The Generate Pre-IDs screen is used to generate a pre-ID extract for PSAT NMSQT, ACT, Gifted, or Ohio State Assessments.
1. In the Ohio Reports menu, click Generate Pre-IDs.
2. Select the Extract.
Depending on the extract selected, the remaining settings will differ.
a. Select the Effective Date to use to pull the extract.
b. Select the Season: Fall or Spring.
c. Select the Graduation Cohort. One or multiple can be selected.
d. Select the File Type: CSV, SQLite DB, Text (flat file), or XLSX.
a. Select the Effective Date to use to pull the extract.
b. Select the Schools. One or multiple can be selected.
c. Select the Graduation Cohort. One or multiple can be selected.
d. Select the Delivery Format: Online or Paper.
e. Select the File Type: CSV, SQLite DB, Text (flat file), or XLSX.
a. Select the Effective Date to use to pull the extract.
b. Select the File Type: CSV, SQLite DB, Text (flat file), or XLSX.
3. Click Generate.
The file will download to your computer.