Documentation for Administrators

Edit Rules & Workflow (Training)

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The Edit Rules screen provides tools to enforce data validation, automate field updates, display custom alerts, and trigger actions based on specific criteria for students or users. It allows for validation of entered data, automated updates of related fields, and the display of icons for alerts like medical or custody concerns. Additionally, it supports executing SQL statements and triggering workflows, such as sending notifications, based on data changes. This system ensures compliance with business rules while streamlining processes like notifications and updates across student and user records.


The Validation feature is used to define edit rules for Student Fields, Student Enrollment Fields, User Fields and User Permissions Fields. Validations can be utilized to ensure content entered for a student or user adheres to specific client defined business rules. When information is entered that violates a defined validation, an error message will display to the end user. Options allow for validations to act as a warning or prevent saving invalid information.

1. In the Setup menu, click Edit Rules & Workflow.

2. This navigates to Edit Rules & Workflow screen, which defaults to the Validation tab where you have the ability to manage and add edit rules. If another tab is selected, click the Validation tab.

Edit Rules & Workflow

3. Before making any alterations to the Validation tab, be sure to select the correct fields from the pull-down. It defaults to Student Fields. The other options include District Fields, User Fields, School Fields, Discipline Incident Fields, and Referral Fields.

Edit Rules & Workflow

Any discipline edit rules that are set up now apply to the referrals list as well, not just the referral itself.

4. Enter data in the first row of the table to add a new edit rule.

Edit Rules & Workflow

5. The Enabled check box is automatically selected. Clear the check box if you do not want the edit rule to be enforced when you or other users are editing data. This check box is essentially the on/off button.

Edit Rules & Workflow

6. Enter a Name for the edit rule, and enter a Message. The Name is the error message that displays in the right hand side of the screen in the Errors section, which will include the message entered. The message will display when the edit rule is met either when hovering over the Error of the incorrect field information.

Edit Rules & Workflow

7. The Prevents Saving check box is selected by default to prevent any user with access to the field from saving the record if the edit rule is met. Clear the selected check box to allow users to save the record when there is an error. If you are unable to save, the Save button will be gray and inactive. In the image provided, Prevents Saving has been disabled, and you can save the data regardless of the error.

Edit Rules & Workflow

If Prevents Saving is selected, all changed data will not be saved if you or other users violate one rule on the screen until it is fixed.

8. Press the Enter key to add the rule. The line will turn blue when it has been added. The information here is auto-saved; there is no save button on this screen. A delete button (red minus sign) will appear along with a Criteria button.

Edit Rules & Workflow

9. Click Criteria next to the edit rule. When selected, a criteria pop-up window displays. This is where you will set up the criteria that will trigger an error for the field. I.e. What is the violation; what should make this warning message/error message display? Multiple criteria can be set up. Criteria can be set up by selecting fields and entering values in the table at the top of the criteria window or by entering a query in the Match Query section at the bottom of the window.

Edit Rules & Workflow

If more than one row of Criteria is added, it will be computed as an AND. However, if the "Match Any" check box is selected, the rows will be computed as OR.

10. Select the Field to consider. Note: The fields available here are largely student and student enrollment fields; address fields are not available here.

Edit Rules & Workflow

11. For the edit rule to take effect upon data/fields being changed, select the On Change check box. Selecting the On Change check box at this point will display the error name and message to any user that makes a change to the Race: Asian field. Notice the Not and Value fields are no longer active on this screen. To add a rule or process to take effect upon the Field: Asian being changed, use the Match Query section explained below.

Edit Rules & Workflow

12. Select the Not check box to enforce the edit rule if the field selected is Not the Value entered. In this example, if the Race: Asian field is Not Y (yes / selected), enforce this edit rule/error.

Edit Rules & Workflow

13. Enter the field Value that will trigger the error. For select fields, a list of allowable options will display for selection.

Edit Rules & Workflow

a. For date fields, such as birthdate, clicking the Value field opens the Date Criteria pop-up window to define the date criteria. Enter the corresponding information, and then click Save.

Edit Rules & Workflow

Edit rules on text fields will be hard to enforce since the value must match exactly to trigger the error.

14. When complete, press Enter to save the data. Upon saving the line turns blue.

Edit Rules & Workflow

15. Instead of defining criteria by selecting fields and defining the values, a query can be entered in the Match Query section of the Criteria window. Requirements for the query are indicated in the yellow box.

The following is the example Match Query shown for Multiple Active Enrollments:

16. Select the Match Any check box to apply the following conditions: The edit rule is met when any of the criteria is matched instead of having to match all of the criteria (each row of criteria is an “or” statement). When the check box is not selected, each row of criteria is an “and” statement.


17. Add as many rows of criteria, as needed. When all information has been entered/selected, click Done at the bottom of the Criteria pop-up to return to the Validation tab.

Edit Rules & Workflow
Validation Scenarios
  • Students in Grade 3,7, or 11 must have the Home Language Survey field filled in. Write Student Field validation that include student_enrollment elements.
  • Students that have an IEP or ELL plan must be reevaluated after a certain period of time. Write a Student Field validation using the ESE or ELL date field to trigger when the date has not been modified in the correct timeframe.
  • Students that have an active enrollment record, but are being enrolled in a second school, will need the “Second School” check box selected. Write a Student Field validation using Criteria and Match query to generate this. 

(The answers are provided in the Focus University Video Course.)

Activity: Creating and Configuring an Edit Rule

Objective: Learn how to create a new validation rule in the Edit Rules & Workflow section, define criteria, and manage error messages to ensure data entry follows specific business rules.

  1. Navigate to Edit Rules & Workflow:
    • Go to the Setup menu and select Edit Rules & Workflow.
    • Ensure the Validation tab is selected.
  2. Select Field Type:
    • Use the pull-down menu to choose the appropriate field type (e.g., Student Fields, User Fields, etc.).
  3. Add a New Rule:
    • In the first row of the table, enter a Name for the rule and a Message to be displayed if the validation fails.
    • Ensure the Enabled check box is selected if the rule should be active.
  4. Set Rule Criteria:
    • Click Criteria next to the rule to open the criteria window.
    • Define the criteria for when the rule should trigger by selecting fields and entering values.
    • Experiment with using Match Any for OR conditions and multiple rows for AND conditions.
  5. Test the Rule:
    • Select the On Change check box to apply the rule when the field is updated.
    • Make changes to the selected field in a test record to observe the error message.
  6. Experiment with Queries:
    • Instead of setting fields and values, enter a Match Query to define more complex validation logic.
  7. Save and Review:
    • Press Enter to save the rule. Observe that the line turns blue and auto-saves.
    • Test the validation by trying to enter data that would violate the rule and review the error message.

Reflection: Discuss how validation rules can improve data integrity and ensure adherence to business rules.

Linked Fields

The Linked Fields tab is used to set up fields that will be updated based on the defined criteria. For example, a rule can be set up so that a student’s 504 status is changed from Active to Inactive when a Dismissal Date is entered.

1. In the Setup menu, click Edit Rules & Workflow.

2. Click the Linked Fields tab to begin linking one field to another. This module can be utilized if one field is changed that directly affects another field.

Edit Rules & Workflow

3. Before making any alterations to the Linked Fields tab, be sure to select the correct fields from the pull-down. It defaults to Student Fields. The other options include District Fields, User Fields, School Fields, Discipline Incident Fields, and Referral Fields.

Edit Rules & Workflow

Any discipline edit rules that are set up now apply to the referrals list as well, not just the referral itself.

4. Use the first row in the table to add a new linked field.

Edit Rules & Workflow

5. The Enabled check box is automatically selected. Clear the check box if you do not want the linked fields rule to be enabled.

Edit Rules & Workflow

6. Enter a Name for the linked fields rule.

Edit Rules & Workflow

7. Press the Enter key to add the rule. The line turns blue when it has been added. The information here is auto-saved; there is no save button on this screen.

Edit Rules & Workflow

8. Click Criteria next to the rule  to set the specifics of the rule. When selected, a criteria pop-up window displays. This is where you will set up the criteria that will trigger one field to change the other. Criteria can be set up by selecting fields and entering values in the table at the top of the criteria window or by entering a query in the Match Query section at the bottom of the screen.

Edit Rules & Workflow

9. Select the Field to consider from the pull-down. Note: The fields available here are largely student and student enrollment fields; address fields are not available here.


10. For the rule to take effect upon data/fields being changed, select the On Change check box. Selecting the On Change check box at this point will trigger the linked field to change. To add a rule or process to take effect upon the ELL LY Exit Date being changed, use the Match Query section explained below.

Edit Rules & Workflow

11. Select the Not check box to enforce the rule if the field selected is Not the Value entered. In the example, shown the rule will be enforced if the ELL LY Exit Date is NOT Empty.

Edit Rules & Workflow

a. For date fields, such as birthdate, clicking the Value field opens the Date Criteria pop-up window to define the date criteria. Enter the corresponding information, and then click Save.

12. Enter the field Value that will trigger the rule. For select fields, a list of allowable options will display for selection. In the example shown specific Value(s) that pertain to an ELL  Exit Date are shown.

Rules on text fields will be hard to enforce since the value must match exactly to trigger the change.

13. When complete, press the Enter key to save the data. Upon saving the line turns blue.

14. Instead of defining criteria by selecting fields and defining the values, a query can be entered in the Match Query section of the Criteria window. Requirements for the query are indicated in the yellow box.

15. Select the Match Any check box to apply the following conditions: The edit rule is met when any of the criteria is matched instead of having to match all of the criteria (each row of criteria is an “or” statement). When the check box is not selected, each row of criteria is an “and” statement.

16. When all information has been entered/selected, click Done at the bottom of the Criteria pop-up to return to the Linked Fields tab.

17. Click Linked Fields next to the rule and the Criteria button.

Edit Rules & Workflow

18. The Linked Fields pop-up window displays. This is where you will select the linked field(s) that will be updated when the criteria is met and define the value that will populate the field(s). Multiple linked fields can be set up.

Edit Rules & Workflow

19. Select the Field that will be updated from the pull-down. Note: The fields available here are largely student and student enrollment fields; address fields are not available here.

Edit Rules & Workflow

20. Enter the Value that will populate the field. For select fields, a list of allowable options will display for selection.

21. Press the Enter key to add the linked field. The line turns blue when it has been added. The information here is auto-saved; there is no save button on this screen.

Edit Rules & Workflow

22. Add additional linked fields, if needed. Click Done to return to the Linked Fields tab.

Linked Fields Scenarios
  • If a student’s ELL Exit Date is entered, follow up fields must also be entered in 1 year and 2 years. Link these fields to create this as an error if not completed.
  • A parent denies the student internet permission, this triggers another field to need completion. How would you link the fields? 

(The answers are provided in the Focus University Video Course.)

Activity: Configuring Linked Fields for Dynamic Updates

Objective: Learn how to create and configure linked fields that automatically update based on changes made to specified criteria, enhancing data accuracy and efficiency.


  1. Access Linked Fields Setup:
    • In the Setup menu, click on Edit Rules & Workflow.
    • Navigate to the Linked Fields tab to begin linking fields.
  2. Select the Appropriate Field Type:
    • Use the pull-down menu to select the field type you want to link. The default option is Student Fields, but you can also choose from District Fields, User Fields, School Fields, Discipline Incident Fields, and Referral Fields.
    • Note that address fields are not available for linking.
  3. Add a New Linked Field Rule:
    • In the first row of the table, enter a Name for the linked fields rule.
    • Ensure that the Enabled check box is selected; uncheck it if you want to disable this rule.
  4. Save the Linked Field Rule:
    • Press the Enter key to add the rule. The row should turn blue, indicating successful addition. The information is auto-saved, so there is no need for a save button.
  5. Define the Rule's Criteria:
    • Click Criteria next to the new rule to set the specifics. This will open a pop-up window where you can define the criteria that will trigger the update of the linked field.
    • Select the appropriate Field from the pull-down menu.
  6. Trigger on Change:
    • Check the On Change box to ensure that the linked field will update whenever the specified field is changed.
  7. Set Conditional Logic:
    • If necessary, check the Not box to enforce the rule when the field selected is not equal to the specified value (e.g., trigger if the ELL LY Exit Date is NOT empty).
    • Enter the specific Value that will trigger the linked field update.
  8. Complete the Criteria Setup:
    • Press Enter to save the criteria. The line should turn blue once saved.
  9. Utilize Match Query (Optional):
    • Instead of using fields and values, you can enter a query in the Match Query section if that better suits your needs. Refer to the requirements indicated in the yellow box for guidance.
  10. Configure Match Conditions:
    • Decide whether to check Match Any to apply an or condition (any criteria met) or leave it unchecked for an and condition (all criteria must be met).
  11. Finalize Criteria:
    • Click Done at the bottom of the Criteria pop-up to return to the Linked Fields tab.
  12. Set Up Linked Fields:
    • Click Linked Fields next to the rule and then the Criteria button to open the Linked Fields pop-up window.
  13. Select Fields for Updates:
    • In the Linked Fields window, select the Field that will be updated based on your criteria. Choose from the available options.
  14. Define the Value for the Linked Field:
    • Enter the Value that will populate the selected linked field. For dropdown fields, you will see a list of allowable options.
  15. Add the Linked Field:
    • Press the Enter key to add the linked field. The line should turn blue to confirm it has been saved.
  16. Add More Linked Fields (if needed):
    • If you need to link additional fields, repeat the selection process. Once finished, click Done to return to the Linked Fields tab.
  17. Test Your Linked Fields Setup:
    • To ensure the linked fields work as intended, modify the primary field you linked to and verify that the corresponding linked fields update automatically based on your defined criteria.

Reflection: Discuss the importance of linked fields in maintaining accurate student records and how this feature can streamline administrative processes. Consider scenarios where linked fields could prevent data entry errors or reduce administrative workload.

Alert Icons

The Alert Icons feature allows for client specific icons that appear next to Students and Users throughout the interface. These icons serve as immediate, easily identifiable flags to end users when a specific Student or User meets defined criteria. For example, an alert icon can be defined for severe allergies, custody alert, etc. Upon displaying next to the student or user, users can click the alert icon to navigate to the applicable screen, tab, and field.

1. In the Setup menu, click Edit Rules & Workflow.

2. Click the Alert Icons tab to customize your own alerts.

Edit Rules & Workflow

3. Before making any alterations to the Alert Icons tab, be sure to select the correct fields from the pull-down. It defaults to Student Fields. The other options include District Fields, User Fields, School Fields, Discipline Incident Fields, and Referral Fields.

Edit Rules & Workflow

Alert Icons do not exist for Discipline Incident Fields or Referral Fields.

4. Any existing alert icons are listed in the table. Use the top row of the table to add a new rule.

Edit Rules & Workflow

5. The Enabled check box is automatically selected. Clear the check box if you do not want the rule to be enforced when you or other users are editing data. This check box is essentially the on/off button.

Edit Rules & Workflow

6. Enter a Name for the alert icon.

Edit Rules & Workflow

7. To restrict the profiles that can see each alert icon for students and users, select the Profiles permitted to the alert icon from the pull-down.

Edit Rules & Workflow

If the Profiles pull-down is left blank, then all profiles will be permitted to the alert icons. If at least one profile is selected, only the selected profile will be able to see the alert icon. Users with multiple profiles will see alert icons if at least one of their profiles is selected. Student and parent profiles are not available to be selected.

8. Select the Show on ID Badge check box so the alert icon displays on the student ID badge when the "Show alert icons on student badge" option is enabled on Print ID Badges screen.

Edit Rules & Workflow

9. Select the Show on Student Lists check box to ensure the alert icon displays in student lists throughout the system, such as Student Info.

10. Press the Enter key to add the alert. The line turns blue when it has been added. The information here is auto-saved; there is no save button on this screen.

Edit Rules & Workflow

11. Click Criteria next to the rule to set the specifics of the rule. When selected, a criteria pop-up window will display.

Edit Rules & Workflow

12. Select the Field for which you would like to set an icon from the pull-down. Note: The fields available here are largely student and student enrollment fields; address fields are not available here.

Edit Rules & Workflow

13. For the rule to display upon the selected fields being changed, select the On Change check box.

14. Select the Not check box to add it to the rule you are creating. Using Not is to say the Field is NOT the Value entered. In this case, Medical Alerts is Not null/empty, which means the alert icon will appear for all students who have data in the Medical Condition field.

15. Enter the Value that will trigger the alert icon. For select fields, a list of allowable options will display for selection. In the example shown, the Value is left blank.

Edit Rules & Workflow

a. For date fields, such as birthdate, clicking the Value field opens the Date Criteria pop-up window to define the date criteria. Enter the corresponding information, and then click Save.

Rules on text fields will be hard to enforce since the value must match exactly to trigger the change.

16. When complete, press the Enter key to save the data. Upon saving the line turns blue.

Edit Rules & Workflow

17. Instead of defining criteria by selecting fields and defining the values, a query can be entered in the Match Query section of the Criteria window. Requirements for the query are indicated in the yellow box.

18. Select the Match Any check box to apply the following conditions: The edit rule is met when any of the criteria is matched instead of having to match all of the criteria (each row of criteria is an “or” statement). When the check box is not selected, each row of criteria is an “and” statement.

19. When all information has been entered/selected, click Done at the bottom of the Criteria pop-up to return to the Alert Icons tab.

20. Click Alert Icon to set an image for the alert. Clicking Alert Icon opens an Alert Icon pop-up window where you can set an image for the alert.

Edit Rules & Workflow

21. There are icons preloaded that you can choose from or you can click the green plus sign in the Upload new icon section to upload a new icon.

a. Clicking the green plus sign to upload a new icon will open the file browser. Choose the image you want to use.

b. Click the desired icon from preexisting icons or from the ones you uploaded.

Edit Rules & Workflow

22. The Tool Tip text box and Tool Tip Field are used to define the contents of the tool tip when a user hovers the mouse over the alert icon. Enter text in the Tool Tip text box and/or select a field in Tool Tip Field. When a Tool Tip Field is selected, the information in that field in the student’s record will display in the tool tip. When both tool tip text and a tool tip field are set up, both are displayed in the tool tip.

Edit Rules & Workflow

23. When all Alert Icon information is complete, click Save. To clear all selection made and start over, click Clear. To cancel setting up an icon altogether, click Cancel.

Edit Rules & Workflow

See the image below of the enabled alert icon for medical.

Student Info

Upon clicking the icon, the Health Medical tab opens and directs your attention to the specific field; in this case, a "Medical Condition" check box.

Student Info
Alert Icons Scenarios
  • There is a need to alert staff of students that are home because of Covid. Create an alert attached to the appropriate field.
  • There is a need for teachers to know which students are LY students. Create an alert attached to the appropriate field.
Activity: Configuring Custom Alert Icons for Student and User Profiles

Objective: Learn how to create and configure custom alert icons that flag specific criteria for students and users, enabling quick identification of critical information within the interface.


  1. Access Alert Icons Setup:
    • Navigate to the Setup menu and click on Edit Rules & Workflow.
    • Select the Alert Icons tab to begin customizing your alerts.
  2. Select Field Type:
    • From the pull-down menu, confirm the field type you wish to configure (default is Student Fields). Remember that Alert Icons cannot be set for Discipline Incident Fields or Referral Fields.
  3. Add a New Alert Icon:
    • In the top row of the Alert Icons table, enter a Name for your new alert icon.
    • Ensure the Enabled check box is selected; uncheck it if you do not want this rule to take effect.
  4. Set Visibility Profiles:
    • Choose which Profiles will have access to view this alert icon from the pull-down menu. Leaving it blank allows all profiles to see the icon.
  5. Display Options:
    • Select the Show on ID Badge check box if you want the alert icon to appear on student ID badges.
    • Also, check the Show on Student Lists option to have the alert visible in various student lists across the system.
  6. Save the Alert Icon:
    • Press the Enter key to add the alert icon. The row will turn blue, indicating it has been saved automatically.
  7. Define Criteria for Displaying the Icon:
    • Click Criteria next to your new alert to set specific rules.
    • Choose the appropriate Field from the pull-down menu that will trigger the alert icon (e.g., Medical Conditions).
  8. On Change Condition:
    • If you want the alert icon to display based on changes in the selected field, check the On Change box.
  9. Set Trigger Values:
    • Utilize the Not check box to create conditions where the icon appears when a field is Not empty or has a specific value (e.g., display for students with non-empty medical conditions).
  10. Enter Values:
  • Input the specific Value that will trigger the alert icon. For example, if you're monitoring medical alerts, you might leave the value blank to display the icon for any entries.
  1. Complete and Save Criteria:
  • After entering all necessary criteria, press Enter to save. The row should turn blue once saved.
  1. Add Match Query (Optional):
  • If needed, define additional criteria using the Match Query section.
  • Select Match Any to allow the alert to trigger if any of the criteria are met; otherwise, leave it unchecked for all conditions to be required.
  1. Choose an Alert Icon:
  • Click Alert Icon to set the image for your alert. You can select from preloaded icons or upload a new image by clicking the green plus sign. Follow the prompts to upload your desired image.
  1. Set Tool Tip Information:
  • In the Tool Tip text box, enter descriptive text that will appear when a user hovers over the alert icon.
  • Optionally, select a Tool Tip Field to display specific information from the student's record.
  1. Final Review and Save:
  • Review all your settings for the alert icon.
  • Click Save to finalize your configuration. If you wish to start over, click Clear; to cancel, click Cancel.
  1. Test the Alert Icon:
  • After configuring the alert icon, navigate to a student or user profile that meets the defined criteria to verify that the icon appears as expected.
  • Click on the icon to ensure it navigates to the correct screen and field.

Reflection: Discuss how implementing alert icons can enhance the visibility of critical student or user information for staff, and explore scenarios where these icons would be particularly beneficial.

Execute SQL

The Execute SQL functionality allows for client defined stored procedures (only MSSQL), SQL statements, or queries to be triggered for a specific Student or User, when defined criteria is changed or met through the interface. (Note: This functionality replaces Student, Student Enrollment, User and User Enrollment plugins from Version 7 and prior. Level 1 training is recommended prior to use.)

SQL setup on fields does not run if you try to Mass Add information to those fields or if you try to Mass Add Log records to those fields. Focus recommends building a scheduled job to update any fields that have had information Mass Added to them via Setup > Scheduled Jobs.

1. In the Setup menu, click Edit Rules & Workflow.

2. Click the Execute SQL tab to add a new rule (query).

Edit Rules & Workflow

3. Before making any alterations to the Execute SQL tab, be sure to select the correct fields from the pull-down. It defaults to Student Fields. The other options include District Fields, User Fields, School Fields, Discipline Incident Fields, and Referral Fields.

Edit Rules & Workflow

Any discipline edit rules that are set up now apply to the referrals list as well, not just the referral itself.

4. Any existing queries are listed in the table. The top row of the table can be used to add a new query.

Edit Rules & Workflow

5. The Enabled check box is automatically selected. Clear the check box if you do not want the rule to be enforced automatically. This check box is essentially the on/off button.

Edit Rules & Workflow

6. Select the New Student check box to limit the query execution to new students. Otherwise, the query will be executed whenever a student’s information is edited.

Edit Rules & Workflow

The name of this check box varies depending on the type of fields selected:

Student Fields: New Student

District Fields: New District

User Fields: New User

School Fields: New School

Discipline Incident Fields: New Discipline Incident

Referral Fields: New Referral

7. Enter a Name for the query. The Name entered here doesn’t appear anywhere else.

Edit Rules & Workflow

8. Press the Enter key to add the query. The line turns blue when it has been added. The information here is auto-saved; there is no save button on this screen.

Edit Rules & Workflow

9. Click Criteria next to the rule to set the specifics of the rule. When selected, a criteria pop-up window displays.

Edit Rules & Workflow

a. This is where you will set up the criteria that will trigger the SQL to execute. Multiple criteria can be set up. Criteria can be set up by selecting fields and entering values in the table at the top of the Criteria window or by entering a query in the Match Query section at the bottom of the window.

10. Select the correct Field from the pull-down.

Edit Rules & Workflow

11. Select the On Change check box if you want the query to execute upon the selected field being changed.

12. Select the Not check box to add it to the rule you are creating. Using Not is to say execute the SQL when the Field is NOT the Value entered. In the example shown, the SQL will execute when Student Phone Number is Not empty (the Value is empty).

Edit Rules & Workflow

13. Enter the Value that will trigger the query to execute. For select fields, a list of allowable options will display for selection. In the example shown, the Value is Y.

a. For date fields, such as Date Entered United States, clicking the Value field opens the Date Criteria pop-up window to define the date criteria. Enter the corresponding information, and then click Save.

Edit Rules & Workflow

Rules on text fields will be hard to enforce since the value must match exactly to trigger the change.

14. When complete, press the Enter key to save the data. Upon saving the line turns blue.

Edit Rules & Workflow

15. Select the Match Any check box to apply the following conditions: The edit rule is met when any of the criteria is matched instead of having to match all of the criteria (each row of criteria is an “or” statement). When the check box is not selected, each row of criteria is an “and” statement.

Edit Rules & Workflow

16. Add additional fields, if needed. Click Done to return to the Execute SQL tab.

Edit Rules & Workflow

17. From the Execute SQL tab, click the Execute SQL button. The SQL Statement pop-up window is displayed.

Edit Rules & Workflow

18. In the provided area, enter the query.

Edit Rules & Workflow

19. Click Done when finished.

Execute SQL Scenarios
  • You don’t want to give edit rights to the Address section for parents. You want parents to be able to enter their primary phone number in a regular student field and have it update the phone field on the student’s primary address record. Create this using Execute SQL.
  • You have a stored procedure called stu_enroldrop you would like to run every time a student’s enrollment date, enrollment code, drop date, or drop code is changed. Create this using Execute SQL.

(The answers are provided in the Focus University Video Course.)

Activity: Configuring and Executing SQL Queries Based on Field Changes

Objective: Learn how to configure SQL queries in the Execute SQL tab, defining criteria that trigger SQL executions when specific student or user data changes.

  1. Navigate to Execute SQL Setup:
    • From the Setup menu, select Edit Rules & Workflow.
    • Click the Execute SQL tab to access the SQL rule configuration screen.
  2. Select the Correct Field Type:
    • Choose the appropriate field category (e.g., Student Fields, User Fields, Discipline Incident Fields) from the pull-down menu.
  3. Add a New SQL Query:
    • In the top row of the table, enter a Name for your SQL query.
    • Ensure the Enabled check box is selected to activate the query.
    • Optionally, select the New Student/User check box to apply the query only to new records.
  4. Define Criteria for Query Execution:
    • Click Criteria next to your query to define the conditions that will trigger SQL execution.
    • In the pop-up window, select fields and enter values or build a Match Query using SQL to set your criteria.
    • If needed, use the On Change check box to trigger SQL execution when the selected field is modified.
  5. Add a Conditional Rule:
    • Use the Not check box to trigger the query when the field is Not a certain value. For example, execute the SQL when a students phone number is Not empty.
  6. Set Trigger Values:
    • For each field, enter the specific Value that will cause the query to run. Test with different values such as Y for Boolean fields or specific dates.
  7. Save the Criteria:
    • Press Enter to save your changes. The row will turn blue to indicate it has been saved.
  8. Match Any/All Conditions:
    • If you want the SQL to execute when any of the criteria is met, select the Match Any check box. Otherwise, leave it unchecked to require that all conditions be met.
  9. Enter and Test the SQL Statement:
    • Click Execute SQL next to your query to open the SQL Statement pop-up window.
    • Enter your SQL statement or stored procedure.
    • Test the query by making a change to a field that meets the criteria and review if the query executes as expected.
  10. Complete the Activity:
  • After setting up your query and criteria, save and test your configuration by editing student or user records to meet the conditions.
  • Reflect on how this feature can automate database operations based on changes to student or user data.

Reflection: Discuss how this SQL automation helps with real-time data management and improves workflows by reducing manual updates.

Workflow Triggers

The Workflow Trigger feature includes four basic functions: Generating Emails, Inserting Letters into the Letter Queue, and Custom Portal Alerts generated from Students > Print Letters & Send Email, Users > Print Letters & Send Email, and Students > Communication. Each available feature can be setup based upon client defined criteria and execute only when a Student or User record is updated or modified to meet the defined criteria.

1. In the Setup menu, click Edit Rules & Workflow.

2. Click the Workflow Triggers tab to add a new trigger.

Edit Rules & Workflow

3. Before making any alterations to the Workflow Triggers tab, be sure to select the correct fields from the pull-down. It defaults to Student Fields. The other options include District Fields, User Fields, School Fields, Discipline Incident Fields, and Referral Fields.

Edit Rules & Workflow

Workflow Triggers do not exist for School Fields, Discipline Incident Fields or Referral Fields.

4. Any existing workflow triggers are listed in the table. Use the top row of the table to add a new workflow.

Edit Rules & Workflow

5. The Enabled check box is automatically selected. Clear the check box if you do not want the rule to be enforced automatically. This check box is essentially the on/off button.

Edit Rules & Workflow

6. Enter a Name for the workflow trigger. The Name entered here will display as the Subject if set up as an email and the text displayed on the portal alert or SMS.

Edit Rules & Workflow

7. Select the Type from the pull-down; options include Communication Template, Email, Letter Queue, and Portal Alert.

Edit Rules & Workflow

a. If you select Communication Template here, Templates created in Communication display in the Letter/Template pull-down. When using the Communication Template, all information entered and attached to the template will pull into the notification generated as a result of the workflow trigger, such as email, attached files, attached voice messages, etc.

b. If you select Email here, when the email is sent based on the trigger set up, the email will be logged in the corresponding student’s Letter Logging tab (Student Info) or the corresponding user's Letter Log section via User Info.

c. If you select Letter Queue here, when the letter is generated based on the trigger set up, the letter will generate to Student > Letter Queue or Users > Letter Queue depending on the fields selected (Student Fields or User Fields).

d. If you select Portal Alert here, upon clicking on the alert, Focus will navigate to an Advanced Report with impacted students/users listed.

8. Select a Letter/Template from the pull-down. The letters displayed in the pull-down populate from created letters, emails, text messages, and/or templates via Students > Print Letters & Send Email, Users > Print Letters & Send Email, and/or Students > Communication.


9. If you selected, Student Fields, select the Affected Student and/or Parent check boxes to notify the student or parent (via Type selected: Email or SMS) when a student’s record is changed/edited.

Select the Affected Student Personal Email if the student field has been enabled by the district and personal emails have been recorded for students in place of or in addition to primary emails (Affected Student).

Edit Rules & Workflow

a. If you selected, User Fields, select the Affected User check box to notify the user (via Type selected: Email or SMS) when a the user's record is changed/edited. Note: The Affected User options only applies to the Email Type.

10. Select the Letter Logging check box, which is available if Email or SMS is selected as Type, to ensure a record of the email or SMS is saved on the student's record in Letter Logging tab or section of Student Info.

Edit Rules & Workflow

11. Specific users can be selected for a notification upon student/user data changing. For example, if a student’s ELL information is changed LY, users chosen via the Recipient Users pull-down will be emailed or texted.

Edit Rules & Workflow

12. You can select specific profiles to be alerted as well. If a profile is chosen via the Recipient Profile pull-down, all users assigned to the profile will be alerted (via the Type selected: Email, Portal Alert, or SMS) when a student’s/user's record is changed/edited.

The Alerts display on the existing Alerts Portal block.

13. To set up a specific email address to receive the notification upon student/user data being changed/edited, type the email address in the Recipient Email Addresses text box.

14. Press the Enter key to add the query. The line turns blue when it has been added. The information here is auto-saved; there is no save button on this screen.

Edit Rules & Workflow

15. Click the Criteria button next to the rule to set the specifics of the workflow trigger. When selected, a criteria pop-up window displays.

Edit Rules & Workflow

This is where you will set up the criteria that will trigger the workflow. Multiple criteria can be set up. Criteria can be set up by selecting fields and entering values in the table at the top of the Criteria window or by entering a query in the Match Query section at the bottom of the window.

16. Select the correct Field from the pull-down.

Edit Rules & Workflow

17. Select the On Change check box if you want the workflow trigger to take effect upon the selected field being changed. For example, in the image shown, when the Enrollment: Days Absent field is changed, an email will be sent out to the selected recipients.

18. Select the Not check box to add it to the rule you are creating. Using Not is to say an email will be sent when the Field is NOT the Value entered. In the example shown, the workflow will be triggered when the Enrollment: Days Absent field is NOT empty.

Edit Rules & Workflow

19. Enter the Value that will trigger the workflow. For select fields, a list of allowable options will display for selection. In the example shown, the Value is blank/empty.

Edit Rules & Workflow

a. For date fields, such as Annual Review Date, clicking the Value field opens the Date Criteria pop-up window to define the date criteria. Enter the corresponding information, and then click Save.

Rules on text fields will be hard to enforce since the value must match exactly to trigger the change.

20. When complete, press the Enter key to save the data. Upon saving the line turns blue.

Edit Rules & Workflow

21. Instead of defining criteria by selecting fields and defining the values, a query can be entered in the Match Query section of the Criteria window. Requirements for the query are indicated in the yellow box. Shown is an example of a query for W24 withdrawal entered on student enrollment record.

Edit Rules & Workflow

22. Select the Match Any check box to apply the following conditions: The edit rule is met when any of the criteria is matched instead of having to match all of the criteria (each row of criteria is an “or” statement). When the check box is not selected, each row of criteria is an “and” statement.

Edit Rules & Workflow

23. When all information has been entered/selected, click Done at the bottom of the Criteria pop-up to return to the Workflow Triggers tab.

Workflow Triggers Scenarios
  • You want an email to be sent to parents if a student is withdrawn from a campus. Set a workflow trigger to make this happen.
  • You also want to set a Portal Alert that appears to system administrators when a student’s Permissions for Internet are not checked. Set a workflow trigger to make this happen.
  • You want an attendance letter to be created in the Letter Queue when a student reaches the attendance threshold. Set a workflow trigger to make this happen.

(The answers are provided in the Focus University Video Course.)

Activity: Setting Up Workflow Triggers for Notifications

Objective: Learn how to configure workflow triggers that automatically generate notifications based on specified criteria when student or user records are modified.


  1. Access Workflow Triggers:
    • In the Setup menu, click on Edit Rules & Workflow.
    • Navigate to the Workflow Triggers tab to begin adding a new trigger.
  2. Select Field Type:
    • Ensure you select the correct field type from the pull-down menu. The default is Student Fields, but you can also choose from District Fields, User Fields, and others (note that School Fields, Discipline Incident Fields, and Referral Fields are not applicable for workflow triggers).
  3. Create a New Workflow Trigger:
    • Use the top row of the table to add a new workflow.
    • The Enabled check box is automatically selected; leave it checked to enable the rule.
  4. Name Your Workflow Trigger:
    • Enter a meaningful Name for the workflow trigger, as this will serve as the subject line for emails and alerts.
  5. Select the Type of Notification:
    • Choose from the following options in the pull-down:
      • Communication Template
      • Email
      • Letter Queue
      • Portal Alert
    • Note: If using a Communication Template, ensure the necessary templates are created and available for selection.
  6. Select a Letter/Template:
    • If applicable, choose a specific Letter/Template from the pull-down menu that will be sent or generated.
  7. Determine Notification Recipients:
    • For Student Fields: Check the Affected Student and/or Parent check boxes to notify the respective individuals when changes occur in the students record.
    • For User Fields: Check the Affected User box to notify users when their records are updated.
  8. Enable Letter Logging:
    • If using Email or SMS as the Type, check the Letter Logging box to save a record of the communication in the students Letter Logging tab.
  9. Specify Recipients:
    • Use the Recipient Users pull-down to select specific users to be notified upon data changes.
    • Optionally, choose a Recipient Profile to alert all users associated with that profile.
  10. Add Custom Email Addresses:
    • If you want to notify specific email addresses not included in the other options, enter the email addresses in the Recipient Email Addresses text box.
  11. Save the Workflow Trigger:
    • Press the Enter key to save your new workflow trigger. The line should turn blue, indicating it has been successfully added.
  12. Define Trigger Criteria:
    • Click the Criteria button next to the rule to set the specifics of what will trigger the notification. A criteria pop-up window will appear.
  13. Select Trigger Fields:
    • Choose the appropriate Field from the pull-down menu that will activate the workflow when it is modified.
  14. On Change Activation:
    • Check the On Change box if you want the workflow trigger to take effect upon changes to the selected field.
  15. Apply Conditional Logic:
    • If necessary, check the Not box to specify that the trigger activates only when the field is not equal to a specified value.
  16. Enter Trigger Values:
    • Input the Value that will activate the trigger. For select fields, a list of allowable options will appear.
  17. Complete the Criteria Setup:
    • After entering the necessary information, press Enter to save. The line should turn blue to confirm the save.
  18. Use Match Queries (Optional):
    • You can enter a query in the Match Query section for more complex criteria. Refer to the yellow box for query requirements.
  19. Configure Match Conditions:
    • Check Match Any to indicate that the workflow will trigger if any criteria are met (using or logic). Leave it unchecked for all criteria to be met (using and logic).
  20. Finish and Return:
    • Once all criteria have been set, click Done at the bottom of the Criteria pop-up to return to the Workflow Triggers tab.
  21. Test Your Workflow Trigger:
    • To ensure the workflow trigger functions as expected, make a change to the selected student or user record that meets the defined criteria and verify that the appropriate notifications are sent.

Reflection: Discuss the potential impacts of implementing workflow triggers on communication efficiency within the school or district. Consider scenarios where automated notifications could improve response times or enhance communication with students and families.

SQL Triggers

The SQL Triggers feature allows users to trigger Positive Behavior Badges to the Student & Parent Portal based on a query tied to attendance, student, grade, schedule, test history scores, or other applicable tables.

SQL Triggers requires the set up of the scheduled job, SQL triggers, via Setup > Scheduled Jobs.

1. In the Setup menu, click Edit Rules & Workflow.

2. Click the SQL Triggers tab to add a new trigger.

Edit Rules & Workflow

3. Before making any alterations to the SQL Triggers tab, be sure to select the correct fields from the pull-down. It defaults to Student Fields. The other options include District Fields, User Fields, School Fields, Discipline Incident Fields, and Referral Fields.

Edit Rules & Workflow

SQL Triggers do not exist for User Fields, School Fields, Discipline Incident Fields, or Referral Fields.

4. Any existing SQL triggers are listed in the table. Use the top row of the table to add a new trigger.

Edit Rules & Workflow

5. The Enabled check box is automatically selected. Clear the check box if you do not want the rule to be enforced automatically. This check box is essentially the on/off button.

Edit Rules & Workflow

6. Enter a Name for the SQL trigger.

Edit Rules & Workflow

7. Enter the Notification for the SQL trigger; the text entered here displays as the notification on the student/portal alert.

8. Select/enter the Start Date and End Date to assign the timeframe for which the SQL trigger is active. The Start Date is required, but the End Date is optional.

Edit Rules & Workflow

9. Select the Table from the pull-down to determine the table to which the query should be applied.

Edit Rules & Workflow

10. Enter the query in the Criteria text box.

Edit Rules & Workflow

11. Enter the Number of Badges that should be awarded when the SQL is triggered in the provided text box.

Edit Rules & Workflow

12. Select the Positive Behaviors badge(s) from the provided pull-down that should be awarded when the SQL is triggered.

Edit Rules & Workflow

13. Press the Enter key to add the trigger. The line turns blue when it has been added. The information here is auto-saved; there is no save button on this screen.

Edit Rules & Workflow

When the scheduled job has run and the SQL has been triggered, the following takes place:

  • Badges are pushed out to portal pages, as show in the Student Portal below.
  • Discipline > Positive Behavior Awards report displays the triggered badges.
  • District & School Badges are honored.
  • Start and End Years are honored.
Editing and Deleting Edit Rules & Workflow

1. In the Setup menu, click Edit Rules & Workflow.

2. Click the applicable tab to edit or delete data.

Edit Rules & Workflow

3. Before making any alterations to the applicable tab, be sure to select the correct fields from the pull-down. It defaults to Student Fields. The other options include District Fields, User Fields, School Fields, Discipline Incident Fields, and Referral Fields.

Edit Rules & Workflow

4. Click any of the fields displayed to make edits. You can also select or clear check boxes and change selections made from pull-downs. Changes save automatically.

Edit Rules & Workflow

5. Click the Criteria, Linked Fields, Alert Icon, and/or Execute SQL button to edit additional information.

From the applicable pop-up window, you can change the selection from pull-downs, clear or select check boxes, and edit text boxes. Changes saves automatically.

Edit Rules & Workflow

Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete criteria, linked fields, etc. from within the different pop-up windows.

Edit Rules & Workflow

6. Click the delete button (red minus sign) on any of the tabs to delete the entry and all attached criteria.

Edit Rules & Workflow

a. From the confirmation pop-up window, click OK. says
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