Add a Student
Added the ability to enter contacts from the Add a Student screen.
District Reports
Added the ability to create a report from a query and publish it on the interface.
Added the ability to validate queries through the interface.
Editing and Running Reports can now be performed on the same screen.
Added “View” and “Edit” profile permissions:
Edit rights allows the user to use the Edit and Run options within the district report. Edit rights should only be given to users responsible for updating and creating the SQL behind the District Report.
End users only need View access to District Reports.
Users have the ability to Title, View, and Edit the report, as well as select the profiles and schools that should have access.
Once the query has been tested (via RunQuery, etc.), users can click Edit to enter and edit the query.
Local variables can be added as needed by clicking on Edit Variables.
The Information icon will alert users to any errors in the query before saving.
Updated the Employee screen using the Student Information System (SIS) User Info screen as a template. Note: This change impacts all District Reports and Integrations.
Added a new “Search Screen” as well as an employee pull-down visible on all Employee screen headers.
Added “More Search Options” giving users the ability to customize employee searches by demographics, certifications, race, etc.
Added an Employee headers with links to other employee information: “Demographic,” “Jobs,” “Deductions,” “Pay History,” “Files,” “Retiree” (if applicable). Note: Retiree will display if the selected employee is retired.
Once an employee is selected, the headers will change. Demographic will be replaced with the employee’s name, followed by “Jobs,” “Deductions,” “Pay History,” and “Audit Trail.”
Updated general formatting of all Employee screens, which includes changes to the employee pull-down, a selection of categories built in on the left side of the screen, and more.
If an employee is selected, to choose another employee, select them from the employee pull-down. To close the current employee, select “Deselect User” from the pull-down or click the red “x” next to the employee’s name in the header.
System Preferences > Default School Preferences > General tab
Added a new System Preference, Immunization Compliance. Select the “Enable Immunization Compliance” check box to access student data for missing immunizations, which will generate a new District Report and add fields to the Students’ immunizations information.
Added a System Preference to restrict users from reusing passwords upon having to update to a new password; this setting can be enabled via the selection of the check box, “New Password cannot be the same as one the last passwords used.” Enabling the setting will generate an error message if the user tries to reuse a password.
Changed Password Expiration setting (“Passwords Expire after 60 days”) by dividing into two different settings: “User Password expire after 60 days” and “Student and Parent Password expire after 60 days.”
System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Grading
Added a system preference titled “Recalculate parent marking period grades and GPAs when a teacher posts grades or a grade change is approved.” If the system preference is enabled, when a child marking period has a grade changed via the Request Grade Changes screen, all parent marking periods that have grades will be update accordingly based on their respective grade posting schemes. The recalculation process works with both letter and percent grades. If the auto-calculate GPA system preference is also enabled, then this will trigger the student's GPA to update accordingly.
Added a System Preference to "Allow teachers to post for standards outside of marking period restrictions” (System Preferences > School Preferences > Grading). When this preference is activated, a new “Shown Not Evaluated Standards” check box will appear on the Post Standard Grades screen. Selecting the check box will show all benchmarks for the course, not just benchmarks that are evaluated in the current marking period.
System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Online Application tab
Added a System Preference, “Welcome Screen Text,” (Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Online Application tab) which allows users to add custom text to the Online Application welcome screen.
Added a System Preference that allows the district to choose which email the completion email is sent to when the application is completed (“Email Recipient (Application Completion”)). Currently the options will be the student email, or the application email.
Removed the System Preference for auto-populating state reporting fields: “Auto-Populate State Reporting Fields with Student ID.”
System Preferences > School Preferences > Grading tab
Added a System Preference, “Hide Semester/Year options from Grade Change Form.” When this preference is enabled, teachers cannot enter grade change requests for semester 1, semester 2, or full year on the Request Grade Changes screen.
Added a System Preference, “Ignore Rotation days when combining by period.” When enabled, all sections in a period are combined regardless of rotation day when teachers combine the Gradebook by period. When disabled, sections with different rotation days are not combined when teachers combine the Gradebook by period.
Added a System Preference, “Allow Posting Comments and Conduct Without a Grade.” When this preference is enabled, teachers can save comments and conduct grades without posting a final grade on the Post Final Grades screen.
System Preferences > School Preferences > Enrollment tab
Changed wording of “Enforce all field permissions on Add a User/Student to “Hide fields from Add a Student from users that don’t have edit permissions,” which provides the district the option to enforce by school if Add a Student required fields should be visible and required if the user profile does not have rights to those fields.
System Preferences > Default User Preferences > Student Listing (Admin)
A preference has been added to the Student Listing tab that allows users to skip straight to the Student Info screen when a student search has only one result. Note: If navigating from a teacher’s profile, the user will go to My Information > Preferences > Student Listing.
Form Builder
Added a "Show All” check box to the History tab to view all submitted forms by all users.
The “Show All” check box only displays for users who have the Profile permission to "View all history” via Users > Profiles > Forms section.
Added a "Required" slider so the signature component can be made required on Forms.
Added the ability to get {marking_period_id} in a query. SELECT title The query FROM school_quarters WHERE marking_period_id = '{marking_period_id}' will look at the marking period in the pull-down.
Added the ability to use {staff_id} in queries in Collections to query results based on the logged in user.
Added the ability to translate content from text boxes and text areas on the form in the selected language when printing.
Edit Rules & Workflow
Added a new tab in Edit Rules & Workflow called “Workflow Triggers.” This restores some of the Workflow Triggers functionality from version 7, including the ability to generate letters to the Letter Queue, send an email, or generate a Portal alert based on a student field being updated. The criteria works the same as the Validation tab; specify a student field and then value(s) that should trigger the email, letter, or Portal alert to be sent. There is a new option, “On Change.” This allows you to select a field and trigger the email, letter, or Portal alert any time a change is made to that field, not just when a certain value is selected. Currently, field types that work as triggers are: Checkbox, Date, Select One, and Select Multiple.
Student Info
Clicking on the alert icon next to the student's name takes the user to the student’s demographic tab on which the alert is set. For example, the icon for ESE student is linked to the ESE tab.
Added the option to scan documents as well as upload files. The scanning option is now available anywhere a file uploader field is located; for example, the student’s 504 tab.
Student Info > Address / Address & Contacts
Updated School Choice address validation criteria to allow users to change a student's address without Address Validation if the student has an accepted Choice Status.
Added the Email field to display when the user hovers over any of the listed Contacts.
Student Info > Enrollment
New Toggle Columns button allows users to hide columns from displaying when viewing the Enrollment record as a chart.
Add a Student
Applied an edit rule to prevent enrolling new students with future birth dates entered; if a future birth date is entered upon adding a student, the “Enroll a New Student” button will not enable.
Added a System Preference (“Enforce all field permissions on Add a User/Student”) that disables fields on the Add a Student screen for users that do not have edit permissions. Said fields were previously visible on Add a Student even if the user did not have permissions to view/edit the fields.
Bus Pickup and Bus Dropoff sliders now default to yes (on).
Advanced Report
Restored the red border error indicator to Advanced Report data that violates a validation rule.
Added the ability to add all Contact Flags to an Advanced Report. Students > Address Fields > Contact Flags.
Added the ability to add all custom Contact Detail Titles to an Advanced Report. Students > Address Fields > Contact Detail Titles.
Enrollment fields “Include in Class Rank” and “Graduation Requirement Program” can now be edited through Advanced Reports for users with edit permission.
Print Letters & Send Email
Added a new module: “Print Letters & Send Email (new). This new module will allow users to publish existing letters to profiles, and will work right along side the former module so nothing is lost. A migration will assign existing letters created by admins to all admin profiles.
Added new View/Edit profile permissions to Print Letters & Send Email (new), which includes Publish Letters editing rights.
Print Student Information
Added the “Print Student Information” screen to the Students menu, which allows the user to select the student demographic tabs to print as well as create a PDF of the information.
Birthday Report
The Students menu now has the option for a built in “Birthday Report” by month. The profile permission needs to be set to utilize the report. Select the month from the pull-down, which will generate a report of all students whose birthdays are within the selected month.
User Info
Added a “Report to DOE” column to the Teacher Schedule tab in the “Classes this teacher is co-teaching” section. The data populating the “Report to DOE” field pulls from data enter on the Co-Teachers tab in Courses & Sections (Scheduling > Courses & Sections > Subject/Course/Sections > Co-Teachers . Please note that this data only displays for Florida districts.
Changed the “Teacher Schedule” to display for an inactive teacher. Select the school year from the pull-down that the teacher was active; the “Teacher Schedule” tab will display allowing the user to view inactive teacher schedules.
Selected profiles can now edit student data after a student has been withdrawn via the added profile permissions (Users > Profiles > Students section): “Edit Inactive Students” and “Edit Previous Years Inactive Students.” If either of these settings is not selected for a user, student data will display in a read-only format.
Added a new permission to the Students section called "View Second School Enrolled Students."
If the permission is enabled, users will see no changes to searching for students.
If the permission is disabled, users will be restricted from seeing second school enrolled students when searching for students.
If users have the permission disabled and have access to both the primary and the second school, when the second school is selected, the user will not see the student in the student list. If the user searches specifically for that student with the second school selected with Search All Schools selected, the user be able to find the student.
Added a Profile permission in the Scheduling section called “Allow User to Overfill sections.”
If this profile permission is enabled, the user has the ability to add a section to the student schedule through either Add a Section or Search for a section to Add. If the number of active students in the class is greater than or equal to the total number of seats, the user will get a warning that the section is full but will be able to select to add this student to the section regardless. If this permission is disabled, the user will not have the ability to add the student to the section.
Added the profile permission to”'View Referrals From Other Schools.”
Added “Rotation Days” to display on Print Class Lists, the Student Schedule, and the Teacher Schedule Report.
Student Schedule
When drilling down on the Course by clicking in the title from the Student Schedule screen, the Course link will open the Schedule Report (instead of Courses & Sections), which now shows available seats.
Added the ability to batch message a student's teachers from the Student Schedule screen. Clicking the Batch Message icon will open the Batch Messenger pop-up window where the message is written and sent. Teachers can be deselected as needed.
Mass Requests
Added the ability to mass assign inclusion courses when mass adding requests for students.
Requests Reports
When clicking on the link to the number of students requesting a course from Requests Reports > Requests by Course, the user will now see the Course name and Course Number on the screen. This allows the user to see this data when exporting the list to an Excel spreadsheet.
Loading Reports
Changed the rotation days pull-down from "All Days" to "Any Day." This change also updated the display of rotation days when generating the "Students with Incomplete Schedules" report. If "A" is selected, it will show incomplete schedules for the rotation day of "A", as it did before. The same rule applies if the selection is "B". However, if you select "Any Day," it should now show any student that had an incomplete schedule for either "A" or "B" (or any other rotation days).
Master Schedule Report
Added a “Co-Teacher 1 Primary Teacher,” “Co-Teacher 1 Report to DOE,” and “Co-Teacher 1 Days” column to the Co-Teacher Sections tab.
Courses & Sections
When using the “SPED Seats” option, only the entered number of ESE students (students with FEFP code) will be allowed in the section. “SPED Seats” is part of the total seats entered. Note: This new feature is also included in Mass Requests.
On the Section information, users can now restrict a specific section (course period) to a specific or multiple grade levels. If a user tries to enroll a student into a section that is not in the defined grade level(s) for the section, an error message now appears: “This student does not meet the grade level requirements of this section.”
Added “Include Inactive Students” to the following functions/reports:
Post Standard Grades (Teacher Portal and Teacher Programs)
Report Card Comments (Teacher Portal)
Posted Grades Verification Report (Teacher Portal)
When Admin utilizes the Approve Grade Changes screen to approve a grade change, even with Filters applied, the screen will no longer refresh to reflect the grade change. The grade will change automatically and the filters will remain.
Added automatic recalculation of parent marking periods and GPAs effective for Grade Change Requests and Post Final Grades.
System Preferences for "Calculate GPA Automatically" and "Recalculate parent marking period grades and GPAs when a teacher posts grades or a grade change is approved" must be enabled for automatic recalculation functionality to take effect.
Automatic recalculation of parent MPs will only update existing grades. It will not insert new grades which have not already been previously pulled or posted.
Changed grade calculation so Quarter Exams can now be included in the Semester grade.
Added a Quarter Exam column and changed the "Use Gradebook Grades" link to show the gradebook average when calculating a Quarter grade.
This will only take effect when Quarter Exams are enabled and the Quarter Exam has a weight specified in the Quarter grade calculation.
Florida Clients Only: When posting or pulling grades, Focus will populate District of Instruction as 99 on Student Final Grades, GPA & Class Rank if the Section, School of Instruction has one of the following values: C901-C928, U970-U980 or P001-P999.
Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank
When manually entering records in student Final Grades, GPA & Class Rank, the user is now required to enter a grade in the “Grade” column in order to save the record.
Changed the grade posting alerts to show up 20 days before the posting window closes instead of 10 days.
Report Cards
Added a new profile permission called “Edit Template Settings” (available for administrator and teacher profiles). When a user has profile permissions to “Report Cards,” but does not have permission to “Edit Template Settings,” the user will only have access to the following options on the Report Card screen: Choose how the report cards should be sorted and/or choose a letterhead template.
Added options on Transcripts to select Post Secondary, Interdistrict and/or All Test History.
Added the ability to select more than one Marking Period when generating transcripts.
Average Pass/Fail Grades
The user no longer has to select a student to see the courses.
Added the “Filter,” “Print” and “Export” features.
Added a “Processed” column to easily identify the students that have already been processed through Average Pass/Fail Grades.
Graduation Requirements (Setup)
Added “Min School Year” and “Max School Year” columns to the Graduation Subjects setup screen.
Graduation Requirements Report (New)
Added Community Service Hours Met field to the top of the individual student’s report and added a Community Service Hours Met column to the student list when viewing multiple students. This looks at custom_202 in the Graduation tab of the student’s record. If the code to this value is equal to "Y", a green check mark will show.
Gradebook (Teacher)
Allows the use of more characters in order to display complete titles of assignments.
A new option, "Compact Mode: Shrink font and condense columns" replaced "Shrink gradebook on the pdf" option when selecting Print. Compact mode prints a number in the assignment header instead of the assignment title.
Added functionality to Import CSV on gradebook assignments to support District Local IDs, along with the Student ID.
Gradebook Categories & Assignments (Teacher)
If a teacher's gradebook assignment column header has a dark background color, then it now has readable white text.
Post Final Grades (Teachers)
Added the option to post grades from a CSV file when posting Semester Exam grades.
Updated to display previous marking period posted grades on pages that do not use a grade posting scheme to calculate a grade. Pages that did use a grade posting scheme will still display the marking periods/grades that were used in the calculation and additionally will display the previous marking period grade (Semester 2 will display S1 grade, Q3, Q4, S2 Exam).
Post Standard Grades (Teacher)
Updated the way in which grades are calculated when using the “Use Gradebook Grades” feature.
Added a column to the Detail View called “Gradebook Grade” which displays the current gradebook grade. There is an arrow to expand the cell, which then displays assignment grades used in the calculation of each standard.
Fixed so when the “Include Inactive Students” checkbox is selected, inactive students display and the user can input standard grades. A gray background highlights inactive students in Post Standard Grades (like in Gradebook Grades).
Standard Grades Reports Cards
Changed the layout of the regular grades table at the top of Standard Grades Report Cards to improve layout and readability.
Added the option to sort the standards on Standard Grades Report Cards by the sort order set on the Standard Subject.
Standardized Tests (Setup)
Updated the “Include in Transcript” check boxes to a pull-down, which now contains the following options: No, All Administrations, Most Recent, Highest Score, Grade 08, and High School.
Added a “Transcript” check box, which gives users the ability to decide if the specified test should be included on transcripts.
Attendance Chart
Added fields that calculate the total and percentage of the “Attended” and “Scheduled” hours on the Attendance Chart. Also added a column that calculates percentage of Attended hours compared to Scheduled hours and added a search box to ease transition to next student.
Teacher Completion
Added a check box for “Summary over a timeframe;” when selected, the Report Timeframe (Date Select) will allow the user to enter a date range (as opposed to one date selection). The report is now organized by teacher and period, and lists the total number of days missing attendance.
Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters
Added the option to “Show classes that don't take attendance;” if selected, classes that do not take attendance will display on Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters.
Added a “Submission Date” to indicate the date and time a referral was submitted. The “Submission Date” is displayed upon processing Referrals and on the following screens:
Referrals > Student Search > Referrals tab.
Referral Log > Student Search screen > Select the “Submission Date” check box > Print screen.
Add Referral
An error message has been added if the user tries to enter a future incident date on any referrals: “Form Requirements: Incident Date: Future dating of referrals/incidents is not allowed.”
Added a validation for TX districts on the Discipline field "Date of Disciplinary Action" on the Action Record logging field. If the date entered is not within the min and max dates for the attendance calendars at the selected school, it will save the rest of the data on the page but it will not save the invalid date. Additionally, there is an error message at the top - "ERROR: The "Date of Disciplinary Action" must be within the first and last day of the current school year." If the user changes the field to a valid date and saves again, the data will save as expected.
If a school has two or more calendars set up, then it will look at the combined min and max for all calendars at that school. For dual-enrolled students, it will validate against the calendar of the school that is selected in the top-right.
If the user selects a valid date within the current calendar, they will see no changes and the data will save as expected.
Fixed pull-down text on the History tab, so columns, such as Select_Student, now populate the table.
Added a blue info box at the top of a form: “If you select a school, your request will be reviewed only by staff at that school. If you do not select a school, anyone with permission can approve.”
Online Application
Added the ability for a parent to create an application for a new student through the Parent Portal. Parents will have the option to fill out an application for existing students or new students.
Added Google Captcha (“I’m not a robot”) to the Application for New Students screen.
Added a new field to the Application for New Students screen that requires password confirmation.
Added the Address & Contacts feature to the Online Application to allow applicants to add address and contact information in a similar manner as Student Info. The Linked Users and Linked Students sections are hidden for applicants, as well as the Error side menu. By default, applicants are required to add an address if the address block is included on the application.
A new System Preference in Default School Preferences > Online Application tab has been added to control whether applicants are required to add a contact: “If address block is shown then require student to add a contact.” The message next to the address block will state whether or not just an address or an address and a contact are required.
Added a System Preference to the online application tab that will prevent students whom are not actively enrolled in the applicants school from logging into the application from the /apply screen.
Added a new menu item, “My Information,” which displays the employee’s information page.
Permissions vary depending on navigation; access can be given via SIS or ERP (Setup > Profiles for ERP; Users > Profiles for SIS).
Permissions can also be given by “Employee Fields”: Users > Profiles > Permission Type: select Employee Fields.
Added menu item Request Employee Information Change to the Employee Self Service menu.
Employees can use this screen to submit change requests for their information, as shown in:
Human Resources > Employee > Demographic (Informal Name, Address, Contact Information, Emergency Contacts)
Human Resources > Employee > Maintenance (Direct Deposit, W4)
The approval flow must be set up in ERP > Setup > Approval Flow > Request Employee Information Change.
Added a new option to use a PIN when registering for a Parent Portal account. Note: The district must setup a students.custom_XXX field and provide this field ID to Focus to be entered into the auth file.
Updated the setting VERIFICATION_REQUIRED_IF_NO_SSN to allow for use of SSN or State ID.
Added a new configuration setting for Parent Registration, VERIFICATION_REQUIRED_MESSAGE. This allows the district to customize the verification message that displays on the Success page after the parent completes the registration. The message also displays as an alert on the Parent Portal once the parent logs in.
Students now have the ability to submit form request.
System Preferences >Default School Preferences > Post Secondary tab
Added a System Preference under the Post Secondary tab titled, “Don’t Auto Withdraw Students after Posting Standard Grades.” When selected, students will not be withdrawn from the selected class when all standards are posted.
Added a System Preference under the Post Secondary tab titled, “ Don’t Auto Withdraw Students after Posting Final Grades.” When selected, students will not be withdrawn from the selected class when all grades are posted.
When the new “Post OCP Date (Use the Schedule End Date instead of today’s date for OCP Dates)” System Preference is enabled, the OCP date will be set to the existing withdrawal date. When this preference is disabled, posting the final grade will use current functionality of posting the OCP date as the date the grade was posted. If “Don't Auto Withdraw Students after Posting Final Grades” and/or “Don't Auto Withdraw Students after Posting Standard Grades” is enabled, the “Post OCP Date” preference should be disabled.
Added a System Preference under the Post Secondary tab titled, “Display Program Number on Test History” allowing a school to show or hide the Program Number on the Test History tab (Assessment > Test History).
Added a System Preference under the Post Secondary tab titled, “Allow fee amounts to have up to four decimals,” which allows up to four decimal places when setting up fee templates. Fees are then rounded to 2 decimal places for money collection.
Added a preference that allows schools to select how the drop date should be populated when reauthorizing students.
Added the ability to adjust the grace periods before and after the WDIS Start and End times for student check in and out.
Attendance Scanner grace period before start of class" is the amount of time a student is allowed to check in before a class begins and still be considered on time without gaining any additional hours. By default this is set to 15 minutes.
Attendance Scanner grace period after start of class" is the amount of time a student can check in after the class start time and still be considered on time. By default this is set to 5 minutes.
Attendance Scanner grace period before end of class" takes effect if a student checks out before the exact time the class ends. The check out will be considered the end of class without having any hours or minutes subtracted. By default this is set to 5 minutes.
Attendance Scanner grace period after end of class" takes effect if a student checks out after the class has ended. The check out will be considered the end of class without gaining extra hours. By default this is 15 minutes.
Added a System Preference that can enforce a check in and check out for hours to be counted as attended.
“Require Attendance Scanner check out to receive hours" only gives students hours upon check out. Each time the student checks out, the students will earn the hours for that check in. If the student never checks out, they will not receive hours for that check in. By default, this setting is set to “No.”
Attendance Scanner App
Added a smarter check-in/out process by checking the student into the class that is occurring at the current time of day for every odd punch (1st, 3rd, 5th) and out for every even punch (2nd, 4th, 6th).
If a student is not checked into any classes and scans their badge when there is only 1 class available, they will automatically be checked into that class.
If a student is not checked into any classes and scans their badge when there is more than 1 class available at that time, they will be given a list of choices.
If the student is already checked into a class and they scan their badge, they will automatically be logged out of the class they're currently checked into.
Letterhead Templates
Added codes 3, 4, and A to FL Resident = Y logic in postsecondary Transcripts (Grades > Transcripts).
Scheduled Jobs
Added DOE's new programs for the 17/18 school year to the Basic Skills scheduled job.
Student Reauthorization
Allows teachers and administrators to bill by a set number of hours when reauthorizing students.
Updated so that when a teacher reauthorizes a student for a parent course, the child course is also scheduled and billed.
Student Schedule
Updated Course Progression to refresh the Completion Point Code 1 Date to match the withdrawal date when processing a student.
Take Attendance
Disabled the ability to enter attendance for dates that fall outside of the WDIS Start and End Dates, as defined for each section.
Attendance Setup
Added the ability to “Import” (CSV file) on the Hours Override tab.
Added additional fields to “Hours Override” (Attendance > Attendance Setup > Hours Override tab) allowing identification of what the WDIS Start and End times should be on the identified overridden days.
If these times are set, the Attendance Scanner App will use them as opposed to the start/end time stored on the section.
Added a profile permission for teachers to enter more attended hours than scheduled on the Take Attendance screen, if the system preference, "Teachers are allowed to enter more hours than scheduled" is enabled. This option gives this ability to limit who has access to enter more attended hours than scheduled.
Fixed an error in Billing, so if Billing by semester, quarter, and/or period, dates defined in the Marking Periods setup are now being utilized.
Quote Course
Update Quote Course to accommodate “Quote By” hours. When selected, a pop-up displays for the entry of hours as when billing by the schedule record and in mass invoicing.
Manage Fee Templates
Added the name of the program to the school level fee template from the district fee template.
Fee Report
Added a “General Report” tab to the Fee Report, which can display all fees and allows for more controlled searching and more wide reporting: I.e. to show all fees attached to a school. The General Report tab allows users to run the report for multiple programs, courses, sections, or an entire school, with the added option of filtering by different settings selected in the templates.
Point of Sale
Added a Setup > Profiles > Accounts Receivable > Point of Sale setting that states "Void Only Same-Day Transactions." If the user has only been enabled to void same-day transactions, the void button will be removed for all transactions that did not occur on that day. If it is not selected, the user will be able to process voids regardless of the date.
Added a Setup > Profiles > Accounts Receivable > Point of Sale feature called "Edit." If selected, the profile(s) will be able to edit information with POS. If left unselected, the profile(s) will have read-only access to POS permissions.
This new Setup > Profiles > Accounts Receivable > Point of Sale setting is called "Void Refunds." If checked, profile(s) selected will be able to void refunds in the Accounts Receivable > Point of Sale > Transaction History tab. When a refunded transaction is selected, a “Void” button will now be in the bottom-right corner of the transaction pop-up.
On the Transaction History tab, for all service items, the "Restock Item" check box will be disabled. If all listed items are service items, the entire "Restock Item" column will be hidden.
Text has been added to the bottom of the POS (Point of Sale) receipt when transactions are voided that says "Void applies to payment only. Deferral amounts remain the same and may be cancelled separately."
Exclude voided payments from the Page Total and Grand Total on the Transaction History tab of Point of Sale.
If a void fails through, the following comment is automatically added to the transaction: "Something went wrong. Please manually void the following transactions..." which also includes the invoice numbers, amounts, and merchant transaction IDs.
Logos have been added to the POS invoices as well as Funding Source invoices.
If a payment was made from a Funding Source, the name of the Funding Source will be listed next to the Payment Type on the POS receipt.
For invoice allocations, we store the product quantities/amounts, state tax, and local tax in separate columns. For future reporting purposes, this is now applicable for refunds as well. Added new columns for "subtotal," "state_tax," and "local_tax" to the refunds table. These will automatically populate with proportional tax data when setting the refund amount.
For example, if the original invoice was $100 with $8 state tax and $1 local tax for a total of $109, then a $20 refund will be $18.35 non-taxed, $1.47 state tax, and $0.18 local tax.
Reported tax in Transaction History will be proportional to the payment amount, not the full allocation amount. For example, if the full invoice is $288.90 ($270 pre-tax + $18.90 state tax), but the payment made for the invoice is only $25.75, the state tax amount will display proportionally at $1.68.
Users will be able to edit the Funding Source and/or Deferrals amount on the POS screen (Sales tab) until the deferral has been invoiced.
Changed “Account Credit,” into a link. Click on the link to open a pop-up of Customer Credit Transaction History; from here, the user also has the ability to “Refund all Customer Credit.”
When processing mass deferrals/educational credit, the user can enter the entire amount of the deferral; an overages will automatically be calculated. For example, if a student is receiving $2,500 in Pell and Tuition is $1,500; $1,000 will automatically be assigned as Educational Credit.
Deposits/Internal Account Deposits
Preferences added in Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivable tab under the Cashout section to "Show over/short receipts in deposits."
Funding Source Report
Added “Deferred By” and “Deferral Date” columns to the Funding Source (General) Report.
Added “Limit,” “Spent,” and “Remaining” columns to the Funding Source Report (Overview). The new columns reflect a real time calculation of the amount deferred/remaining if a Limit has been defined on the funding source setup screen.
Funding Sources
Updated the Reference Number format/display to include payment type (i.e. Reference Number: Check # 0292) on receipts (Receive Payment tab).
Fixed “ERP Profiles,” so when a start date and end date is entered, the SIS and ERP pull-down act according to those dates; i.e. if an ERP profile is not active: Start Date is 12/01/2017, the pull-down will not show ERP until the date entered. This also applies to the End Date; if an End Date of 02/01/2018 is entered, the user will not have access to ERP after this date. Note: ERP Profiles are created on the Student Information System (Student Information > Users > User Info > Permissions tab).
Added a Portal Alert for Warehouse Catalog items with zero “Available Inventory.” The items show as an alert under “Warehouse Alerts”: “Item [item name] has no available inventory.”
Added a Setting that allows the district to establish specific users as buyers (Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable > Buyers
This “Buyer” selection displays as a pull-down on the Purchase Order screens; the Buyer can also be set up as part of the Approval Flow.
Fixed Filters so reports return data when filters are applied.
Removed “Limit Project Transfers on Revisions” from the Miscellaneous tab (Setup > Settings > Miscellaneous), and moving it to Setup > Profiles >Permissions > Budget section as “Allow Transferring between Projects;” therefore, this setting can now be customized per profile/user.
Updated so the following entries/requests can only be performed/submitted if the entered fiscal month is open:
Budgeting/General Ledger > Budget Maintenance > Drafts
Budgeting/General Ledger > Manual Journals > Drafts
Accounts Receivable > Receipts > Create/Edit Receipts
Fixed so in the creation of Receipts and/or Manual Journals, the use of Elements linked to an inactive Facility will not be accessible.
Added a “MJ #” (Manual Journal number) link and “MJ Source & Amount” to the following reports/screens:
Purchase Request/Order Report
Invoice Report
Check Report
Receipt Report
Added the “Manual Journal #” and the “Manual Journal Summary” to the following screens:
Purchase Requests/Orders
Invoices (Accounts Payable)
Invoices (Accounts Receivable)
Note: This includes Internal Accounts where applicable.
Updated the approval flow tooltip to be scrollable to allow the user to scroll through the contents for easier reading.
Fixed Leave Review, Leave History, and View ESS > Leave History to load screens, so users can view and edit data.
Added a setting via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable > "ACH Vendor Email Template." Clicking "View/Edit Template" shows the template and available template variables.
Added a contact type, "ACH Email.” This contact data must be set on applicable vendors before ACH emails can be sent (Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Vendors/Customers).
Added a the option to "Email Vendors" via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Checks and/or Internal Account Checks > ACH tab.
Added a Zero-Based Budget Report to the Budgeting/General Ledger menu. The report includes data for accounting strips that meet the set up criteria and have either a positive expenditure or outstanding encumbrance in the selected fiscal year. Note: For users to access this report, they must be given permission via Setup > Profiles > Budget section.
Updated so the complete “Payroll Run” title is used in pull-downs as opposed to the code; this feature is now available on the Expenditure/Revenue Report and the Journal Report.
Expenditure/Revenue Report
Updated the display of the Expenditure/Revenue Report.
Added the ability to Filter on any columns containing numeric values, such as the Budgeted, Encumbered, Collected, Balance, etc. columns.
Added the column "Total Collected,” which reflects both "Collected against an Accrual" and "Collected Non-Accrual."
Budget Maintenance
Added the ability to auto-approve budget revisions when a new budget line is not requested. A new Setup > Settings > Miscellaneous tab permission has been added as a result, "Only require budget revision approval flow when entering new budget.”
Added a Profile Permission to “Allow Back-dating” of journals in Budget Maintenance. To enable this permission navigate to Setup > Profiles >Budget section > “Allow Back-dating.”
This permission allows users to enter any date within the set fiscal year for the “Journal Date” field. Otherwise, users only have the ability to enter a date that is between the current date and the end of the current fiscal year.
Added speed and memory improvements to final approval.
Board Packet Report
Updated to show: “Fiscal Year,” “Fiscal Month,” and a new select option called "Report Type."
Also added “Report Type” options: "Fund Summaries" (displays the new summary) and "Batch Breakdown" (displays the old packet with revisions/amendments).
Added logic for displaying the transaction vs budgeted columns (depending on form criteria selected).
Bank Reconciliation / Internal Account Bank Reconciliation
This feature provides bank reconciliation settings that allow for check numbers with a specific prefix and/or suffix to be ignored/removed from a bank reconciliation. (i.e direct deposits).
Added a new tab to Bank Reconciliation called “Voided Checks.” The tab displays all checks voided during the timeframe of the bank reconciliation.
Updated the Outstanding Credits tab of Bank Reconciliation to list the “Receipt Type” in a deposit. If more than one type of receipt was used in a single deposit (i.e. checks and cash), “Combined” will display as the type.
Added filtering abilities to the “Notes,” “Clear,” “Reconcile,” and “Unreconcile” columns for the Reconciled Checks/Credits, Unreconciled Credits/Debits, Outstanding Checks/Credits/Debits, and Check Errors tabs.
Added “Reconciled By” line to the Summary.
Internal Accounts Activity Report
Added the "status of cash" section (GL activity in the summary) to the printed report to reflect the HTML report.
District Budget Planning
Added a list of district employees assigned to manage the budget for a group of accounts.
Give Budget Managers the ability to add new accounting strips Budget Managers will also be able use the current fiscal year accounts as well as other fiscal years if new projects are added in the new fiscal year.
Updated so the “Revenue” column will not be factored into “Accounting Strip Filters” for districts that have revenue strips without a revenue element category.
Campus/Department Budget Planning
Added a pull-down to Campus/Department Budget Planning adjacent to the fiscal year/status inputs called "Element Descriptions" with options "Show" or "Hide." "Hide" will be chosen by default to maintain existing functionality.
Journal Report
Added a fiscal year pull-down to eliminate the need to enter a date range when conducting a search.
Updated so the draft title is used in the Description column for a journal related to a manual journal if the gl_journals.descr column is empty.
Manual Journals
Added an “AR Invoice” to the “Linked Record Type” of Manual Journals. Users can now link an “AR Invoice” in the creation of a Manual Journal.
Selecting “AR Invoice” populates the “Linked Record” pull-down with approved Accounts Receivable Invoices. The title of the Invoices listed are a concatenation of the invoice number and the custom title.
As a result of this update, “Invoice” has been renamed “AP Invoice” in the “Linked Record Type” pull-down.
Added bank information when “Check” is selected from the Linked Record Type pull-down. Bank information will display in “Linked Record” pull-down.
Added a GL based breakdown, “GL Accounts,” which includes Debits, Credits, and a sum of the Manual Journals related to the given GL to the Manual Journal draft. The new table also includes a Subtotal for all Debits and Credits combined, as well as a Total for each listed general ledger.
Finance Costing Export
Updated to work with districts that do not use the program element category.
Purchase Requests/Orders / Internal Purchase Requests/Orders
Added a Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable feature to “Show ‘requesting facility’ field on purchase orders.”
There is also the option to “Require ‘requesting facility’ on purchase orders.” When this setting is enabled, users will be required to add the requesting facility, account strip permissions permitting.
Added a feature that allows users to hover over Line Items Descriptions and view them in a tooltip; this applies to users with view only permissions, for whom Line Items are disabled.
Added a feature that prevents Bid Descriptions from being set Line Items Descriptions.
Added a Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable feature that allows users to set up sequences by PO type via “Purchase Order Numbering.”
Resized Line Items columns to allow Descriptions to be longer.
Added a Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable feature that prevents approval of a future fiscal year purchase order. When “Prevent approval of PO for a future fiscal year” is enabled, the user will receive an error when attempting to approve.
Added a setting used for end of the year preparation. When enabled, users will not be allowed to submit new purchase order requisitions. ERP > Setup > Settings > Misc > Enable "Disallow creation of PO's in current fiscal year."
When a “Vendor” is selected from the pull-down, the “Vendor Address,” “Vendor City,” “Vendor State,” and “Vendor Zipcode” auto-populate.
If a Vendor has more than one listed address, a second line has been added to display both address on the Purchase Order screens.
Fixed the fiscal year pull-down so the years are in order from greatest to lowest.
Fixed so when a fixed asset PO is denied, the assets will be hard-deleted as if they were never requested; therefore, when the requester/user resubmits the PO (if applicable), all fixed asset information must be re-entered.
Added an “Original Encumbrance” and “Received Amount” calculation to the PO Summary.
Added a “Liquidated Date” column to the Request History tabs.
Added a “Buyer” column to the Request History tab.
Added a “Fiscal Year” column to the Pending Approvals tab.
Purchase Request/Order Report
Added a feature to perform purchase order budget checks for each approver which will prevent negative budget balances.
Added a “Bid” column to the Purchase/Request Order Report.
Added the next fiscal year to the pull-down; the selected year will now factor into the report’s criteria.
Added additional check boxes to the Report to now include Standard, Blanket, Warehouse, Stock Warehouse, Utility, Capital Improvement, P-Card, Payment Voucher, Approved, Committed, Invoiced, Encumbered, Released, Paid, Outstanding, Internal Accounts, Show Element Name, and Split by Facility for filtering purposes.
Added a “Bid Number” pull-down filter to the Purchase Request/Order Report for users to select a bid.
Added a “Buyer” column to the report.
Receive Orders
Added a link to navigate to the original purchase order (PO #) when on the purchase order Receive Orders screen.
Added a time stamp to the Received Date column.
An added feature that allows the “Quick Receive” link on the Purchase Requests/ Orders screen to be used until all items have been received. Once all items have been received, users can click the “Go To Receive” link instead.
Added a feature that allows users to create invoice templates for recurring weekly/monthly invoices.
Added an “Import” button to the Non-PO Invoice tab. User will be able to upload CSV files to set invoice number, date, and all allocation data.
When viewing or created any kind of Invoice, or Revenue Refund, the vendor’s Payment or Primary address displays below vendor name and number in the General section.
If an invoice is created without entering an invoice # and/or date, upon leaving the screen, the user will receive a pop-up message indicating that “One or more invoices dates/numbers have not been filled out.”
Added partial payment “Outstanding” balances to the Invoice History tab and PDF printout.
Invoices / Invoice Report
Added the ability to record utility involves separately via the “Utility Invoice” tab on the Invoices screen.
A Profiles permission (“Utility Invoices”) has been added to enable specific users to use the “Utility Invoice” tab when creating Invoices.
Added reporting capability used to track utility invoices via the “Utility” tab on the Invoice Report, making it possible to monitor utility spending/usage.
Added the ability to create a “Utility” invoice template via Invoices > Templates.
Added a feature that will prevent entering a check date that is more than 10 years old; if such a date is entered, an Error will display: “The check run for [date entered] is more than 10 years in the past.”
Updated the bank table to include the bank identification number as it appears on checks.
Updated logos on checks next to payer’s information to be specific to each facility, and now supplies generic district logos if needed.
Checks/Internal Account Checks
Drill down links have been added to the “Invoice #” (number) column. When selected, applicable Invoices or Internal Account Invoices display in a new browser tab.
Added the 1099 address column to the address table in the vendor screens. This option affects what address the 1099 forms print/use.
If the user does not have permission to "Edit Vendors" but has permission to "Edit Address & Contact Info," the user can only edit the Contact Info and Addresses tables.
Added a new section called "Insurance Info" to the Vendors/Customers screen giving users the ability to input multiple lines of insurance.
"Insurance Info" should only be visible if the "View Insurance Info" Profile permission is enabled.
"Insurance Info" should only be editable if "Edit Insurance Info" Profile permission is enabled.
This Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable > “Default Length of Vendor #’s” feature replaced the system preference to autopad vendor numbers to nine or ten digits with a system preference to autopad new vendor numbers with a range from five to twelve.
Made changes to Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivable in order to allow districts with multiple facilities to identify unique strips for each facility's tax revenue.
Added an indicator to the Invoice History tab and the Invoice Report to identify invoices printed past due, and adds an option to “Print Past Due” notices as first, second, and third.
Updated the Deposited Payments tab to list the “Receipt Type.” If more than one type of receipt was used in a single deposit (i.e. checks and cash), “Combined” will display as the type.
Deposits / Receipts
Added a feature that makes the user capable of viewing all receipts/deposits without the permission to post. Note: Recommended for auditors.
Receipts / Receipts Report
Added a feature that includes the "Invoice #" to the Create / Edit Receipts tab, the printed receipt, and the Receipt History tab. (When the receipt is not tied to an invoice, the Invoice # (number) field will not be displayed on the transaction). In the case where there are multiple invoices, each of the invoice numbers will be displayed.
Added a filter for "Created Date Range" on the Receipt Report (General and Detailed); the dates searched will then display in the "Created Date" column in the resulting table.
Made partial payments of Accounts Receivable Receipts against Accounts Receivable Invoices possible.
Customer Ledger
Integrated the existing Customer Ledger "print" functionality header with the DataTable's export PDF header.
Modified the "print" button to trigger a print on the DataTable rather than using an entirely separate process to generate the PDF.
Manage Assets
Added a Fixed Assets Menu Profile permission to "Mass Allocate;” enabled this feature will give the user access to a “Mass Allocate” tab on the Manage Assets screen.
The “Mass Allocate” tab accepts a barcode range and a table of allocations; using Mass Allocate will also apply all specified allocations to the assets within the barcode range.
Mass Allocate will perform error validation beforehand (i.e.. not specifying the barcode range, not adding an allocation, or setting an invalid accounting strip).
Added the ability to link the fixed asset “Disposition Code” to the “Asset Status.”
Added a “Net Current Value” field to Manage Assets.
Added “Purchase Order #” to the Fixed Asset Import tool via Manage Assets > Import Assets. The Purchase Order # field will pull any PO allocations linked to the object of the new asset’s category if the line item price matches the asset’s purchase price, and, as a result, use those allocations as the asset’s allocations.
Updated to allow the user to add a negative allocation “Amount” to an asset; however, the negative amount entered will not be accepted if it brings the total asset into the negative numbers.
Updated so whenever an asset has been transferred, the “Location History” table on the Current Asset tab will update automatically.
Updated to auto-populate the “Life Expectancy (Years)” field for an asset based on the category’s life expectancy on the “Current Asset tab. Note: The user will have to save this information manually.
Inventory Report
Added signature lines to PDF print preview.
Inventory Transaction Report
Updated the Inventory Transaction Report to limit characters in the “Description” column to sixty characters.
Added a column for the “Vendor,” for “Invoices,” “Checks,” “Purchase Orders,” and “Asset Purchase Price.”
Added links for the “Description,” “Invoices,” “Checks,” and “Purchase Orders” columns.
Take Inventory
Added the ability to “View” / “Review” an inventory run after it has been finalized and the Scheduled Inventory timeframe has ended.
Changed “Scan Barcode” to “Barcode” on the View Inventory tab.
Changed the “Search” button to the “Scan” button.
Added a “Look up Asset” search box to the View Inventory screen.
Updated so when a valid barcode is entered for an asset assigned to a facility, a pop-up displays with the following information: Barcode #, Asset description, Serial #, Building, Room, and Status. If the asset is not assigned to a facility, the pop-up will indicate that a facility must be assigned.
Fixed Assets Report
Added a “Computer Type” and “Computer Role” column to the Fixed Assets Report.
Added a “Disposition Date” column to the Fixed Assets Report.
Updated so that hovering over the Description column will display the full description in a tooltip.
Add Employee
The Add Employee screen has been renovated to reflect Add a Student in the Student Information System. Employees can now be added without first having to create an entire profile via the “Continue” button.
Added the ability to to use an independent sequence (gl_sequences) when assigning EINs to new employees, or to create the EIN as a duplicate of the users table primary key (staff_id).
Added an IRS Lockout date range: “IRS Lock Start” and “IRS Lock End;” When within the entered IRS Lockout date range, employees will not have access to enter W4 Information until after the IRS Lock End date.
Added “HS Diploma” to the Degree Earned pull-down in the Education section.
Added a “Contributors” section to the View Details pop-up on the Pay History tab.
Added “IRS Lock Start” and “IRS Lock End” date fields to the W4 Information tab of Employee.
Fixed the “Recalculate and explain the rates” button in the Step Pay Calculation section, so when selected, an “Answers” pop-up will display with an explanation, as shown in the image above.
Changed so the “Step” pull-down is listed in numeric order (Details button in Positions > Step pull-downs).
Added the ability to search for a position code via the “Look up Position Code” search box.
Added a “Manager” check box as well as a “Managed By” pull-down to the Positions tab and the Current Position tab.
Added a “View Only” Profiles permission to position maintenance, which limits the user to minimal editing capabilities. The Facility pull-down is limited based on the user’s Accounting Strips permissions. To enable the setting, from the Setup menu > Profiles > Human Resources section > select the check box for “View Only” under Position Control & Job Postings.
Added Totals to the bottom of the following columns: Authorized, Available Hour(s), Available Unit(s), Filled Hour(s), Filled Unit(s).
Leave Review
Added Filters and header sorting abilities (ascending and descending) to Leave Review.
Leave History
Added a table called “Leave Recovery” to Leave History to show amounts owed by employees if leave was taken and the employee was docked more than they are to be paid.
Fixed so the footer is now appearing when viewing Leave History.
Staff Report
Added “Ethics Training” and “Position Code” (from Position Control) columns to the Staff Report.
Removed “Contract” column from the Staff Report because I did not house correct information.
Added the following columns to the Staff Report:
“Primary Address,” “Home Phone,” “Cell Phone,” “Publish,” and “Bargaining Unit.”
Added header sorting abilities to all columns except for the Email column on both the Expiring tab and the List tab; the user can now sort each column by clicking on any of the headers for ascending or descending results.
Added W2 Reporting menu item to Payroll.
The new W2 Reporting module generates paper and electronic W2s.
W2s have also been updated to “Exclude Opted-Out Employees.”
Users also have the ability to define “W2 Submitter’s BSO ID” via Setup > Settings > Payroll tab.
Added Transfer Job Balances menu item to Payroll.
Users will need permissions enabled for Payroll > Transfer Job Balances, Human Resources > View/Edit Jobs, and Human Resources > Position Control & Job Postings.
When an employee job is terminated, but the contract still has a remaining balance (either owed to the employee or owed to the district), the Job Balance Transfer module allows the user to transfer that contract amount to another position/contract as long as it is a salary job and the job record is set to Primary = YES for the new job.
Fixed so when paying out a contract for a terminated employee, the payout will be applied to the current, active job allocation.
Run Payroll
Changed the “Skip Period Pay” into two buttons: “Skip Period Pay” and “Skip All Deductions Except Taxes” on the Runs tab. “Skip Period Pay” pays out all miscellaneous pay with all deductions. “Skip All Deductions Except Taxes” pays out a regular run with only deductions from the “Taxes” category.
Added a “Leave Recovery” tab to Run Payroll to show amounts owed by employees if leave was taken and the employee was docked more than they are to be paid.
For details, click the “Explain” button and an “Answers” pop-up will display with more information about dockage.
Added “Date Worked” from the Timecards tab to the Answers pop-up on Run Payroll > Checks tab.
Fixed so Encumbered is not updated during the payroll finalization.
Fixed so Accounts Receivable is not updated during the payroll finalization.
Added “Toggle Columns” to the Calc Retro Pay tab.
Updated the “Calc Retro Pay” tab to include employees who will not receive retro pay, but will have a step increase. By including them, "Calculate Current Wages" can be utilized to update employee wage records.
Fixed so users cannot Post a Check Run (Run Payroll > Checks tab) with unprocessed Leave records. A warning message has been added for users who try to click “Post” while there are outstanding Leave records.
Added a select field to Run Control, which allows the user to view only the “Current” pay run(s), or “All” pay runs for the fiscal year.
Fixed to ensure that Overtime will always be included in the Pay Run by checking both current and future wage allocations.
Updated so that the available weeks for OT records now include all weeks leading up to (and including) the current pay run. This allows the user to enter OT records for dates earlier in the fiscal year.
School/Department Payroll Entry
Added a “Substitute” tab to the Leave tab.
Added a “Pay Run” column to show the specific run and date for each employee record.
Added a “Revert” option to the School/Department Payroll Entry tab, which becomes applicable if the user needs to update or adjust a record that has already been assigned to a run. Reverting will move the records back to the applicable School/Department Payroll Entry tab (i.e. Timecards).
Added a “Duplicate Pay Schedule” button to the Pay Schedules tab. This will allow users to copy a pay schedule, which will automatically adjust to the current year.
Fixed so the “Plan” pull-down now shows all items set up in Setup > District Codes > Retirement.
Improved the speed when adding slot steps on the Main Tables tab.
Added a "Mass Update" button.
Added a new screen to assign missing indexes/groups to employees.
Changed the "Job Wages" tab to "Staff Positions."
Added Select All/Unselect All buttons.
Historical Reports
Updated so users have the ability to select multiple from the “Pay Run” pull-down. Note: Data from all sections (Employee Job Totals through Deduction Class Totals) accurately reflect the sum of all runs selected.
Updated so if multiple runs are selected, the user’s only option is “All Facilities.”
Updated so that the Employee Wages section of the Gross to Net report now limits results displayed when over 30 pages of records exist. An alert is shown: "Results are too large to display. Click the "DOWNLOAD" button to the right to download the whole report, or select a specific facility." The Download button downloads a CSV copy of the report.
Updated Warehouse reports to show correct data in select pull-downs:
Inventory Adjustments > “Item” pull-down
Transaction Report > “Item/Facility Pool” pull-down
Inventory Sheet > “Pools” pull-down
Added ability to track the last transaction date and days inactive for an item in the Warehouse Catalog.
Added an “Encumbered” column to Warehouse Catalog.
Pick List
Fixed Courier Requests to display on “Print Pick List.”
Added the ability to edit the “Pick List Date” and the “Route” pull-down on the Pick List.
Courier Requests
Added a "Request #" column to Request History and Approval History.
Added “Request #” to the top of a Request when on the View Request tab (in created or reviewing a request).
Added “Courier Request #,” the name of the request, the “Requester,” and the “Requested” date to top of PDF when printing line items table.
All Courier Requests must now be assigned a “Request # (Number).”
The “Request #” and request “Name” are now displayed in the Pick List print out and while items are being added to the Pick List.
Items cannot be added to a Courier Request without filling out all fields, with the exception of Notes.
Added an Approve and Deny button to the View Request tab.
To help file the corresponding delivery item when adding a pickup item to a Pick List (and vice versa), selected an item will highlight the corresponding item in yellow on the other table. When both items are selected, neither of the two rows will be yellow. If both rows are unselected, neither row will be yellow. This logic also applied when using the "Check All" buttons at the top of each table.
Inventory Sheet
Added “Page” numbers and alternating colored rows to the Inventory Sheet printout.
Added “Files” and “Comments” upload ability to the Inventory Sheet.
Added “Toggle Columns” to the Inventory Sheet and a header to the Inventory Sheet printout.
Inventory Adjustments
Increased width of “Item #” to allow the user to have a better method of verifying accuracy prior to submitting.
Added an “Adjustment Type” column to the Adjustment History tab, as well as “Filters.”
There is also now a “Print” option on all adjustment screens, such as Adjustment History and View Adjustment.
Maintenance Request
Added “Page” numbers and alternating colored rows to the Maintenance Request printout.
Added a feature that prevents an “Item” with a negative unit cost from being added to a Maintenance Request.
Added a “Technicians” pull-down to the search criteria on Maintenance Request: Request History.
Moved the “Units” column in between “Item” and “Facility” on a Maintenance Request.
Transaction Report
Added a column to the Transaction Report for "Transaction Unit Cost."
Renamed the "Unit Price" column as "New Unit Price.”
Added Unit Cost calculation for all transactions.
Added Toggle Columns to the Transaction Report.
Added a “Transaction Unit Cost” column to Transaction Report.
Added a “PO Delivery Facility” pull-down to the search criteria on the Transaction Report.
Added a "Non-PO Invoice" Property option to the Release Invoices Approval Flow permissions and directional nodes. Users will be able to choose from */Yes/No as the node options. Navigate to Setup > Approval Flow > Flow Type: Release Invoices.
The setting "NON-PO Invoices can be released" via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable must be enabled.
Added a feature that disallows entering an “End Date” to an element that is before the latest activity tied to a given element (on the Elements tab).
Miscellaneous tab has been enhanced for districts to define which GL accounts are debited and credited for certain accounting actions, per “Fund.”
Added “Regions Bank Integration” setting to the Miscellaneous tab for districts that use Regions Bank for their E-payables P-Card.
Added “Ignored Check Criteria” setting to the Miscellaneous tab to exclude checks with certain prefixes or suffixes from a bank reconciliation.
Fixed the “When a internal budget is adopted or rolled” setting on the Miscellaneous tab.
Added a setting to prevent Approval Substitutes from approving their own requests/submissions: “Prevent substitutes from approving their own requests.” This setting can be enabled from the Setup > Settings > Miscellaneous tab.
Added the setting “Where a internal budget is adopted or rolled” where the Debit and Credit accounts can be selected. This setting can be enabled from the Setup > Settings > Miscellaneous tab.
Added a “DOE Code” column to the Facilities tab (Setup > Settings > Facilities).
Added a “Default disposition code” setting to the Fixed Assets tab.
Government Codes
Renamed the “Extended Leave” column “FMLA” on the Separation Reason tab.
Added filtering and sorting capabilities to the Code and Title column on the Separation Reason tab.
Accounting Strips (Permissions)
Widened the user field on Accounting Strips Permissions set up.
Profiles (Menu)
Added a feature that allows for the exportation of the Profile Report where users maintain more than one profile. All profile names will show on the report and Excel spreadsheet.
Added a Profile permission that allows select users to “Delete Requests” (Bids).
Updated Receipt permissions to show separately as district and internal settings.
Updated so all users that currently have district permissions to Receipts now have internal permissions as well.
Fixed so the Profile Report and Permission Report lists all profiles associated with each user.
Added a new permission for Manual Journals “Submit One-Sided Manual Journal.”
Approval Flow
Added the ability to direct Release Invoices Approval Flow based on the variance of a blanket PO.
Initial Account Balances
Default "Roll into Fiscal Year" to the next FY (fiscal year). Note: This feature will only take effect if next year’s fiscal year are set up.
Purchase Orders (Rollover)
Added a new tab, “Templates,” which can now be utilized to roll purchase order templates from the current fiscal year to the next. It also allows users to mass delete purchase order templates.
Uploaded Files Report
Updated to improve various functionality, such as:
Removed “Type” accounting strip filter.
Added “Toggle Columns” to the report.
Added search criteria to include “Invoice #,” “BM Request #,” “Manual JE #,” “PO #,” and “Receipt #.”
Updated so saved reports are saved per user and not shared amongst users.
Import Tools
Updated so that Time & Attendance imports throw a warning during import if the work date is outside of the pay period.
User Preference (New Screen)
Added a User Preference to change Filters to default to “ON” instead of OFF, “Filter Default On.”
Added the ability to disable Approval Emails from the User Preference screen (Note: This setting only becomes available to approvers in an approval flow when a request is awaiting approval).
Added the ability to set the Category Type pull-down to default to “Internal.”
Added the ability to set the Show Descriptions pull-down to default to “Element Descriptions.”
Added various user interface improvements.
FAS Tests
Updated so that the student names displayed in the View Student Answers tab of the FAS tests screen follow the format the user selected in My Preferences (Student Name Format). The image shown is an example of a user who selected “Last Name, Nickname.”
Create Tests (Teachers)
Added the ability for teachers to set the “Test Review Delay” for tests, which prevents parents and students from reviewing the test until the defined number of days has passed.
Removed the Reports screen from the SSS menu.
Added "browser" as the default value for the print method. This fixed an issue where the Print Form button did not work.
Manage Student
Removed the progress bar from Progress Monitor > Manage Student screen.
Added a green check mark to completed steps. Note: The check mark will only show for steps that are not required (as indicated by the asterisk).
Updated to ensure goals stay in order when being edited via Manage Student > ESE> IEP Goals & Objectives.
Updated so that the user can copy and paste a URL to an event instance and be taken to that event for the student without having to change the student selected at the top-right of the screen.
Updated so that the Action links (“Manage Student” and “Progress Monitor”) are now buttons. Also updated so that students with more than one enrollment only appear in the pull-down once.
Removed “Enhanced Assistant” from Schedule of Services.
Updated “Schedule of Services” to include/exclude:
Added “Related Service” pop-up.
Removed “Location” and the printout option.
Made “Transportation Code” required if “Transportation” is selected from the Services pull-down.
Updated the Accommodations/Modifications tab of an IEP Event by switching the location of the “Location” and “Frequency” pull-downs to make “Frequency” first.
Updated so if Events are created, all corresponding tabs will update automatically.
Updated the Event Triggers and Form Triggers tabs so the action parameters are displayed on the insertion row making it more legible.
Updated so Event Triggers and Form Triggers can now be deleted as needed.
Removed/Hid the Permissions & Log Fields tab; this tab is only to be used by Focus Support.
Disabled the Log Fields tab and Custom Field Name Column used for the Event Log unless enabled via the Event Log permission.
Updated the “Custom Routes” column to accept blank values (on the Steps and Events tab).
Updated to make aplicable fields required.
Form Builder
Please see the release notes for Form Builder in the SIS section above for changes that apply to Form Builder in SIS, SSS, and ERP.
User Profile Permissions
Removed “View Config” from System Permissions; this setting can be accessed via Users > Profiles by selecting the View check box for the corresponding settings.
Accommodation Options
Added a user-friendly error message to the Categories tab of the Accommodation Options screen if the user does not enter a sort order.
Fixed an issue where the sort order was not working properly.