Documentation for Administrators

Health and Nurse

Updated on

Mass Add Log Records

Mass Add Log Records can be used to add screenings in mass to a group or an individual student.

Adding Logging Records by Student

1. Go to Students menu and select Mass Add Log Records.

2. Select the type of logging field to be added.

3. Enter the student’s name. A drop-down will appear to type the student’s name.

4. Click the drop-down(s) to enter appropriate information.

5. Click enter/return (on the keyboard) to enter the next student’s information.

Adding Logging Records by Group

1. Go to Students menu and select Mass Add Log Records.

2. Click on the By Group tab.

  • Brings up the student search screen to select More Search Options to target a certain group of students.
  • EX: Mrs. Smith brings her class for a hearing test. Select More Search Options > Scheduling > Scheduled into Teacher > Select Teacher from popup. Click Search.

3. Select the Logging Field.

  • Depending on what Logging field has been chosen determines the options available.

4. Fill in the Logging Field as completely as possible.

  • This will apply to all student as it is filled in without clicking Save, but the data will only save for the selected students.

5. Make changes to the individual students.

6. Use the checkboxes to select the appropriate student(s).

7. Click Save.

  • Once the records have been successfully changed, a green confirmation will appear.
Add/Drop Report

The Add/Drop Report provides a snapshot of students that have enrolled or withdrawn during a defined time frame.

1. Go to Students Menu and select Add/Drop Report.

2. Use the drop-down menus or calendar icons to update the timeframe of this report, and then click Go.

3. Check the All Schools checkbox (depending on permissions) to view this report for all district schools.

4. Fields displayed on this report include: Student Name, Student ID, School, Grade Level, Date Enrolled, Date Dropped, and Reason.

5. To export the list to a spreadsheet, click the disc icon located next to the total number of Enrollment Records.

6. To retrieve the report in PDF or to print, click the print icon at the bottom of the screen.

Advanced Report

Advanced Reports are typically created with a specific subgroup of students in mind who meet a specific set of criteria. The user selects specific fields of data that may change over time to include as columns in the report. The report updates with the most current data if there were changes since the last time it was run. Advanced Reports roll from school year to school year until the user deletes them.

1. Go to the Students menu and select Advanced Reports.

2. Define the subgroup of students by clicking on More Search Options and making selections.

3. Define the data that will populate the columns in the report from Available Fields.

  • Click on General to expand the tab to select demographic fields such as student name, ID, grade level, etc.
  • To add Fields to include in Report: click on the green plus or click and drag the blue field over.
  • Click on General again to collapse the tab after making selections.
  • Continue to click on the tab names to find and select the data fields that are to be included in the report. Optionally, use the Filter box to enter text for quick searching.
  • Rearrange the fields to include in the report by clicking and dragging the blue field boxes in the order the columns should appear in the report.
  • Remove a selected field by clicking on the red X.

4. Decide whether to Search All Schools and/or to Include Inactive Students.

5. Click Run Report after all report criteria have been selected.

6. View the report results. If satisfied, go to STEP 7. If not satisfied, go to STEP 8.

7. Save the report by clicking the Create Report button at the bottom of the screen. A pop-up appears requesting a Title. Enter a title for the report and click OK.

8. If the report does not display students, does not pull in the selected data or more/less data is necessary, click Modify Report in the upper left corner. This will cause the original More Search Options criteria to be lost but will retain the Fields to Include in Report.

9. Reset the More Search Options criteria (or change if no students were pulled into the report).

10. Add, delete or rearrange the data fields depending on the results that displayed in the report (if applicable to achieve necessary report results).

11. Click Run Report and view the results.

  • If satisfied, see the instructions in STEP 7. If not satisfied, repeat Steps 8-11 until necessary results are attained.

The results of an Advanced Report can also be downloaded and saved as a static report prior to clicking “Create Report.” To download, simply click on the excel icon that displays in the header next to the total number of students.

District Reports
School Immunization Law Report (SILR)

The SILR Report is a summary-count, compliance health immunization state report that is submitted in December.  It is meant to report on the number of compliant Kindergarten, 7th, and 12th grade students within categories. School nurses will need to run this report for each school containing any of the grade levels mentioned above.  

1. Go to Reports > District Reports > Immunizations.

2. There are two reports available in regards to School Immunization Law Report (SILR), the actual SILR report and the SILR Details Report.

3. Click the green Run button to generate the report as seen above. The report can be printed or exported to a spreadsheet (Excel or CSV).

  • School. Name of the school.
  • Grade. Displays the short name of the grade level. This report only pulls for grades K5F, 007, and 012.
  • CNT_enrolled. Displays the number of students enrolled in the grade level.
  • CNT_medicalexempt. Displays the number of students who are medical exempt.
  • CNT_religiousexempt.  Displays the number of students who are religious exempt.
  • CNT_philoexempt. Displays the number of students who are philosophical/strong moral or ethical conviction exempt.
  • CNT_provisional. Displays the number of students who are enrolled provisionally until they complete required immunizations.
  • CNT_deniedadmission. Displays the total number of students denied admission/attendance and are currently not attending this school due to exclusion.
  • Dtap_4. Displays the total number of students with 4 or more doses of DTaP/DTP/DT.
  • Polio_4.  Displays the total number of students with 4 or more doses of Polio.
  • MMR_2.  Displays the total number of students with 2 or more doses of MMR.
  • Hepb_3.  Displays the total number of students with 3 or more doses of Hep B.
  • Var_disease. Displays the total number of students who had the Varicella disease.
  • Var_2. Displays the total number of students with 2 doses of Varicella.
  • Tdap_1. Displays the total number of students with 1 dose of Tdap administered at ages 11 to 12 years.
  • MCV_1. Displays the total number of students with 1 dose of MCV prior to the first day of 7th grade.
  • MCV_1_16. Displays the total number of students with 1 dose of MCV prior to the first day of 12th grade. If one dose was given at 16 years of age or older, that shall count as the 12th grade dose.
  • MCV_2. Displays the total number of students with 2 doses of MCV.

4. Click the orange Export button to generate a CSV export to your local computer.

5. Use the numbers generated in this report to complete the SILR on the PA DOE’s website.

6. Use the SILR Details report to view the students that make up the numbers in the first report.

Immunizations with Invalid Dates

This district report is designed to identify all students where one or more immunization dates are invalid. An invalid date being one that is prior to the student’s date of birth or after the current date.

1. Go to Reports > District Reports > Immunizations.

2. Click the green Run button in line with the report title Immunizations with Invalid Dates.

3. The report can be printed or exported to a spreadsheet (Excel or CSV).

4. Click the orange Export button to generate a CSV export to your local computer.

Certificate of Immunization

This SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) report gives the school nurse the ability to generate a Certificate of Immunization when needing to update the student’s file (paper copy), or for a student transferring out of the district.

1. Go to Reports > SSRS Reports. In the drop list, select Certificate of Immunization.

2. Generate tab.

3. Select the Template to use. There are two choices: Certificate of Immunization and Certificate of Immunization (Blank). The first option prints the certificate using the immunization data entered in Focus for each student selected. The second option prints a blank certificate for each student selected.

4. Enter the student’s name or use the More Search Options to filter on a group of students.

5. Search.

6. Select the student(s) to generate a certificate for.

7. Enter an optional Batch Name. Every time certificates are generated; a copy of the batch is saved and can be accessed in the History tab. Entering a batch name makes it easy to find previously generated certificates without having to regenerate.

8. Generate.

9. Focus opens the History tab upon the generation of the certificates.

10. Click View to open the PDF document to view, print, or download.

11. Click Download to save the PDF document to your local computer.

School Health Annual Reimbursement Request System (SHARRS)

The Pennsylvania SHARRS Report is supported in Focus by a series of District Reports that correspond to specific pages of this 17-page annual report.The PA DOE generally opens the collect window from May through the end of September for reporting on the prior school year. For example, if the current school year is 2021-2022, the reporting window would open in May of 2022 for the reporting school year of 2020-2021.

The reports in Focus were developed as district-wide reports, so you will not need to combine totals for your district SHARRS report, or run them with special consideration. The intention is that these reports would be used to transcribe summary counts onto your facsimile of the SHARRS report along with expenses from the business office and other information not stored in Focus.

The areas of the SHARRS report tracked in Focus are summarized below:

Area in Focus
Average  Daily Membership (ADM) Students > Student Info > Absences and Enrollment    
Students in Building (not ADM)    
Students > Student Info > Enrollment    
Mandated Dental Services Program    
Students > Student Info > Health Screenings > Dental Screenings    
Dental Hygiene Services Provided    
Students > Student Info > Health Screenings > Dental Screenings    
Health Services – Staff / Other Adults    
Users > User Info > Health Staff Services    
Health Exams, Screens, & Select Services    
Students > Student Info > Office Visits, Conditions, Health Screenings    
Select Chronic Conditions – Student Health    
Students > Student Info > Health Daily Visit Log/Alerts > Health Condition / Alerts    
Serious School Injuries - Students    
Students > Student Info > Health Daily Visit Log/Alerts > Health Office Visits    
Medication Administration – Students Only    
Students > Student Info > Health Daily Visit Log/Alerts > Medication Administration    

The following logging fields in Health have a field to include that particular data to SHARRS.

  • Health Condition / Alerts: Report to SHARRS
  • Health Office Visits: SHARRS
  • Medications Management: Medication Category and Report to SHARRS
  • Diabetic Log (Medication Category for SHARRS): Report to SHARRS

Go to Reports > District Reports > Focus. Click Focus to open the folder. Click SHARRS.

There are several reports, each one corresponds with a page in the SHARRS report. For each summary report, there is a detail report. The purpose of the detail report is to display the students that are reported on in the summary.

Pg. 03 Average Daily Membership. This page of the SHARRS report the average daily membership by grade level for the reporting school year.

Pg. 03 Details.

Pg. 04 Students in Building. This is a count of student who were active during any point in the reporting school year (regardless of status at the end of the year).

Pg. 04 Details.

Pg. 07 Mandated Dental Services. The first two columns report on students in grades K, 1, 3, and 7. Dental screenings used for this page have a Screening Type of Family Dentist Exam [01], School Dentist Exam/Screening [02], or Mobile Dentist Exam [01]. Additional fields used are Fluoride Program, Referred and Completed Referral.

  • Fam_Dent_Exam. This field displays the number of K, 1, 3, and 7th grade students with a Dental Screening dated within the reporting school year with a Screening Type of Family Dentist Exam [01] or Mobile Dentist Exam [01].
  • Sch_Dent_Exam_k7. This field displays the number of K, 1, 3, and 7th grade students with a Dental Screening dated within the reporting school year with a Screening Type of School Dentist Exam/Screen [02].
  • Sch_Dent_Exam_Oth. This field displays the number 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12th grade students with a Dental Screening dated within the reporting school year with a Screening Type of School Dentist Exam/Screen [02].
  • Referred. This field displays the number of students with a Dental Screening dated within the reporting school year with the Referred flagged checked.
  • Ref_Compl. This field displays the number of students with a Dental Screening dated within the reporting school year with the Completed Referral flagged checked.
  • Fl_Rinse. This field displays the number of students with a Dental Screening dated within the reporting school year with the Fluoride Program field set to Mouth Rinse [06.A].
  • Fl_Tablet. This field displays the number of students with a Dental Screening dated within the reporting school year with the Fluoride Program field set to Tablet [06.B].
  • Fl_Topical. This field displays the number of students with a Dental Screening dated within the reporting school year with the Fluoride Program field set to Topical [06.C].

Pg. 07 Details

Pg. 12 Dental Hygiene Services. This page of the SHARRS report uses all dental screenings entered during the school year broken out by grade level. Other fields used from Dental Screenings are: Fluoride Program, Sealant Applied by, Referred, and Completed Referral.

  • 01B Fam Dent Exam. This field displays for each grade level, students with a Dental Screening dated within the reporting school year with a Screening Type of Family Dentist Exam [01] or Mobile Dentist Exam [01].
  • 02B Sch Dent Exam. This field displays for each grade level, students with a Dental Screening dated within the reporting school year with a Screening Type of School Dentist Exam/Screen [02].
  • 03B Preventative. This field displays for each grade level, students with a Dental Screening dated within the reporting school year with a Screening Type of Prophylaxis / Preventative Treatment [03].
  • 04B Education. This field displays for each grade level, students with a Dental Screening dated within the reporting school year with a Screening Type of Dental Health Education/Activities [04].
  • 05A Referred. This field displays for each grade level the number of students with a Dental Screening dated within the reporting school year with the Referred flagged checked.
  • 05B Completed. This field displays for each grade level the number of students with a Dental Screening dated within the reporting school year with the Completed Referral flagged checked.
  • 06A Fluoride. This field displays for each grade level the number of students with a Dental Screening dated within the reporting school year with the Fluoride Program field set to Mouth Rinse [06.A].
  • 06B Tablet. This field displays for each grade level the number of students with a Dental Screening dated within the reporting school year with the Fluoride Program field set to Tablet [06.B].
  • 06C. Topical. This field displays for each grade level the number of students with a Dental Screening dated within the reporting school year with the Fluoride Program field set to Topical [06.C].
  • 07A Sch Dentist. This field displays for each grade level the number of students with a Dental Screening dated within the reporting school year with the Sealant Applied by field set to School Dentist [07.A].
  • 07B Oth than Sch Dentist. This field displays for each grade level the number of students with a Dental Screening dated within the reporting school year with the Sealant Applied by field set to Other than School Dentist [07.B].

Pg. 12 Details

Pg. 13 Hlth Svc Staff. The date pulled for this page of SHARRS comes from Users > User Info > Health Staff Services. Only those visits with the Report to SHARRS field checked will be reported.

  • 01 Illness. This displays the number of records from Staff Health Services logging field with a Visit Type of Illness and the Report to SHARRS flag checked, from the reporting school year.
  • 02 Injury. This displays the number of records from Staff Health Services logging field with a Visit Type of Injury and the Report to SHARRS flag checked, from the reporting school year.
  • 03 EMS. This displays the number of records from Staff Health Services logging field with the EMS and Report to SHARRS flags checked, from the reporting school year.
  • 04 AED. This displays the number of records from Staff Health Services logging field with the AED and Report to SHARRS flags checked, from the reporting school year.

Pg. 13 Details

Pg. 14 Health Services. This report pulls data from three logging records: 1. the Health Condition/Alerts; 2. the Health Office Visits logging records; and 3. Screenings.  

  • 01 Illness. This displays the number of all records from Health Office Visits logging field with a Visit Type of Illness and the Report to SHARRS flag checked, from the reporting school year.  
  • 02 Injury.  This displays the number of all records from Health Office Visits logging field with a Visit Type of Injury and the Report to SHARRS flag checked, from the reporting school year.
  • 03 Skilled Nursing. This displays the number of all records from Health Office Visits logging field with a Visit Type of Skilled Nursing, from the reporting school year. If the student has multiple Health Office Visit records that meet the requirements, the student is only counted once.
  • 04 Oth Plans. This displays the number of all students with a record in Health Condition / Alerts logging field with the Plan of Care (IHP, ECP, etc) field checked, from the reporting school year. If the student has multiple Health Condition/Alerts records that meet the requirements, the student is only counted once.
  • 05 Sent Home. This displays the number of all instances within the reporting school year, when indicated on the Health Office Visits record that the Sent Home field was selected.
  • 06 EMS. This displays the number of all instances within the reporting school year, when indicated on the Health Office Visits record that the EMS field was selected.
  • 07 AED. This displays the number of all instances within the reporting school year, when indicated on the Health Office Visits record that the AED field was selected.
  • 08 Family Provider. This displays the number of all Physical Screenings with a Screening Date within the reporting school year with a Screening Type of Family Health Care Provider Physical Exam [08] for students in Grades K, 1, 6, or 11.
  • 09A Sch Prov. This displays the number of all Physical Screenings with a Screening Date within the reporting school year with a Screening Type of School Health Care Provider Physical Exam [09] for students in Grades K, 1, 6, or 11.
  • 09B Sch Prov. This displays the number of all Physical Screenings with a Screening Date within the reporting school year with a Screening Type of School Health Care Provider Physical Exam [09] for students in Grades other than K, 1, 6, or 11.
  • 09C Referred. This displays the number of all Physical Screenings with a Screening Date within the reporting school year with a Screening Type of School Health Care Provider Physical Exam [09] for students who have the Referred flag checked.
  • 09D Ref Compl. This displays the number of all Physical Screenings with a Screening Date within the reporting school year with a Screening Type of School Health Care Provider Physical Exam [09] for students who have the Completed Referral flag checked.
  • 10A Vis Refer. This field displays the number of Vision Screenings for grades K-12 within the reporting school year for students with the Referred flag checked.
  • 10B Vis Ref Compl. This field displays the number of Vision Screenings for grades K-12 within the reporting school year for students with the Referral Complete flag checked.
  • 11A Hear Refer. This field displays the number of Hearing Screenings for grades K-12 within the reporting school year for students with the Referred flag checked.
  • 11B Hear Ref Compl. This field displays the number of Hearing Screenings for grades K-12 within the reporting school year for students with the Referral Complete flag checked.
  • 12A Scol Refer. This field displays the number of Scoliosis Screenings for grades K-12 within the reporting school year for students with the Referred flag checked.
  • 12B Scol Refer Compl. This field displays the number of Scoliosis Screenings for grades K-12 within the reporting school year for students with the Referral Complete flag checked.
  • 13 K-6 Total. This field displays the number of Growth - BMI Screenings for grades K-6 within the reporting school year for students with a Screening Type of Growth Screening  BMI [13] (Grades K-6) selected.
  • 13A Underweight. This field displays the number of Growth - BMI Screenings for grades K-6 within the reporting school year for students with a BMI Outcome of Under Weight.
  • 13B Healthy. This field displays the number of Growth - BMI Screenings for grades K-6 within the reporting school year for students with a BMI Outcome of Healthy Weight.
  • 13C Overweight. This field displays the number of Growth - BMI Screenings for grades K-6 within the reporting school year for students with a BMI Outcome of Overweight.
  • 13D Obese. This field displays the number of Growth - BMI Screenings for grades K-6 within the reporting school year for students with a BMI Outcome of Obese.
  • 14 7-12 Total. This field displays the number of Growth - BMI Screenings for grades 7-12 within the reporting school year for students with a Screening Type of Growth Screening  BMI [14] (Grades 7-12) selected.
  • 14A Underweight. This field displays the number of Growth - BMI Screenings for grades 7-12 within the reporting school year for students with a BMI Outcome of Under Weight.
  • 14B Healthy. This field displays the number of Growth - BMI Screenings for grades 7-12 within the reporting school year for students with a BMI Outcome of Healthy Weight.
  • 14C Overweight. This field displays the number of Growth - BMI Screenings for grades 7-12 within the reporting school year for students with a BMI Outcome of Overweight.
  • 14D Obese. This field displays the number of Growth - BMI Screenings for grades 7-12 within the reporting school year for students with a BMI Outcome of Obese.
  • K-12 Grand Total. This field displays the number of Growth - BMI Screenings for grades K-12 within the reporting school year.

Pg. 14 Details

Pg. 15 Chronic Conditions. The date pulled for this page of SHARRS comes from Students > Student Info > Health Daily Visit Log/Alerts > Health Condition/Alerts logging field. Only those records for students who are actively enrolled during March 15  30 of the reporting school year with the Health Condition / Alert field set to a chronic health condition (as indicated by the state) are reported. The Report to SHARRS checkbox is not used for this page of the SHARRS report.

The fields in this report display the number of students with the following chronic conditions: arthritis/rheumatic disease, asthma, attention deficit disorder / hyperactivity, bleeding disorder / Cooley’s Anemia, heart condition / cardiovascular condition, cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, epilepsy / other seizure disorders, allergies / food / life threatening, allergies / other / life threatening, sickle cell anemia, spina bifida, and Tourettes Syndrome.

Pg. 15 Details

Pg. 16 School Injury. The date pulled for this page of SHARRS comes from Students > Student Info > Health Daily Visit Log/Alerts > Health Office Visits logging field. Only those records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period entered and an Injury Location entered are used in this page of the SHARRS report. The Report to SHARRS checkbox is not used for this page of the SHARRS report. Focus has created an Alert for nurses that will notify them to students who have an office visit record with a Visit Type of Injury and the Serious Injury Type set, but is missing either the Injury Time Period and/or Injury Location.

  • 01 Injury Burn. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected of 01 - Burn, and an Injury Time Period and Injury Location entered.
  • 02 Injury Concussion. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected of 02  Concussion (Possible), and an Injury Time Period and Injury Location entered.
  • 03 Injury Contusion. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected of 03 - Contusion, and an Injury Time Period and Injury Location entered.
  • 04 Injury Cut. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected of 04  Cut / Laceration / Puncture, and an Injury Time Period and Injury Location entered.
  • 05 Injury Dental. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected of 05  Dental Injury, and an Injury Time Period and Injury Location entered.
  • 06 Injury Dislocation. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected of 06  Dislocation (Possible), and an Injury Time Period and Injury Location entered.
  • 07 Injury Eye. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected of 07  Eye Injury, and an Injury Time Period and Injury Location entered.
  • 08 Injury Fracture. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected of 08  Fracture (Possible), and an Injury Time Period and Injury Location entered.
  • 09 Injury Sprain. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected of 09  Sprain / Strain / Tear (Possible), and an Injury Time Period and Injury Location entered.
  • 09 Injury Other. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected of 10 - Other, and an Injury Time Period and Injury Location entered.
  • Injury Total. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, and an Injury Time Period and Injury Location entered.
  • 01 Time After School. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period select of 01 After School and an Injury Location entered.
  • 02 Time Before School. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period select of 02 Before School and an Injury Location entered.
  • 03 Time Class Change. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period select of 03 Class Change and an Injury Location entered.
  • 04 Time Class Time. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period select of 04 Class Time and an Injury Location entered.
  • 05 Time Field Trip. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period select of 05 Field Trip and an Injury Location entered.
  • 06 Time Lunch Period. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period select of 06 Lunch Period and an Injury Location entered.
  • 07 Time P.E. Class. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period select of 07 P.E. Class and an Injury Location entered.
  • 08 Time Recess. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period select of 08 Recess and an Injury Location entered.
  • 09 Time Sci Lab/Fam. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period select of 09 Sci Lab/Fam & Con Sci/Tech Ed and an Injury Location entered.
  • 09 Time Other. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period select of 10 Other and an Injury Location entered.
  • Time Total. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, and an Injury Time Period and Injury Location entered.
  • 01 loc Athletic Field. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period selected and an Injury Location of 01 Athletic Field/Play Field entered.
  • 02 loc Auditorium. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period selected and an Injury Location of 02 Auditorium/Multipurpose entered.
  • 03 loc Bus Load Area. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period selected and an Injury Location of 03 Bus Loading Area entered.
  • 04 loc Cafeteria. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period selected and an Injury Location of 04 Cafeteria entered.
  • 05 loc Classroom. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period selected and an Injury Location of 05 Classroom entered.
  • 06 loc Corridor. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period selected and an Injury Location of 06 Corridor/Hall entered.
  • 07 loc Field Trip. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period selected and an Injury Location of 07 Field Trip entered.
  • 08 loc Gymnasium. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period selected and an Injury Location of 08 Gymnasium/Pool entered.
  • 09 loc Playground. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period selected and an Injury Location of 09 Playground entered.
  • 10 loc Restroom. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period selected and an Injury Location of 10 Restroom entered.
  • 11 loc Bus. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period selected and an Injury Location of 11 School Bus/Public Bus entered.
  • 12 loc Sci Lab/Fam. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period selected and an Injury Location of 12 Sci Lab/Fam & Con Sci/Tech Ed entered.
  • 13 loc Sidewalk. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period selected and an Injury Location of 13 Sidewalk entered.
  • 14 loc Stairs. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period selected and an Injury Location of 14 Stairs/Ramp/Elevators entered.
  • 15 loc Street. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period selected and an Injury Location of 15 Street/Driveway/Parking entered.
  • 16 loc Other. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, an Injury Time Period selected and an Injury Location of 16 Other entered.
  • Loc Total. This field displays the number of Health Office Visits with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Visit Type of Injury, a Serious Injury Type selected, and an Injury Time Period and Injury Location entered.

Pg. 16 Details

Pg. 17 Medications. The date pulled for this page of SHARRS comes from Students > Student Info > Health Daily Visit Log / Alerts > Medication Administration logging field. This logging field can also be accessed in the Health-Medications category. Only those records with a Date Administered that falls in the reporting school year, the Medication Category (this field contains the medication categories for SHARRS) set, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP) or Standing (School). The Report to SHARRS checkbox is not used for this page of the SHARRS report.

  • 01 Analgesic pcp. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Analgesic entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP).
  • 01 Analgesic sch. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Analgesic entered, and a Medication Order of Standing (School).
  • 02 Antibiotic pcp. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Antibiotic entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP).
  • 02 Antibiotic sch. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Antibiotic entered, and a Medication Order of Standing (School).
  • 03A Diastat. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Anticonvulsants - Diastat entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP) or Standing (School).
  • 03B Versed. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Anticonvulsants - Versed entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP) or Standing (School).
  • 03C Other. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Anticonvulsants  Other than Diastat or Versed entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP) or Standing (School).
  • 04A Epinephrine pcp. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Antihistamine/Decongestant - Epinephrine entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP).
  • 04A Epinephrine sch. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Antihistamine/Decongestant - Epinephrine entered, and a Medication Order of Standing (School).
  • 04B Other pcp. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Antihistamine/Decongestant  Other than Epinephrine entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP).
  • 04B Other sch. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Antihistamine/Decongestant  Other than Epinephrine entered, and a Medication Order of Standing (School).
  • 05 Anti-Inflammatory pcp. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Anti-Inflammatory entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP).
  • 05 Anti-Inflammatory sch. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Anti-Inflammatory entered, and a Medication Order of Standing (School).
  • 06 Asthma pcp. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Asthma (inhaler, nebulizer, oral, IV) entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP).
  • 06 Asthma sch. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Asthma (inhaler, nebulizer, oral, IV) entered, and a Medication Order of Standing (School).
  • 07A Oral. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Diabetes - Oral entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP) or Standing (School).
  • 07B Insulin. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Diabetes  Insulin entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP) or Standing (School).
  • 07C Glucagon. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Diabetes - Glucagon entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP) or Standing (School).
  • 07D Other. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Diabetes  Other Glucose Medication entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP) or Standing (School).
  • 08A Enzymes. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Gastrointestinal - Enzymes entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP) or Standing (School).
  • 08B Other pcp. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Gastrointestinal  Other than Enzymes entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP).
  • 08B Other sch. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Gastrointestinal  Other than Enzymes entered, and a Medication Order of Standing (School).
  • 09 Reversal Agents pcp. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Reversal Agents: Naloxone/Narcan entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP).
  • 09 Reversal Agents sch. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Reversal Agents: Naloxone/Narcan entered, and a Medication Order of Standing (School).
  • 10A ADD/ADHD. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Psychotropics  ADD / ADHD entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP) or Standing (School).
  • 10B Other. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Psychotropics  Other than ADD / ADHD entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP) or Standing (School).
  • 11 Other pcp. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Other (see SHARRS report for exclusion list) entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP).
  • 11 Other sch. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category of Other (see SHARRS report for exclusion list) entered, and a Medication Order of Standing (School).
  • Med Total. This field displays the number of Medication Administration records with a Date Seen that falls in the reporting school year, a Medical Category entered, and a Medication Order of Individual (PCP) or Standing (School).

Pg. 17 Details

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