Documentation for Administrators

Enrollment Discrepancies

Updated on

The Enrollment Discrepancies screen is used to identify and correct enrollment errors that may skew the results of reports. Errors include missing/incorrect attendance calendars, missing/incorrect grade levels, all enrollment records marked as "Second School," and missing or future enrollment start dates or start dates that occur after the enrollment end date. Certain data, such as the Enrolled School Calendar(s), can be updated and saved directly on the report.

Calendars must be correct for attendace to be correct.

Viewing Enrollment Discrepancies

1. In the Texas Reports menu, click Enrollment Discrepancies.

The report is loaded for the school you have selected at the top-right.

2. To view the report for all schools, select Include All Schools.

3. To refine the report, enter search criteria in the Search field and press Enter.

The report is filtered by the search criteria entered.

4. Click the Student ID (Local) link to open the student's record in a pop-up window. Here you can view and edit enrollment data as needed.

5. To change data directly on the report, such as the Enrolled School Grade Level(s) and the Enrolled School Calendar(s), make the selections from the pull-downs.

When a field is open for editing, this indicates that the field needs to be updated or corrected.

6. Click Save.

7. To export the report as a CSV, click the export icon.

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