Documentation for Administrators

Precode Extracts

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The Precode Extracts screen is used to generate the precode files containing student data that are submitted to the state for state assessments.

Generating Precode Extracts

1. In the Texas Reports menu, click Precode Extracts.

2. In the Test Administration pull-down, select the assessment for which to generate the file.

The rest of the options on the screen will change depending on the assessment selected.

Options for STAAR Alternate 2

a. Select the check box for each EOC subject to use to generate the file.

b. Select the EOC Retake File Only check box to only use the EOC retake file that you will upload in the next steps.

c. When using the EOC Retake File Only option, click the None link to upload a CSV file of retaker students.

d. If a previously used file is available, select the file in the Available File pull-down.

e. To upload a file, click Choose File and select the file from your computer.

Once the file is selected, the file name is displayed next to the Choose File button.

f. Click Choose/Upload File.

g. Click Close Window when finished.

Options for STAAR End-of-Course

a. Select the check box for each EOC subject to use to generate the file.

b. Select the EOC Retake File Only check box to only use the EOC retake file that you will upload in the next steps.

c. When using the EOC Retake File Only option, click the None link to upload a CSV file of retaker students.

d. If a previously used file is available, select the file in the Available File pull-down.

e. To upload a file, click Choose File and select the file from your computer.

Once the file is selected, the file name is displayed next to the Choose File button.

f. Click Choose/Upload File.

g. Click Close Window when finished.

3. Select the File Format.

Selecting HTML will display the records in a table for review and verification after clicking Generate Extract. Selecting CSV will generate a CSV file for submission to the state.

4. Select the Effective Date using the date pull-downs or calendar icon.

Options for STAAR Grades 3-8

a. In the Online Test Group Name field, select the subject from the pull-down and enter the online test group name.

5. Click Generate Extract.

If CSV was selected as the File Format, a CSV file is downloaded to your computer. If HTML was selected as the File Format, the file data is displayed on the screen in a table.

6. To refine the list of students in the HTML view, enter search criteria in the Search field and press Enter.

The report is filtered based upon the search criteria entered.

7. To export the report as a CSV file, click the export icon.

The file is downloaded to your computer.

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