The Preferences screen is designed to allow administrators to customize teacher preferences per course. Teachers have access to these preferences via Preferences.
1. To conduct a user search in order to set specific preferences, in the Users menu, click Preferences under the Teacher Programs submenu.
This will lead you to a Find a Teacher user search module where you can begin setting criteria for a search. The Search Screen module includes a search bar, the More Search Options feature, and options to Search All Schools, Include Parents, and Include Inactive Users.
2. Enter the user's name, user's ID, or EIN in the User text box.
Click the User List tab for a complete list of users without conducting a search. You can also simply click Search and leave the User text box empty to pull all active users.
The search bar is not case sensitive, and full or partial entries can be in either a first last or last, first format. The comma is necessary in the last, first format. A full user name or ID number can also be entered into the search bar. Searching for "ro" will pull every user whose first or last name begins with "ro" into the search results.
3. Click Search.
All resulting users will display in the User List.
See Conducting a User Search for additional information.
4. When you find the correct user, click on the user's name to open the user's record. As shown in the image, the users are defined by Gender: Female, and the only Profile displayed is the Teacher Profile.
5. Clicking the user's name navigates to the user's Preferences screen. The user's name is displayed in the top left corner. Click the small red X next to the user's name to close the user and search for another one.
To open the selected user's User Info record, click on the user's photo displayed in the header (next to the red x).
For detailed information on how to customize preferences, see Preferences for teachers. The process is exactly the same for administrative users as it is teachers once all of the steps described in Teacher Search have been followed.