Documentation for Administrators


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This training will familiarize ELL and Data Entry personnel with locating and updating ELL student demographic data, as well as understanding and creating Advanced Reports. Those individuals responsible for reporting data for FTE survey times will also learn how to use the built-in features to ensure data is clean and accurate.

ELL in Student Demographics

All data specific to ELL program eligibility is housed on the ELL tab on the student’s Demographic record.

Student Schedule and Florida ELL State Reporting Fields

1. Use the Find A Student search box on the portal screen to locate a student or use More Search Options > ELL tab > to find LY/LF students.

2. Click the Schedule tab to display the student’s current schedule.

Student Schedule

3. Select the check box to Show Florida Fields to view the ELL state reporting fields on the schedule. This will require scrolling to the right to locate the appropriate fields.

FEFP pulls from the section information but may also be updated on the schedule.

ELL Instructional Model can be manually adjusted from the schedule.

For LY students that have been LY for less than 12 survey periods, every section in the student’s schedule that earns the 130 FTE weight must indicate which ELL Instructional Model is being used to provide the ELL instruction. This does not apply to LF students.

Entering and Updating ELL Data

Most data is entered via pull-down selections, calendar, or text entries. Required fields are indicated by a red asterisk. Entered data will not save until all required fields have been completed.

1. Locate an ELL student’s General Demographics screen. 

2. Click the ELL tab.

Student Info

3. Use the pull-downs, date-pickers, and text boxes to enter or update the student’s information. 

4. Click Save.

Entering ELL Test History

District assessment results such as for the WIDA test, can be manually entered on the student’s Test History tab by anyone with the profile permission.

1. Locate an ELL student.

2. Click on the student’s Test History tab to enter information for the new test.

Test History

3. Select the Test Name from the pull-down.

Test History

4. The Administration Date defaults to current date; change the date the student took the test, if needed.

5. The School Year defaults to current school year; change if applicable.

6. Select the applicable Gradelevel that applies to the student.

7. Enter a Form number for the selected test,  if applicable.

8. Select the purpose for administering the selected test from the LEP Info pull-down.

9. Include in Transcript defaults to Yes. Clear the check box, if applicable.

10. Enter the two digit District identifier in the District Administered field.

11. Enter the four digit School identifier in the School Administered field.

12. Enter the Test Publication Year for the selected test.

13. Click Save.

14. Click the gray arrow to enter the Test Part information (titles, score types, scores, etc.).

Test History

15. Use the pull-downs to manually enter the applicable information.

16. Press the Enter/Return key to create a new row.

17. Click Save.

  • Choose a student and enter all the district-defined required ELL fields such as English Language Learner, Primary Student Language, Primary Language Spoken in the Home, Home Language Survey date, Classification date, ELL Entry Date, Basis of Entry, and Student Plan Date. Be sure to click Save after entering data.
  • Locate another current ELL Student. What, if any, LEP courses do they have?
  • What is the ELL Instructional Model, if applicable.
  • What is the student’s most recent WIDA score?
Built-in Reports and Advanced Reports

Focus provides a variety of reports for tracking and monitoring critical student information such as assessments, attendance, and discipline. The reports can be viewed for an individual student or for a group of students for comparative purposes.

Test History Report

This report tracks the name, date of administration, school year, grade level and scores earned for every test logged in Focus. The Test History Report is best used to compare groups of students based on test performance data.

1. Go to the Assessments menu and select Test History Report.

2. On the Test History Report search screen, select a specific assessment from the pull-down.

3. Conduct a student search. Click More Search Options to locate all active LY students.

Test History Report

Once the search is complete, a list of students and their scores on the selected test is displayed.

Test History Report

4. Select a different Test, if applicable.

5. Select Test Not Taken to find all the students that have yet to take the selected test.

6. Use the Options pull-down to display results by Show all Administrations, Show Most Recent Administrations, or a highest scale score.

7. Use the Display Score Types check boxes to select the score types to be displayed.

The report automatically refreshes after a check box is selected or deselected. Deselect one box at a time.

View student’s test information based on the set criteria.

Use the Filter button to filter the results by any column header.

Absence Summary Report

This report displays student attendance by all Attendance codes in use at a school.

1. Go to the Attendance menu and select Absence Summary.

2. Use More Search Options to locate the applicable ELL/ESOL students.

By default, the report displays Daily attendance data from the first day of school up to the current date.

Absence Summary

3. Set the Report Timeframe and which attendance codes to display: Daily or Period.

4. Click Go to refresh the screen and display the requested data.

The Search Criteria selected from More Search Options from the search screen appears here.

The report results can be downloaded to Excel to save or print.

5. Click on a Student name to view the individual student’s Absence Summary.

Students with Referrals Report

This report displays students who have referrals and can be filtered to display students with a specific number of referrals within a selected timeframe.

1. Go to the Discipline menu and select Students with Referrals

2. Use More Search Options to locate the applicable ELL/ESOL students. 

By default, the report will display students with at least 1 referral from the first day of school through the current date.

Students with Referrals

3. The minimum number of referrals may be modified here from the Display Students with at least pull-down.

4. Set the Report Timeframe for students receiving the selected number of referrals within the selected timeframe.

5. Select the check box to Include Minor Infractions in the number of referrals.

6. Click Go to refresh the screen and display the requested data.

The criteria selected from More Search Options appears here.

The report results can be downloaded to Excel to save or print.

7. Click on a Student name to view the individual student’s Referrals.

DOE Data Verification Reports: Data Quality

Focus provides powerful tools that allow users to view and correct issues related to State Reporting ahead of date certain. The system will run validations on any data applicable to the survey specified. These reports are dynamic and update as the user makes changes to the data.

1. Go to the Florida Reports menu and select DOE Data Verification Reports.

2. Select a Survey from the pull-down.

3. Select the English Language Learners Information extract on the left. A colorful gauge denotes the percentage of error-free data for that reporting element.

Any errors on student ELL data fields will display in red, yellow or blue. The rule that is violated displays next to the error total.

SIS ELL_07/2023 - Google Docs

Red indicates the data for that rule is less than 80% valid.

Yellow indicates the data is at least 80% but less than 90% valid.

Blue indicates the data is at least 90%  but less than 100% valid.

Black indicates the data for that rule is 100% valid and will show as 0 errors.

4. Click on the number of errors link to display a list of students with invalid data. The details of the error will display above the list of students.

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5. Click on the Student Full Name to open the student record in order to correct the data.

6. After returning to the report, click Refresh Report to update the list.

Survey Accuracy Report: Data Accuracy

Clean data is not necessarily accurate data. The school-based Survey Accuracy Reports displays two state reporting elements for ELL: Students being reported as ELL and ELL students missing the 130 FEFP on their schedule.

1. Go to the Florida Reports menu and select Survey Accuracy Report.

2. Select a Survey. If applicable, select the check boxes to include All Schools, Include Inactive students and/or students Include Second School.

Survey Accuracy Reports

3. Select ELL Students from the extract menu. The report updates to show the students being reported as LY or LF.

4. Click on a Student name to correct the ELL status if incorrect.

All the data verification reports can be downloaded to Excel or saved/printed as a PDF.

Advanced Reports

Advanced Reports are typically created with a specific subgroup of students in mind who meet a specific set of criteria. The user selects specific fields of data that may change over time to include as columns in the report. The report updates with the most current data if there were changes since the last time it was run. Advanced Reports roll from school year to school year until the user deletes them.

1. Go to the Students menu and select Advanced Report.

2. Define the subgroup of students by clicking on More Search Options and making selections.

3. Define the data that will populate the columns in the report from Available Fields.

4. Click on Student Demo to expand the tab to select demographic fields such as student name, ID, grade level, etc.

5. To add Fields to include in Report, click on the green plus sign or click and drag the blue field over.

6. Continue to click on the tab names to find and select the data fields that are to be included in the report. Optionally, use the Filter box to enter text for quick searching.

7. Rearrange the fields to include in the report by clicking and dragging the blue field boxes in the order the columns should appear in the report.

8. Remove a selected field by clicking on the red X.

9. Decide whether to Search All Schools and/or to Include Inactive Students.

10. Click Run Report after all report criteria have been selected.

11. Save the report by clicking Create Report.

a. Enter a Report Title for the report and click OK.

12. If the report does not display students, does not pull in the selected data or more/less data is necessary, click Modify Report. This will cause the original More Search Options criteria to be lost but will retain the Fields to Include in Report.

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a. Reset the More Search Options criteria (or change if no students were pulled into the report).

13. Add, delete or rearrange the data fields depending on the results that are displayed in the report (if applicable to achieve necessary report results).

14. Click Run Report and view the results.

The results of an Advanced Report can also be downloaded and saved as a static report prior to clicking Create Report. To download, click on the Excel icon that displays in the header next to the total number of students.

  • Create an Advanced Report to include the following fields in the exact order listed below. Use More Search Options to define the group of students.
  • Last, First Name
  • Grade Level
  • English Language Learner
  • ELL Entry Day
  • Primary Student Language
  • Save and name the report.
  • Go back to the main Portal page and locate the saved report.
  • Add a filter to the report; include only the highest-grade level of students at the school.
  • Export the report to Excel.
  • Resave and name the report (do not select Overwrite Report).
  • Reminder: This is a training environment; reports will not be available on the production site.
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