Documentation for Administrators

FS & FD History

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The FS & FD History screen allows users to view the current and historical FS and FD records for a student.

Viewing FS & FD History

1. In the Ohio Reports menu, click FS & FD History.

FS & FD History

2. In the Student Search screen, enter search criteria to locate the student and click Search.

See Searching for Students for more information on the various ways to search for students.

FS & FD History

3. In the search results, click the applicable student.

4. At the top of the screen, select the Record Type, FD - Student Attributes or FS - Student Standing.

5. Select Pull History From All Years to pull the student's history from all school years. Leave unselected to view the current school year information only.

FS & FD History

The Current Record section of the screen displays the values that currently exist for the student.

FS & FD History

The History Records section of the screen displays the historical values. If "Pull History From All Years" was not selected, the table will only display the current record.

FS & FD History

6. In the Current Record section of the screen, click a field to open the Student Info screen in a new tab. You will be automatically navigated to the category that contains the field you clicked on. You can make any changes to the student fields as needed.

FS & FD History

7. Make any edits to the History Records table as needed. Your changes will auto-save.

FS & FD History
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