Focus allows for significant oversight and control of attendance processes for school administration. Attendance Clerks and other users that have the ability to update attendance can access teacher attendance, take attendance for missing teachers, and leave student lists for substitutes to ensure that attendance is always completed in a timely fashion.
Option 1: Attendance Menu
The Attendance menu provides access to attendance actions, reports, and setup.
Option 2: Portal Alerts
In Portal Alerts, the alerts display a daily total of teachers who have not taken attendance for the current day and for the prior school day. Depending on the district settings, administrators may see the total number of teachers who have not taken attendance by period.

X teachers haven’t taken attendance [today] alerts open the Teacher Completion report.
X students absent [today] alerts open the attendance Administration report.
Verifications Sheets/Sub Rosters gives administration the ability to print class rosters for substitute teachers and attendance verification sheets for teachers.
The Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters screen allows for printing class rosters for multiple substitutes for the same period of time.
1. Go to the Attendance menu and select Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters.
2. Select the Teacher from the pull-down; multiple teachers can be selected if the days and periods of absence will be exactly the same.
3. Select the Period from the pull-down. You can select one, multiple, or all periods as needed. For Sub Rosters, select all periods that a substitute will be present.
4. Enter the Timeframe to include all days the teacher(s) will be absent. The dates default to the current date and selected date(s) must be the same if being applied to multiple teachers.
If multiple days are selected, rosters will be sorted by day.
5. Select a Mode. If using as a sub roster, select One page per day per class (with empty Absent / Present / Tardy columns); this will allow for the sub to fill in the blanks (take attendance) as needed.
6. You can also choose from the Extra section.
You can include Page Breaks between each section for each course.
You can Print teacher signature lines; this extra can be helpful if using for state reporting and/or auditing purposes.
Hide empty classes (i.e. classes without any assigned students): This option is useful when a teacher has a placeholder class with no enrolled students.
Use FTE Period: FTE windows must be set up by the district for this option to apply FTE dates to data being pulled into the Verification Sheets. The report displays FTE periods and ADA Overrides when Use FTE Period is selected. Note: This selection was customized for Texas.
Show classes that don’t take attendance: This option is useful for specials in Elementary school or Study Hall in Secondary school where a substitute will need to know who should be in the class regardless of whether or not attendance is taken.
Do not display Student IDs: Select the check box to hide student ID number when generating verification sheets or sub rosters.
Include Room Number: Select the check box to print the room number in the header of the sheet/roster.
Print Student Alert Icons: Select the check box to display alert icons on the printed verification sheets. Note: The alerts printed on the sheets must first be set up via Setup > Edit Rules & Workflow > Alert Icons tab and must be enabled so teachers have permission to view them; i.e. select the applicable Teacher profiles from the Profiles pull-down.
Date columns per course period: Enter the number of date columns that you would like to print. The column defaults to 14; overflow days generate on additional pages.
Student Name Format: Select the Student Name Format from the pull-down to determine how student names display in the report.
7. Click Print.
Once the substitute returns the rosters, the Teacher Completion report can be used to enter attendance for the absent teacher.
3 teachers have put in for a sick day tomorrow. Create class rosters for each class period to display on a separate sheet. Select any options applicable to school policy for sub rosters.
Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters allows for printing teacher attendance verification sheets for the FTE reporting window.
1. Go to the Attendance menu and select Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters.
2. Select the Teacher for whom you need an attendance sheet. You can select as many teachers as needed.
3. Select the Period from the pull-down. You can select one, multiple, or all periods as needed. For Verification Sheets, select all periods for which attendance is taken. For elementary, this may just be the HR or Attendance period.
4. Enter the Timeframe for which you need verification of attendance. For Verification Sheets, enter the FTE window in the provided text boxes.
5. Select a Mode. If using as attendance verification, select One page per class. This selection will break up attendance by class.
6. You can also choose from the Extra section.
You can include Page Breaks between each section for each course.
You can Print teacher signature lines; this extra can be helpful if using for state reporting and/or auditing purposes.
Hide empty classes (i.e. classes without any assigned students): This option is useful when a teacher has a placeholder class with no enrolled students.
Use FTE Period: FTE windows must be set up by the district for this option to apply FTE dates to data being pulled into the Verification Sheets. The report displays FTE periods and ADA Overrides when Use FTE Period is selected. Note: This selection was customized for Texas.
Show classes that don’t take attendance: This option is useful for specials in Elementary school or Study Hall in Secondary school where a substitute will need to know who should be in the class regardless of whether or not attendance is taken.
Do not display Student IDs: Select the check box to hide student ID number when generating verification sheets or sub rosters.
Include Room Number: Select the check box to print the room number in the header of the sheet/roster.
Print Student Alert Icons: Select the check box to display alert icons on the printed verification sheets. Note: The alerts printed on the sheets must first be set up via Setup > Edit Rules & Workflow > Alert Icons tab and must be enabled so teachers have permission to view them; i.e. select the applicable Teacher profiles from the Profiles pull-down.
Date columns per course period: Enter the number of date columns that you would like to print. The column defaults to 14; overflow days generate on additional pages.
Student Name Format: Select the Student Name Format from the pull-down to determine how student names display in the report.
7. Click Print.
All Attendance Verification sheets will be time stamped with the date and time it was generated.
When the ? (question mark) displays, the teacher did NOT take attendance on that day for that student.
Teachers can adjust the attendance in their Take Attendance screen as district policy allows.
The Verification Sheets can be reprinted and the teacher can sign the updated copy.
The Teacher Completion Report lists teachers who have not taken attendance in one or more periods for the current day (previous days can also be selected for viewing).
1. Go to the Attendance menu and select Teacher Completion Report.
The Teacher Completion report can also be accessed from the Portal page. Click on any attendance alerts received regarding teachers not taking attendance, via the Alerts section of the Portal page.

2. The first option you have is to set a Report Date. The date defaults to the current date. Click the text box to change it.
3. Next to the Report Date, select the Period you would like to review. The period defaults to All Periods, but you can select one using the pull-down.
4. While you can set a Report Date, you also have the option to review attendance based on a specific time frame, such as the FTE attendance window. To enable this function, select the Summary over a timeframe check box. When the check box is selected, the Report Date changes to Report Timeframe.
Note that in using the Summary over a timeframe feature, you can no longer take/edit attendance. This feature is used strictly for reviewing attendance.
5. To review attendance that was taken late, select the Show teachers who took attendance late check box.
a. If the system preference is enabled by the district, a different option may display: Show teachers who took attendance more than [10] minutes late.
When the check box is selected, a yellow triangle icon displays; for more detailed information regarding the late recorded attendance, hover over the triangle.
Set the system preference via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Attendance tab. Enter the required minutes in the text box for the Minutes before period attendance is considered late preference.
6. Select the Show teachers who took attendance more than [10] minutes early check box to display sections where the teacher took attendance before the time denoted in period setup and system preferences. The applicable periods display with a clock icon.
Hover over the clock icon to show when attendance was taken including the date and time.
You can track attendance taken early enabled via the setting called Minutes before period attendance is considered early, which can be enabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Attendance.
7. You have the option to click the red X and open attendance for that specific period or take/edit attendance per Teacher by clicking on the teacher’s name.

If the red X is selected for a specific period, the Take Attendance screen displays in another window.
From here, you can take attendance for the selected date and period, which is displayed on the right of the screen. You can also take attendance for other days if you scroll to the left of the screen.
If you select to take/edit attendance per teacher by clicking the Teacher's name, a new Teacher Completion report will display where a Date column will take the place of the Teacher column to show all days missing attendance based on criteria entered above.

8. The Course/Section Numbers check box is selected by default, which displays section information in the corresponding period columns. Clear the selected check box to revert back to the original Teacher Completion report.
Sections that are tied to periods with 0 length in minutes will not display on the Teacher Completion report, even if the Take Attendance check box is selected on the Period setup.
1. Click Message to send a batch message to teachers via Communication in order to notify them to take attendance or review attendance, etc.
2. From the Communication screen, complete all steps listed below to send the message.
3. Select the applicable staff member(s) from the Staff pull-down.
4. Select the Letterhead template that you'd like applied to your message from the pull-down, if applicable.
5. Select the Secure Email check box to flag the messages as secure and require users to log into Focus in order to view the message.
6. Select the Add Log Record check box to log the message in the students' and/or users' Letter Log record in Student Info and/or User Info. The message will be logged when the message is sent. Messages are also logged for students when the message is printed.
7. Select the Copy Self check box to copy yourself on the email so a copy of the email is sent to you as well as the selected recipients.
8. Select the Send as District check box to send messages (and attachments) to recipients from the "district;" the message displays as if sent by the district and doesn't include your name or information. Once sent, you will receive a confirmation that the message was sent, but the message will not display in your Sent folder.
9. Enter the Subject of the message in the provided text box. If a subject is not entered, the subject defaults to New Message.
10. To copy other users on the message/email, enter the emails addresses separated by semicolons in the Cc text box. For example, [email protected]; [email protected]
11. Select the First Only check box to copy the entered email addresses in the Cc text box on one email only. When the check box is cleared, the email addresses entered in the Cc text box display on all emails sent.
12. Enter the Email (message) in the provided text editor. There are a variety of tools available, including text formatting and the ability to add links and images.
13. Click Send to send the message right away.
- There are several teachers who have not entered attendance today. Where can you go to identify which teachers have no recorded attendance today and/or the previous school day?
- A teacher neglected to input his attendance for 4th period. He has informed the office that two students should be marked as unexcused absence and two students should be marked unexcused tardy. Enter attendance for this teacher.
Attendance can be added for students individually or en masse using the Add Absences function. Attendance can be added for either a singular or range of calendar date(s), as well as providing comments related to the absence. This is helpful for current or future class absences such as field trips or assemblies, adding upcoming absences, or excusing previous absences for a sick student.
1. Go to the Attendance menu and select Add Absences.
2. Use the search bar for an individual, the Student Group pull-down (if assigned) or More Search Options for a group of students.
3. A list of all the applicable students will populate below the calendars and options for adding absences to the selected students.
4. Select the applicable Periods for which to add absences, as well as the Attendance Code, and any comments related to Attendance Reason.
5. Select the day(s) for which the absence(s) should apply. The current date is highlighted yellow by default. Selected dates will display a dark colored border.
The calendar only allows the selection of dates that are marked as School Days in the Calendar setup.
Click the left and right arrows to navigate through the available school months.
6. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to the student section. Here you must select the student(s) for whom the absences are being created. Select the check box next to the student. You can also select the check box in the header to select all listed students.
7. When the student(s) have been selected, click the Submit Absence(s) button to create the absences.
Attendance codes entered by administrative staff are locked and cannot be overridden by teachers on their attendance screens.

- Inserted: The total number of new absences added to the student based on the number of days and periods selected.
- Updated: The number of periods/days with existing attendance that was changed.
- Removed: Only displays a value when a future attendance code has been replaced with the Present code; this allows teachers to enter attendance for students when that day/period arrives (e.g. a future field trip has been canceled).
Use this same report and process to:
- Update multiple PAST days of Unexcused absences to Excused for a student
- Enter multiple days of FUTURE absences for a student
- REMOVE or CHANGE a future date for a group of students or an individual
Attendance Administration allows the review and update of period-by-period student attendance records. This report is helpful for finding all tardies or absences to update the unexcused to excused. It can also be used to track students who arrive tardy to school or who leave school early. The Daily Attendance code will generate automatically based on absence/presence codes entered for all periods that take attendance; the daily code is also determined by system preferences.
1. Go to the Attendance menu and select Administration.
Clicking the Portal Alert for students absent navigates to the Administration screen.

The Portal Alert value for absent students may not match the attendance Administration report as the Alert indicates Daily absences whereas the attendance Administration report includes any student with any one period marked with a code other than P-Present.
Report Display Options
1. On the Administration screen, start by setting an effective date by clicking the month, day, and year pull-downs or by clicking the calendar icon. Note: The effective date defaults to the current date.
2. Select the applicable attendance code from the pull-down. To specify multiple attendance codes, click the black plus sign to add another code. You can also select All from the pull-down to pull in all attendance codes used. Note: The report defaults to students with any NP (Not Present) code in at least one period.
The attendance codes in the pull-down and in the period fields populate with the Short Name for the attendance code.
Time In/Time Out and the Excuse Note upload must be set in system preferences for the school in order to display on this report.
3. Once the effective date has been set and the attendance code(s) selected, click Update to generate the attendance Administration report.
If enabled, Time In and Time Out can be used to enter the time a late student arrives and the time a student leaves school early.
4. A Comment can be entered to describe the reason for absence, tardy or early release. Comments will be visible to the parents and students on the student’s Absence Summary screen.
If enabled, the Excuse Note field can be used to upload an absence or tardy note from the parent.
5. If needed, select an attendance code from the Fill All Periods pull-down to populate all periods with the selected code.
1. Go to the Attendance menu and select Administration.
2. Select the Unexcused Absence code from the attendance code pull-down.
3. Click Update.
Only students that have the selected attendance code(s) for the defined date will display, along with any other absence codes in each of the periods where attendance has been entered.
4. A Comment can be entered to describe the reason for absence, tardy or early release. Comments will be visible to the parents and students on the student’s Absence Summary screen.
5. Click in the applicable period(s) and select the code for Excused Absence.
Secondary schools can use the Fill All Periods pull-down to select the code for (Excused Absence). This will change all the periods to that code after clicking on the code and clicking Update to save the entry(ies).
Elementary will only see the homeroom period; from the pull-down, select the code for (Excused Absence).
6. Click Update after making changes directly on the Administration report.
Students will be removed from the displayed list if all periods were updated with the new code and no periods contain the code selected at the top of the report.
Once the report is refreshed with NP displayed, the updated student(s) will be accessible.
If the system preference has been enabled for the school, the office staff can upload a hardcopy of excuse notes sent in by parents for the applicable day(s) a student had an unexcused absence or tardy.
If Excuse Notes have been disabled by the district, then you will not see the Excuse Note column. The Disable Excuse Notes for All Users setting determine whether the Excuse Note column displays, which can be enabled/disabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Attendance.
Note: Administrative users can also Disable Excuse Notes for Parents via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Attendance, which hides the Excuse Note column for all applicable attendance screens prohibiting parents from uploading excuse notes.
1. Go to the Attendance menu and select Administration.
2. If the note is for the current date, locate the student on the report.
3. To add excuse note(s) for a student, hover over the Excuse Note field, then click Scan, Upload, or Take Photo.
a. Select the Scanner from the pull-down, set additional settings, then click Scan.

b. Click Upload if the file is already saved on your computer.
i. Search for the file, click the file, then click Open. Note: You cannot upload Word documents. However, you can save a Word document as a PDF, then upload it.

c. Click Take Photo to take a picture of the note with your computer camera.
i. Once the note is in view of the camera, click Take Photo.

4. If a parent, teacher, or another user has uploaded an Excuse Note, you can view the excuse note by clicking the Title of the note or by clicking Download. Click the X to Delete the note.
5. If the absence or tardy note is acceptable, update the affected period(s) with the applicable attendance code as described in the section entitled Attendance Administration Report.
If a note is for a previous day’s absence, change the date using the date fields or calendar icon on the Administration report; alternatively use the student’s Absence Summary screen to upload the excuse note for the applicable date.
If the district uses Raptor or another software for students arriving late or leaving early, they might continue to follow their current practice. The school might also need to put this information into Focus.
When checking in or out using the kiosk or the Late Check In/Early Release screen, the Time In and Time Out columns in the Administration screen are updated. Updating the Time In and Time Out columns in the Administration screen will update the corresponding Entry and Release columns on the Late Check In/Early Release screen. Note: The setting Track Time In/Time Out on Daily Attendance must be enabled for the Time In and Time Out columns to display on the Administration screen via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Attendance tab.
1. Go to the Attendance menu and select Administration.
Late arriving students will only appear by default on this report if they have already been marked absent in at least one period.
Students leaving early will appear by default if they have a non-present code already entered for at least one period.
If the applicable student does not appear by default, select All from the attendance code pull-down, then click Update.
Use the Filters or the search bar to locate a specific student on the report
2. Enter the Time In for late arrival. Enter Time Out for early release.
Focus auto-formats the time, so no colons are necessary. If the integer entered is < 7, the system will auto-format time as PM and if >7, it will auto-format as AM.
3. Enter a Comment (if applicable).
4. Use Fill All Periods or adjust the necessary periods. Elementary will only fill Homeroom with the applicable code for Tardy or Early Release.
5. Click Update to save all changes.
- Add absences to a group of 10 students using the Add Absences screen.
- Update one student’s attendance to Excused Absence and make a note.
- Update one student’s attendance to Tardy, enter a Time In, and add a Comment.
The Absence Summary allows administrators to view on one screen all the attendance codes in use at the school with the total number of periods each code has been assigned to each student over a user-defined timeframe. The report can be viewed schoolwide, by an individual student, or for a select group of students. When viewed for an individual student, the Absence Summary can be used to update the student’s attendance, including uploading an Excuse Note.
1. Go to the Attendance menu and select Absence Summary.
2. Search for an individual student or use More Search Options to locate a group of students.
3. You have the option to choose whether you'd like to see the attendance by day or by period. This option will default to Daily. Use the pull-down to select a period instead.
4. To adjust the attendance summary to reflect a specific period of time, use the Report Timeframe date text boxes to enter a date range. You can also click on the calendar icons to select the dates. By default, the report timeframe defaults to the first day of school through the current date.
5. Click Go.
The Report Timeframe drives the calculation for Days Possible in the header and the Total Full-Day Attended column.
An individual Absence Summary is viewable by clicking name of the student when viewing the Absence Summary report. Only days with at least 1 non-present code display on the individual Absence Summary.
1. If needed, select an attendance code from the Fill All Periods pull-down to populate all periods with the selected code or select an attendance code for each period, as needed.
If attendance is logged based on an hourly attendance method, you will also have the option to enter the amount of time present in addition to the attendance code.
2. With editing permissions, you have the ability to enter a comment. Click the Comment field and type your message.
3. To add excuse note(s) for a student, hover over the Excuse Note field, then click Scan, Upload, or Take Photo.
4. If an excuse note has been uploaded by teachers or parents, and you have permission to Approve Excuse Notes (Users > Profiles > Attendance tab), you can select the Note Status of the excuse note from the corresponding pull-down. The status defaults to Pending. Select Approved once the note has been reviewed and deemed acceptable. Select Denied, if the uploaded note isn't acceptable.
5. To add a Note Status message viewable by parents and teachers, click Set Message.
6. Click + Add Absence located in the right top corner. Clicking + Add Absence navigates to the Add Absences screen, which can be accessed via the Attendance menu > Add Absences.
The Show minutes missed in Student Abence Summary setting can be turned on to show the minutes missed in the individual Student Absence Summary via System Preferences.
The Total Instructional Minutes Missed will display with the Total Full Days Possible, Attended, and Absent. The minutes missed are tied to the minutes missed from absences, late check ins, and early releases.
The individual student Absence Summary can also be accessed from Attendance > Absence Summary > Search by individual student name or ID.
The Attendance Chart is used to view and update records of student absences by period for a specific time frame. Florida schools use this chart for FTE Attendance Reporting.
1. Go to the Attendance menu and select Attendance Chart.
2. Search for an individual student or use More Search Options for a particular group of students.
Attendance codes considered Absent typically display in red.
Attendance codes considered Present typically display in green.
Each district sets up attendance codes via Attendance > Attendance Setup. The district enters each attendance code’s Title, Short Name, Sort Order, Type, Color, etc. Therefore, the colors shown in the above examples may differ from district to district.
Attendance cannot be updated from the Daily view. Click on a student’s name or change Daily to a specific period to update the codes.
3. To adjust the attendance chart to reflect a specific period of time, use the Report Timeframe date text boxes to enter a date range. You can also click on the calendar icons to select the dates.
4. You have the option to choose whether you’d like to see the attendance by day or by period. This option will default to Daily. Use the pull-down to select a period instead.
5. Click Update.
To export the attendance chart data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.
To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.
Turn on the Filters to set criteria for which information needs to be displayed.
At the bottom of the Attendance Chart, there are totals for present and absent by day.
Option 1
1. Select the applicable period from the Daily pull-down.

2. Change each student individually.
3. Click Save.
Option 2
1. Click the student's name in the Student column in order to view and/or edit a breakdown of their attendance.
2. When viewing the report based on attendance by period, you can click the existing attendance code or question mark to edit the attendance code. The option to edit daily attendance codes, is not supported because the daily code is based on all period codes combined.
3. Click Save to apply changes.
The Daily Attendance value cannot be updated.
The most recent changes to a record will display when hovering over a code as will teacher comments entered when taking attendance (if that option has been enabled), and office comments added when updating student attendance.
Additional symbols that may display:
? = Student is assumed Present. The teacher did not take attendance.
* = No active scheduled class at this time and/or date.
- = Future date, student not enrolled, or no school on that day.
Attendance Chart vs. Absence Summary
- Both can be viewed by all students, individual students or a specific group.
- Both can be viewed by a specific timeframe and by Daily or Period attendance.
- Both allow updating when viewed at the individual student level.
- The Attendance Chart shows attendance totals and percentages for all codes for a specified date range.
- The Attendance Chart is mostly for FTE.
- The Absence Summary shows attendance for absence codes only for the specified date range.
- The Absence Summary is where most users will make changes.
For each of the following scenarios, determine the best approach for updating attendance:
- Mrs. Smith’s physics class is going on a field trip for two days.
- Ted’s mom came to school to excuse his absences for the past 4 days and provided a doctor’s note.
- The attendance secretary has the sign-in sheet and is making phone calls to verify student absences. She needs to update attendance based on parent contact.
- The attendance secretary needs to mark attendance for the substitute teacher’s classes for today.
Focus has a variety of Attendance Reports that schools and districts can use to analyze attendance records and trends.
1. Go to the Attendance menu and select Perfect/Excessive Attendance.
Perfect Attendance
The Perfect Attendance Report generates a list of students who meet a user-defined attendance Threshold of from 0 to 5 full-day absences within a selected Timeframe.
The Timeframe options include the entire School Year, the 2nd 9 Weeks, Month to date, Last 30-90 days, or create a Custom Timeframe.
This report will also Ignore Excused Absences, if selected.
Excessive Absences Report
The Excessive Absences report generates a list of students who exceed the user-defined Threshold from a high of 20 down to a low of 1 full day absence within a selected Timeframe.
Skip Report
The Skip Report lists students who were marked absent in at least 1 period and present in a different period of the same day.
A Filter can be applied to view students with a specific number of skipped days.
The Skip Report also displays the number of absences for each student.
Clicking on the individual student’s name will bring up the student’s individual Absence Summary.
Click the Student name link to open the student's Absence Summary.
The Attendance Bulletin displays attendance data by specific school and a user-defined Report Date with columns of student demographic data. Attendance data includes the Daily Attendance Code, Time In, Time Out, Consecutive Absences, and Cumulative Absences. Users can view report data for an individual student, a group of students or all students.
1. Go to the Attendance menu and select Attendance Bulletin.
2. Select search criteria and click Search.
Edit the Report date as needed by changing the date in the text box or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date. The Bulletin updates automatically.
The Time in and Time Out columns represent data which can be entered using the following screens Late Check In/Early Release, Administration, and Absence Summary for the entered Report date.
The Consecutive Absences column displays the number of consecutive days absent. Consecutive Absences represents the number of consecutive days that the student was scheduled for classes and the daily code was set to Absent. The days counted are from the beginning of the Full year marking period to the entered Report date. The number resets back to zero every time the student is marked as Present.
The Cumulative Absences column represents the number of absences (Absent) since the beginning of the full year marking period to the Report date entered.
To export the attendance bulletin data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.
To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.
Click the Filter to turn it ON and sort the report by any data in any column.
Click any column header to re-sort the order the data displays by that column.
Click Toggle Columns to customize the columns displayed in the Attendance Bulletin.
The Print Absence Summary prints the data generated in the Absence Summary Report as a document that can be saved as a PDF or emailed. The Print Absence Summary includes the student’s name, the school the student attended, the school year, the student’s ID, and it is time stamped with the date and time it was generated.
1. Go to the Attendance menu and select Print Absence Summary.
2. Search for an individual student or use More Search Options for a particular group of students.
3. Select the Letterhead Template from the provided pull-down. The letterhead selected will be the template displayed for all absence summaries printed.
4. Select the Include Summary & Totals check box to display absence summaries and totals on the report. Without this, the only items to display will be dates the student received any attendance code other than Present with comments and periods (not recommended).
5. You have the ability to select a Student Group from the provided pull-down.
6. You can further filter the data be setting a Report Timeframe. Select a month, day, and year from the provided pull-downs or click the calendar icon to select a date.
7. Use the radio buttons to specify if the report is to be printed for each student, emailed to each student in the list, or emailed to each custodial contact.
8. Select the students for whom you need absence summaries by selecting the check box next to each student. As students are selected, the number of selections made will display next to the number of students pulled originally.
9. Click Preview (selected for screenshot) or Print to create the report.
The Average Daily Attendance report examines the average daily attendance by Grade Level for a specified Report Timeframe). It displays columns of statistics related to average days present and absent, as well as total days excused vs. unexcused, and days for OSS per grade level. Scroll right to view all fields.
1. Go to the Attendance menu and select Average Daily Attendance.
Average Daily Membership shows the average number of students in that grade level that was in attendance for the selected date range.
Days Possible displays the total days possible based on the date range.
Student Days Present is the product of the previous two columns minus any days absent for the grade level.
Student Days Absent displays the grade level total of days marked absent for any reason.
ADA (Average Daily Attendance) is calculated by multiplying the Average Daily Membership by the Days Possible and then dividing by Student Days Present.
Average Students Attended per day is the result of dividing the Student Days Present by the Days Possible.
Average Students Absent per day is the result of dividing Student Days Absent by Days Possible.
The remaining columns will display grade level totals based on the total days students have been marked with the applicable attendance code.
2. To view the report grouped by month, click Group by Month at the top-right of the screen.
3. To view the report for a specific group of students, click Advanced Search.
4. To only include information for schools that are included in state reporting, select Only show state reportable schools at the top of the screen and click Go.
The Average Attendance by Day Report examines Daily Attendance by various fields.
1. Go to the Attendance menu and select Average Attendance by Day.
Average Daily Membership is the average number of students in that grade level that was in attendance for the Report Timeframe
Days Possible shows 1 day since the report is Attendance by Day.
Present is the product of the previous two columns minus any days absent for the grade level
Absent is the grade level total of days marked absent for any reason
ADA (Average Daily Attendance) is calculated by multiplying the Average Daily Membership by the Days Possible and then dividing by Present
Average Attendance is the average of the number of present attendance, which is the result of dividing the Present by the Days Possible.
Average Absent is the average of the number of absent attendance, which is the result of dividing Absent by Days Possible.
2. To view the report for a specific group of students, click Advanced Search.
Attendance Letters are generated at the school level. The District can setup the following triggers to generate letters:
- 10 Days Unexcused
- 5 Days Unexcused
1. Go to the Students menu and select Letter Queue.
2. Use the Search text box to locate a specific student or click Simple List to view all students.
3. Select the applicable student(s) and one of the following options:
- Clicking Delete removes the letter.
- Clicking Preview displays the letter in a new window.
- Clicking Print Without Adding Log Entries generates PDF to print or save.
- Clicking Print Letters & Add Log Entries generates PDF to print or save and adds a record of the sent letter to the Letter Logging tab in Student Info.