiles should be given view permissions to the computed table "Forms."
1. Click the Forms tab on the left side of the screen.

The Forms table displays the instance ID, form, form status, and title.
2. Click the title link to view the form in a new tab.
Users who do not have view permissions for the form will not see the link to the form.
If letters and templates are set up in Students > Print Letters & Send Email and/or Students > Communication and attached to a student tab (Attach to Tab), you can print the form or letter from the corresponding tab.
1. Click the applicable tab, such as General Demographics.
2. At the top of the tab, select a letter from the Print a Form/Letter pull-down.
Letters/Templates created in Communication display with (Communication) in the name of the letter/form and have additional Print Options. All others were created in Print Letters & Send Email.

A PDF preview of the letter is displayed in a pop-up window.
3. Click Edit to make changes to the letter/form before generating or printing.
You have the ability to makes edits if the template was created in Communication > Templates and the district is using the New CK Editor.
a. Here you an edit the Subject and the message including any special features like the inserted fields. Using the CK Editor, you can add any relevant details and utilize any of the available features.
b. When finished, click Save.
Editing and saving the template information here does not change the original template.
4. Select the check boxes in the right panel to Email Student, Email Student Personal Email, Email Linked Users, and/or Email Custodial Contacts.
5. Select the Send to Student Log to record the letter in the student's letter log. This option displays as Add Log Records if the form/letter is from Communication.
6. If the form or letter is from Communication, there is an additional option to send the email as a secure message. Select the Secure Message check box to require students to log into their portal accounts in order to view the message.
7. Enter any additional email addresses in the provided text box and click Send Letter.

8. Select the Include Student Name/ID on Each PDF Page (Print Only) to include the student's name and student ID on each printed page of the letter.

9. If printing a form or letter from Communication, additional Print Options display. Make all the applicable selections; the options included are described below.
a. Include Student's or User's Name/ID on Each PDF Page: Select the check box to include the student's or user's name and identification number on each printed page (as it pertains to that person).
b. Fit Tables to Page: Select the check box to automatically adjust tables to fill the width of the page, ensuring better formatting and improved readability in printed letters.
c. Navigate to 'Print Avery Labels' to create/print mailing labels after closing: Select the check box to automatically navigate to the Print Avery Labels screen in order to create and print mailing labels for students if mailing the printed letters to students/parents.
d. Print Original: Select the check box to print the original message drafted as opposed to the messages generated based on the recipients' preferred language.
e. Print in Primary Contacts Language: Select the check box to print the messages in the recipients' primary contact language as opposed to the original composition language; i.e. this option translates all letters into the primary contact's language, which is determined by the linked user attached to the primary contact with a sort order of 1.
f. Add Log Records: Select the check box to record the letter in the student's letter log.
10. Click Generate Letter to regenerate the letters/forms using the Print Options selected.
11. Click the arrow to download the letter to your computer. Click the printer to print the letter.
Follow the prompts on your computer to print or save the letter.
12. Click Done when finished.
The first five numbers in student Social Security numbers are masked with asterisks. The profile permission View Full SSN, enabled via Users > Profiles > Students tab, allows users to view the full Social Security number for students.
"CS" and "S" are acceptable characters used in the front of social security numbers.
After conducting a student search, click the floppy disk icon to export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet.

Click the Messages button to open the Communication screen, which allows you to generate a batch message to select students.
Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Click the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.
For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see the Filters document.
If looking for specific information housed within the resulting students, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.
To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

Click any of the headers to sort data. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.
Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.