Documentation for Administrators

TEA Family Portal

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Texas districts can allow parents and students access to the TEA Family Portal directly from Focus. When "TIDE Access Code" student field is populated for a student, the Texas Assessment button becomes available on the Parent/Student Portal. Clicking this button opens, which provides access to the student's assessment information.

TEA Family Portal Setup

Please contact your support representative for additional help on implementing this feature in your district.

1. In the Students menu, click Student Fields.

Student Fields

2. Click the Fields tab.

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3. Locate the TIDE Access Code field and click Edit Field.

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4. From this screen, you can determine where the field is placed via a Category, which Profiles have View and Edit Access to the field, and more. For detailed information regarding each field option, see Student Fields > Adding a Field.

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The Profiles selected from the View Access and Edit Access pull-downs determine who can view the field and who can view and edit the field.

5. When all selections have been made and set up is complete, click Save. You can also click Cancel to return to the main Student Fields screen with no changes made.


See Student Fields more information on setting up student fields.

6. Enter the Access Code for students in Students > Student Info > TIDE Access Code text box. Districts can either manually update the TIDE Access Code for students or the Focus Importer can be utilized to import the code from the file generated by Cambium. See Setup > Importer for more information.

Student Info

The Texas Assessment button will automatically appear in the Student Portal block on both the Student and Parent portals when the following conditions are met:

  1. Access Code: A unique, six-character alphanumeric code generated for each student in TIDE.
  2. Date of Birth: An eight-character string in MMDDYYYY format.
  3. Student First Name: Up to 12 characters, as recorded in TIDE.
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