Documentation for Administrators

PIMS Extracts

Updated on

Generating PIMS Extracts

The data layouts are updated by Focus according to the current reporting rules. The Generate PIMS Extracts screen allows users to generate, download, view and send one or multiple PK-12 collection extract formats.

1. From the Pennsylvania Reports menu, click PIMS Extracts.

PIMS Extracts

From the PIMS Extracts screen you have many options including the ability to generate, download, and view extracts.

PIMS Extracts

2. Select the PIMS Collection from the corresponding pull-down.

3. Set theEffective Date as Date Certain from the correct month, day, and year from the provided pull-downs, or click the calendar icon for a calendar view.

PIMS Extracts

4. Select the Format in which you'd like to extract and view or send data.

5. If there are Student Groups set up, you can select the Student Group from the corresponding pull-down to include said group of students in the extract.

6. Select the applicable Schools from the pull-down to determine the schools included in the extract.

7. Select the Gradelevels from the pull-down to determine the grade levels included in the extract.

8. Select the Students to include in the extract from the corresponding pull-down. The pull-down contains all students that fit the criteria selected from the Student Group, Schools, and Gradelevels pull-downs.

9. Select the Staff members to include in the extract from the corresponding pull-down. The pull-down contains all staff members pertaining to the Schools pull-down.

PIMS Extracts

10. Select the check boxes for all applicable extracts.

PIMS Extracts

Select the Select All check boxes to select all extracts at once.

11. Click Generate Extract(s) to pull all data and create an extract. Once this has been done, you will see Extract Successful next to a green check mark. Note: The green check mark will disappear after a few seconds. Generating the extract now makes it available for downloading and viewing.

12. To view the extract, click Download Extract. The type of file that downloads here is dependent upon the Format selected.

PIMS Extracts

13. Click the HTML View button to view the extract in a new screen and view data in a more readable format via Focus.

PIMS Extracts

Click Go back to return to the original PIMS Extracts screen.

PIMS Extracts

14. For a complete history of users who have generated extracts, click Extract History.

PIMS Extracts

Click the X to close the pop-up window.

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