Documentation for Administrators

PEIMS Exceptions

Updated on

The PEIMS Exceptions screen is used to generate reports to help identify potential problems with data that may cause issues when the data is extracted.

Generating PEIMS Exceptions Reports

1. In the Texas Reports menu, click PEIMS Exceptions.

2. Select the Submission.

3. Select the effective date using the date pull-downs or calendar icon.

4. Select All Schools to generate a report for all schools.

5. Click the report to generate in the side menu.

PEIMS Exceptions

To find a specific report in the list, enter the first few words of the report name in the Search box and then click the desired report.

6. To collapse the side menu and make the report area larger, click the X.

PEIMS Exceptions

7. To re-display the side menu, click the arrow.

PEIMS Exceptions

8. To change the effective date for a report, select the date using the date pull-downs or calendar icon and click Refresh Date.

PEIMS Exceptions

9. To refine the report data, enter search criteria in the Search box, such as a student ID, and press Enter.

PEIMS Exceptions - Google Chrome

10. Click a student's name to open their record in a pop-up window.

PEIMS Exceptions - Google Chrome

To understand how a student was placed on the Students With More Than 6 CTE Hours report, you can use a debugging tool that was built into the reports. To show the schedule records that are being counted, add &show_student={STUDENT_ID} to the end of the URL in the address bar while viewing the Students With More Than 6 CTE Hours report, replacing {STUDENT_ID} with the student's local ID that you want to view.

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