Teacher Completion
Added a setting (Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Attendance) called ‘Enable checkbox on Attendance Completion Report to show additional section data.” When enabled the following changes will occur:
- The “Courses/Section Numbers” checkbox is selected by default.
- The “Click the red Xs to take attendance for the teacher” tooltip at the top of the screen is removed.
- All the applicable sections display in the corresponding period column.
- Upon clicking the section link for the applicable period, the Take Attendance (Teacher Programs) screen opens.
- If the “Summary over timeframe” check box is selected, the report will continue to display the number of times attendance was not taken in the applicable period over the specified timeframe.
- If the “Show teachers who took attendance late” check box is selected, the applicable section will display in the applicable period column.
- If all three options are selected (Summary over a timeframe, Show teachers who took attendance late, Course/Section Numbers), the number of days within the timeframe specified in which attendance was not taken or taken late display in the applicable period columns.
- To revert back to the original screen that displays with the red Xs, clear the selection of the “Course/Section Numbers” check box.
Added an “Attendance SMS” scheduled job (Setup > Scheduled Jobs), which sends text messages to parents/guardians for students who match the attendance code selected from the new “Attendance Mobile Alert” pull-down selected via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Attendance tab. The following settings have also been added:
- Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Attendance tab: “Attendance Mobile Message” allows users to enter the applicable message to be texted to parents/guardians in the provided text box.
- Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > General tab: The Attendance SMS service is Integrated with a cloud communications service company named Twilio; the following settings provide required information for the district’s Twilio accounts, which allows texts to be sent on behalf of the district: “Twilio Number,” “Twilio SID,” and “Twilio Auth Token.”
- Text messages will be sent to students’ contacts if the “SMS” check box is selected via Students > Student Info > Addresses & Contacts tab > Phone & Contact Details section. Parents also have the option to opt out of text messages; in order for users to make this indications, the “UNSUBSCRIBE” check box must be selected.
Updated the Discipline module with an improved interface and workflow.
- Note: For more details on the migrations involved in the update, please contact Focus support or your Account Executive.
- Discipline referral fields previously set up in the Referral Form screen (database: discipline_fields) are now housed in the new Referral Fields screen, which mimics the functionality and structure of student fields, user fields, and school fields.
- Referral fields now use the following database tables: custom_fields, custom_fields_select_options, custom_field_log_entries, custom_field_log_columns, custom_field_categories.
- Referral fields have the source class value “SISDisciplineReferral.”
- All existing referral fields have been migrated to the category “Referral” on the Referral Fields screen. Additional categories can be created, such as for referrals for specific schools.
- Discipline incident fields previously set up in the Discipline Incident Fields screen (database: discipline_incident_fields) are now housed in the new Incident Fields screen.
- Incident fields now use the following database tables: custom_fields, custom_fields_select_options, custom_field_log_entries, custom_field_log_columns, custom_field_categories.
- Incident fields have the source class value “SISDisciplineIncident.”
- All existing incident fields have been migrated to the category “Incident.”
- Texas state reporting and Florida state reporting schools or districts must now use Referral Codes & Actions in the Discipline menu. If your school or district implemented Referral Codes & Actions prior to your Version 9.1 upgrade, your existing Referral Codes & Actions values will be utilized and migrated to Referral Fields. If your school or district has not implemented Referral Codes & Actions prior to your Version 9.1 upgrade, the migration will convert your discipline codes and actions to Referral Codes & Action values.
- All queries including select one, select multiple, or logging fields from discipline_incidents and discipline_referrals will need to be adjusted to reflect the new database schema. These may include District Reports, Edit Rules & Workflow and Match SQL in student/user/school fields.
- Referral Fields and Discipline Incident fields have been added as options in the Permission Type pull-down in Users > Profiles to set and view profile permissions to each field.
- The Add Referral screen and Add a Discipline Incident screen have been updated. Required fields are highlighted in red and have an asterisk. Errors are listed along the right side of the screen.
- In Edit Rules & Workflow, validations and linked fields can now be set up for Referral Fields and Discipline Incident Fields. For Florida and Texas districts, a standard set of edit rules are included in the upgrade.
- The Referrals screen and Discipline Incident screen have been updated. Options are now displayed at the top-right of the screen with new icons.
- The Referral Log screen has been updated to generate a student list after searching for students. Referrals can be printed for an individual student or multiple students.
Teacher Completion
- Added a setting (Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Grading) called “Enable checkbox on Grades Completion Report to show additional section data.” When enabled the following changes will occur:
- The “Courses/Section Numbers” checkbox is selected by default.
- The “Click the red Xs to post grades for the teacher” tooltip at the top of the screen is removed.
- All the applicable sections display in the corresponding period column.
- Upon clicking the section link for the applicable period, the Post Final Grades (Teacher Programs) screen opens.
- To revert back to the original screen that displays with the red Xs, clear the selection of the “Course/Section Numbers” check box.
My Calendar
Added the My Calendar feature, which allows administrators, teachers, parents, and students to create their own calendar events. My Calendar is in the Users menu for administrators, and in the My Information menu for teachers, parents, and students. Teachers can share calendar events with parents and students in their sections, and administrators can share calendar events with staff, parents, and students in their school. Administrators with permission can add public calendar events, available to all users in the selected school(s). Teachers and administrators can also set up blocks of time, making them available for parents and students to request conferences.
- Profile Permissions:
- Administrator - Selecting “View” for My Calendar allows the administrator to use the My Calendar feature to set up event categories, set availability for conferences, add events, and request parent conferences. Selecting “Can post public events” allows the administrator to post a public event to all the staff, parents, and students at the selected school(s). Public events display on My Calendar as well as the Upcoming Events Portal block (attendance_calendar events).
- Teacher - Selecting “View” for My Calendar allows the teacher to use the My Calendar feature to set up event categories, set availability for conferences, add events, and request parent conferences.
- Parent - Selecting “View” for My Calendar allows the parent to use the My Calendar feature to set up event categories and add events. Selecting “View” for Request Conference gives the parent access to the Request Conference screen on the Portal in Featured Programs and in the My Information menu, where the parent can make a request for a conference from the teacher’s availability and view the status of the conference request (pending approval or approved/denied).
- Student - Selecting “View” for My Calendar allows the student to use the My Calendar feature to set up event categories and add events. Selecting “View” for Request Conference gives the student access to the Request Conference screen on the Portal in Featured Programs and in the My Information menu, where the student can make a request for a conference from the teacher’s availability and view the status of the conference request (pending approval or approved/denied).
- All users can set up Event Categories to organize the events on their calendar.
- Teachers and administrators can set up their availability for conferences in the Availability Settings.
- All users can set up one-time or recurring events on their calendar.
- Teachers can share calendar events with parents and students in their sections, and administrators can share calendar events with staff, parents, and students in their school. Administrators with permission can create public events shared with all staff, parents, and students at the selected school(s).
- Teachers and administrators can request a parent conference with a particular parent. The parent will receive an email with a link for the parent to select a date and time from the teacher/administrator’s availability.
- Parents and students can also go to Request Conference to request a conference with a teacher, selecting from the teacher’s available dates and times. Up to three time slots can be requested.
- Teachers and administrators can approve or deny the conference requests.
Updated the portal so users can publish progress reports, report cards, custom report cards, and standard based report cards simultaneously with the most recent of each card displaying.
My Information > Final Grades & GPA
Added a permission via Users > Profiles for Parents and Students that gives parents and students the ability to print transcripts from the Final Grades & GPA screen: “Allow Parent to Print Transcripts” and “Allow Student to Print Transcripts.” Note: Districts must have a letterhead template selected from the “Default for Teachers, Parents & Students” pull-down via Setup > Letterhead Templates. The selected template must also have default settings applied via Grades > Transcripts.
Master Schedule Report
- Added the ability to save filtered versions of the Master Schedule Report and publish the reports to specific schools and profiles. This prevents having to reapply filters to the report every time it is accessed.
- Each tab of the Master Schedule Report now has a Save icon. After adding the desired filters, click the Save icon. In the pop-up, enter a Report Name, and click Save.
- The new report is now available in the pull-down next to the Save icon, along with the Default report. The trash can icon will delete the report. After making any new changes to the saved report, click the up arrow to update the report.
- The saved report is available in the Reports menu under My Reports, as well as in Saved Reports. In Saved Reports, the report can be shared with specific schools and profiles (if the user has the Edit permission to Saved Reports).
System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Parent Registration
- Added a new “Parent Registration” tab in Default School Preferences to house all the parent registration settings that were previously housed in auth config:
- The Path to Parent Registration
- Custom Verification Message
- Student id field that will need to be entered by parents
- Text for registering account
- Logo Url
- Title of the Parent Portal
- The County Name or title to use in emails and views
- Student is allowed to be added without verification
- Parents can get automatically authenticated if they have an SSN
- Allows authenticating based on the Student’s Username/Password
- The email address field that will be used when sending out verification emails
- Social security field that will need to be entered by parents
- Student column that is used for verification
- The State ID field that can be entered by parents instead of SSN
- The birthday field that will need to be entered by parents
- The email address field that will be used for parents
- Choose Parent Profile
- Custody Alert Field
- Replace the intro page text with custom HTML
- Replace the success page text with custom HTML
Advanced Report
Added a new option “Include students without log records in '{$field_name}'”/ “Include users without log records in ‘{$field_name’” that displays when a logging field is included on the students or users Advanced Report. When selected, all students/users who match the search results will display, regardless if they have a log record. Previously, only students/users who had a log record would display.
Print Letters & Send Email
- Added a “Course History Record” option to the “Attach to Tab” pull-down. Note: This option will display whether or not the selected schools are Post Secondary; however, when the option is selected, it will only have an effect on Post Secondary schools.
- When “Course History Record” is selected for multiple letters, the letters will display in a “Grade Report” pull-down via the students’ Course History screen.
- When “Course History Record” is selected for only one letter, a “Grade Report” button displays; when clicked, a PDF is generated.
- When “Course History Record” is selected for applicable letters, the new settings, “Add Letter to Queue for new posted grades” and “Email Letter for new posted grades” pull-downs are populated with select letters via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Grading.
- If a letter is selected from the “Add Letter to Queue for new posted grades” pull-down, when a grade is posted or changed, the letter is added to the Letter Queue.
- If a letter is selected from the “Email Letter for new posted grades” pull-down, when a grade is posted at a Post Secondary school, an email is sent to the corresponding student as well as the students’ custodial contacts.
- Added the “Course History” fields to Advanced Reports, which applies to Post Secondary schools as well as K-12 schools.
Funding Source Report
Added an “Invoice” tab to the Funding Source Report, which groups funding sources by invoice. This new report allows schools to identify what funding source invoices are outstanding, how long they’ve been outstanding, and what the balance due is. The report includes the Funding Source Invoice Date, and a “Subtotal” option to view the subtotal by funding source.
Payment Plans (New)
- Added screen called Payment Plans, which allows users to set up payment plans for unpaid invoices created via Point of Sale.
- Users have the ability to select the applicable “Facility” and “Customer” from the pull-downs, which pulls all unpaid invoices for the selected customer. Once all invoices are pulled, the user can select the “Payment Frequency,” such as quarterly, monthly, semi monthly, etc., enter the payment “Start Date,” and enter the number of payment periods (“# Payment Periods”). Once all information has been entered, users will be able to click a “View Payment Schedule” button to display a detailed Payment Schedule.
Updated the enrollment process with the following new features:
- In Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Online Application, the following new preferences have been added:
- “Require the user to select their desired school from a drop-down” - This preference is disabled by default. When enabled, a “Desired School” drop-down will display on the /apply page, populated with all schools except the Applicants school. The applicant will be required to select a school. This preference is intended for post-secondary.
- “Allow the user to select their desired course section from a drop-down. (Requires "Require School Selection" to be enabled.)” - This preference is disabled by default. The “Require the user to select their desired school from a drop-down” system preference must be enabled in order to use this preference. This preference adds the Program, Course, and Section drop-downs to the /apply page, which are populated based on the desired school selected. The applicant is not required to make Program, Course, and Section selections. This preference is intended for post-secondary.
- “Require the user to provide an email address to begin the application process” - This preference is enabled by default. When the preference is disabled, the email and password fields on the application are optional. If the applicant chooses not to track the application, then they will not be able to save and return to the application, as that button is removed. If this preference is disabled and the district uses email validation for the application, then if the applicant enters an email, they will receive the validation email. If the applicant does not choose to track the application, there is no validation email and the applicant can continue to the application.
- In Students > Online Enrollments, a new tab has been added for post-secondary schools, “Unprocessed Applications.” This tab will display a datatable containing students in the Applicants school who selected the top-right school as their desired school. If the preference “Require the user to select their desired school from a drop-down” is not enabled, then no students will display on this tab. If the preference “Allow the user to select their desired course section from a drop-down” is not enabled, then those columns will not appear in the table. If that preference enabled, then the columns will display in the table and will be populated with what the applicant selected. If the applicant did not select any of those options, they will be blank for that student.
Student Schedule
Added the ability for post-secondary teachers to schedule students into their own courses from the Student Schedule screen. This is controlled by the new Edit permission for the Student Schedule screen for teacher profiles, and new Edit permissions for Schedule Fields for teacher profiles. Teachers can only add courses they teach to student schedules. The Teacher pull-down in the “Search for a section to add” section of the screen is limited to the teacher’s name. When the system preference “Enable search entire school for teachers” is turned on, teachers can add their courses to a student schedule even when the student is currently scheduled into other teachers’ courses. Teachers can use the Mass Update feature, as well as view and print student invoices (with the proper ERP permissions).
Note: If the teacher has not yet posted grades for a course, they cannot edit the Dropped date on the student schedule. The message “You must post a grade before setting a drop date” displays in the Dropped column if the teacher has not yet posted grades.
Student Reauthorization
- Added a setting (Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Scheduling tab) called “Reauthorization - Ability to post grades within reauthorization,” which, when enabled, will add the following columns to the teachers’ Student Reauthorization screen:
- Grade: This column contains a “Grade” pull-down, which allows teachers to select a grade for the student. When a grade is selected and saved, a new grade record will be created and the student’s GPA will be recalculated. Note: Grades can be selected only when the grade posting window is open.
- Completion Code: This column contains a “Completion Code pull-down (previously called Schedule Enrollment Codes), which allows teachers to select a code which will apply to the student’s schedule record.
- Course Attendance: This column calculates the students’ attended hours in the course for the last three years; when saved, the attendance number displays on the students’ schedule record in the new field, Course Att Hours. Note: The field is uneditable.
- Competencies: This column contains a competency file upload. This field will allow uploads that will be saved to the grade record, if it exists. This upload field will display based on whether or not a grade has been entered and saved. Note: A grade record needs to be saved in order for this file upload field to function.
- If the setting is enabled, the screen name changes from “Student Reauthorization” to “Post Grades.”
- Updated so when a grade is posted from the Post Grades screen (Student Reauthorization screen), the student is removed from the Reauthorization Completion report (Scheduling > Reauthorization Completion).
Added a Services tab to the SSS > Setup screen, where districts can add services and ICD10 codes for Medicaid billing. Districts will designate which providers are allowed to use each service code. One or multiple providers can be selected per code.
Added a Providers tab to the SSS > Setup screen, where districts can set up custom providers. In SSS > Caseload & Service, when a Provider Role is selected when adding a service, the Service pull-down only displays the services the provider can use.
In Setup > Approval Flow, added “SSS Services” as a Flow Type. Districts can set up the approval flows for services to receive the proper signatures. Users in the approval flow will receive Portal alerts and emails when it is their turn to approve a service for billing.
Updated the SSS > Alerts screen to display the services that are pending approval. Clicking the link will take the user to the Pending Signature tab of SSS > Caseload & Services.
Added the Caseload & Services screen to the SSS menu. This screen is used to record services connected to a student’s IEP.
- Permissions: In Users > Profiles, there are View and Edit permissions for the Caseload & Services screen, as well as “View All Users.” Users with only the View permission can see the Caseload, Groups, and Service History tabs. Users with View and Edit permissions can see the Caseload, Groups, Service History, and Drafts tabs, as well as the “Add Student to My Caseload” button. Users in the SSS Services approval flow and users with the “View All Users” permission can see the Pending Signature tab. The Signature History tab will display if the user has past approvals/denials. Users with the “View All Users” permission can see the “View All Users” button on the Caseload, Service History, and Pending Signature tabs.
- The Caseload tab is used to add a service to a student and add a student to your caseload.
- The Groups tab is used to create groups with a title, service code, and description. A student can be assigned to a group from the Caseload tab after the student has been assigned to your caseload. Services can be added to the group, and customized for each student as needed.
- The Service History tab displays a list of all the services submitted, along with the approval status.
- The Drafts tab contains any unsubmitted drafts of new services.
- The Signature History tab displays the services you have approved/denied.
- The Pending Signature tab displays services pending your approval.
Form Builder
Added a new option “Don’t Print” to the Common Properties. When selected for a field, the field will be included when previewing and viewing the form but will not display on the printed form.
Added a Print button to rich text logging field columns (for student fields, user fields, or school fields), which generates a PDF that users can print. The style of the View/Edit button has been updated, along with the new Print button.
Added the ability to limit what columns (fields) are viewable/editable on the Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank screen depending on users’ profiles (Grades > Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank).
- Added “Use Individual Final Grades Field Permissions' via Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences tab > Grading tab.
- Added a “Final Grades Fields” Permission Type via Users > Profiles. Note: If the profile previously had permission to View and Edit Final Grades, GPA & Class Rank, all fields will be enabled by default.
Print Letters & Send Email/Edit Rules & Workflow
- In the Students menu, the old Print Letters & Send Email screen has been removed, and the “Print Letters & Send Email (new)” screen is now just called “Print Letters & Send Email.”
- Profile permissions for the old screen have been migrated to the new screen.
- Now users cannot edit or delete letters they did not create unless the new profile permission “Edit Letters Created By Others” is set. This profile permission is available for administrator profiles only.
- The “View” profile permission for teachers now allows teachers to add and edit letters of their own.
- A “Created By” column has been added to the Print Letters & Send Email screen to indicate who created the email/letter.
- The save/open icons (folder and disk icons) have been removed from the rich text editors.
- Issues with locking rows in read-only mode, closing the rich text editor when clicking outside the window, profiles and schools not showing saved values, and rows turning yellow and the Save button being triggered in read-only mode have been resolved.
- In the Users menu, the Print Letters & Send Email screen has been replaced with the new version.
- New profile permissions have been added: Publish Letters, Email Letters, and Edit Letters Created by Others.
- A new column in the letters table has been added to distinguish user letters from student letters: source_class (SISStudent or FocusUsers). A migration has been added to populate the source_class based on whether there are more student fields or user fields in existing letters (defaults to SISStudent).
- In the Setup menu, Edit Rules & Workflow has been updated to use the new Print Letters & Send Email functionality for students and users.
- The Workflow Triggers tab is now hidden when School Fields is selected.
- When Student Fields is selected, student letters are available in Workflow Triggers. When User Fields is selected, user letters are available in Workflow Triggers.
Attendance Chart
Updated so the course titles and course numbers were added to each record in the “Course” column when viewing the attendance breakdown for a single student.
Late Check In/Early Release
Updated so that the table is now the full width of the screen. The Photo, Student, and Student ID columns are now locked when scrolling horizontally. All column headers now lock when scrolling vertically. The Student name now includes the student alert icons. A new Grade column has been added to display the student’s grade level.
Added the Check In/Out button which allows the manual entry of student check ins/check outs.
Positive Behaviors
Added a new tab “Behavior Types” to the Setup Behaviors/Badges screen for administrators. This new feature allows behavior types to be created and assigned to behaviors for organizational purposes.
- When administrators add behaviors, the Type can be selected, as well as the Schools where this behavior will be available for use. Leaving the Schools pull-down blank will make the behavior available to all schools.
- Teachers can assign a Type to a behavior when adding behaviors (if teachers have permissions to add behaviors), but cannot set up the behavior types. Only the teacher’s assigned school will display in the Schools pull-down.
- The types are not visible to parents and students when viewing the badges on the Portal.
- The types display in the badge titles for teachers when assigning badges to students.
Gradebook Reports
Updated so the reports adhere to gradebook grouping settings; if sections are combined, the report displays all students for the selected group or period as opposed to data being section-specific.
Post Final Grades
Updated the “Use Gradebook Grades” column to be renamed “Use Gradebook.”
Added a “Start Date” and “End Date” column to reflect the students’ schedule Enrolled and Dropped dates.
Added “Mass Update” to Post Final Grades, which allows teachers to update the Comments, Conduct and/or Report Card Comments columns en masse. The Percent & Grade column is required to be entered manually. Mass assigned Longer Comments will be performed through previous functionality via the Mass assign longer course comments text box.
Added the Filters feature to all columns of the Post Final Grades screen.
Pull Grades for Report Cards
Updated so users can navigate away from the screen while running a pull. The pull will continue in the background and display a status upon returning to the screen. If a user has begun to pull grades, all other users will see the status and the user’s name to ensure another pull isn’t started.
The screen has been reorganized into three columns.
Added a “Grades in Progress” check box when printing transcripts, which works in conjunction to the “Courses in Progress” option. When selected, the printed transcript includes a section titled Courses In Progress which includes the Grade in Progress column.
Updated so that all credit values on transcripts display with decimals. For example, 1 displays as 1.0.
Added the option to “Use Simple PDF Format (For Digital Processing Only)” before generating transcripts; when this setting is selected, transcripts will be generated in an encoding format that will be readable by third-party services, such as Xello.
Updated so that Confirm and Cancel buttons display when checking in or out using the kiosk. Tapping Cancel will return the user to the Check In/Check Out screen, and no attendance records or log entries will be made for the student. Only after tapping Confirm will attendance or the log entry be recorded and a slip printed.
Added a Reprint Pass button below the Check In and Check Out buttons. When the button is tapped, and the student is authenticated, all available passes from today are shown for the student to select to print. Passes are available, if applicable, by period. If a student checks in and out of school during the same period, they would only have the check out slip available for printing.
Improved the error messages that display when entering an incorrect student ID and when attempting to check out a student in a kiosk mode other than attendance who does not have a check in.
Disabled autocomplete/autocorrect when entering a username when logging in to the kiosk.
Added the school name to the kiosk header to indicate the school selected on the kiosk.
Added the ability for teachers to log into the kiosk if they have permission to Take Attendance. Teachers only have access to the attendance mode in the kiosk. Only the teacher’s students can check in whose class period with the teacher is now or within 10 minutes of the next period. If the student checks in 10 minutes prior to the start of the class to 1 minute after the class starts, the student is marked present (the default code for the teacher). Otherwise, the student is marked tardy. If the teacher takes attendance via their computer and then the student checks in via the kiosk, the kiosk value will override the teacher’s attendance. Teachers and administrators can also override the attendance code entered by the kiosk.
Added a new “Switch User” option when clicking Logout in the kiosk. The new user can enter their username and password and log in without the previous user having to first log out.
Added alternating color stripes by date to the Planner display to more easily distinguish when assignments are due.
Made several user interface improvements, including:
- Login button turns gray when tapped on mobile.
- A spinner icon displays when processing a login attempt.
- Updated the appearance of the menu icon.
- Removed the underlines from the course links in the Summary.
- Reduced use of box shadows throughout the app, and updated the font throughout the app for consistency.
- Every screen now uses the same loader.
- Student names at the top of the Summary are no longer cut off vertically.
- Improved the load time of the Summary.
- Marking a student tardy now runs faster.
- The tabs at the top of the Summary are now the same size.
- Removed the barcode icon from the Messenger for parents.
- Updated so that after searching for and messaging a user, closing the window takes the user back to the message screen.
- Updated the message body and send button in the Messenger to be larger and easier to use.
- Messages in the Messenger can now be sent by pressing Enter or clicking Send.
Added the ability for users to enable or disable all school feeds or social media feeds, except those forced by the district or school. Also updated the School News Settings and Social Media Settings screens to list the user’s subscribed feeds first, then the unsubscribed feeds from a Linked School, and then unsubscribed feeds from other schools. Each grouping is sorted alphabetically. Setting a Linked School on a feed in the Community App screen now defaults the feed to active for all users at that school.
Added the ability for users with multiple profiles to switch between their profiles in the mobile app. Tap the menu icon and tap the Profile option at the bottom of the screen. Then tap the profile to switch to. The Profile option is only available to users with multiple profiles.
Improved the display of the Positive Behaviors module in the app to make it easier to add and remove badges, and fixed issues where some badges were not marked as Spent.
Updated the Messenger screen to refresh the list of messages every 5 seconds to display new messages. The sender for system messages now displays as “System Message.” When a message contains a table, the text in the table is now blue. When searching for a user to send a message to, you can now search using first or last names.
My Information > Class Requests
Updated so that students can request a course that they have already been scheduled into or have already taken when it is a state-defined multiple credit course, such as Marching Band.
Course Catalog
Added new columns to the Course Catalog, Prerequisites 1, Prerequisites 2 and Prerequisites 3 to set prerequisites for courses. The Prerequisites fields are pull-downs. Selecting multiple courses in one pull-down represents an “OR” relationship. For example, for a Math 2 course, selecting Math 1 and Math 1 Honors in the Prerequisites 1 pull-down indicates Math 1 OR Math 1 Honors is required to be scheduled into Math 2. Selecting a course in the Prerequisites 1, Prerequisites 2, and Prerequisites 3 columns represents an “AND” relationship. For example, if the prerequisites for a Programming 2 course are Math 1 AND Programming 1, then select Math 1 in the Prerequisites 1 pull-down and Programming 1 in the Prerequisites 2 column. The Prerequisites fields are also available on the course in Courses & Sections and in the Master Schedule Report. When prerequisites are set in the Course Catalog, these fields are locked in Courses & Sections and the Master Schedule Report.
Courses & Sections
Added a “Subs” tab to the section screen in Courses & Sections. The Subs tab displays the substitute teachers that have been assigned to the section in Attendance Setup > Subs, along with the start and end date. Only users with the “View Substitutes” permission for Attendance Setup can view this tab on the section screen. Users with the “View Substitutes” and “Edit Substitutes” permissions for Attendance Setup can add, modify, and delete substitutes from this tab on the section screen. Records that have been added, modified, or deleted in the Subs tab on the section screen will be reflected in Attendance Setup > Subs, and vice versa.
Updated the Co-Teachers tab on the section screen.
- Removed the pop-up to enter the start date, end date, and comment when selecting a co-teacher in the Co-Teachers tab.
- Added a filter to the Co-Teacher pull-down. The Co-Teacher pull-down now contains the name and staff ID.
- Removed the N/A option from the Permissions pull-down. The remaining options are None, Read Only, and Modify. The default when adding a co-teacher is Read Only.
- Added Start Date, End Date, Start Time, and End Time columns (Start Time and End Time is CTE only).
When changing the teacher on a section, a new pop-up now displays. The Current Teacher is pre-populated with the teacher being replaced. The Start Date is prepopulated with the first day of the marking period set on the section. For CTE schools, if the start date of the class set in the WDIS or Details tab is after the first day of the marking period, then that date is populated. The End Date is set to today’s date by default. A long text comment can be entered in the Comment box. Clicking Done will close the pop-up. The option to log the change has been removed. All changes are now logged in the History tab. Before saving the changes, there is now an Edit button that can be clicked to reopen the pop-up window and make changes.
Requests Reports
Updated so the “Requests” and “Credits” total on the Request Reports screen match those on the Student Requests screen logged via Scheduling > Student Requests.
Updated so when users are on the “Print Requests by Student” tab and the “Print Multiple Copies for Custodial Contacts at Separate Addresses” checkbox is selected, the generated PDF displays the correct number of credits as the credit total.
Schedule Report
Added a new option “Show Inactive Students” when viewing “List Students in this Section” or “List Students in this Course.” When selected, inactive students in the section or course are included in the list with a grayed-out background. The columns “Schedule Start Date,” “Schedule End Date,” and “Enrollment End Date” have been added.
Student Schedule
Added the ability for users to add courses to a student’s schedule when the prerequisites were not completed. This is controlled by the new profile permission “Allow User to Override Course Sequence” in Users > Profiles under Student Schedule. When adding a course that has a prerequisite that was not completed, a pop-up window displays where the user must select a Reason. A document can be uploaded and a comment entered. After clicking Save, the Sequence Override column is added to the Student Schedule, with a View/Edit button to view or edit the information. The ability to view or edit the Sequence Override column is controlled by Schedule Fields profile permissions.
Community App
Added the ability to upload custom images to use for link icons. For best results, the images should have a transparent background. Also, the Public Link checkbox is now a toggle button.
Links can now be rearranged be clicking and dragging the icons in the Links section on the Community App screen.
Form Builder
Updated so that text boxes and text areas will print as plain text rather than display the input borders. Also added a new radio group setting “Print Borderless.” When enabled, all unselected radio options (circles) in a radio group will be invisible when printing. Only the selected radio option (circle) will display, and the input borders will not display.
Added the ability to link a Collection to a radio group. For example, a student’s gender can be automatically selected in a radio group based on the student selected in the student dropdown.
Added a new e-signature setting “Timestamp.” When enabled, signatures will include a timestamp in the HH:MM AM/PM format, along with the user and date.
Added options to the Collections and Actions tabs to select the database type for the query, PostgreSQL or SQL Server. The query that matches the site's database will automatically be used. However, if the collection does not have a MSSQL query but the site is running on MSSQL, it will fall back to the Postgres query. This allows queries that do not need updates to work with MSSQL to work without any changes.
Import Staff Photos
Added the Import Staff Photos screen in the Setup menu to import staff photos using the same methods as importing student photos. Photos are imported using the user ID as the file name. The photo displays in User Info next to the staff member’s name.
- The appropriate permissions for Import Staff Photos must be set for the profile that will import the photos.
- A new option “Display User Images” is available in the Display Options tab in My Preferences, which controls whether staff photos display for the user.
Updated so when a user dismisses a report published to the School Folder, the report will only be dismissed from said user’s School Folder and will remain on all other users’ School Folders assigned the applicable profile.
Print Letters
Added the ability to email letters to Linked Users or Parent Contacts (parents with custody via a “Send to” pull-down. Note: This applies to School Choice only.
Resource Scheduler/Rooms
Updated the name of the screen to “Rooms.”
Removed the Schedule Resources tab. The Setup the Resources tab has been removed; however the features remain and are present when the + is clicked to add a category.
Updated the Rollover screen:
- District-wide rollover options are now separate from school-specific rollover options. Only users with Edit permissions to the Rollover screen for all active schools have access to the district-wide rollover options.
- If the district has a school field set up with the alias “school_level,” an additional pull-down called “School Type(s)” will display where the user can select the school type (e.g. high school) to limit the schools available in the “School(s)” pull-down.
- Added the ability to select one or multiple schools if the user has Edit permissions to the Rollover screen for multiple schools.
- Added an option to roll Positive Behaviors data in the District-wide Data options.
- Added a validation to the student enrollment rollover that an enrollment code must be selected.
School Choice Setup
Improved the layout of the rich text editors for the Continuity Statement, Application Notes, Custom Field Notes, and Legal Verbiage.
Increased the highest value in the preference “How many program choices can the user choose?” in the Customize Application tabs to 20.
Added new preferences “Zone Group: Restrict Programs when Address not in Address Catalog” and “Edit Zone Group Restrict Programs Statement” to the Customize Application tabs. When the preference is enabled and a statement is entered, the statement will display to the parent if the student’s address cannot be matched to an address in the Address Catalog. The programs that display as available to the parent will be restricted based on zone group.
Added a third application type called “Choice.”
System Preferences > District Preferences
Added a new system preference “Allow Logo Transparency.” This setting allows the background of the image to be transparent. This preference applies to the logo in the upper left when the user uses the sidebar menu option.
System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Grading
Added a setting that enables users to “Display the checkbox to include inactive students” on the Post Final Grades screen. If enabled, inactive students will be pulled for the entire school year. Note: This preference defaults to enabled.
Updated the “Honor Roll Calculation” pull-downs to allow selecting Any - 7.
System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Scheduling
(Florida only) Added a new system preference “Automatically update schedule class minutes for associated periods when Pull-out schedules are added, changed, or removed.” When this preference is enabled, the Class Minutes Weekly is automatically updated on the non-pull-out section when a pull-out section is added to the student’s schedule for the same period. If the pull-out section’s Class Weekly Minutes is updated or the pull-out section is removed from the student’s schedule, then the associated section’s Class Minutes Weekly will also update accordingly.
System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Scheduling
Added a new system preference “Set the Course History Term Equal to the Section Marking Period” to Default School Preferences. When this preference is enabled, the Course History Term field is removed from Courses & Sections, Master Schedule Report, and Course Catalog. The marking period set on the section in Courses & Sections or the Master Schedule Report determines the course history term.
Add a Student
Updated so the requirement for two letters in first and last name fields when searching for student records is no longer required. Therefore, users can now search for students based on Student ID only, SSN only, First Name only, Last Name only, Birthdate or Birth Year only, or Username only.
Updated Add a Student to allow searching on the birth year instead of full birthdate.
Modified the student search results so that exact matches are displayed at the top of the list.
Updated Add a Student to do fuzzy matching on First Name and Last Name, improving the search results when a user enters a partial first and last name. Search results are improved for students who have multiple first names, multiple last names, names with apostrophes, names with hyphens, and names with mixed capitalization.
Advanced Report
Added the Schedule Effective Date option when fields from the Teachers & Courses category are included on the report.
Updated so the Advanced Report now shows the Teacher - Room from the selected Schedule Effective Date, and takes into account scheduling records as it does scheduling fields. The marking period for the schedule record is checked to avoid displaying a class that the students had in a prior period but did not have during the period of the selected date.
Updated the Advanced Report so users can now add the schedule Effective Date to the top of the advanced report when the Teachers & Courses options are included. Previously the schedule Effective Date was only included when Schedule fields were added to the report.
Audit Trail
Added an Attendance tab, which displays records that were updated by administrative users. Attendance altered from the following screens display on the Attendance tab of the Students Audit Trail: Administration, Add Absences, Attendance Chart, Absence Summary, Late Check In/Early Release, Kiosk/Handheld Devices, Teacher Programs, and Take Attendance.
The following columns are displayed on the Attendance tab:
- Date: Lists the date the change to period attendance was made.
- Editing User: The name of the editing user.
- Student: The student’s name as Last Name, First Name.
- IP: The IP address as stored in the database_object_log.
- School: The school name associated with the period attendance change.
- Attendance Date: The attendance date record that was changed.
- Period: The period short name for the period attendance updated.
- Teacher: The name of the teacher tied to the attendance period record updated.
- Action: Only UPDATE records are logged; therefore, only the UPDATE action displays in this column.
Online Enrollments
Added Portal alerts for users who have Edit access to Online Enrollments when there are unprocessed requests awaiting approval.
Print Avery Labels
Added “Student ID Barcode” as a Student Demo field when users click “Insert a Field” via Custom Label > Edit link > Custom Label pop-up window. Inserting the “Student ID Barcode” field allows users to print barcodes that serve as student identification for scanning.
Student Info > Addresses & Contacts
Updated so that when a contact not attached to an address has a note, the contents of the note now display when hovering over the red note icon. For contacts attached to an address, the note contents already display when hovering over the contact.
Student Info
Updated so that when importing immunization records from FLShots for a student, a pop-up displays where the student must be confirmed, even if the student is a high-confidence match. Previously, immunization records were automatically imported for high-confidence matches.
Updated so that when importing immunization records from FLShots for a student, the pop-up displayed shows the students’ social security numbers to ensure it is an integer and does not include any letters. An alert displays alerting the user as to whether there is a match for the applicable students or not.
Updated the header links on the Demographic and Enrollment screens to include Grad (Graduation Requirements Report) and SSS (if the user has SSS permissions). Clicking the SSS link will open the Manage Student screen for that student.
Letter Queue
Added the Letter Queue screen for users, which previously only existed for students, which works in conjunction with the Edit Rules & Workflow, Print Letters & Send Email, Letter Log (User Info), and more.
Added the profile permission for Menu (Permission Type) and Admin (Role) titled “Letter Queue,” which allows users to view or view and edit the Letter Queue as enabled (Users > Profiles).
Added "Letter Queue” to the “Type” pull-down on the Workflow Triggers tab via Setup > Edit Rules & Workflow.
My Preferences
Updated so that the preference “Default Filters On” in the Display Options will default the filters on in Students > Advanced Reports.
Print Avery Labels (New)
Added a screen called “Print Avery Labels,” which functions similarly to Print Avery Labels for students; however, users can only print custom labels by clicking the “Customize Fields” link.
Users have access to the new screen when the profile permissions are enabled via Users > Profiles: “Print Avery Labels.”
User Fields/User Info
Added the “Letter Log” field, which when enabled allows Focus to record correspondences on the User Info screen made via Print Letters & Send Email, Letter Queue, etc.
Added the profile permission for User Fields (Permission Type) and Admin (Role) titled “Letter Log,” which allows users to Create, Delete, View, and Edit letter records as enabled (Users > Profiles).
Added Vouchers search fields to More Search Options for student searches. Searches can be conducted using Funding Source(s), Amount between, Start Date between, and End Date between.
Added the “Estimated Course Completion Date” and the “Billed” columns to the individual schedule field permission screen via Users > Profiles > Permission Type: Schedule Fields.
- Users can select the View check box to make the fields visible on the students’ schedules (Scheduling > Student Schedule) as long as the profile also has view rights to student schedules.
- Users can select the Edit check box to make the Billed column editable on the students’ schedules as long as the profile also has view rights to student schedules.
- The setting, “Allow Editing of the 'Billed' Column on the Student Schedule Record” must be enabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Billing tab in order for the Billed pull-down to be editable.
- The “Estimated Course Completion” column is not editable regardless of the edit permissions granted.
Funding Sources
Added Files and Comments boxes to the Receive Payment tab to allow files to be attached and comments added when a funding source, facility, and invoice are selected. The files and comments are reviewable in the Transaction History.
Funding Sources Report
Added the following error: “Please set the default funding source accounting strip in the accounts receivable settings” to display if a default accounting strip is not set up via Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivable tab > Default Accounting Strip for Funding Sources setting.
Point of Sale
Updated so that when a schedule record is deleted, but an invoice is still linked to the schedule, printing or reprinting the receipt does not include the schedule record.
Extended Day Credit (New)
Added the Extended Day Credit screen to the Billing menu, which gives users the ability to apply credit to all the students who had active schedule records in Before/ After Care programs during the time of the school closure, such as a hurricane day. The user would set the date(s), give a reason, and push a credit to the accounts where students were given the attendance code associated with the schools being closed in that time period.
Credits issued will be reflected on the following ERP screens: Accounts Receivable > Point of Sale; Accounts Receivable > Point of Sale > Transaction History tab; Accounts Receivable > Customer Ledger; and Budgeting/General Ledger > Journal Report.
Financial Aid Alerts
Added a “Students” column so users can select what Cost Reporting Code (Florida) or Instructional Program (California) should be considered for the alert. Previously, the alert only considered CRC 300 students for Florida districts. Note: The screen has been updated to include a Students CRC 300 selection for existing alerts previously set up.
Course History
Updated so users can print a “Grade Report” PDF for the course history for inactive students/students without an enrollment record regardless of the year selected from the school year pull-down.
Courses & Sections/Master Schedule Report
Updated so that the Active check box on a section can be deselected if the WDIS end date has passed, there have never been students scheduled into the section, or the students scheduled into the section have dropped the section prior to today and there are no students scheduled in the future.
Reauthorization Completion
Added a system preference, “Enable checkboxes on Reauthorization Completion Report to show additional data.” If enabled, the report displays the course name and course number in place of the red X in the corresponding period column (Course/Section Numbers check box is selected by default). The course can be linked just as the red X can be clicked to open the Reauthorization screen.
Schedule Enrollment Codes
Florida Only: Renamed the Schedule Enrollment Codes screen “Course Completion Codes” for all Post Secondary schools. All profile permissions that existed previously for Schedule Enrollment Codes will apply to the new screen. Note: The column heading on Student Schedules remain Schedule Enrollment Codes.
All Other States: Added a new screen titled Course Completion Codes for all Post Secondary schools, which allows users to set up course completion codes that will be used on students’ schedules.
Scheduled Jobs
Added a scheduled job called WDIS Total Hours, which updates the following schedule fields: CUSTOM_57 (Total Hours), CUSTOM_76 (Survey W Hours), CUSTOM_78 (Survey S Hours), CUSTOM_80 (Survey F Hours), ATT_HOURS_W (Survey W Attended Hours), ATT_HOURS_S (Survey S Attended Hours), and ATT_HOURS_F (Survey F Attended Hours).
Added a School Year option to the Attendance Scanner Absences scheduled job to select the school year the job should run for. The School Year defaults to default school year set in System Preferences.
Updated the Assign LCPs scheduled job so the initial value is reset to the correct value and the LCPs are recalculated; previously, if the initial value was set, the test was changed, but the initial functioning level and LCPs were not corrected.
System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Scheduling
Added the setting, Reauthorization - Create schedules without invoices, which allows administrators and teachers to reauthorize students and create schedules without creating invoices for said students.
Added the setting "Auto-Populate Course Dates using Marking Period" for post-secondary schools. When this preference is enabled, the class start and end dates are populated in the WDIS or Details tab based on the start and end dates of the marking period set on the section. Whether the preference is enabled or disabled, class start and end dates that fall out of the marking period date range cannot be saved. The start and end dates for substitute teachers or co-teachers cannot fall outside of the class start and end dates.
Advanced Report
Added “Assessment Standards” to the available fields in the Course History category.
Bulk Create Students (New)
- Added the Bulk Create Students screen, which allows CTE schools to enroll any number of students into a selected section simultaneously. Users will also be prompted to select a Funding Source, Start and End Date, as well as users, such as Parents, to be linked.
- The section/course to which the students are enrolled depends on a new System Preference enabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Scheduling tab:“Schedule the section with the most available seats for each course in Bulk Create Students.”
- When enabled, users can select the course from the “Enroll in Course” pull-down.
- When disabled, users can select the section from the “Enroll in Section” pull-down.
- Once students are enrolled, users can click the link to Student Info and updated information as necessary for all students added.
- The section/course to which the students are enrolled depends on a new System Preference enabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Scheduling tab:“Schedule the section with the most available seats for each course in Bulk Create Students.”
- Added a new Profiles permission to view and edit the Bulk Create Students screen (Users > Profiles).
Print Letters & Send Email
Added a new option “Schedule Record” to the “Attach to Tab” pull-down in Print Letters & Send Email. This allows letters to be printed from the Student Schedule. The columns “Print Form” and “Upload Form” have been added to the Student Schedule for post-secondary schools to print a form and to upload a completed form.
Scan Bubble Sheets
Added the ability to upload bubble sheets without having to process them right away. The “Upload PDFs for later processing” section is used to upload the bubble sheets. When the sheets are ready to be processed, use the “Use Preloaded File” pull-down to select the file to process.
Added an option to roll FAS questions linked to standards from one year to the next.
Added the applicable Facility and Date to the following Finance report headers when printed:
- Budgeting/General Ledger > Internal Accounts Activity Report
- Budgeting/General Ledger > Trial Balance > Trial Balance by GL report and Trial Balance by Fund report
- Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Invoice Report
- Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Check Report
- Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchase Request/Order Report > General Report, Detailed Report, and Item Report
- Accounts Receivable > Invoice Report > Invoice Reconciliation report
- Accounts Receivable > Receipt Report
- Accounts Receivable > Receivables Report
- Accounts Receivable > Funding Source Report
Added an “Inactive” column to Human Resources > Leave Maintenance > Groups tab. Users can select the “Inactive” check box to disable select bucket groups from displaying as a leave type in the added “New Balances” section via Employee Self Service > Employee Requests.
- The Employee’s balance for each leave type as displayed in the “New Balances” section also displays via Human Resources > Leave History, which includes colored highlighting for 3 ranges of balances (per hour):
- Red: < 0
- Orange: 0 <> 24
- Blue: > 24
Added an “Unapproved” tab to the Leave History screens, which displays the pending approval leave requests, accessible via Employee Self Service > Leave History, Human Resources > Leave History, or Human Resources > View ESS.
Updated all Accounts Receivable journals in to reduce the number of journals created through various actions, which improves performance, accuracy and readability of reports.
Customer Ledger
Updated the Simplified Ledger so the “Transaction Date” for Deferrals displays the date of deferral not the date of the invoice.
Invoice Report
Added a fiscal year pull-down to run the report for the selected fiscal year. Also added the Account Lookup button for additional search criteria.
Bank Reconciliation
Updated Bank Reconciliation so when a revenue manual journal is created and posted with negative and positive amounts via Budgeting/General Ledger > Manual Journals, positive and negative amount entries display so the manual journal total matches the manual journal reconciliation total via Bank Reconciliation > Upload reconciliation for applicable month > Outstanding Credits tab.
District Budget Planning
Added an “Import” button to the Budget Managers tab, which allows users to import budget managers.
Employee Requests
Added the requesting employee’s EIN (Employee Identification Number) to the request via the Pending Approval tab > View tab, which is linked to the employee’s name; the format is as follows: Employee Name: EIN.
- When the employee’s name/EIN link is clicked, a new browser tab opens to Human Resources > Employee with the employee’s form request selected. For the following request types: Demographic Info, Legal Name, and W4 Information, updated fields are now highlighted via Pending Approval tab > View.
- Updated so if a file and/or comment is attached the “Files & Comments” button is a lighter blue to match the “Has a File or Comment” legend.
Fixed Assets Report
Added an “Invoice Post Date (from)” and “Invoice Post Date (to) filter to the report, which adds a new column to the report when utilized called “Invoice Post Date.”
Take Inventory
Updated “Files” and “Comments” so they are now specific to the Building and Room selected upon taking inventory via the View Inventory tab. Any Files attached or Comments posted will now carry over to other inventory runs pertaining to the same Building and Room numbers selected. For example, if a Comment was posted for Facility: 0023 - Focus High School, Building: 1, Room: 001 - Library upon taking inventory, the same comment will display on all future inventory runs with the same Facility, Building, and Room selected.
Employment Agreement Maintenance
Added an “Employee” multiselect pull-down to the View/Create Agreements tab, which allows users to create agreements for specific employees without selecting Pay Type, Contract, or Facility. The new “Employee” pull-down displays all employees who have an active job as of the agreement publication date (or site date). If an employee's job has a current or future termination date, agreements can still be created for them as well.
Added a “Send Reminder” button to the Pending Agreements tab, which, when clicked, sends an email to employees reminding them that an employment agreement is pending review via the Employee Self Service (ESS) module. Employee can click the link in the email to navigate to Employee Self Service (ESS) > Employment Agreements > Pending Agreements tab.
Check Voids and Reallocations
Added an “Invalid Strips” pop-up window to display if a user tries to select an accounting strip that is invalid on the Reallocate tab. Previously, only a warning message would display.
Added a “Planned Changes” button to the Reallocate tab, which, when clicked, allows the user to preview the payroll reallocation results before submitting/processing changes.
Added an informative block of text below the Slots/Steps main table, which explains each type of supplement base rate calculation (in relation to the options shown in the Base column).
Updated so when rolling Employee Leave, only balances greater than zero (Hours) will now be rolled to avoid unnecessary records on the Earned tab via Human Resources > Leave History.
Approval Flow
Added an “Import” button to the Approval Substitutes tab, which allows users to import data from a CSV file.
Added an “Export” button to the Approval Substitutes tab, which allows users to export data to a CSV file.
Settings > Accounts Payable
Added a “Utility” option to the Subtype pull-down in the Purchase Order Subtypes section; previously, the only available option was Travel.
Settings > Facilities
Removed the Group column, and added a Deliver To column. Options include District, Internal, Both, and N/A. This allows districts to determine if a facility should display as an option in the Deliver To field on Purchase Requests/Orders. Selecting District will make the facility available for district purchase requests, selecting Internal will make the facility available for internal purchase requests, selecting Both will make the facility available for both district and internal purchase requests, and selecting N/A will make the facility unavailable for district and internal purchase requests.
Field Trip Request
Updated so billing information displays on the printed field trip request via the Field Trip History tab.
Added a new option “Additional Goal Fields.” When enabled, the fields “Diagnosis,” “Instructional Area,” and “Transition Service Area(s)” are included in Goals.
Goals & Objectives Options
Added a new screen where districts can set up goals and objectives so that users select from the pre-defined list instead of typing them in on the Goals & Objectives screen.
- Added View and Edit profile permissions for the Goals & Objectives Options screen in Users > Profiles.
- Added a new option “Goals & Objectives” to the General screen. When enabled, the text boxes on the Goals & Objectives screen will be replaced with drop-downs with the options set up in Goals & Objectives Options.
- The Goals & Objectives Options screen has tabs for setting up Banks, Grade Levels, Domains, Areas, Goals, and Objectives. Each tab has Import, Export, and Filter options.
Manage Student
Added a “Schedule of Services” select multiple pull-down to the IEP Goals & Objectives screen, with the options IEP Duration, ESY, and Additional Schedule of Services. The selected options will display on the printed IEP. This allows the schedule of services to be indicated for each goal.
Updated the Date Initiated field on an event to include the time.
Updated so that the Google Translate browser extension for Chrome can translate text in text boxes on forms.
Added options “HRN - HARNESS” and “TPB - BABIES OF TEEN PARENTS” to the Transportation Code pull-down on the IEP Schedule of Services screen.
Updated so that when scanning files into Focus, the user’s previous scanner settings are remembered.
Updated the Filters feature in Advanced Reports (Students > Advanced Reports and Users > Advanced Reports) so when typing information by which the data is to be filtered into the provided filter text boxes and pressing the Enter key, the filters are now applied as opposed to turning the Filters off (previously functionality).
FAS Tests
Added a “Show Question Info” check box to the Print Test tab, which, when selected, displays the applicable standard and standard description on the test.
Standard Grades Report Cards
Added an option called “Display Final Grades grouped with corresponding Standard Grade.” When the check box is selected, the report cards will print displaying posted grades directly above the standard grades for the applicable class (via previous formatting) once generated from the Standard Grades Report Cards Search Screen.
Referral Codes & Actions
Added the Timeframe column to the Teacher Codes tab to designate the timeframe in which to count referrals for the “Escalate after X Referrals” feature. Options are Year to Date, Semester to Date, Quarter to Date, Last 90 Days, Last 60 Days, and Last 30 Days.
Students with Referrals
Added the “Include Classroom” check box to the Students with Referrals screen to include classroom referrals on the report.
Added the Student with Referrals screen to the Discipline menu for teachers. The profile permission for this screen must be enabled in order for teachers to view this screen.
Gradebook Configuration
- Added a setting called “Display estimated semester average column,” which, when selected, displays a column in the teacher’s gradebook which averages the Q1 posted grade and the Q2 gradebook grade.
- Note: This is only a 50/50 average for schools that have two marking periods in the semester and 33.3/33.3/33.3 for schools with 3 marking periods in a semester. Most schools have their quarters weighted equally, but if they do not then this column will not respect the grade posting averaging.
Gradebook Reports
Added the applicable student’s name to the Transferred Students report so the student’s name is always displayed when viewing a student’s schedule or grade information on the report.
Graduation Requirements
- Added two options to the “Type” of graduation requirement pull-down via the Graduation Programs and Requirements tab:
- Custom List of Courses: If selected, this allows users to select a list of courses that serve as a custom graduation subject.
- SQL: If selected, this allows users to specify an arbitrary SQL query that return three columns, student_id, matched (true or false), and display_text (the text displayed in the report upon hovering over the check box).
- Added a “Weight by Credits” check box to the Graduation Programs and Requirements tab.
- When the check box is left cleared, the enrolled courses will display as 1 credit.
- When the check box is selected, the enrolled course will look to course_weight_credits or credits in master_courses.
- The new check box can also be applied to Middle Schools. When the check box is selected, the enrolled middle school courses will display as 1.
Focus has introduced the tardy tracking and check/check out system using kiosks and handheld devices. This feature simplifies and automates all aspects of tardy management, including hall passes, automatic excessive tardy referrals/detentions, and school-based check in/check out needs. Students may check in or out of school for attendance, or check in or out of a location on campus, such as the media center or health clinic. For more information, please see the Kiosk Setup Guide, Handheld Setup Guide, and Tardy Tracking & Check In/Check Out System help document.
Added a Virtual ID Badge to the mobile app for students to scan to check in or out of the kiosk. The virtual ID badge also displays the number of badges the student has earned through the Positive Behaviors feature at the bottom of the Virtual ID Badge.
Web Pages
The Web Pages screen now displays web pages created in the year selected at the top-right of the screen. Added a button “Copy to Current Year” when viewing the Web Pages screen in a previous school year. This allows the web page to be copied to the current school year. This copies all components of the web page except for the assigned sections. Teachers will need to reassign the web page to their sections based on their current schedule.
Parents can now create a Parent Portal account via /auth and begin an online application to apply for enrollment (if the Forms > Online Application profile permission is enabled for parents). Parents will not be required to supply an email address and password for the application, as the application will immediately be linked to their account. Any unfinished applications can be restarted by selecting the application from the drop-down.
There is a new link at the top of /apply for parents to return to the Parent Portal or Parent Registration (depending on what screen they came from). Upon completing an application, parents will also be returned to the Parent Portal or Parent Registration.
Updated the re-enrollment process to allow inactive students, such as those recently graduated from K-12, to reapply to the district using the Online Application process. The district can now specify forms that students can initiate on their own, without the forms having to be assigned to the student by an administrator. The process will optionally re-enroll the student into the district's Applicants school once the form is completed (if the student does not currently have an active enrollment at another school). Note: Inactive students can now log in to Focus (students without an active enrollment record or students without any enrollment record) if the system preference “Inactive Student Login” is enabled (the preference is enabled by default).
- In Setup > Application Editor > Re-Enrollment Setup, the Available Forms section of the screen has been added for administrators to designate the forms that students can complete at any time.
- Form - Select the form.
- Student Portal - Select this option to make the form available in the Student Portal in My Information > Forms Summary.
- Publish on Apply - Select this option to make the form available on /apply when the returning student logs in on the Continue Application/ Returning Students tab.
- Student Profiles - Select the student profiles who can access the form.
- Re-Enroll Student - Select this option to enroll the student in the Applicants school if the returning student has no enrollment record in the current year.
- Do Not Require Approval - Select this option to automatically approve any changes the student submits to their information. The student’s information in Focus is immediately updated each time a page of the form is submitted. Do not select this option if changes should require approval in Students > Online Enrollments.
- Updated the /appy page to rename the Continue Application tab to Continue Application/Returning Students if there is a form marked “Publish on Apply” in Setup > Application Editor > Re-Enrollment Setup > Available Forms. When the desired school preference is enabled, a message “Please visit the school to process your application” is displayed along with the school’s name and address when the application is submitted.
The online application no longer checks for duplicate students.
Added a Portal alert for users with Edit access to Online Enrollments that displays the number of unprocessed requests pending approval.
District Reports
Added an “Export” button to reports, which allows users to download a file containing a zip of .csv files for each dataset in the District Report. The default limit of 20000 records is bypassed in this download, so it contains all rows of all datasets. The exported report is generated differently from running the report; therefore, the data set can be far greater. Note: The “Export” button can be accessed from the main District Reports screen or from the Edit/Run report screens.
SSRS Reports
Added “Include Inactive Students” column/check box to the Publishing tab, which allows users to publish SSRS Reports Portal links for inactive students, such as recent graduates.
Automatic Course Requests
Added a Select All check box to District Requests and Schools Requests to select all requests in the list.
Master Schedule Builder
Updated so that when the Calendar is not set on a section in the Course Defaults tab, the school calendar is defaulted on the section when running the Builder.
Request Reports
Added a “Print Requests by Course” tab/report, which includes an added “Gradelevel” column.
Teacher Schedules Report
- Updated so that the correct sections are highlighted when the “Highlight on Double Scheduled” option is selected and sections have zero students scheduled.
- Updated so that when exporting the report, the Room Numbers, Course/Section Numbers, Terms, and Rotation Days are included on the report if those options were selected.
Automated Cron Messages
Updated so that data in the Email Recipients Query can be passed to the Email Content Query. For example, the Email Content Query can reference the user/staff ID from the Email Recipients Query.
Community App
- Added the district logo to the list of available icons when setting up links.
- Added the “Hide Public Links” option to the Links section of the screen. When the option is enabled, users will be required to log in to the app in order to access the links that were designated as public. For more information, please see the Community App help document.
Import Student Photos
- Added the Filters feature, which gives users the ability to filter uploaded images by filename.
- Added a “Use Webcam” link, which gives users the ability to take photos via the users’ webcam. The use of the webcam depends on existing profile permissions via Users > Profiles > Import Student Photos. Images taken from the webcam will save and overwrite any existing images only if the user has edit permission to “Overwrite Existing Student Photos on Upload.”
Login History
Updated to include token-based logins in Login History.
Print Letters
- Added the option to select Choice Type, Magnet or SPA.
- Added the ability to send declined letters for students who have not been accepted to any program. A Declined Template pull-down has been added, as well as an Email Declined Letters button. Generate Print Letters has been modified to accommodate declined letters.
- Emails are now sent to the linked user’s email address instead of the contact’s email address.
Added a profile permission called “Enroll in Applicants,” which allows users to enroll students in the Applicants school via Students > Add a Student. If the address entered by the user is not in the Address Catalog or not zoned for the school, the “Enroll in Applicants” button displays, and can be clicked to enroll the student in the district’s Applicants school.
School Choice Setup
Added three new preferences to the Customize Application - Magnet and Customize Application - SPA tabs. The preference “Display accepted/waitlisted alerts on the parent and student portals?” will display an alert on the Parent/Student Portal when the student has been accepted to or waitlisted for a program. The alert links to the View School Choice Applications screen. The preference “Allow parents to cancel school choice assignments?” allows parents to cancel a school choice assignment when the student has been accepted. When this preference is enabled, a Cancel Application button is available on the View School Choice Applications screen in the Parent Portal until the first day of school for the school associated with the program. In the preference “Application cancellation legal verbiage,” enter the text that will display in the confirmation message when the parent cancels the assignment.
Added new Priority options in the Priority Chart Rankings tab: MID - Military Dependent (In District), MOD - Military Dependent (Out of District), SCAID - Special Circumstances A (In District), SCAOD - Special Circumstances A (Out of District), SCBID - Special Circumstances B (In District), SCBOD - Special Circumstances B (Out of District), MSS - Multiple Session Schools, SIT - Students in Transition, AC- Administrative Circumstances, HGC - Highest Grade-Level Continuity, SID - Sibling Preference (In District), SOD - Sibling Preference (Out of District), IDS - In District Student, ODS - Out of District Student, and AOP - Academy Offering Preference.
System Preferences
- Added the following new system preferences. For more information, please see the System Preferences help document.
- Grading tab:
- Show Non-Graded Courses on Parent/Student Portal
- Partition Class Rank by (Gradelevel, Cohort) - Florida only
- Enrollment tab:
- Show all enrollment fields on Add a Student - only in Default School Preferences
- Scheduling tab:
- Prevent students from requesting courses in core subjects already requested by an admin/teacher.
- Use Both Rotation Days & Meeting Days (not recommended)
- General tab:
- Logout Kiosk Pin
- Inactive Student Login - only in Default School Preferences
- Grading tab:
- Removed the following system preferences:
- Enrollment tab:
- Require parents and/or students to verify current information
- Require verification every ___ days
- Online Application tab
- Message for potential duplicates
- Enrollment tab:
Add a Student
- Added a “Relevance” column to the student search based on weighted fields. By default, the relevance column displays students by relevance followed by the selection made via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Enrollment tab: “When adding a student, order search results by (Name, Birthdate, Student ID).” Note: The Relevance column displays for Partial Matches only. If users search for students by “Birth Year,” only Exact Matches will display.
- The weighted system is as follows:
- 5 points for an exact match on SSN, Local ID, Birthdate, Gender, Profile ID, and Student ID
- 3 points for an exact match on any other field
- 2 points for a partial match at the beginning of the string
- 1 point for a partial match mid-string
- The “Partial Matches” section displays students based on matching first names and last names, and exact birthdate or birth year matches.
- The “Exact Matches” section displays students based on exact SSN, Local ID, or Student ID matches.
Advanced Reports
Added the ability to create reports that include student ID barcodes. The “Student ID Barcode” field has been added via the Student Demo tab or the applicable Demographic tab. Users can click the green plus sign to add the Student ID Barcode to the “Fields to include in Report” section.
Audit Trail
Added a tab called “Viewed,” which displays the name of the “Viewing User,” the corresponding students’ “Student ID,” the “Date” and time of viewing, as well as the “Fields Viewed.”
Magnet/Special Assignment
Added a Reason column to the Magnet tab. Previously the Reason column was only on the SPA tab. The Reason column has also been added to School Choice Reports for both Magnet and SPA.
Print Letters & Send Email
Added a “Student ID Barcode” field to the “Insert a Field” tool, which enables users to print or email letters that include a student ID barcode.
Student Fields
Added the ability to sort the columns in the Select Options table by clicking the column header on the Edit Field screen.
Updated the Select Options table on the Edit Field screen to widen the Code and Label fields and make the Sort Order, Min School Year, and Max School Year fields narrower.
Added two new profile permissions under Portal for administrator, teacher, parent, and student profiles: “Require Two Factor Authentication” and “Enable User Access to Two Factor Authentication.” Only one of the two permissions can be selected for a profile; selecting one permission will disable the other. Selecting “Require Two Factor Authentication” will require the profile to use two factor authentication. The option “Enable Two Factor Authentication” in My Preferences/Preferences will not be available for the user to turn on or off. Selecting “Enable User Access to Two Factor Authentication” will make the option “Enable Two Factor Authentication” available in My Preferences/Preferences for the user to turn on or off. If neither permission is selected, the option “Enable Two Factor Authentication” will not available in My Preferences/Preferences.
Added new profile permissions “Magnet” and “SPA” for the Students > Magnet/ Special Assignment screen for administrators. This controls whether the profile has access to the Magnet and SPA tabs of Magnet/ Special Assignment.
User Fields
Added an “Attached Students” field, which would display on the select tab via User Info. From the Edit Field screen, users can determine the Profiles that should have View Access and Edit Access. Note: The Profiles (View Access) and the Profiles (Edit Access) pull-downs auto-populate with profiles granted permission to “Edit Linked Students” via Users > Profiles > Students section. The default Profiles for which the field will display is the Parents profile.
- Students will continue to be linked to users via Student > Student Info > Addresses & Contacts > Linked Users. Once linked here, upon viewing Users > User Info > Attached Students tab, users will see the attached students’ Student ID, Last Name, First Name, Enrolled School, and Enrolled Gradelevel. Users will see a Student ID link, which opens Student Info for the corresponding student. Parents can access the same link for Child Info via My Information > My Profile > Attached Students tab.
Purchase & Pay
- Updated the receipts generated by students through Purchase & Pay to include the student ID at the top of the receipt. If the district uses a local ID, the local ID will display if populated. Receipts generated by parents continue to not show the student ID, as parent payments could be for multiple students.
- Updated to only displays schools in the Schools pull-down that have classes available to the student.
Courses & Sections
Renamed the “Bill By for Reauthorization” pull-down to “Reauthorization” for Post Secondary schools via the Vocational/WDIS tab, which allows users to select how the class should be eligible for reauthorization for billing purposes, such as section, course, hours/custom, etc.
Disabled the Active check box so it cannot be cleared and a section cannot be marked as inactive if there are any current or future students scheduled into the section. The Active check box logic also takes into account the recorded WDIS Class End Date; if the date has not passed, the Active check box will be disabled. On the other hand, if all scheduled students have a passed Dropped date recorded, the Active check box can be selected regardless of whether the WDIS Class End Date has passed.
System Preferences
Added a setting via School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Billing tab called “Use Bill by Schedule,” which, when enabled, adds a “Schedule” selection as a billing option via all Bill By pull-downs; i.e. Student Schedule, Invoice Students. Selecting schedule from the pull-down invoices the student based on the exact schedule start and end dates.
Added a setting via Default School Preferences > Billing tab called “Online Payments for 400-409 CRCs activate all 400-409 CRC Sections from the same Invoice,” which clears the Dropped date on students’ schedules containing Cost Reporting Codes (CRC) 400-409 when the student pays their outstanding invoice via the Portal (Purchase & Pay) for the applicable invoiced program.
Added a permission called “Customer Credit,” which allows users to disable customer credit for Parents and Students via Billing > Purchase & Pay. To enable customer credit, users can select the View check box.
FAS Tests
Updated the View Student Answers and Analyze Test tabs to use point values. Only questions awarded points will be considered in the final score.
Updated so when processed Work Order products from the Warehouse are used as Replacements via Work Orders > Work Order Requests, the changes will be reflected in the Warehouse > Catalog > Inventory Balance column.
Added a “Display Element Descriptions” check box to the Invoice Report (all tabs) and Receipt Report (Detailed Report tab) criteria options. When selected, descriptions for applicable elements display on the report when run.
Customer Ledger
Updated so the customer’s address prints below the customer’s name via the printed customer ledger.
Employee Requests
Added a perjury statement and employee signature area to W4 info requests. W4 requests cannot be submitted without a signature.
Leave History
Added a “New Leave Request” button, which launches Employee Self Service > Employee Requests in a new tab, and creates a draft for a new leave request.
View Pay History
- Updated so users can choose to display Board contributions on pay stubs by enabling the “Include Contributions on Pay Stub” setting via Setup > Settings > Payroll tab.
- If the setting is enabled, check contributions and Calendar YTD total contributions will be displayed.
- Added a “Annual” column, which displays contract wages for all staff job and supplement positions assigned in the current contract year.
- Updated so only the last four digits of the employees’ bank accounts display on pay stubs.
Added a “Non-Inventoried” column to indicate that the category will not be inventoried. Categories marked as “Non-Inventoried” will not display in the Category pull-down in Schedule Inventory and items in “Non-Inventoried” categories will not display on Take Inventory.
Added an “Hourly Rate” column to Demographic > Employee Summary tab in the Supplements section, which is calculated by Supplement Contract / Contract Days (from staff job) / Hours per Day (from staff job).
Employee Agreement maintenance
Added a “View” and a “Print” button to the Pending Agreements and Signed by Employee tabs.
Check Voids and Reallocations
Added a multi-select “Optional Wage Types” pull-down, which can be used to create reallocation batches for specific wage types. This option gives users the ability to pull adjustments only, salary only, supplements only, etc., as opposed to pulling all wages used for an employee or an accounting strip.
Added an “Invalid Strips” message to the Reallocate tab which displays when a reallocation is blocked due to missing or invalid accounting strips. The message first displays invalid strips that apply to wage allocations, then contribution allocations.
Added a Reverse Reallocation tab to the Check Voids and Reallocations screen. This tool will allow users to undo any payroll reallocation batch by generating journal entries that are the opposite of the reallocation JEs. After the reallocation reversal is processed, the reallocation batch will show “No Records” in the Reallocation section, and the original allocations will be shown in HR > Employee > Pay History.
Updated so that when the Slots/Steps screen is initially loaded, only active slots are displayed by default to improve load time. A “Show all slots” option has been added to the screen to load all slots. A slot is considered active if any employee has current wages assigned to it, or if the rollover_id is null.
Added a “Re-roll only selected” button to the Rollover/Maint tab for Supplements. This button gives users the ability to roll supplements into the next year without deleting supplements that have already been rolled over.
Run Payroll
- Updated the “Answers” pop-up that displays when the “Recalculate and Explain” button is clicked from the Checks tab. The updates are as follows:
- More space between sections displaying wage type calculations.
- Indentation to increase readability.
- Wage record details are displayed below headings with wage type and pay type.
- Supplement information now includes adjustments in the amount paid to date.
School/Department Payroll Entry
Updated so inactive elements are filtered on the Leave tab > Substitute tab; previously, the accounting strip widget would pull inactive elements if an active element existed with the same code.
Added a check for Leave entries (Leave tab > Current Payroll tab) to ensure that the “From” date is not earlier than the “To” date entered. When a user attempts to apply a “To” date that is earlier than the “From” date, a user alert will display indicating that “The leave end date cannot be less than the leave start date.” The From date value will then be cleared, and the user will need to re-enter an appropriate date in order to add the record.
District Codes
- Added a “Self-insurance” Sub Category to the Deduction Type tab. The added Sub Category will impact the following screens:
- Payroll > Deduction > Calculated by Job tab > add new self-insurance deduction or contribution.
- Human Resources > Employee > Deductions > assign self-insurance deduction to employee.
- Payroll > Run Payroll > create a new manual run titled “Self-Insurance” > Checks.
District Initial Account Balances
Added a new screen called “Internal Initial Account Balances” in order to separate internal accounts from district accounts. Users have access to the new screen via profile permissions set via Setup > Profiles.
District Reports
Added a “Payroll” report folder, which contains two new reports: “AG Payroll Transaction Query” and “AG Payroll Transaction Report.”
Manage Integrations
Added a report called “AG Payroll Transaction Query.”
- Added a setting to the Fixed Assets tab called “Next Auto-Assigned Barcode;” users can enable the setting if auto assigning barcodes to fixed assets when the PO is approved and/or items have been received (dependent on the setting “Default disposition code assignment”), by entering the beginning number (the first number in the auto assigned number sequence) in the text box.
- This setting ties into a new column added to Fixed Assets > Categories called “Auto-Assign,” which allows users to assign barcodes to items starting with the number entered in the Next Auto-Assigned Barcode setting text box. Note: The Increment check box must be selected in order to enable Auto-Assign.
- Added a setting to the Miscellaneous tab called “Always display element description on budget maintenance requests;” when enabled (Yes is selected from the pull-down), Budget Maintenance (district and internal) transactions printed from the Request History tab display element descriptions.
- Added a setting to the Accounts Payable tab called “Require receiving based on accounting strip.” When enabled, users can only view and receive POs with allocations they have accounting strip permissions for.
- Added a setting to the Miscellaneous tab called “Hide individual bank ledger balance on multiple-bank reconciliations.” When the setting is enabled (“Yes” is selected from the pull-down), the ledger balance no longer displays for the individual accounts via Budgeting/General Ledger > Bank Reconciliation > View button > Current Reconciliation tab > Summary tab.
- Added a new ESS tab to the Settings screen, including the new setting “Employee Requests W4 deduction creation.” When a deduction is selected in this setting, the “Additional Withholding” field on W4 information requests will apply additional withholding as a payroll deduction, instead of updating the w4_additional field in the USERS table. If an employee enters an amount that is greater than zero in the Additional Withholding field, and that employee does not already have an additional withholding deduction, then the deduction will be given to them starting on the date that they have selected in the Pay Date field. If the employee already has an additional withholding deduction, their existing deduction record will be updated. If the employee does not have an additional withholding deduction, and submits a W4 Info change request with a value of 0.00 or null in the Additional Withholding field, then the deduction will not be given to them.
- Added a setting called “Inventory stock warehouse PO’s on receive,” to the Accounts Payable tab. When enabled, the warehouse quantity for the item is increased or decreased depending on the number of items marked as received. For example, if a create stock warehouse purchase order was created for an item (original quantity of 200) requesting a quantity of 100 and 50 was recorded as received, the item quantity would increase by 50 making the new warehouse quantity 250.
Field Trip Request
- Adding the following functionality upon creating a new draft via the Current Field Trip tab:
- Added a “Sponsoring Organization” pull-down, which populates from data entered via Transportation > Setup > Sponsoring Organizations.
- Added “Requested By” and “Pick Up Contact” text boxes. The “Requested By” field uses the email format and settings applied in Transportation > Setup > Misc.
- Added a “Final Destination” pull-down, which populates from data entered via Transportation > Setup > Field Trip Destinations.
- Added a “Are To Go Lunches Required?” check box.
- Added a “Generate” button to the Pick-Ups/Drop-Offs section, which opens a modal dialog where users can enter location and time information. The information entered populates the corresponding fields in the Pick-Ups/Drop-Offs section and the general information section at the top of the screen.
- Updated the Complete Field Trip tab for recurring field trips so the Finalized Info section displays for each trip, which can be used to record data from the driver and allow a collection of funds to be made from the school to transportation. Each recurring trip can be completed separately, after which, an unofficial invoice can be generated/printed. Previously functionality required all trips to be completed before being able to record any trip data and collect any funds from schools making transportation wait until all trips had been carried out and completed.
Updated so if an item is invoiced for an amount that differs from the item price in the catalog, upon submitting the invoice and generating a check, the catalog item price is automatically updated. Previously, the catalog item reflected the amount submitted on the Purchase Requests/Orders.
Updated so AP Check Restock Warehouse journals credit and debit accounts defined on the Types tab upon creating a stock warehouse purchase order, receiving, invoicing, and generating a check for the purchase order.
Moved the Progress Monitoring preferences from System Preferences to the General screen in SSS. For more information, please see the General help document.
Manage Student
Updated so that an option in the first radio group on the LRE Considerations is automatically selected based on the Schedule of Services.
Added two new options “Data Collection” and “Observation(s)” to the Assessment Procedures field in IEP Goals & Objectives.
Added the Alert Triggers tab to the Setup screen to set up notification emails and Portal alerts for specific users and profiles, triggered by particular steps or field values on forms. For more information, please see the Setup help document.
Updated the Tags field in the Forms tab to be editable by the district.