The MOSIS Verification Reports are used to identify and correct data errors before submitting data to the state.
The data verification gauge at the top of the report indicates the percentage of error-free data for the selected extract.
Beneath the gauge, each rule for the extract is listed. The number of errors and percentage of error-free data is indicated for each rule.
- If there are 0 errors, the font will be black, and the percentage of error-free data will be listed in parentheses as 100%.
- If data is 90% to 99% error-free, the font will be in blue.
- If data is between 80% and 90% error-free, the font will be in yellow.
- If data is less 80% error-free, the font will be in red.
Next to the number of errors and percentage of error-free data is a description of the rule.
1. To view and correct data errors, click the gray arrow or the underlined link for the rule.
The errors for the selected rule are listed in the table.
2. Click a link in the table to view and correct the data for that record. The link depends on the type of data in the table. For example, the link may be a student's name or a course number.
In this example, clicking the student's name opens the student's record in a new window. The system automatically navigates to the applicable area in which the information is housed.
3. After correcting the data in the window, click Save. Close the window and return to the verification reports.
4. Click Go Back to Summary to return to the list of rules.
In the Search text box at the top of the extract panel, type the name of an extract to quickly locate it in the list.
To close the panel, click the X. Doing so will allow for more room on the screen, which will be helpful when viewing error records.
To make the panel reappear, click the arrow where the panel used to display.
To filter the table of errors, click Filter so that it displays ON.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.
b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.
Data here can also be organized by clicking on any of the headers; click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
If there are several pages of records, Page numbers will display along with Prev and Next buttons. Use these buttons to navigate through pages. Click the Page text box to enter a page number. Press Enter to jump to that page.
To export data to CSV/Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.
To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section. Follow your printer's prompts.