Documentation for Administrators

Extract Field Defaults

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The Extract Field Defaults screen displays a list of fields in DOE (Department of Education) format, which identifies the table name and field number from which the field is extracted. If set up, the field’s default value also displays; this is also dependent upon whether there is extract logic used when extracting the value of the field for reporting to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Extract Field Defaults

1. From the Pennsylvania Reports menu, click Extract Field Defaults.

Extract Field Defaults

The Extract Field Defaults screen displays a list of the DOE survey formats along with the applicable fields and extract information.

2. On the Extract Field Defaults screen, you will notice several formats along the left. Click on any of the following surveys to review data for specific areas, such as Location Fact for Safe, School Calendar, School Enrollment, Special Education Snapshot, etc.

The Extract Default Fields report displays the Field Name, Table, Custom Field Number, Default, and Extract Logic.

The Table and Custom Field Number columns display the database fields pulled.

The Default column displays what is set on the Student Fields screen as the State Reporting Fallback Value.

The Extract Logic column displays the logic that will be used at the time of extract if the system finds blanks or if there is a state defined default.

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