The first step to understanding Focus SIS is to become familiar with the portal page, menus, tabs, and searching functions. The next step is to adjust preferences to make Focus easier to utilize. Teachers will also locate and view student demographic data, as well as learn the process to create and run Advanced Reports.
The Preferences screen allows teachers to customize the look and feel of the software. Everything from the heading colors to the way student lists are displayed can be customized.
1. In the menu, click Preferences.
The Preferences screen defaults to the Display Options tab, which allows you to customize the appearance of Focus.
2. Your first option is the Language preference. The default selection is English. Select the applicable language radio button to translate select screens to the selected language.
3. Select the Highlight Color, which applies to menus, tabs, and headers. In the image shown, green has been chosen. Once saved, all menus, tabs, and headers will turn green.
4. You can choose how student information is displayed using the Student Info Layout pull-down. The options include Once Column, Two Columns, and Three Columns. The default set up is one column.
5. If the district has importing staff photos and you would like them to display where applicable, select the Display User Images check box.
6. Select the Default Filters On check box to automatically enable the filters feature whenever present on a screen, as opposed to turning on the filters manually.
7. Select how you want the date to display via the Date Format pull-downs. Choose whether you want the day of the week (Tue) to display. Choose how you want the month to display; options include July, Jul, or 7. The options for the day include [0]25, 25, and 25th. If you want the year displayed, choose either 2023 or 23.
8. Once you select how you would like the date to display, you can select the format in which it displays, such as Month Day, Year or Day Month, Year.
9. Select the Configure Gradebooks separately for each section check box to create categories for each section separately, as opposed to creating categories in a combined gradebook for multiple sections.
When you enable Configure Gradebooks separately for each section, settings enabled via Gradebook > Settings > Configuration tab will only affect the current section when applied.
The preferences Configure Gradebooks separately for each section, Combine sections in the same period for taking attendance, and Combine sections for gradebook are school year specific. When you change a Gradebook Configuration setting, the setting will only be changed for that school year and not all years.
10. You also have the option to combine different sections that take place during the same period in order to take attendance by period, as opposed to taking attendance for every section separately even though they take place during the same period. Select the Combine sections in the same period for taking attendance check box to enable this function.
11. Select the check box to Combine sections for gradebook to combine multiple different sections into the same gradebook as a way for teachers to enter grades for several sections all at once.
If you decide to combine sections for your Gradebook, be aware that if sections are ungrouped after grades have been entered, you may lose grades previously entered. See the warning below that displays when Combine sections for gradebook is selected.
a. Teacher gradebooks can be combined By period or by Custom Groups.
b. If you select Custom Groups, more options will displays starting with Ungrouped Sections. To create a new group of sections, click Add Group.
i. Once a new group has been added, you can edit the title of the group by clicking the provided text box, as shown in the image.
ii. To add sections to the group, drag and drop the desired sections from the Ungrouped Sections box to the created group, in this case the ALG 1 box.
iii. If there are groups that do not contain sections, click the Remove Empty Groups button to delete them. You can also click the red X in the corner of the group to delete it.
iv. To delete all groups, click the Remove All Groups button.
12. Select the Enable Two Factor Authentication check box to require additional authentication upon logging into Focus via the Google Authenticator application. Clear the selected check box to remove this additional security feature. Note: This preference only displays if the district first enables it in System Preferences or Profiles.
13. Click Save to apply changes made.
1. In the menu, click Preferences.
2. From the Preferences screen, click the Student Listing tab to customize the display of students in conducting any kind of search along with additional student listing settings.
3. Select how you would like the students sorted in the results of a search by using the choices in the Student Sorting section; the choices include Name; Grade, Name; and Enrollment Date, Name.
4. In conducting a student search, the ability to export the data is always available; however, you can choose whether the data is exported via an Excel spreadsheet (Tab-Delimited) or in a CSV file. Make your selection in the File Export Type section.
5. In navigating to Student Info, you have the option to decided which tab is automatically selected for students. Most users elect to have Demographics as the default tab; however, using the Default Student Category pull-down you can select whichever tab you desire.
6. You can also set a Default User Category for when accessing the My Profile screen.
7. If you do not want to Display student search screen by default, selecting any screen that pulls students will skip the search screen and list students in either a Simple List or Customized List depending on the preference selected below. Select the check box to ensure you have the ability to search for select students.
8. Upon conducting a search, the resulting students will display in the customized list if you select for it to show by default using the Display customized list by default (and have selected to Display student search screen by default). If you have opted out of a default search screen, the Customized list will appear automatically. If you do not want the customized list to display by default, the Simple List will display instead.
The information displayed in the Customized List can be set up or edited via the Columns in Student Lists tab; see the section on Columns in Student Lists for more information.
The same information found on the Columns in Students Lists tab can be set up/edited via the Customize Student List tab shown next to the Customized List tab.
9. If the teachers are always searching for inactive students, you can save them some time by making the selection automatic. Select the Search inactive students by default check box.
10. If the search only yields one result, the option to skip the list of students and navigate directly to the student's corresponding screen is available. Select the Skip the results page when there is only one result check box to apply this change.
11. Select a Student Name Format for how you would like students' names to display in Focus; options include
- Last Name, First Name Middle
- First Name, Middle Last Name
- Last Name, Nickname
- Last Name, First (Nickname)
- Last, Nickname Middle
- Nickname Middle Last
12. If you want the students ID numbers and grade levels displayed in all student lists, be sure to select the check boxes for Display Student ID in student lists and Display grade level in student lists.
13. If you want to see students' alert icons that would show ESE, ELL, 504, etc., be sure to select the appropriate option from the Alert Icons pull-down. You can select to Display in Gradebook & Student Lists or Display in Student Lists. Select Don't Display if you don't want them to display.
14. Select the Display student photos in student lists check box to view students' photos in student listings. Note: If the check box is cleared, the students' photo won't display in student listing, but it will display in the students' records as normal.
15. Click Save to apply changes made.
1. In the menu, click Preferences.
2. To edit the Customized List of Student Listing, click on the Columns in Student Lists tab.
There are many options to choose from in selecting what to display in student lists. The choices are broken down by section. Each section contains data from the Student Info screens including demographic, immunizations, 504, contact information, etc., to name a few.
3. Select the check box in the Display in Student Lists column to display the selected Field on the Customized List tab of the student search.
In the image shown above, Birthdate has been chosen by selecting the Display in Student Lists check box. Students' birthdates will now display, as shown in the image.
4. You can select as many columns as you would like to appear in the Customized List. When finished, click Save to apply changes.
The same information found on the Columns in Student Lists tab can be set up/edited via the Customize Student List tab shown next to the Customized List tab on any of the applicable screens that contain a student search.
1. In the menu, click Preferences.
2. To customize the section names, click the Class Section Names tab.
On this tab you see your courses and the corresponding details, such as Course Number, Course Title, Period, Section, Marking Period, and the Course Title. You see that the Course Title information is underlined in blue, which means the information here is editable.
3. Click on any of the titles to edit and customize the name. Note: The customization is only viewable to you in the Gradebook. The original title displays for all other users, teachers, and parents.
4. When all edits have been made, click Save to apply changes made.
1. In the menu, click Preferences.
2. Click the Linked Accounts tab to view, link, or unlink Google accounts.
3. To link a new account, click Sign in with Google Classroom to link the account.
4. Follow the prompts to sign in to your Google account.
![Sign in - Google Accounts](
Grant all applicable permissions by clicking Allow.
![Sign in - Google Accounts](
Confirm your choice by reviewing all permissions, then click Allow.
5. Once an account is linked, click the unlink icon to sign out of the Google account and unlink the account.
Focus provides several ways for teachers to search for students, both individually and by specified search criteria. The Student Search module appears on many screens throughout Focus, and includes three submenus: Search Screen, Simple List, and Customized List. This documentation provides information on the student search screen, including the student search bar, More Search Options, Student Groups, and how to save and use saved searches (when using the new search feature). The Simple List provides a comprehensive list of all students or the results from the Search Screen, and the Customized List can be set up in Preferences to display selected students.
You can quickly select a student and view their student record without conducting a student search using the Select Student pull-down available at the top-left corner of every screen.
The pull-down displays as Select Student/Staff and can be used to search for Students if you have permission to view and edit Student Info. If you also have permission to view and edit User Info, you can search for and view staff records, as well.
1. Click the Select Student pull-down.
The Search Results tab is selected by default. To use the filters and results of your last student and user search, leave the tab selected. For example, if you conduct a Student Info search where you searched for students by the name "ab", the results of that specific search will display in the Select Student pull-down when Search Results is selected.
If a student search has not recently been conducted, the Search Results tab does not display.
2. Click the Search Results tab to remove the Search Results from your latest student search. Once, disabled, the tab turns gray.
![Student Info](
3. To search for students only, click the Students tab.
![Student Info](
If Search Results and Students are both selected, the displayed students will pull from all the students assigned to the selected school (School pull-down in the header) OR from the Search Results of your latest student search.
4. Click Inactive Students to display inactive students from which to choose, as well as active students.
![Student Info](
Select the Match all check box to display students that are listed in the Search Results of your latest student search AND assigned to the selected school.
![Student Info](
Selecting Students and Staff will show all students at the selected school and all staff. Selecting the Match All check box will show zero results because there are no students who are also staff members.
Selecting Search Results, Staff, and Students displays the results of your latest User search and Student search OR all users and students assigned to the selected school.
5a. Scroll through the listed students for the student you want, then click the student name to open the record in Student Info.
5b. Start typing the first name, last name, or student ID in the Filter... text box, then click the student name to open the record in Student Info.
![Student Info](
Once the student record is in open in Student Info, the pull-down reflects the selected student information along with additional features.
a. Click the arrow to open the pull-down and start over.
![Student Info](
b. Hover over the icons for additional information/alerts about the student/user.
i. Click alert icons to open the screen, tab, and field for which the information is housed.
c. Hover over the student or user photo for additional information.
![Student Info](
The information displayed here is determined by the selection made via Preferences > Columns in Student Lists.
The student's scheduling team will also display if the student has a scheduling team assigned on their most recent enrollment record for this school year and school.
i. To message the student via the Communication screen, click the blue envelope icon.
![Student Info](
d. Click Back to Search Results to return the latest search results screen.
e. Click the left and right arrow to navigate to the previous (left) and next (right) student/user in the list (as displayed in the Select Student/Staff pull-down.
The left arrow for previous student is inactive because Charlie Abe is the first person in the list. Upon clicking the right arrow to navigate to the next student, you can now click the left or right arrow to navigate back to Charlie Abe or go to the next student in the list.
f. Click the red and white X to close the student and navigate to the main Student Info screen where you can conduct a search or pick a new student from the Simple List.
1. From the Student Search, enter the student search criteria in the Student Search text box, such as the student's last name.
The Student Search text box is not case sensitive, and full or partial entries can be in either a first last or last, first format. The comma is necessary in the last, first format. A full student name or ID number can also be entered into the student search text box.
Searching for ga will pull every student whose first or last name begins with Ga into the search results.
![Student Info](
Enter Ga, for last names that start with ga.
Enter ,Ga for first names that start with ga.
You can also search by Florida ID, Local ID, Student ID, and FLEID.
2. Click More Search Options to search for groups of students with similar information in any number of student fields and/or menu options.
![Student Info](
a. The More Search Options feature displays as a pull-down where all applicable menu and menu options are displayed and can be used to conduct a search. Once a specific menu option is selected, additional search options can be entered or selected to conduct the search.
![Student Info](
In the example shown, Absences > Daily Attendance has been selected allowing you to choose Absent Codes, Present Codes, set a Timeframe Between to dates, and Days Absent Between two dates.
b. Click the More Search Options pull-down to select as many search filters as needed. In the example shown, Test History has also been selected.
c. To remove a filter, click the black minus sign (delete button).
d. Some filters will allow you to duplicate the data. Click the black plus sign (add on) to duplicate the filter and filter by different data.
3. Select the applicable Student Group from the pull-down to pull students from a specific group.
![Student Info](
Student groups are created via Groups and/or by administrative users.
4. Select the Search All Sections check box to include students from all sections in your search, not just the section selected in the header.
5. Select the Search the Entire School check box to search for students throughout the entire school, if you have permission to access all these students.
6. Select the Include Inactive check box to include students who do not have an active enrollment record at the selected school or all schools (if Search All Schools is selected).
7. Click Search.
1. From the Student Search, enter the student search criteria in the Student Search text box, such as the student's last name and apply More Search Options, as needed.
![Student Info](
2. Click the floppy disk save icon to save the search including all filters so you can easily run the search again.
Click the save icon before clicking Search to save your search criteria. If you click Search first, you will lose your search criteria.
a. In the pop-up window, enter the name of the search, then click OK to save.
![Student Info](
b. Upon saving a search, you have the ability to save the parameters in order to create a student group, which will be accessible in Groups. Click Yes in the "Would you like to create a student group from this saved search" pop-up window.
![Student Info](
Saving the student search as a student group creates a dynamic student group including the predefined search criteria and can only be performed if you have permission to Student Groups via Users > Profiles > Students.
Saved searches can be applied to student groups when creating student groups via Groups. In order to apply a saved search, select the saved search from the Assigned Saved Search pull-down. Note: This pull-down can only be utilized if you are creating a Dynamic student group, which is set from the Assignment Type pull-down.
c. Once saved, the name of the saved search displays in the top right corner. Click the trash can icon to delete the saved search.
d. If you have applied changes to the search, click the floppy disk save icon to either save a new search or override the existing search parameters.
i. If saving new parameters, update the name of the search, then click Save Copy to save the search as a new search. Click Save & Overwrite to overwrite the original search parameters and overwrite the saved search.
![Student Info](
All saved searches display in the More Search Options pull-down in Saved Searches.
![Student Info](
- Pull a list of all scheduled students using the Find a Student section on the Portal page.
- Use More Search Options to pull one grade level of students (if applicable).
- Use More Search Options to pull a list of students who are 504 Eligible [LY], then save the search to use again later.
Student sub-menus are quick links to view specific student data.
1. Conduct a student search using any of the options described in the Searching for Students section.
2. Click the student name to open Student Info.
The top sub-menu options vary depending on your profile permissions and active screens (set up by the district).
The left navigation menu displays tabs for categories of student information that differ based on profile permissions. The Filter text box can be used to quickly navigate to a specific category tab or field.
The Grades sub-menu is used to display the student’s gradebook grades, course history, GPA and class rank.
The Detailed Report includes many features to track student performance, review course history, as well as update and add student grades.
The Grades Summary displays GPAs, Credits, End of Courses exam information, and the student's active schedule along with grades and attendance.
The Test History sub-menu displays a list of all standardized tests the student has taken that have been imported into Focus.
Displays the total number of local and state assessments in the record.
Filters the test results to find a specific test.
View score details by clicking the gray arrow for any test.
Directions: Search for a student of your choice. For that Student, locate and note the following information:
- What is the student’s 1st period course and teacher’s name?
- Does the student have any special program eligibility?
- What is their most recent test score?
With the Advanced Report module, you can compile, view, and track specific student data. The More Search Options feature is used to narrow the criteria for search results that will pull into the report. You can filter data in the Advanced Report, correct and save data from within Advanced Report, and export the report into Excel or a PDF file for printing. The parameters and search criteria set in an Advanced Report can also be saved for future use and can be easily accessed from the Reports menu.
1. Click the Reports menu, then click Advanced Report.
![Saved Reports](
This navigates to the Advanced Reports screen, where a Student Search displays in addition to More Search Options, as well as a list of available student tabs that can be opened to display the categorized student fields.
2. Click More Search Options to use the options that will define a specific subset of students for the Advanced Report. More Search Options allows you to specify who you need to pull into the report.
![Advanced Report](
a. The More Search Options feature displays as a pull-down where all applicable menu and menu options are displayed and can be used to conduct a search. Once a specific menu option is selected, additional search options can be entered or selected to conduct the search.
![Advanced Report](
In the example shown, Absences > Daily Attendance has been selected allowing you to choose Absent Codes, set a Timeframe Between to dates, and Days Absent Between two dates.
b. Click the More Search Options pull-down to select as many search filters as needed. In the example shown, Test History has also been selected.
c. To remove a filter, click the black minus sign (delete button).
d. Some filters will allow you to duplicate the data. Click the black plus sign (add on) to duplicate the filter and filter by different data.
You also have the ability to save searches, create student groups, and apply previously saved searches here.
3. Select the Search All Sections check box to include students from all sections in your search.
4. Select the Search the Entire School check box to pull students from the entire school not just your section(s).
5. Select the Include Inactive check box to include students who do not have an active enrollment record at the selected school.
6. Click Hide Filters to hide all the filters including hard-coded filters such as Search All Schools, and added filters such as Test History from the screen. Clicking Hide Filters will not delete the application of the filters when your search is conducted, it only hides them from the screen.
a. Click Show Filters to displays all filters again.
7. Upon locating the fields/information you’d like to display in your report, you can drag and drop any of the blue boxes into the Fields to include in Report section. You also have the option to simply click on the green plus sign in order to add the field.
8. Select as many fields as you would like displayed in your report. Once all fields have been selected, you can rearrange the fields to determine how the information will be displayed in the generated report by dragging and dropping. You also have the ability to delete any selections made by clicking on the red X.
Only one logging field can be included on the report. If more than one logging field is added, a warning message will display at the top of the screen.
9. Click Run Report when all of the parameters have been set to run the Advanced Report.
1. Once the report has been run, click Modify Report at the top left of the screen to return to the previous screen and modify the parameters of the Advanced Report.
When modifying the report, all criteria set through the More Search Options feature will need to be reentered/reselected.
2. If you’ve selected student name to display in your report, click on the student to open the Student Info screen in a new window.
3. Click Only Display Records with Errors in the top right corner of the screen to view all data errors found within the results. Note: These errors will display with the ability to edit data, if you have permission to edit the fields in question.
a. Notice that a red box marks errors. These errors can be corrected directly from the Advanced Report screen. All fields underlined in blue or containing a calendar icon can be modified.
b. When finished click Save to update any corrected data and/or select Show All Records, which takes the place of Only Show Records with Errors.
4. The Include students without log records in '{$field_name}' check box only displays when a logging field is included on the report. When selected, all students who match the search results will display, regardless of whether or not they have a log record. If this check box is left cleared, only students who have a log record will display in the report. To apply changes once the check box is selected, click Go.
![Advanced Report | Reports | SIS Teacher Help | TOC | Documentation for Teachers | ScreenSteps](
5. To save a hard copy of the data, you can print the report. Click Print at the bottom of the menu above the help button.
![Advanced Report](
6. Depending on the fields selected in order to pull data, you may have additional options at the top of the screen. For example, in the report shown, scheduling data has been pulled; therefore, you may also have the option to set a Schedule Effective Date and Include Inactive Student Schedule(s).
![Advanced Report](
a. To set a date, use the month, day, and year pull-downs or click on the calendar icon. Select the check box to Include Inactive Schedule(s). When everything has been set, click on the Go button.
1. To save the report, click Save Report.
2. Enter a Report Title, and click OK to save.
3. Click the Reports menu, then click Saved Reports.
You can also access and quickly run your saved reports from the Reports menu, under My Reports.
4. From the Saved Reports screen, you can Run the report or Delete the report. To publish the report, select the Profiles and Schools that should have access. This information will save automatically. Note: The option to publish is based on profile permissions.
If needed, click in the Title field to edit the name of the report. You can come back to this screen at any time and edit the title and corresponding information.
5. To make changes to a saved report, from the My Reports tab, click the Run button to run the report, then click Modify Report.
a. Make any necessary changes and click Run Report.
b. To save changes, click Save Report.
c. To save the report with changes made in place of the original report, click Save & Overwrite. To keep the original report as is and save the change as a new report, click Save as New Report Instead.
6. To view all reports that have been published and made accessible to you by other users, click on the Published Reports tab from the Saved Reports screen. Note: Depending on your profile permissions, you may or may not be able to edit Published Reports data.
- Create a report including students from all sections with fields for ESE Primary Computed, English Language Learner and 504 Eligible in addition to fields for demographic information.
- Name and save the report as a new report.
- Locate the saved report and filter on the ESE Primary Computed for *Has Value.
- Save and name as a new report.