Documentation for Administrators

Ohio Reports Setup

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The Ohio Reports Setup screen is used to set options for various state reporting functions.

Setting Up Attendance Patterns

The Attendance Patterns tab is used to set the Max Year, Title, and Short Name for attendance patterns. The Attendance Pattern is assigned to students on the Enrollment record.

1. In the Ohio Reports menu, click Ohio Reports Setup.

Ohio Reports Setup

2. Click the Attendance Patterns tab on the left side of the screen.

Ohio Reports Setup

3. To edit an existing attendance pattern, update the Max Year, Short Name (code) or Title as needed. Your changes will auto-save.

Ohio Reports Setup

4. To add an attendance pattern, select the Max Year (if applicable), and enter Short Name (code) and Title in the blank row. Press Enter to add the row.

Ohio Reports Setup
Setting Up Course Subject Codes (State Course Numbers)

The Course Subject Codes (State Course Numbers) tab is used to define which subject codes are used in state reporting. Subject codes can be designated as valid for the Initial, Mid, or Final reporting period, or can be excluded from state reporting.

Subject codes are assigned to courses in the Course Catalog.

1. In the Ohio Reports menu, click Ohio Reports Setup.

Ohio Reports Setup

2. Click the Course Subject Codes (State Course Numbers) tab on the left side of the screen.

Ohio Reports Setup

3. To edit an existing subject code, update the School Year, Subject Code, Subject Title, Valid for Initial check box, Valid for Mid check box, Valid for Final check box, and/or Exclude from State Reporting check box. Your changes will auto-save.

Ohio Reports Setup

4. To add a subject code, enter the School Year, Subject Code, and Subject Title. Select the Valid for Initial, Valid for Mid, Valid for Final, and/or Exclude from State Reporting check boxes as needed. Press Enter to add the row.

Ohio Reports Setup
Setting Up DN Calendar Dates

The DN Calendar Dates tab allows the district to define dates where school is not in session or dates that are not the typical school day length and apply them to one or multiple schools.

1. In the Ohio Reports menu, click Ohio Reports Setup.

Ohio Reports Setup

2. Click the DN Calendar Dates tab on the left side of the screen.

Ohio Reports Setup

3. In the School pull-down, select one or multiple schools.

Any previously entered records for the selected school(s) will be listed.

Ohio Reports Setup

4. To add a new record, select the Attribute in the first row of the table.

5. Select the Date.

6. Select an option from the Text pull-down. This indicates which students are affected.

7. Enter a Number of hours, if applicable.

8. Enter a Comment, if desired.

9. Click Add.

Ohio Reports Setup

10. To modify an existing record, make the desired changes and click Save.

Ohio Reports Setup

11. To delete an existing record, click Delete.

Ohio Reports Setup
Setting Data Set Dates

The Data Set Dates tab allows the district to set the default effective date, window start date, and window end date for data sets and reporting periods.

1. In the Ohio Reports menu, click Ohio Reports Setup.

Ohio Reports Setup

2. Click the Data Set Dates tab on the left side of the screen.

Ohio Reports Setup

3. Select the Data Set to set dates for.

4. Select the Reporting Period to set dates for.

5. Select the Effective Date, Window Start, and Window End.  

6. Click Set Dates when finished.

Ohio Reports Setup

7. Repeat this process for other data sets and reporting periods.

Setting Up District Options

The District Options tab contains options used in various Ohio Reports programs.

1. In the Ohio Reports menu, click Ohio Reports Setup.

Ohio Reports Setup

2. Click the District Options tab on the left side of the screen.

Ohio Reports Setup

3. Select Don't Extract Student SSN if the district does not want to extract student social security numbers in state reporting.

4. Click Set Ohio Options when finished.

Ohio Reports Setup

A green check mark displays next to the option to indicate it has saved.

5. To copy over the option set in the current year to the next school year, click Rollover Ohio Options.

Ohio Reports Setup

A green check mark displays above the button when the process is finished.

Setting Up Grade Schedules (DL)

The Grade Schedules (DL) tab is used to set up the Grade Schedule (DL) Records that are reported for the Initial and Final Calendar (C) Collections.  

1. In the Ohio Reports menu, click Ohio Reports Setup.

Ohio Reports Setup

2. Click the Grade Schedules (DL) tab on the left side of the screen.

Ohio Reports Setup

3. To add a grade schedule, select the School Year in the top row of the table.

4. Select the District IRN.

5. Select the Building IRN.

6. Select the Grade Level.

7. Select the Attendance Pattern.

8. Select the School Start and School End dates.

9. Enter the Hours Per Day.

10. Press Enter to add the row.

Ohio Reports Setup

11. To update an existing grade schedule, update the applicable fields. The changes will auto-save.

Adding Local IRNs

The Local IRNs tab is used to add local IRNs that are not listed in official files for use in Focus.

1. In the Ohio Reports menu, click Ohio Reports Setup.

Ohio Reports Setup

2. Click the Local IRNs tab on the left side of the screen.

Ohio Reports Setup

3. To add a local IRN, select the Max Year in the blank row at the top of the table, if applicable. This is the max school year this IRN will be available for use.

4. Enter the IRN.

5. Enter the Title associated with this IRN.

Ohio Reports Setup

6. Press Enter to add the row.

7. To update an existing IRN record, update the applicable fields. The changes will auto-save.

Updating Schools

The Update Schools tab is used to upload the school file from EMIS for use in state reporting.

1. In the Ohio Reports menu, click Ohio Reports Setup.

Ohio Reports Setup

2. Click the Update Schools tab on the left side of the screen.

Ohio Reports Setup

3. Click Choose File and select the school file from your computer.

4. Once the file is selected, click Upload.

Ohio Reports Setup
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