Documentation for Administrators

8.7 Bug Fix Release Notes

Updated on


Updated so that when the site times out, the screen is darkened and blurred to hide information on the screen.

Fixed an issue where time columns were not sorted correctly when clicking on the column header.

Fixed an issue where section short names were not included in section titles if the short name was non-numeric.

Fixed an issue when using the Login As shortcut (press Shift and click the logo) where some users were missing from the list, some inactive users were included, and some users had an unknown profile.

Fixed an issue when there was a null in a column and that column was sorted where the nulls sorted to the top but the rest of the numbers sorted incorrectly.

Fixed an issue when a user had multiple profiles where switching between the profiles changed the school selected at the top of the screen.

Fixed so that when searching for students by student group, the school year selected at the top of the screen is considered.


L25 Report

Fixed a database error that displayed when running the report.

Standard Grades Summary

Fixed an issue where full year grades were not populating on the Full Year tab.

View Standard Grades

Fixed an issue where the Marking Period column in the All Progress Periods tab displayed red numbers instead of the marking period titles.

State Performance Report

Fixed a database error when running the report.



Updated so that when an administrator takes attendance for a teacher via Users > Take Attendance (Teacher Program) or when logged in as the teacher, it is indicated in the Audit Trail (Students > Audit Trail > Legacy), on the Attendance Summary, and on the Attendance Chart. The note will read “(Administrator’s name) logged in as (teacher’s name)” in the User Changed column in the Audit Trail and in the tooltip when hovering over the attendance code in the Absence Summary and Attendance Chart.

Attendance Chart

Fixed an issue where co-teachers with permissions to modify attendance could only modify attendance on the Attendance Chart for one of the sections they co-taught.

(Texas) Fixed an issue where a school that had period 1 as sort order 1 would calculate the FTE period correctly, but a school with a 00 period as the first period in the sort order would calculate using the period before the selected FTE period.

Fixed an issue where the student name with the red X did not appear at the top-right corner of the screen when viewing an individual student’s Attendance Chart.

Attendance Chart/Absence Summary

Fixed an issue where attendance codes with a short name of 0 would not display on the Attendance Chart or Absence Summary when assigned to a student.

Take Attendance

Fixed an issue where comments entered by administrators on the Add Absences screen displayed multiple times on the Take Attendance screen for teachers.

Absence Summary

Added a “Mass Assigned” note to the tooltip for any code that was added through Add Absences.

(Texas) Fixed an issue on Texas sites where a non-present attendance period record did not display on the Absence Summary when there was not an attendance day record for the same day.

Fixed an issue where the Absence Summary could not be exported to Excel for a student with multiple enrollments.

Teacher Completion

Fixed an issue where the wrong date displayed when using the date picker calendar to switch the date selected from the first day of the current month to the 31st of the month before.

Absences by Course and Student

Fixed an issue where the Days Possible and the Percent of Days Absent columns were blank and the Periods Absent displayed as 0 for inactive students.

Attendance Setup

(Texas) Improved the speed for Texas sites when using Recalculate Daily Attendance.


Referral Codes & Actions

Removed the “Allowed Profiles (View)” column from the Actions tab as it is unnecessary. Now there is one column “Allowed Profiles” that allows the selected profiles to use the action on discipline referrals. Users who don’t have permission to use the action on discipline referrals can still view the action if it was already selected on the referral by another user.

Fixed an issue where the ISS Days and OSS Days fields were disabled after the first page of codes in the Codes tab.

Add Referral

Fixed an error when printing a blank referral using the Print button at the bottom of the screen.

Fixed so that an error message displays instead of a database error when a referral is saved without selecting a student.

Fixed an issue where a referral would not save when the “Reviewed by an Administrator” check box was selected.

Fixed an issue where inactive users were available in the Reporter list.

Fixed an error when saving a referral that included a computed table.

Fixed so that when a user is entering a referral and there are fields that the user does not have access to, the default field values are saved for those fields.


Updated so that when a referral has an action that spans into the next school year, the length of action is calculated using the calendar in the next school year that has the rollover ID of the student’s current enrollment calendar. If that calendar doesn't exist, the length of action will be calculated ignoring what is a school day and what is not.

Updated so that when an action with a withdrawal code attached is added to a discipline referral, the student is automatically withdrawn as of the Date Decided or today’s date if there is no Date Decided set.

Fixed an issue where the Entry Date field was cut off in the Referrals list.

Fixed a database error when searching on an Incident ID range.

Fixed an issue where the suspension action length error for ESE/504 students incorrectly displayed when entering a Length of Action for a discipline code that was not suspension.

Fixed an issue where the “Duplicate Referral” and “Delete this referral” buttons were included on the printout when printing the referral using the Print button at the bottom of the screen.

Fixed an issue when searching all schools and selecting a referral that was not issued in the school the user had selected in the top-right corner of the screen, where the school on the referral was updated to reflect the school the user had selected at the top-right when any change was made on the referral.

Fixed an issue when viewing the same referral at different schools where the action end date changed based on the school selected.

Fixed an issue where the discipline incident did not save correctly when originally added to a referral with a SESIR, and so the Discipline Incident pop-up window would display again when the existing referral was updated.

Fixed an issue where changing some fields on a referral did not trigger the Save button to turn red.

Fixed an error that displayed when clicking Student Documentation when computed tables were included.  

Fixed an issue where the Length of Action was not calculated correctly on a referral when the user’s date format preference was “Day Month, Year” in My Preferences.

Fixed an issue where the PDF did not load when printing a letter from the Referrals screen.

Fixed an issue when using the Search field at the top-right corner of the Referrals screen to search for another student where the list of referrals for the currently selected student displayed instead of the student in the search.

Category Breakdown

Fixed an issue where inactive students were not included when running a report for previous years.


Fixed an issue where Calculated grades in Print Grades Verification Sheets did not match the teacher’s posted grades when the teacher was using the option to round scores up or down in Gradebook Configuration.


Fixed an issue when a teacher with multiple sections in the same period had gradebooks custom combined and classes were combined from different periods, where the categories to choose from when copying assignments were based on the period not based on the group.

Fixed an issue where the standards that displayed in the Add an Assignment pop-up window did not display in the sort order assigned to the standards in Assessment > Standards.

Fixed an initialization error when the marking period was changed at the top of the screen when viewing an individual student’s Gradebook.

Fixed an issue when gradebooks were combined by period where the periods on the Add an Assignment pop-up window displayed in order based on rotation day, which led to periods being out of order. Now they are sorted by period first, then rotation day.

Fixed an issue where the check marks and Xs for check box assignments did not print when printing the gradebook.

Fixed an error that occurred when there were check box assignments in the gradebook and the teacher selected to use letter grades instead of points.

Fixed an error that indicated the category weights did not equal 100% when the teacher was using a semester gradebook and the teacher had categories set up in different marking periods.

Fixed an issue when a teacher autofilled an assignment with a lower case custom grade where the grade would not show correctly.

Fixed an issue where sometimes “I” grades were saved in the database as null points and sometimes as -1 points. Now “I” grades are consistently saved as -1.

Fixed so that when an error prevents saving in the gradebook, such as no network connection, an error message displays, alerting that changes were not saved.

Fixed an issue where the gradebook displayed an inactive student as active.

Fixed an issue where after changing the option in the “Enter grades by” field (such as changing it from “Letter Grade” to “Points”), the Auto-Fill Points field in the Add an Assignment pop-up window would use the “Enter grades by” option that was previously selected (e.g. it would use “Letter Grade” instead of “Points”).

Fixed an issue where categories with 0% weight values did not display the totals information when Totals was selected at the top of the Gradebook screen.

Fixed an issue where a white screen displayed after changing the assignment category on an assignment that was assigned to multiple sections.

Fixed an issue where Spanish characters entered in an assignment title did not display correctly when viewing the assignment information.

Fixed an error when opening the Gradebook when a teacher was using a semester gradebook and had a gradebook template.

Fixed an issue when a child section was used for attendance and the section met on a different day than the parent section, where the gradebook did not display the attendance alert when a student was absent on the assigned or due date of an assignment.

Fixed an issue when printing the gradebook using the Print button in the footer where there was not a page break when assignments took up more than one page.

Gradebook Categories & Assignments

Fixed an issue where the Description text box was pushed to the right side of the screen and could be hidden when on the New Assignment screen.

Gradebook/Gradebook Categories & Assignments

Fixed an error when a teacher did not have a Gradebook Method selected or used a different method than the district default, and the district selected Disallow for the Gradebook Method in System Preferences.

Gradebook Configuration

Fixed an issue when a teacher made changes to Gradebook Configuration where disallowed options were unset and were allowed to be used.

Gradebook Reports

Fixed an issue when generating a progress report for a student where classes not on a student’s current schedule were included on the progress report.

Fixed an issue when generating a progress report for a semester gradebook where the progress report printed blank when generated in the second marking period of the semester.

Fixed an issue where pull-down comments entered on a gradebook assignment did not print on the progress report.

Fixed an issue in the Gradebook Audit Trail when using letter grades only in the gradebook where the Changes Made and New Grade columns displayed as points instead of the letter grades.

Progression Plan

Fixed an issue where a course did not display within the proper requirement when the course had a space in the course number and the requirement was limited by a custom list.

(Texas) Fixed an issue on some Texas sites where deselecting the custom check box fields on the progression plan and clicking Submit did not save the changes.

Fixed an issue where “Array” displayed in the Planned Request column when the selected course was not in the custom list of courses.

Fixed an issue where courses in Earned/Scheduled credits were duplicated when the courses were Full Year and grades were posted for semesters.

Fixed an issue where courses with a letter grade only that did not fit it any category and appeared at the bottom of the report on the Electives line displayed as in progress instead of completed.

Fixed an issue where the page break and font size options did not work correctly when printing progression plans.

Gradebook Grades

Fixed an issue where the Marking Period displayed as Full Year in Gradebook Grades for sections where the marking period was a quarter.


Fixed an error when running a 1-page transcript using the “By Marking Period” option.

Fixed an issue when using the “Grad Subject” Grouping option where the Cumulative GPA, Cumulative Weighted GPA, and Cumulative Credits always displayed as 0.

Fixed an issue when using the “Year and Course” Grouping option where the GPA and Cumulative GPA displayed as 0.

Fixed an issue where courses displayed as in progress when the marking period was over and grades were posted.  

(Texas) Fixed an issue when the numerical grade was 0 where an F was displayed on the transcript instead of a 0.

Report Card Comments/Post Final Grades

Re-added the “__ characters remaining” indicator when adding long comments.

Report Card Comments

Fixed an issue when the grade posting window was not defined on the marking period, where the message indicated changes could be made until January 1, 1970, and there was an error when the teacher submitted long comments.

Report Cards

Added new report card options “Abbreviate Teacher & Course Name” and “Hide percent symbol.” The “Abbreviate Teacher & Course Name” option truncates the course name and teacher’s name. The “Hide percent symbol” option removes the % symbol.

Fixed an issue where the option selected in the “Marking period from which to pull data” field was not saved when clicking “Save Settings as Default.”

Fixed an issue where the wrong school displayed on the report card when the “Grades from Concurrent Schools” and “Display school name under other schools’ courses” options were selected.

Fixed an issue where the explanation for report card codes did not display on report cards if the code entered by the teacher did not match the case of the code as it was set up. Also fixed an issue when “Multilingual Report Cards” was selected where comments set up without a title did not have an explanation display on the report card.

Fixed an issue when a student was transferred or dual enrolled where only exam grades from the selected school would print on the report card instead of grades from both schools.

Fixed an issue where the credits did not display correctly on the report card when the student had a schedule change.

Fixed an issue where sorting report cards by teacher would generate an error when emailing report cards if any of the selected students did not have a class in the selected period.

Fixed an issue when the Conduct check box was selected and saved as a default setting for a template where conduct grades did not print.

Fixed an issue where some students with English set as their default language had the Spanish version of a template display when report cards were published to the Student/Parent Portal.

Teacher Completion/Post Final Grades

Fixed an error that occurred after clicking an X on the Teacher Completion report and navigating to the Post Final Grades - Teacher Program for a teacher that had an apostrophe in his/her name, when the system preference “Allow teachers to override grading scale score breakoffs” was used and the teacher had grades in the Gradebook.

Pull Grades for Report Cards/Post Final Grades

Fixed an issue where full year grades were calculated incorrectly when the semester exam weights were specified in the full year grade posting scheme and the "Don't change year/semester exam weight if a grade is not posted (blank/40/20 -> 80/20)" system preference was enabled. Also fixed an issue where the system preference did not work when using Post Final Grades for either semester or full year.

(Texas) Fixed so that the Pass/Fail Indicator field (custom_13) is populated with 13 or 14 when the student's grade level is not 9-12.

Post Final Grades

Fixed an issue when exporting the full year final grades to Excel where the marking periods on the exported document did not match the marking periods on the screen.

Fixed an issue where blank exam grades were excluded from final grade calculations when the setting “Blank Exam Score Treatment” for the grade posting scheme in Grade Posting Averaging was set to Zero.

Fixed an issue where grades were not calculated correctly when the grade posting scheme used quarter grades and semester exam grades with blank exam scores excluded.

Post Standard Grades

Fixed an issue where students did not load when posting for the full year marking period when it was titled something other than “Full Year.”

Fixed an issue where the green check mark indicating grades were posted did not display when posting standard grades for progress periods.

Fixed an issue when the school used different capitalization in the marking period title than what was saved for the standards, where the standards were not displayed for that marking period.

Pull Grades for Report Cards

Fixed an issue when pulling grades for a quarter where the system preferences “Max Quarter Posted Percent” and “Min Quarter Posted Percent” were not respected.

Fixed an issue when a section was using a grade posting scheme that did not include semester grade calculations, but used quarter grades and semester exams in the full year calculation, where a semester 2 grade was posted instead of a full year grade for the section.

Graduation Requirements Report (New)

Updated the report to match the first seven characters of a course number to the course numbers for waivers.

Updated so that the “Credits required to graduate” field is reduced by the waiver credits when the student has applicable waivers for a requirement.

Fixed an issue where language courses did not display in the Scholar Designation Requirement section because the system only checked the short name and not the course number for the language requirement.

Fixed an issue with the Gold Biliteracy Seal requirement, where previously (4) .5 credit classes were counted for earning Gold Biliteracy status. Now on the Gold row, a green check mark displays only when there are 4 credits earned in the same foreign language and there is a Test History FSA - ELA Achievement Level Score of 4 or higher when taken in the 10th grade.

Graduation Requirements Report (Legacy)

Fixed an issue with the Graduation Requirements Report where the Credits Remaining and Currently Enrolled did not calculate correctly for students who had a second school of enrollment.

Fixed an issue where courses were duplicated on the report due to summer school setup.

Fixed an issue where the report did not display correctly for a user searching by a student group.

Fixed an issue where grad subjects that contained the word "elective" did not appear as requirements on the Graduation Requirements Report. It now looks for the short_name to contain EL rather than the title containing the word elective.

Fixed an issue where courses were not meeting the Algebra II scholar requirement if the Algebra II grad subject was set up with any additional characters after the A2.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

Fixed an issue where the gray arrows to navigate to the next or previous student in the list were missing.

Fixed an issue where the Grad Subject was not updated on a posted final grade when a change was made in the Course Catalog, Master Schedule Report, or Courses & Sections.

Fixed an issue where the Grad Subject pull-down did not populate.

Fixed an issue when scrolling where the Grade Scale column data was fixed left but the column header moved.

Fixed an issue where the Passed Reading Assessment field incorrectly displayed as 12/31/1969 when there was text entered into the field.

Fixed an issue when a section was moved from one course to another in Courses & Sections where the Grade Scale and Weighted GPA did not update in Course History. Also fixed an issue where the Course Title did not update in Course History.

Fixed an issue where the Online Course Requirement field displayed as Met when the course had 0 credits.

Request Grade Changes

Added a maximum width to the Explanation column. Hover over the Explanation field to view the entire comment in a tooltip.

Approve Grade Changes

Fixed an issue when a student’s report card grade was deleted from the database and a grade change request was pending, where the request would display on the Approve Grade Changes screen and when approved appeared as if the approval did not save. Now when a grade is deleted from the database, the pending request is removed from the Approve Grade Changes screen.

Fixed an issue where filtering on the Status Explanation column did not work.

Average Pass/Fail Grades

Updated so that an error message displays when the process cannot run for a student due to bad data.

Fixed an issue where users with View access only were able to save averages. Now the Save Averages button is removed for users with View access only.

Fixed an issue when a student had semester grades from two different schools for the same course number, where the student was not listed on screen to be combined. Now the student will display on the list for their current school, and the new full year grade record will be inserted and display the current teacher and the current school.

Student Final Grades

Fixed an issue where the Student ID column did not display the student IDs correctly.

Missing Final Grades

Fixed an issue where inactive schedule records were being included.

My Information

My Profile

Fixed an error that displayed when logged in as a teacher and a computed table was included on the My Profile screen.

Online Application

Added a Confirm Password field when entering an email address and password for the application.

Removed the ability to use signature fields in the online application.

Fixed an issue where Group conditions did not work when the field referenced was on a different page of the application.

Fixed an error that occurred when the address was not marked as required and the user partially entered the address information and submitted the application.

Fixed an issue where the online application did not prevent a new application from being started with an email address of an application that was in progress.

Fixed an issue where the select options were not in the correct sort order on fields in the online application.

Fixed an issue where the application could be submitted without filling out all required fields when the Next Page button was double-clicked.

Fixed an issue where date fields on the application defaulted to today’s date instead of null.

Fixed an issue where the application would not load when there was an upload field and the applicant was using Internet Explorer.

Parent Portal

Fixed an issue where student notifications were sent to parents who were attached to the student but were not enabled.

Fixed an issue when a user had multiple profiles at different schools where the grades for the student did not display on the Parent Portal when the user switched to the parent profile.

Fixed an issue where the alert indicating the steps needed to complete the registration in order to view the child’s information did not display after a parent added a new child and already had a linked child on their account.

Fixed an issue when a parent logged into the Parent Portal where the wrong name displayed at the top of the screen (the first contact in the first address card displayed).  

Fixed an issue where parents received email notifications for students who were currently inactive.

Fixed an issue where the Notifications tab on the Preferences screen was missing for some parents. Now the Notifications tab always displays unless the Summary Type is set to custom on the Email Notifications Portal block.

Fixed an issue when parents requested a new password where the “The token provided was outdated or incorrect” error message displayed when clicking the email link.

Fixed an issue where parents could not register for the Parent Portal due to an error indicating their child’s username and password were incorrect.  



Fixed an issue when running a saved report where the user was redirected to the Portal screen instead of the report displaying.

Fixed a database error that displayed when an administrator ran a report created by a teacher that had “Search all periods” search criteria.

Saved Reports

Fixed an issue when a report was saved for a specific school where the Schools field changed to display All Schools for the report when the school was changed at the top-right corner of the screen.


Automatic Course Requests

Fixed an issue when editing search terms for an automatic course request where the selection in the pull-down did not save correctly.  

Fixed an issue where the Priority column was not honored. Now the request with the highest number priority runs first, with 0 running last.

Fixed a syntax error when running Automatic Course Requests.

Mass Requests

Removed the Saved Mass Requests button.

Courses & Sections

Added the Out of Field Reason pull-down to the Florida tab on the section in Courses & Sections. If the system preference “Automatically determine Highly Qualified status for class sections” is enabled, the field will not be editable. If the preference is not enabled, the pull-down will be editable and one or multiple selections can be made.

Added the staff ID next to the teacher name in the Teacher pull-down on a section.

Fixed an issue where the error “The course number you entered is not valid. Please enter a valid course number and try again” incorrectly displayed when changing the course number on a course and the Course Catalog was turned off.

Fixed so that the Teacher History Log pop-up does not display in the Co-Teachers tab if the school year has not yet started according to the attendance calendar.

Fixed an issue where changes made in the History tab on a section did not save.

Fixed an issue where Seats could not be edited on the section in Courses & Sections.

Fixed an issue when moving a section to another course where the short name was not updated.

Fixed an issue where teachers with a future start date were not available in the Teacher pull-down on the section in Courses & Sections.

Fixed an issue when moving a section to a different course where the state fields did not update based on the fields set in the Course Catalog.

Fixed an issue where changes made to the co-teacher on a section were logged in the History tab. Now only changes made to the Teacher field on the section are logged in the History tab.

Fixed an issue when adding a new section where the Room did not auto-populate when the Teacher was selected.

Master Schedule Report

Fixed an issue where fields set on the Course Catalog could be mass updated on the Master Schedule Report.

Fixed an error when selecting the “Schedule This Course First” check box on a course in the Courses tab of the report.

Fixed an issue where the Co-Teacher 10 fields were included on the Co-Teacher Sections tab of the report. These fields have been removed, as the Co-Teacher 10 fields are used for the inclusion teacher, who is displayed in the Inclusion Sections tab.

Fixed an issue where teachers previously active in the school year but currently inactive did not display on the report. Now the teacher properly displays with (inactive) written after their name.

Fixed an issue where the Sections tab was not outlined to indicate the tab that was open when first viewing the page. Also fixed an issue where the header changed from “Master Schedule Report” to “Focus” when clicking on any other tab on the report.

Master Schedule Builder

Fixed an issue where the Grading Scale field was not set and saved on the section in Courses & Sections when the Grading Scale was set on the newly created section in the Master Schedule Builder or when it was set in the Course Catalog. Also fixed an issue where the Grade Posting Scheme, Course History Term, and Standards Grading Scale were not set and saved for new sections created in the Master Schedule Builder when these values were set in the Course Catalog.

Teacher Schedules Report

Fixed an issue where after removing filters from the report by clicking Clear Rules and Run Filter, the report was not refreshed and the filters remained on the report.

Course Catalog

Fixed an issue where changes to the Affects GPA field on the Course Catalog were not updated in the Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank screen when the changes were saved in the Course Catalog and copied to Student Grades.

Fixed an issue where updates to the Credits per CH Term field on the Course Catalog were not pushed down to Courses & Sections when the course had an 8 digit course number.

Fixed an issue where pull-down fields in More Search Options did not correctly filter the list of teachers.

Added an option “Effective Date for Teacher Sorting” that displays when a period teacher sorting option is selected in the Sort Schedule Sheets field. This allows the Effective Date to be set to a certain semester in order to generate the student schedules, and the schedule sheets to be sorted by teacher according to a different effective date.

Student Schedule

Updated so that the Customize Columns button only displays on the schedule for the first school listed when a student has multiple enrollments.

Fixed an issue where inclusion sections were not displayed next to the parent course when a student was scheduled into multiple inclusion sections.  

Fixed an issue where the Add a Section link at times did not display on the screen. Now the Add a Section link is always available.

Fixed so that the warning message displays correctly when a section is added to a student schedule and it is out of date range. Now the message displays when the Effective Date is not within the year displayed at the top-right corner of the screen. Also fixed an issue where the seat count for the section was not correct when changing the section on a schedule using the Period-Teacher pull-down.

Fixed an issue where the student’s name was missing from the top-right corner of the Student Schedule screen when it was accessed by clicking a number link in the Requests by Course report, clicking on a student name to open the Student Requests screen, and clicking on the Schedule link at the top of the screen. Also fixed an issue where the student’s name was missing when going back to the Student Requests screen.

Fixed an issue when printing a Semester 2 schedule by clicking Print at the bottom of the screen with the Semester 2 tab displayed, where the Semester 1 classes were also printed.

Fixed an issue where duplicate courses displayed on the schedule when “Include Inactive Courses” was selected.

Fixed an issue where an inclusion section with a drop date in the past displayed on the schedule when the “Include Inactive Courses” check box was not selected.

Fixed an issue when changing the Effective Date and clicking Print at the bottom of the screen with no letterhead template selected, where the schedule was printed as of today’s date and not the Effective Date.

Fixed so that when mass updating the Enrolled or Dropped date on the schedule, the date defaults to today’s date.

Fixed an issue where two lunches appeared on a student’s schedule when the student had future Dropped and Enrolled dates on some schedule records.

Next-Year Schedule Requests

Fixed an issue where duplicate courses displayed in the Course pull-down.

Added a new option “Include Future Active Students” that is selected by default. This allows students with semester 2 courses to be included when printing for the Full Year.

Fixed an issue where class lists did not generate when Schedule fields were included.

Fixed an issue where class lists generated for co-teachers who had an end date in the past and no longer co-taught the class.

Requests Reports

Fixed a database error for MSSQL sites on the Students with too many Requests report when selecting Periods in the School Day.


Scheduled Jobs

Increased the default PHP Memory limit (MB) setting to 128 on new Recalc DT Grades Fix scheduled jobs that are created.

Increased the speed of the Update Teacher Certifications scheduled job.

Fixed an issue where the Set Next School job did not set the next school for students where next_school was null.

(Texas) Fixed an issue where the Set Next School job had an error on Texas sites.

Fixed an issue where the Set Next School job skipped students who had custom_13 set to empty quotes.

Fixed an issue with the Set Zoned School scheduled job when a high school had an 8th grade set up but did not allow rolling into 8th grade, where students were zoned for the high school instead of the middle school that allowed rolling into 8th grade.

Fixed an issue where the Set Zoned School scheduled job took a long time to run because it was running for students who did not have an enrollment for the years selected in the “Years to set Zoned School for” setting.

Fixed so that Execution History displays the error message if there was an error instead of displaying “No Output.”

Fixed an error when running the Recalc DT Grades Fix scheduled job if there was more than one set up to run.

Fixed an issue where after changing settings on a scheduled job, saving the changes, and then clicking the Job Title column to sort the list of scheduled jobs, the settings for the scheduled job were removed.

Gradebook Templates

Fixed an issue where assignments were populated in the wrong category for a different marking period.

System Preferences > School Preferences > Grading tab

Added a new system preference “Hide Semester/Year options from Grade Change Form.” When this preference is enabled, teachers cannot enter grade change requests for semester 1, semester 2, or full year on the Request Grade Changes screen.

Added a new system preference “Ignore Rotation days when combining by period.” When enabled, all sections in a period are combined regardless of rotation day when teachers combine the Gradebook by period. When disabled, sections with different rotation days are not combined when teachers combine the Gradebook by period.

Added a System Preference, “Allow Posting Comments and Conduct Without a Grade.” When this preference is enabled, teachers can save comments and conduct grades without posting a final grade on the Post Final Grades screen.

System Preferences > Enrollment

Added a new system preference “When adding a student, order search results by (Name, Birthdate, Student ID).” Search results will be sorted by the selected option when searching for students on the Add a Student screen.

System Preferences > Default User Preferences > Gradebook Configuration/Default Gradebook Configuration

Fixed an issue where saved selections were unset after switching the school at the top of the screen.


Fixed an error when doing rollover when there was a UUID column in the table.  

Fixed an error when rolling over both School Periods and School Choice Students.

Letterhead Templates

Fixed so that the Marking Period field in the letterhead displays the marking period option selected in “Marking period from which to pull data” when printing report cards.

Fixed an issue where Class Rank and Credit fields on the template did not respect the school year selected when printing a report.

Letterhead Templates/Print Letters & Send Email

Updated the Rank Last Modified field to display as a date and not a timestamp.

Fixed an issue where date fields did not include a space between the day and the year. Also fixed an issue where the Discipline Code(s) field displayed a semicolon before and after each record.


Fixed an issue where the bottom of the Portal screen was cut off after Portal alerts were loaded on the screen.

Fixed an issue where users with access to multiple schools could not see birthdays in the Birthday List Portal block for users at the currently selected school.


Fixed an issue where the Students importer did not select the correct custom field values.

Fixed an issue when importing to a new table where the output email indicated 0 records were inserted when the job ran successfully.

Import Tools

Updated so that if a user only has View only access to Import Tools, a message is displayed indicating the user does not have edit permissions.

Fixed an issue when using the Match Student ID tool with a fixed-width file and sending the unmatched students to schools where the match file did not include the first student’s student ID.

Match Students - School Panel

Fixed a permissions error that displayed when the user had permissions to Match Students - School Panel but not to Import Tools.

AP Test Parser

Added exam code 32 into the logic for the AP Test Parser.

Automated Cron Emails

Fixed an issue where emails sent by Automated Cron Emails did not include the “Sent By” in the body of the email. Now automated emails include “Sent By: Focus System Message” in the body of the email.

Manage Integrations

Fixed a memory exhaustion error when downloading large files.

Fixed an issue where ERP integrations did not run.

Fixed an issue when an integration was set to run at Any:00 (Any hour, 00 minutes) where the time was changed to 12:00 PM. Now integrations set to run at Any:00 will run every hour at 00 minutes.

Fixed an issue when using “Generate all files in this batch” where all files were marked with red Xs when only one file failed. Now only the file that failed is marked with a red X and the files that generate are marked with a green check.

Fixed so that non-Focus users can install PEER when they have profile permissions for Manage Integrations.

Portal Messages

Fixed an issue when the filters were turned on where an extra Note field displayed in the filters.

Address Catalog

Updated to make the Low Range, High Range, Street Name, City, State, and Zip Code fields required to add a new entry to the Address Catalog.

Form Builder

Fixed an issue where Number fields that were required did not allow a decimal to be entered.

Fixed an issue where a form could not be removed.

School Information

Fixed an issue when there were multiple logging fields on the School Information page with upload fields, where records were created in both logging fields when entries were added.

Fixed an issue when deleting a log entry where after confirming the deletion, the screen refreshed and only the top part of the screen loaded.  

Fixed an issue when adding a file to a logging field where two entry rows were created, one with the file and one without.


Added the ability to add calendar events to multiple days. After clicking the + icon on the date on the calendar, define the date range in the New Event pop-up window.

Grade Posting Averaging

Updated so that only integers can be used in grade posting schemes.


Student Info

Added Copy From pull-down on form records which allows the user to select an existing form record to copy.

Updated the Suffix field to allow up to 5 characters.

Fixed an issue when searching for students using Search All Schools, Include Inactive Students, Include Previous Years Inactive Students, and Use Most Recent Enrollment, where the most recent enrollment record for the student was not displayed.

Fixed an issue when sending an email from the student’s record where the email was logged in the Letter Log regardless if the “Send to Student Log” check box was selected.

Fixed an issue when sending an email from the student’s record where the “Email Linked Users” option could not be selected.

Fixed an issue when sending an email from the student’s record where an error displayed when “Email to Custodial Contacts” was selected.

Fixed an issue when sending an email from the student’s record where the email was not logged in the Letter Log when “Email Custodial Contacts” and “Send to Letter Log” were selected.

Fixed an issue where the message “You are not allowed to upload that file” displayed when uploading a file.

Fixed an issue where custom field select options that were marked inactive or were outside of the year range in Students > Student Fields were not causing a validation error in Student Info.

Fixed an issue where a 1 or 0 displayed instead of a green check mark or red X in check box fields when the user had read-only access to the fields.

Fixed an issue where a white screen displayed when a teacher tried to print a form letter for a student that was not in the class currently selected at the top-right corner of the screen.

Fixed an issue where some screens would not load when using Internet Explorer.

Fixed an issue where the Recover Options pop-up displayed when navigating from student to student.

Fixed an issue when using More Search Options to search for students in a birth date range where all students were returned in the search.

Fixed an issue where select options were not sorted correctly for logging fields when the select options were defined by a query.

Fixed an issue when entering a whole number into a Number field were .00 was added to the number.

Fixed an issue where a form record field category would not load in a student’s record when the student was merged using Delete a Student.

Fixed a database error when opening a category that contained a computed table field that did not have the query defined in Student Fields.

Fixed an issue when viewing a long text field inside a logging field where the text box was small and hard to read.

Fixed an issue where the form did not generate correctly when selecting Print a Form/Letter when viewing a form record.  

Student Info > Enrollment

Fixed an issue where the Multiple Active Enrollments error was displayed when enrolling a student who had two enrollments for the current year and both had a drop date.

Student Info > TREx Export

Texas) Fixed an issue where the TREx Export screen did not open in a new window when the link was clicked, and also fixed an issue where the Close button did not work.

Student Info > Addresses & Contacts

Moved the “Mailing Address (if different than physical address)” toggle over the mailing address fields.  

Fixed an issue where an address was not parsed correctly when the street name was a street direction, e.g. North Road.

Fixed an issue when a teacher hovered over a contact where the message “Click to edit this contact” displayed even though the teacher did not have edit access. Now the message says “Click to view this contact” if the user only has view access.

Fixed an issue where the LAST_CHANGE column on the address table was not updated when a student’s address was changed.

Fixed an issue where the state was saved to the database in lowercase letters. Now the state is converted to uppercase in the database.

Fixed an issue where addresses such as 1234-A Sample Ave were parsed incorrectly.

Fixed an issue where addresses where the street name included a unit type, such as 123 Front Drive, were parsed incorrectly.

Fixed an issue with addresses without a suffix where at times the last letter of the street name was made into the street prefix or suffix when parsing.

Student Info > Addresses & Contacts/Add a Student

Fixed an issue when entering an address where addresses not in the Address Catalog were suggested. Also fixed an issue where the invalid address error incorrectly displayed when the second address line only had a unit number without a prefix.

Student Info/User Info

Fixed an issue where the Username field auto-filled with the username of the logged in user when the field was blank.

Added a Schedule Effective Date option where users can select the effective date used to pull schedules.

Combined the “Parents (Student Info)” and “Parents (Parent Info)” Recipient options into one “Parents” option.

Fixed an error when pulling Graduation Requirements fields.

Fixed an issue where computed tables did not print in Print Letters & Send Email.

Fixed an issue when navigating to Print Letters & Send Email after opening a student’s record in Student Info where the Letterhead Template pull-down was missing from the screen.

Fixed an issue where duplicate emails were sent when the Portal page was refreshed before all the emails left the queue.

Fixed an issue where the Recipient was not saved in the Letter Logging student category when adding log entries in Print Letters & Send Email.

Mass Add Log Records

Fixed an issue where mass adding log records by group was very slow.

Fixed an issue when mass adding log records by group where time fields did not auto-format correctly for the students in the list.

Fixed an issue when massing adding log records by student where students were missing from the Student pull-down if they were inactive based on the current date. Now students are populated based on the start date of the school year if the current date is before the start date.

Fixed an issue where the school ID was not saved in the database when mass adding log records.  

Advanced Report

Improved the speed when pulling Graduation Requirements fields on the advanced report.

Removed computed tables from being available to include on advanced reports.

Removed inactive select options from being available when mass updating the advanced report. Also removed inactive select options when editing individual students on the advanced report. If a student already has an inactive option selected for a field, it will display.

Removed the Occupation field from Primary Contact, Secondary Contact, and Third Contact in Advanced Report.

Fixed an issue where making mass updates on the advanced report was very slow.

Fixed a SQL error when running an advanced report for vision screenings in a specified date range.

Fixed a SQL error when mass updating Rolling/Retention Options to N/A.

Fixed an issue when a user saved a report from a previously published report without making any changes, where the new report did not generate when run.

Fixed an issue where the report was not sorted correctly when clicking on a column header for a select multiple field.

Fixed an issue where changes made to form records and custom fields in an advanced report were not included in the Audit Trail.

Fixed issues when filtering the advanced report by date fields.

Fixed an issue where logging fields did not display in the correct column order on the advanced report.

Fixed a SQL error when running an advanced report using Test History fields.

Fixed date formatting issues when exporting a report to Excel.

Fixed an issue when running a report with the Met Online Course Requirements field where the correct values were not displayed.

Fixed an issue when the Mass Update button was clicked more than once where multiple pull-downs to select the column displayed.

Fixed an error when generating the advanced report with graduation requirement information for dual enrolled students.

Fixed an issue where no data was returned when using a filter with a blank text box.

Mass Assign Student Info

Fixed an issue where inactive options for Select One or Select Multiple student fields were still available for selection in Mass Assign Student Info.

Fixed an issue when a date field was in more than one student category where mass updating the first instance of the field using the date picker calendar did not synchronize the change to the other instance of the field.

Fixed an issue when mass assigning calendars to students for multiple schools, where dual enrolled students had the calendar set to null on their other enrollment. Also fixed an issue where some students were assigned a calendar for the wrong school. Now students will be assigned the equivalent calendar record (or grad subject program record when mass assigning graduation plans) for their school with the same title/short_name. If there is no calendar record with the same title (or grad subject program record with the same short_name), it will now keep the existing record instead of it becoming null.

Fixed an error when mass updating a check box field that appeared in multiple student categories.

Fixed an issue where a user could mass assign fields the user did not have permission to edit.

Add a Student

Fixed an issue where addresses were not suggested as the user typed in the partial address when the street had two suffixes.

Fixed a SQL error when there were apostrophes in a discipline code or action when adding a student.

Fixed an issue where the calendar in the Birthdate field only had a range of 2007-2027 available for the year. Now the range is 1987 to 2047.

Fixed an issue where the “Withdraw from Applicants School” check box was missing when enrolling a student.

Fixed an issue where the Enrollment Date defaulted to today instead of the first day of school when enrolling a student in the next school year.

Fixed an issue when clicking View on a student where the student record opened in the school of the oldest enrollment record instead of the school of the most current enrollment record.

Fixed an issue where the Zoned Schools list did not include the elementary school if the elementary school was the same as the middle school. Also fixed an issue when the middle school was the same as the high school where only the high school was listed. Now when a school is both an elementary and middle school or middle and high school, the school type is listed after the school name.

Fixed an issue when searching for a student where the student’s enrollment for next year displayed instead of the current year.

Fixed an issue when clicking Reset Fields where the cursor went to the Birthdate field instead of the First Name field.

Fixed an issue where a user who did not have permission to view and edit student records at other schools and did not have permission to withdraw students from other schools was able to enroll the student as a second school and then view and edit the student’s record.

Fixed an issue where a user could change and save a student’s address without withdrawing and enrolling the student.

Student Fields

Added the ability to display suggestions when users enter text in custom Text fields. To set up suggestions, enter the query in the Suggestions Query section when adding or editing a Text field in Student Fields.

Fixed an error that occurred when clicking edit on a column in a logging field.

Fixed an issue where the Primary Sort and Secondary Sort options did not save on the columns in a logging field.

Fixed an issue where changes to the Primary Sort and Secondary Sort on a logging field did not save.

Fixed an issue where some fields were missing from the Sort Order pull-down when editing a field.

Student Fields/User Fields

Added the ability to set select options as inactive using the Select Options Query for Select One or Select Multiple fields.

Change Requests

Fixed an issue where the Change Requests screen did not load after clicking the Portal alert for pending requests when there was a change request for a form record.

Student Breakdown

Fixed an issue where the Download button on the Column and Pie tabs did not work.

Audit Trail

Fixed an issue where the IDs for Select One and Select Multiple fields displayed instead of the codes and labels.

Fixed an issue where the Audit Trail did not load.

Fixed an issue where enrollment record deletions were not included on the Audit Trail.

Delete a Student

Fixed an error when merging or deleting students.

Fixed an error when deleting a student with a form record attached.

Updated so that the address block is left justified on the labels.

Updated so that the sort order created by clicking on the column headers is maintained when printing the labels.

Invalid Address Report

Fixed an issue where the Zoned Elementary, Zoned Middle, and Zoned High columns did not populate.

Student Portal

Fixed an issue where assignments marked as “Hide from Excluded” were still displayed to students who had an excluded grade when using a custom excluded grade.

Class Schedule/Registration

Fixed an issue where students were able to register for classes during the course registration date range defined on the marking when the system preference “Allow students to enroll themselves in class” was not enabled.



Improved the speed when saving permissions for a profile.

Removed the View permission for Add a Student and Add a User. Users will need the Edit permission in order to access these screens.

Fixed an error saying the profile was still referenced in CUSTOM_FIELD_CATEGORIES_JOIN_PROFILES when trying to delete a profile.

Add a User

Updated so that when adding a user and the profile is parent, it is not required to select a school. Previously, only superusers did not have to select a school when adding a parent. Now any user adding a parent does not have to select a school.

My Preferences

Fixed an issue where the Contact Info Rollover option in the Columns in Student Lists tab of My Preferences functioned opposite of the selection; the contact info column in the Customized List displayed when the option was not selected and did not display when the option was selected.

Fixed so that when “Last Name, Nickname” is selected in the Student Name Format field in the Student Listing tab, the nickname is used in the Gradebook, Print Class Lists, Gradebook Reports, and Advanced Report.

User Info > Permissions

Updated so that when hovering over the Comment field in the Permissions table, the whole comment displays in the tool-tip.

Post Final Grades (Teacher Program)

Updated the section pull-down to allow searching for a section.

Take Attendance (Teacher Program)

Fixed an issue when an administrator added absences for an entire section using Add Absences or the Attendance Chart and then clicked Save on the Take Attendance (Teacher Program) screen without changing attendance, where the attendance completed record was not created.


Attendance Chart

Fixed an issue where teachers were able to enter more hours than students were scheduled when entering attendance on the Attendance Chart regardless of the system preference “Teachers are allowed to enter more hours than scheduled.”

Fixed so that the scheduled daily hours are rounded so there are no longer tenths of minutes in order to accurately match the attended daily hours when entered.

Attendance Setup

Added Post Secondary Start Time and Post Secondary End Time fields to the Hours Override tab. The Attendance Scanner App will use these times as opposed to the start/end time stored on the section if they are defined.



Attendance Scanner App

Fixed an issue where the app was not checking the Hours Override in Attendance Setup.


Manage Limited Fees

Fixed an issue where the alignment of input boxes was off in the One Time Fees tab.

Manage Fee Templates

Fixed an issue where new line items did not save to rolled over fee templates.

Quote Course

Fixed an issue when billing by semester or section where the registration fee was incorrectly halved.

View ISIRs

Fixed so that users can only see students with ISIRs enrolled in schools that they have access to based on the School Number listed on the ISIR matching the COD: School ID system preference.


Fixed an issue where part of the report area was cut off by the edge of the window and there was no scroll bar to scroll the report.



Fixed an issue where score data types of Alphanumeric or Pull-Down were not displaying on the transcripts when they were flagged to display in Assessment > Standardized Tests > Setup Score Type. Also fixed an issue where score types not flagged to display on transcripts did display.


Fixed an issue where the Consecutive Absences alert included students with the number consecutive absences any point during the year instead of students who hit the number of consecutive absences today.


Student Schedule

Fixed an issue where parent-child sections were not billed correctly.

Fixed an issue when changing the Daily Hours on a schedule record and selecting the option to “Withdraw student from this class, and re-enroll with new hours,” where the new schedule record was not added.

Master Schedule Report

Fixed an issue where the WDIS Class Start Date and WDIS Class End Date years were cut off.

Post Final Grades

Fixed a SQL error when posting final grades.

Course Progression

Fixed an issue where errors prevented the screen from loading.

Fixed an issue when a student was in a course, dropped the course, and then re-enrolled in the same course where the student would appear twice on the Course Progression screen and both schedules records would be updated and progressed when only one was selected.


System Preferences > Post Secondary

Attendance Scanner grace period before start of class.

This is the amount of minutes a student can check in before the class start time and still be considered as checking in at the class start time. By default this is 5 minutes.

Attendance Scanner grace period after start of class

This is the amount of minutes a student can check in after the class start time and still be considered as checking in at the class start time. By default this is 5 minutes.

Attendance Scanner grace period before end of class

This is how long before a class has ended that a student can still check out of a class. They will be considered as checking out at the end of class and not lose any hours. By default this is 5 minutes.

Attendance Scanner grace period after end of class

This is how long after a class has ended that a student can still check out of a class. They will be considered as checking out at the end of class and gain no extra hours. By default this is 15 minutes.

Require Attendance Scanner check out to receive hours

Selecting this option only gives students hours upon check out. Each time the student checks out, it will award the students the hours for that check in. If the student never checks out, they will not receive hours for that check in. By default this setting is set to No.

If a student is not checked into any classes and scans their badge when there is only 1 class available, they will automatically be checked into that class. If a student is not checked into any classes and scans their badge when there is more than 1 class available at that time, they will be given a list of choices to sign in with. If the student is already checked into a class and they scan their badge, they will automatically be checked out of the class they're currently checked into. Students no longer get assumed hours if "Require Attendance Scanner check out to receive hours" is enabled.They only obtain hours when checking out for a class. For example if a student checks in at 9:00 AM and then checks out at 10:00 AM, and checks back in at 10:30 AM, but never checks out again, that student will only have 1 hour attended for that day.

Scheduled Jobs

Removed the Download link from the Basic Skills Assessment completion email.

Fixed an issue with the Basic Skills Assessment scheduled job where students who had either an ICC, LIC or APP exemption did not have the correct basic skills exam code populated when the "Display Program Number on Test History" preference was disabled. Now those students have the correct C (LIC, ICC) or D (APP) code populate on their schedule.

Fixed an issue with the Assign LCPs scheduled job where students enrolled in course 9900003 (ABE Language) did not have their final functioning level populated nor any LCPs populated. Also fixed an issue for students in program 9900000 who scored higher than the highest score in the TABE scale scores where they did not receive their last LCP.

Updated the Assign LCPs scheduled job so that when it is run manually and no schedule records are found (e.g. new school year where schedules were not rolled), Execution History and the email sent after the job is run will indicate that no schedule records were found and that 0 records were updated. If there are students scheduled but no students have earned LCPs in the time since the job last run, the email and Execution History will indicate that 0 records were updated.

Updated the Assign LCPs scheduled job so that when it is run manually and no schedule records are found (e.g. new school year where schedules were not rolled), Execution History and the email sent after the job is run will indicate that no schedule records were found and that 0 records were updated. If there are students scheduled but no students have earned LCPs in the time since the job last run, the email and Execution History will indicate that 0 records were updated.

Fixed an issue with the Assign LCPs scheduled job where records marked as excluded from FTE were updated when the job ran.

Fixed an issue with the Recalculate LCPs scheduled job where the Completion Point Code Date fields were not deleted when the Delete Existing option was selected.

Copy School

Fixed an issue when creating a new school via Copy School where the Vocational Program Number, Total Hours for Program, and Required Percentage of Hours Attended did not copy over when copying programs, courses, and sections.


Updated so that when rolling over schedule records, custom_38 and custom_39 are set as null on the new year schedule record. Also updated so that the enrolled date on the rolled schedule records is set to the Student Enrollment Start Date from the Rollover screen.

Fixed an issue where manually entered scheduled records in the next school year were removed when rolling over schedules.

Fixed an issue where manually entered scheduled records in the next school year were removed when rolling over schedules.


Delete a Student

Fixed an issue when merging two students where the Customer Credit did not properly update.

Student Reauthorization

Reduced the font size on the printed invoice.

Updated so that when billing by section, the WDIS dates display in Length pull-down, not the Course Section pull-down. When billing by an option other than section, the marking period dates will display in the Length pull-down, not the Course Section pull-down.

Fixed an issue when a teacher changed the class a student was reauthorized for where the annual fee was not re-billed.

Student Info

Fixed so that the Fees & Payments link is not displayed at the top of the Student Info screen when the school is marked as Post-Secondary and ERP is enabled.



Added a new permission “Allow Teacher to make Reauthorizations” under Student Reauthorizations in the Menu permissions for teachers. If this permission is not selected, the Student Reauthorizations screen will be read-only for teachers.


Fixed so that when a teacher or administrator clicks the Exit button when previewing a test, they are redirected to the start of the test.


Create Tests

Fixed an issue when the list of tests in the Sharing Options tab filled up the screen where the All District Admins and Custom radio buttons could not be selected on the last test in the list.

Fixed an issue in the Sharing Options tab where teachers did not display in the pull-down when the Custom radio button was selected.

FAS Tests

Added a Find a User search screen to the District Report and School Report to limit the teachers included on these reports. The load time of the reports has also been improved. Each section of the reports can now be filtered, sorted, exported, or printed. Issues with percentages being incorrect on the reports are now fixed.

Updated so that only numeric characters can be entered in the Test ID search.

Fixed an issue where benchmarks on a question in the Info tab of FAS Tests were not displayed correctly.

Lesson Planning

Lesson Planner

Improved the load time of a lesson plan when there are a large amount of standards attached.  

Fixed an issue where the Component Editor did not consistently save components in the Lesson Planner.

Fixed an issue where standards attached to a course for the current year displayed in the Lesson Planner the next year, whether the standards were rolled over into the next year or not. Now only standards attached to the course in the year selected at the top-right corner of the screen are displayed. Also fixed an issue where course plans displayed regardless of the school year created or imported. Now only course plans created or imported in the year selected at the top-right corner of the screen are displayed.


Create Questions

Fixed an issue where opening one select multiple multiple choice question after another would cause the selections for the first question to appear to be correct for the second question.

Create Tests

Fixed an error that occurred when a test was published immediately after giving the test a name.

FAS Tests

Fixed a database error that displayed in the Learners Proficient Report when there were no students found.


Fixed an issue when using LMS where if a teacher had no Gradebook categories set up, saving a new assignment in LMS caused a new blank category to be created with every assignment added.  

Fixed an issue where bubble sheets could not be printed when clicking Print Bubble Sheets in the assignment.

Fixed an issue where co-teachers were not able to change the points for a question on a test in the Gradebook.

Fixed an issue where a test could not be attached to an assignment that was rolled over from a previous year.

Lesson Plan/Curriculum Guide Detail Report

Fixed an issue where course plans with special characters in a module title or lesson plan component had an error when saving changes on the Lesson Plan/Curriculum Guide Detail Report.

Student Portal/Teacher Portal

Fixed an issue where Focus menus, header, and footer were displayed in the discussion forum pop-up window for students and teachers.

Fixed an issue when there were over a hundred replies to a discussion forum where the second page of replies did not display. Now there are pages to select from at the bottom of the screen to view all replies.

Fixed an issue where the font on the Submit and Exit button was cut off when taking a test on some browsers.

Fixed an issue where images on tests were broken for students.


Manage Student

Fixed an issue where deleted steps appeared as blank on older events.

Fixed an error that displayed when clicking on a step when multiple forms were assigned to the same step.

Fixed an issue where a form trigger did not fire the first time field was saved when the field on the Form Builder had a value of 0.

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