Documentation for Administrators

11.0.110 - 09/24/2023

Updated on


FOCUS-40023- chore(accounts-payable): show p-card bank on PO and Invoice pages

System enhancement adding the Pcard Bank Column to the Purchase Order History Tab and the Invoice batch review/post screen.

See Purchase Requests/Orders and Internal Purchase Requests/Orders for details.

FOCUS-33699- E-signature size/display issue

The E-Signature component in our system has now been enhanced with dynamic sizing capabilities. Here's what's new:

1. Dynamic Resizing: The E-Signature component can now be adjusted in size, ensuring that it fits perfectly within various form layouts and designs. Whether you need a larger space for signatures on one form or a more compact design for another, this feature has you covered.

2. Proportional Signature Adjustments: As you resize the E-Signature component, both the actual signature and the printed name adjust their sizes proportionally. This ensures that the signature and name always look consistent and legible, regardless of the component's size.

3. Consistent Positioning: One of the critical updates is that despite any dynamic resizing, the printed component remains fixed in its position on the form. This consistency ensures that no unexpected shifts occur in the layout, especially when the form is sent for print media.

4. Signature Boundaries: The actual signature, printed name, and date are all contained within the boundaries of the E-Signature component. This containment ensures a neat and tidy appearance, keeping your forms looking professional and easy to read.

This enhancement aims to provide greater flexibility in form design while maintaining a polished and professional appearance.


FOCUS-39940- feat(hr): add bargaining unit to EAF and Applicant Tracking approval flows

System improvement adding a bargaining unit property node to the Applicant Tracking and Employee Action Form approval flows.

FOCUS-39855- Files & Comment Boxes in Payroll Reallocation

System enhancement adding Files and Comments to Payroll > Check Voids and Reallocations.

See Check Voids and Reallocations for more information.


FOCUS-39989- Assessments: Improved Visibility on State Performance Report

This branch introduces a user-friendly feature to the State Performance Report under the Section Screen. A new collapse/expand button has been added, allowing users to conveniently hide the section options. This enhances the visual space for the reports section, providing a more streamlined and focused reading experience.

See State Performance Report (admin), State Performance Report (teacher), and At Risk Students (admin) for the reflected change.

FOCUS-39901- Teacher Portal: Ensure Appropriate Students Display in List

This branch addresses an oversight in the teacher portal's student information search functionality. Previously, when the scheduling system preference 'Hide Schedules from Teachers' was not set for a school, some students would not appear in the student search dropdown list on the teacher portal.

FOCUS-38304- User Info: Respect Inactive Schools in User Permissions

This branch ensures schools that are deemed inactive by School Info Min and Max Year Settings are not selectable for new User Permission school assignments.


FOCUS-40020- SSS/Formbuilder Snapshot (September 2023) (Florida, Texas)



See Manage Student: ESE Events for the reflected changes.

FOCUS-33699- E-signature size/display issue

The E-Signature component in our system has now been enhanced with dynamic sizing capabilities. Here's what's new:

1. Dynamic Resizing: The E-Signature component can now be adjusted in size, ensuring that it fits perfectly within various form layouts and designs. Whether you need a larger space for signatures on one form or a more compact design for another, this feature has you covered.

2. Proportional Signature Adjustments: As you resize the E-Signature component, both the actual signature and the printed name adjust their sizes proportionally. This ensures that the signature and name always look consistent and legible, regardless of the component's size.

3. Consistent Positioning: One of the critical updates is that despite any dynamic resizing, the printed component remains fixed in its position on the form. This consistency ensures that no unexpected shifts occur in the layout, especially when the form is sent for print media.

4. Signature Boundaries: The actual signature, printed name, and date are all contained within the boundaries of the E-Signature component. This containment ensures a neat and tidy appearance, keeping your forms looking professional and easy to read.

This enhancement aims to provide greater flexibility in form design while maintaining a polished and professional appearance.

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