Documentation for Administrators

Attendance Summary

Updated on

The Attendance Summary allows users to generate a file containing attendance hour information for students. The report can be generated for a single student, all students at a school, or all schools in the district.

Generating the Attendance Summary

1. In the Ohio Reports menu, click Attendance Summary.

Attendance Summary

2. The Start Date and End Date default to the fiscal start and end dates for the current year. Adjust the dates, as needed.

3. Select All Schools to generate the report for all schools in the district. Leave unselected to generate the report for the school you are currently viewing.

4. Select Include Inactive to include inactive students in the report.

5. If you have a student selected in the header, the option Limit Report to student name (student ID) is displayed. Select the check box to only include that student in the report.

Attendance Summary

6. Click Generate Report.

When running the report for a single school, it may take up to 30 seconds to generate. When running the report for all schools, it may take up to 10 minutes to generate.

When the report finishes generating, the file will download to your computer for review.

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