The Print Grades Verification Sheets screen is used to compare teachers' gradebook grades for a marking period to their posted final grades. The sheets can be printed for teachers to review and sign to ensure their posted final grades are correct. A signature line is included on each sheet.
1. In the Grades menu, click Print Grades Verification Sheets.
2. To print verification sheets for a specific Teacher, select the teacher(s) in the pull-down. To print for all teachers at the school, leave the pull-down blank.
3. Select the Grade Level(s) for which to print verification sheets. Only active grade levels are available for selection. To print for all active grade levels at the school, leave the pull-down blank.
4. Select the Sort Type to determine how verification sheets will be sorted. The options are Period Number, Course Name, and Course Number.
5. Select the Terms for which to print verification sheets. The marking period selected at the top-right of the screen will automatically be selected. To verify a set of marking periods, select all the ones that apply.
6. Select Comments to include the comments the teacher posted for final grades.
7. Select Conduct to include conduct grades the teacher posted for final grades.
8. Select No Gradebook Grades to only display the posted grade for the term. Select Calculated Gradebook Grades to display the calculated grade for the term. For example, for Semester 1, Focus will calculate the semester grade with the posted quarter 1 grade and the current quarter 2 Gradebook grade. Select Stored (DT) Gradebook Grades to display the stored Gradebook grade for the term along with the posted grade.
9. Select the Include Grade Average check box to add a row at the bottom of each column in the Print Grades Verification Sheets that displays the average grade, similar to the averages shown in the Gradebook for assignments.
10. Select Include Inactive Students to include inactive students on the verification sheets.
11. Edit the Directions text box to customize the directions to teachers. The directions are printed at the top of the verification sheets.
12. To print verification sheets for specific courses, enter the course numbers in the Course Numbers to Include text box, one course number on each line. To exclude certain courses, enter the course numbers in the Course Numbers to Exclude text box.
13. Click Create PDF to generate a PDF of the verification sheets. Click Create CSV to download a CSV file of the verification sheets to your computer. Click Preview to view a preview of the report contents.
When "Create PDF" is clicked, a PDF of the verification sheets is generated, which can be saved to your computer or printed. The gradebook grade will display in red font if it is different than the posted final grade. If a grade posting scheme is used to calculate a grade for a marking period, a Calculated column will also display estimating the marking period average.
14. To return to the Print Grades Verification Sheets screen, click Return to Focus.
When "Create CSV" is clicked, the CSV file is downloaded to your computer. The CSV file contains the same columns as the PDF version.
When "Preview" is clicked, the report contents display on the screen.