Documentation for Administrators

Student Attendance Reports

Updated on

The Student Attendance Reports pull based on the generated extract data from TSDS Extracts for submission 3.

Downloading the Student Attendance Reports

1. In the Texas Reports menu, click Student Attendance Reports.

Student Attendance Reports - Google Chrome

2. Select the Attendance Report to generate.

3. Select the Report Level. The report can be generated for District Level Data, Campus Level Data, or both.

4. In the Selected Student File pull-down, select the Focus Default file or another file.

The available files come from InsterchangeStudent upon generating this extract for TSDS Submission 3.

5. In the Selected Attendance File pull-down, select the Focus Default file or another file.

The available files come from InsterchangeStudentAttendance upon generating this extract for TSDS Submission 3.

6. Select the Campus(es) to include on the report.

7. Select the Grade Level(s) to include on the report.

8. Select the Reporting Period(s) to include on the report.

9. Click Download PDF.

Student Attendance Reports - Google Chrome

The PDF is downloaded to your computer. If there isn't any data generated from the attendance extract for submission 3, then the reports will not generate, and an error message will populate saying "Print PDF Failed."

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