Districts can allow students and teachers to enter course requests for the new school year.
System Preferences must be enabled in the current and new school years while designation of courses that teachers and students can select must be set up in the new school year. Going forward, these course selections can be rolled from school-year to school-year.
1. Go to the Setup menu, and select System Preferences.
2. Select the Default School Preferences tab then the Scheduling tab.
3. Enter the date that students can start entering requests in the Allow students to enter course requests starting text box.
4. If ACRs are used, select the Allow teachers to override automatic course requests check box.
5. In the Maximum Number of Next-Year Teacher Schedule Requests text box, enter a value of 2 or greater.
6. Click Save.
1. Go to the Setup menu, and select System Preferences.
2. Select the Default School Preferences tab then the Scheduling tab.
3. Enter the date that students can start entering requests in the Allow students to enter course requests starting text box.
4. Select the Prevent students from requesting courses in core subjects already requested by an admin/teacher check box to prevent students from requesting core subject courses that have already been requested by a teacher or admin profile.
5. Click Save.
1. Go to the Users menu, and select Profiles.
2. From the Permission Type pull-down, select Menu.
3. Select Teacher from the Role pull-down.
4. Select the applicable Teacher profile from the Profiles pull-down.
5. Click the Scheduling tab.
6. Select the View check box for Next-Year Schedule Requests.
7. Click Save.
1. Go to the Users menu, and select Profiles.
2. From the Permission Type pull-down, select Menu.
3. Select Admin from the Role pull-down.
4. Select the applicable administrative profile from the Profiles pull-down.
5. Click the Scheduling tab.
6. Select the View or View and Edit check box(es) for Teacher Next-Year Schedule Request Completion.
7. Click Save.
1. Go to the Scheduling menu, and select the Master Schedule Report.
2. Select the Courses tab.
3. Select the Allow Students to Request This Course check box for all applicable subjects/courses.
4. To filter the courses displayed, click Filters.
a. Enter the applicable filtering data, such as a Title; for example, "hist" and "prep."
5. To select the Allow Students to Request This Course check box for all displayed courses, click Mass Update.
a. Select Allow Students to Request from the Column pull-down.
b. Select the Value check box to mark the column as selected.
c. Click Update.
6. Follow the steps above to Filter for specific subjects or courses and individually select or Mass Update the Allow Teachers to Request This Course check box.
a. If teachers will be able to request courses outside of the graduation subject that they teach, the Request Subjects must be selected from the corresponding pull-down.
7. The current graduation subject(s) and the outside graduation subjects must both be selected.
1. Go to the Scheduling menu, and select Courses & Sections.
2. Select the applicable Course to allow teachers to make requests.
3. Select the Allow Teachers to Request This Course check box.
4. To allow teachers in specific graduation subject areas to request a specific course, select the Grad Subject area(s) from the Requests Subject pull-down.
5. Click Save.
The courses available for students to request is based on the courses the district/school has enabled by selection of the Allow Students to Request This Course check box, set prerequisites, and set grade level(s) required.
1. In the current year, from the Students menu, select Student Info, and search for the applicable student. You can also select a student from the Select Student/Staff pull-down in the header.
2. From the Student Info screen, while viewing the student's record, click the Log In as icon.
3. From the Student Portal, click Class Requests in the menu.
4. Click Switch to 20XX-20XX school year to enter course requests for the next school year.
Any requests already entered by administrative staff, teachers, or the student will be displayed in the table at the top of the screen. Requests entered by administrative staff or teachers will be locked from editing by the student.
Students can edit and delete their own requests; they cannot modify requests added by an administrator.
If the student tries to enter a request to which they don’t have access, already took, or don’t meet the prerequisites set, they will receive an error and won’t be able to add the course. A manual override is available to admins.
Students can enter requests in the table at the top of the screen or by using the Quick List at the bottom of the screen. The Quick List is organized by graduation subject. If any requests have already been entered for a graduation subject, a green check mark will display next to the subject.
5. To enter requests using the Quick List, select a course from the pull-down next to the graduation requirement.
6. For electives, enter the Elective Priority in the field next to the course pull-down.
A priority of 1 ensures the elective is scheduled at the same level as courses without a number. A priority of 2 or higher will only be scheduled if a course with an elective priority of 1 could not be scheduled. Leaving the priority blank indicates that this is a core or non-elective course. If this is left blank, than alternative requests will not be looked at by the system.
7. If an additional elective needs to be requested beyond the three spaces provided, click the green plus icon.
8. Select the course from the pull-down and enter the Elective Priority.
9. After entering the requests in the Quick List, click Save.
If an error is encountered, such as the prerequisites for a requested course have not been taken, a pop-up window will display with the error.
10. Click Cancel to close the message, and then change the request that caused the error. Click Save.
Once there are no errors, the requests are added to the table at the top of the screen.
11. To add requests to the table at the top of the screen, select the Course to request in the blank row.
12. For electives, enter the Elective Priority.
13. Press Enter to add the request.
14. To modify a request entered by the student, select a different Course or change the Elective Priority. The rest of the fields cannot be edited by the student.
15. To delete a request entered by the student, click the red minus sign next to the course.
a. In the confirmation message, click OK.
16. To delete multiple requests, select the check box next to each request to delete.
17. Click Delete Selected Requests at the top-right corner of the screen.
a. In the confirmation message, click OK.
This option allows teachers to make requests for the student, and the district may also opt to allow teachers to make requests for courses outside the teacher’s graduation subject area.
1. In the current year, from the Users menu, select Next-Year Schedule Requests under the Teacher Programs submenu.
2. To search for a specific teacher, enter the teacher's information in the User text box and click Search. Then, click the teacher's name in the User column.
3. Select the applicable section from the class section pull-down.
4. For each student, select a course request from the Course pull-down.
5. Click Save when done. Repeat for all class sections.
If the teacher selects a course that has already been requested by the scheduling team, the teacher will not be able to save their choice.
If ACRs have been used to push out requests, teachers cannot override ACR requests unless the applicable System Preference has been enabled.
If your school allows teachers to enter course requests for their students for the subject area that they teach, the Teacher Next-Year Schedule Request Completion report is used to view the teachers who have not entered requests for their students for the next school year. You can enter course requests on the teacher's behalf.
1. Go to the Scheduling menu and select Teacher Next-Year Schedule Request Completion.
The report lists teachers who have not entered requests. An X in a period column indicates the teacher did not enter requests for some or all of their students in that period.
2. Click an X to open the Next-Year Schedule Requests teacher program in a pop-up window, where you can enter requests on behalf of the teacher.
The section taught in the period that you clicked is automatically displayed. You can change the section at the top of the screen, if needed. If the teacher has entered some requests already, the course request will display next to the student.
3. Next to each student in the list, select the Course to request for the student.
4. When finished, click Save and close the pop-up window.