Documentation for Administrators


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This screen is used to download the PDE-4605 report for all funding districts in the charter school. This report produces a list of students with their contact information grouped by district of residence as set in the students’ enrollment record.

Charter School Reports Setup

To correctly generate the Charter School Reports, the following fields must be set for the students via Students > Student Info > Enrollment:

  • District Sending to Charter: Conditional for Charter Schools. Set the district code for districts who contract with the charter school to educate the student. 
  • Charter Per Diem Rate: Conditional for Charter Schools. Enter the per diem rate for the student whose resident school district contract with the charter school to educate the student.
  • Notification Form Sent to SD: Conditional for Charter Schools. Select the check box if the Notification Form has been sent to the student’s resident school district.
Student Info

1. From the Pennsylvania Reports menu, click PDE-4605.


2. Select the enrollment dates to be included in the report by using the Include enrollment dates between From and To month, day, and year pull-downs. You can also click the calendar icon to select the dates. Generally, this report is generated once a year.


3. Select the Students to include (optional) from the corresponding pull-down. By default, Focus will include all students in the district (special education and non-special education) whose district of residence is different than the reporting charter school.


4. Enter the Act 30 Contact Name in the provided text box.


5. Enter the Non-Act 30 Contact Name in the provided text box.

6. Enter the Act 30 Contact Phone Number in the provided text box.

7. Enter the Non-Act 30 Contact Phone Number in the provided text box.

8. Click Print Report.

The report is generated as a PDF document and is automatically downloaded to your computer. If there are multiple sending districts, each districts information prints on a separate page.

The PDE-4605 report produces a list of students with their contact information grouped by district of residence as set in the students’ enrollment record.

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