Documentation for Administrators

Extract Field Defaults

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The Extract Field Defaults screen displays the field name, table, and custom field number for each field included in each extract. If set up, the field’s default value also displays. The extract logic for certain fields is also included.

Viewing Extract Field Defaults

1. In the Missouri Reports menu, click Extract Field Defaults.

2. On the left side of the screen, click the extract to view.


The Field Name, Table, Custom Field Number, Default, and Extract Logic are listed for the fields included in the selected extract.

The Default column displays what is set as the State Reporting Fallback Value for the field in Student Fields.

3. Click a Field Name to open the Edit Field screen for that field in a new tab.

Additional Features

In the Search text box at the top of the panel, type the name of an extract to quickly locate that extract in the list.

To collapse the panel, click the X. Doing so will allow for more room on the screen, which will be helpful when viewing extract data.


To make the panel reappear, click the arrow where the panel used to display.


To export the listed extract data to CSV/Excel, click the export icon.

To search within the listed data, enter text in Search box above the table and press Enter.

Data can be organized by clicking on any of the headers, such as Field Name or Table; click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Click the expand icon to display the table using the full screen. Click the icon again to return to the previous view.

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