Documentation for Administrators

Enrollment Discrepancies

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Enrollment Discrepancies

The purpose of this program is to attempt to identify and correct enrollment errors that may skew the results of reports.

Errors include:

  • Missing/Incorrect Attendance Calendars
  • Missing/Incorrect Gradelevels
  • All Enrollment Records Marked as 'Second School'

Students will also be listed if there are missing Start Dates or future student Enrollment Start Dates or the Enrollment Start Date occurs after Enrollment End Date.

1. From the Pennsylvania Reports menu, click Enrollment Discrepancies.

Enrollment Discrepancies

2. Select the check box to Include All Schools in the report.

Enrollment Discrepancies

The report displays the following fields:

Student ID (Local): The Focus generated ID number is used for reporting to PIMS.

Student ID (State): This is the PASecureID.

Student Full Name

Enrolled School: This is the school the student is currently enrolled.

Enrollment Start Date: Displays the first date of enrollment for the student.

Enrollment End Date: Displays the end date for the student.

Current Grade Level: Displays the grade level set in the current year’s enrollment record.

Enrolled School Grade Level(s): Florida field.

Current Calendar: Displays the calendar assigned to the student in the current year’s enrollment record.

Enrolled School Calendar(s): Florida field.

Second School: Displays ‘Y’ if the information displayed is the second school enrollment record for the student.

3. Click the Student ID (Local) to open Student Info and fix any errored data.

Enrollment Discrepancies

4. Click the X to close the pop-up window to return to the list of students. Then, click Recover Options.

Student Info

5. From the Enrollment Discrepancies screen, you have the option to edit the Enrolled School Grade Level(s) field by selecting from the corresponding pull-down. Click Save to save the data selected.

Enrollment Discrepancies
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