Documentation for Administrators

11.0.122 - 01/07/2024

Updated on


FOCUS-41379- CR - Payroll> Run Payroll> Leave> Facility Leave Requests> Cannot Change Personal Leave and Associated Sick Leave Records

Setup > General Ledger > Settings > Payroll > Payroll Calculations > Update Parent Leave to Yes > Save

When the setting is set to yes users will have the ability to update a parent record that has a child record attached to it (for example - personal leave and sick leave) in Payroll > Run Payroll > Run XYZ > Leave > Select Facility ABC.

FOCUS-41347- Applicant Tracking Accepted Position Hours on EAF

System improvement adding hours per day column to pending approvals on Pending Offers in Applicant Tracking.


FOCUS-41326- Portal: Allow Logged In As Users to View Recent Programs

In the latest update, the "Recent Programs" block in the portal now includes a new capability: when logged in as another user, you can view their recent program activities.

FOCUS-41267- Teacher Programs: Include Co-Teachers in Take Attendance User Search Results

This update addresses a specific issue in the User Programs, Take Attendance sections. Previously, Co-Teachers without primary classes were not appearing in search results. The fix ensures that all Co-Teachers, regardless of their association with primary classes, are now correctly displayed in User Programs.

FOCUS-41127- School Choice: Capacity Enhancements to School Choice Setup

The latest update introduces significant enhancements to the School Choice module, adding three new tabs to School Choice Setup: 'Capacity - Magnet', 'Capacity - SPA', and 'Capacity - Choice'. These tabs improve administrators' ability to manage and view capacity-related information. Key features include:

1) A school dropdown that defaults to the user's school and lists only accessible schools.

2) A display of all grade levels with a School Choice program at the selected school. Each row represents a grade level, showing school name, code, program name, grade level, capacity, registered students, reserved seats, available seats, and a percentage of seats.

3) Editable fields for capacity, % of seats (numeric), OC (checkbox), and TE (numeric).

4) Consistency in editable capacity data across the new capacity screens and the Programs screen. If the 'All Grades' capacity is set on a program, it reflects in capacity reports, restricting individual grade level editing.

Access to view/edit these screens is controlled by profile permissions and includes a migration to automatically enabled for profiles with existing view/edit rights to School Choice Setup, Programs. Schema changes are introduced with this enhancement to the school_choice_program_seats table, but should not impact customer custom processes associated with this module. This enhancement streamlines capacity management, making it more user-friendly and efficient.

See School Choice Setup > Setting Up Program Capacity for more information.


FOCUS-41021- Transcripts: Improve Transcripts Functionality for CTE Grouping (Postsecondary)

This update brings refinements to the CTE transcripts grouping and aligns the transcript screen with the grades screen in functionality. Key adjustments include:

1) Forced options in CTE transcript grouping are now respected.

2) Previously, changing the grouping to a non-CTE option made fields immediately available for updates. Post-update, a save and screen refresh is required for fields to become editable when switching to a grouping other than CTE.

3) The transcript screen now accurately reflects the 'Courses in Progress' option, mirroring the grades screen. Before this update, even when selected, this option was dimmed out for CTE, causing inconsistency.

These changes enhance the usability and coherence of the system, ensuring more accurate and user-friendly management of transcript data.

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