Nurses are able to navigate through Focus to view, enter, and update new and existing medical data. This document will guide nurses to understand the fundamentals of Focus, how to change and update addresses and contacts, the district specific health tabs for each student, updating individually and in mass, and various reports to run.
The Add/Drop Report provides a snapshot of students that have enrolled or withdrawn during a defined time frame.
1. Go to the Students menu and select Add/Drop Report.
2. From the Add / Drop Report screen, set a time frame by clicking the month, day, and year pull-downs. You can also click the calendar icon to select a date.
3. If you have access to multiple schools, you can select the All Schools check box to pull data from all accessable schools.
4. Click Go.
The Add / Drop Report displays the Student name, Student ID, School, Grade Level, Enrolled date and/or Dropped date, and the Reason for the add or drop, such as (E02) Transferring from a public school out of district but in the state.
5. To export data to an Excel spreadsheet, click the floppy disk icon.
6. To retrieve the report in PDF or to print, click Print at the bottom of the screen.
7. To view Enrolled students only:
a. Click the Filter button.
b. From the column pull-down, select Dropped.
c. From the rule pull-down, select Less Than.
d. In the criteria text box, enter 1.
e. Click Run Filter.
Enter shot records:
- From the Students menu, run the Add/Drop report.
- Select a newly enrolled student and check the immunization tab for the new student.
- Enter a new shot records for the selected student.
The Florida Health Services Reports were designed to help with reporting the Department of Health. There are 4 tabs with a different report on each.
The Daily Visit Log must contain all the original standard fields to display the Florida Health Reports correctly. The order of the fields can be switched, but the content and individual fields must remain the same.
1. Go to Florida Reports and select Health Services Reports.
I-C.1 Types of Health Conditions
TheI-C.1report loads by default. This report contains statistics of Types of Health Conditions by School Level broken down for each school level, and then totals in the column on the far-right.
Select the All Schools check box to expand the scope of the report so it includes district-wide information.
I-D.1 School Year: Num Students Needing Meds
This report defines the number of students needing procedures and/or medications within the school year.
For both the I-D.2 and the Health Services Statistical Form, the scope of the report is defined by a specified date range. Click the Go button to reload the data after making any adjustments.
I-D.2 Weekly: Num Students Needing Meds
This report defines the number of students needing procedures and/or medications on a weekly basis.
Health Services Statistical Form
This report displays the number of times each of the Codes & Descriptions was utilized and by whom.

1. Click the Students menu and select Advanced Report.
2. Search for the group of students to be in the report.
a. More Search Options (left column) identifies a specific subset of students to be included in the report; the fields are pulled directly from the Focus data fields related to student information that the user’s profile has permission to view.
Click on the gray arrow to open the field for available search criteria. The more fields added, the more limited the search results will be.

3. Select the appropriate Available Fields (middle column) to define what fields will be in the report. All tabs located in the Student Info screen are listed in this column; each field category can be clicked to reveal a list of blue boxes containing data relevant to that field.
A Search Fields text box is available to help locate data fields.
a. Type in the name or keyword of a field to display the Available Fields.

4. There are two options for moving the blue boxes into the Fields to Include in Report box:
a. Drag and drop the name of the field.

b. Click the green plus sign.
5. Fields to include in Report (right column) identifies the information to be shown on the report.

6. Add all appropriate fields from Available Fields.
7. All fields will be ordered as they appear in the box and can be rearranged as needed by dragging and dropping the field box up or down.
8. The field boxes can be deleted by clicking the red X or by dragging them back to the left.
9. Click the Run Report button. Like other reports in Focus, the heading in each column can be clicked to re-sort the data.
When a logging field is selected as one of the fields, an option to Include students without log records will appear.
Select the check box and click Go.
When selected, all students/users who match the search results will display, regardless if they have a log record.
10. Click the Create Report or Save Report button at the bottom of the report screen to save the search criteria and fields of the Advanced Report.
11. Name the report. This will allow the report to be run in the future without having to re-enter the criteria and fields.
12. Click OK.

Creating a report saves the search criteria and fields. When the report is run on a later date, it updates with the current students who match the parameters. To save a report’s results at a specific time, export to Excel or print to PDF.
After clicking OK, a confirmation screen will appear on the Saved Reports tab with a green check mark indicating the report has been saved.
a. Click the blue arrow to run the report.
b. The name of the saved report can also be edited by clicking on the blue dotted line under the report’s current title.
c. Click the red dash in the last column to delete the entire report.
13. Click Modify Report to edit the Fields to include in Report on the previous screen.
Please be aware that this action will result in the original search criteria selected from More Search Options to be reset. However, the Fields to include in Report will be retained.
The results of an Advanced Report can also be downloaded and saved as a static report prior to clicking “Create Report.” To download, click on the Excel icon that displays in the header next to the total number of students.
1. Create an Advanced Report to include the following fields in the exact order listed below. Use More Search Options to define the group of students.
- Last, First Name.
- Grade Level.
- Two other fields of your choice. (Alpha ID = local student ID)
- Health Examination Status
- Life Threatening Allergies
- Screening Status
2. Save and name the report.
3. Go back to the main Portal page and locate the saved report.
4. Add a filter to the report; include only the highest-grade level of students at the school.
5. Export the report to Excel.
6. Resave and name the report.