Documentation for Administrators

11.0.50 - 06/26/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-33938- Add Reference Field to Bank Recon Upload

System enhancement to add reference number to bank reconciliation File Header Columns for Upload.

FOCUS-33866- Multiple Fixed Asset Inventory Managers

System enhancement to select multiple managers when in Fixed Assets > Schedule Inventory.

FOCUS-32907- 1095C updates

System update for 1095-C Z-Fold to present in portrait format with mailing addresses.


FOCUS-33957- Show Future Dropped Deductions

System enhancement to show future dropped deductions on Human Resources > Employee > Deductions.

FOCUS-33910- District Code tables not able to export

System enhancement to add export/print feature to fields in District code table.

FOCUS-34101- Run 020 (7/5/2022 Payroll) Calculation is aborting


FOCUS-34064- Transcripts: Assessment scores are duplicated when printing transcripts

This branch fixes an issue where duplicated assessments displayed on printed transcripts when the student had an active enrollment record in a secondary school and search all schools was selected when the transcript was generated.

FOCUS-34047- FLEID Job - Adjusting Grade Level Sort Order

Only applicable for Florida State Reporting customers. This branch corrects an issue to ensure applicable students are included in the FLEID built-in scheduled job.

FOCUS-34036- Allow setting of 'create' permission for SISFinalGrades:GRADE_RECORD in Profiles

Districts using the Use Individual Final Grades Field Permissions feature may now define create permissions by profile under Users > Profiles > Permission Type = Final Grades Fields.

FOCUS-34030- Mass Add Course: Inclusion Meeting Days not honoring days set on section

This branch resolves an issue where Mass Add a Course for Inclusion was not honoring Inclusion for Meeting Days.

FOCUS-34029- Pull Grades: Ensure all necessary values are pulled into Student Grades for inactive students.

When pulling grades for report cards, if the student was inactive and the effective date was before the enrollment drop code the grade was pulling as expected, but not all the other values, such as school, district, and gradelevel. This branch corrects that issue.

FOCUS-34024- Final grade column not displaying grades on Report Cards

Prior grades printed on the report cards were limited by the marking periods selected when generating the report card. Now, with this branch, when the user selects the Final Grade option it will search for all marking periods so it can find the final grades.

FOCUS-33994- Taking Student/User Photo: Prevent Blank Photos when using Take Photo

This branch corrects an issue where an end-user received a blank photo when attempting to use Take Photo to upload the image for Student/User.

FOCUS-33991- Gradebook: Cannot insert hyperlink or image in assignment comment

This branch adds support for adding images or hyperlinks into gradebook assignment comments.

FOCUS-33988- Progression Plan: Improvements to Signatures

This branch makes three improvements to Progression Plans. 1) Students/Parents will only be able to sign their applicable signature area. Currently, all signatures are editable. 2) When a signature is signed the name/date will now display through the interface. 3) When a signature is read-only and it is not signed it will display as 'Unable to Sign' vs. 'Click to Sign.'

FOCUS-33985- Mass Add Log Records: Saving on Multiple Pages

When mass adding log entries where more than one page was present, the results were not being saved as expected. This branch corrects that issue.

FOCUS-33972- Grade Change Requests: Resolve Database Error on Exam Marking Period Types.

This branch fixes a database error when approving a grade change request for an exam type grade record.

FOCUS-33971- Built-in Scheduled Job: Graduation Requirements Summary isn't populating courses w/mp Full Year

The Populate Graduation Requirements Summary scheduled job was not correctly populating the 'Earned Credit' column for full year courses in the grad_requirements_summary table. This branch corrects that issue.

FOCUS-33969- Translations Language Setup Missing

In certain instances some customers were missing the languages table that is used in the Setup > Translations feature. This branch adds those languages, if they are missing.

FOCUS-33956- If there are duplicate grade titles on a grading scale & no weighted gpa value set, using pull grades incorrectly calculates the student's grade average

If there are duplicate grade titles on a grading scale and no weighted GPA values set, using pull grades was incorrectly calculating the student's grade average. This branch corrects that issue.

FOCUS-33952- Delete a Student: Resolve database error

This branch resolves an issue where end-users were presented with a database error when attempting to restore a deleted student via Students > Delete a Student.

FOCUS-33946- Print Verification Sheets: Add ability to specify sub rosters student name format when printing.

This enhancement enables a user to select the format the student name should display in when printing Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters. The selected option defaults to the end-user's preference defined under Users > My Preferences.

FOCUS-33919- Discipline: Editing Referral Logs Out User

End-users were being erroneously logged out of Focus when editing an existing referral. This branch resolves that issue.

FOCUS-33913- Letter Queue: Template Header is missing when sending emails and PDF preview prints only for one student

This branch fixes two issues with the Letter Queue program when sending emails to custodian users: 1) Letterhead template was missing in the letter body. 2) The PDF preview displayed only a letter for the last student in the list.

FOCUS-33911- Standards Grades Report Card Alignment Issue.

When running the Standards Grade Report Cards with multiple columns the first column aligns some text centered and the second column aligns text left justified. This fix makes column one and two look the same.

FOCUS-33898- Discipline: Adjust session school when forwarding on add referral

When a user with access to all schools searches on add referral for a student that is not enrolled at the top right school by using the student id the school is not switched, the student appears in top right, and a message is displayed 'This student does not exist in the current school'. This branch updates it so that the school in top right is switched to the student's enrolled school and the add referral form is displayed. It also changes the link in the list so the school will be switched if there are many results.

FOCUS-33894- Met Online Course Requirement Updates

Only applicable for Florida State Reporting customers. This branch changes three (3) areas related to the built-in automatic determination of a student's Online Course Requirement. The Online Course Requirement met value is presented to end-users on the Student's Final Grades, Test History, and Graduation Requirement Report screens. 1) Previously the credits required for online would be determined by a course record existing in the state's course code directory. In the event the max credit was MM, Focus would use the Course Catalog total credits value. This branch changes the logic so if there is a course value in the state's course code directory with a value of 05 or 10, we'll use it; otherwise the customer's Master Course total credit will be leveraged. This allows customers to now include dual enrollment and other courses not present in the state's CCD to the calculation. 2) Previously courses needed to be marked as active in the Course Catalog, now inactive courses are included. 3) Like courses did not work if populated with course numbers greater than 7 characters.

FOCUS-33877- Add ERP Profiles to Mass Assign User Profiles

This enhancements adds support for assigning ERP profiles en masse via Mass Assign User Profiles. The new option is only visible if a user has edit permissions to ERP profiles.

FOCUS-33873- Parent Portal Messages - Attendance

Previously, the parent attendance portal message reflected as 'period absent' regardless of what attendance code was defined by the customer. This enhancement changes alert message to display as '{STUDENT_NAME} has been marked with other attendance codes {{AMOUNT)}.'

FOCUS-33859- Hide 'Use Gradebook' option in Post Final Grades when Grade 12 posting window has ended

If all students in the class are seniors and the senior grade posting period has closed, the Use Gradebook button in the top left of the Post Final Grades page will no longer display. Additionally, the student-specific Use Gradebook Grades link will no longer display for seniors if the senior grade posting period has closed.

FOCUS-33858- Fix for COE Report

Only applicable for postsecondary customers. This branch resolves an issue where inactive students were present in the COE Report.

FOCUS-33847- Show restricted custom fields for students with future enrollment dates

Future active students will no longer be considered inactive in the Restricted Student Info feature.

FOCUS-33842- Attendance Daily Triggers cron job does not add letters to the queue

This branch resolves an issue where the Attendance Daily Triggers built-in scheduled job was not adding a letter to the to the Letter Queue when the trigger was set to Period Attendance and the 'One letter per period' timeframe checkbox is not marked on the trigger setup screen.

FOCUS-33828- Fixed issue with Terms and Conditions not appearing for parents on Signature screen

Only applicable for customers using Terms & Conditions. If the parent/student did not have an appropriate plugin and clicked the link to view the PDF in another window, an error would display. This fix allows the display of the form on the original screen and if the user does not have the pdf plugin they can see the form on a separate tab.

FOCUS-33804- FLEID Scheduled Job - Excluding Negative Student IDs

Only applicable for customers using Florida State Reporting. The FLEID manual process excludes negative student ids from being transmitted; this branch prevents the same for the built-in FLEID Export/Import scheduled job.

FOCUS-33776- Fix editing future students/inactive students

This resolution ensures only end-users with appropriate permissions have access to active students, inactive students, and previous year inactive students.

FOCUS-33756- Call Out System: Send "unsubscribe" message only in first ever SMS message

Only applicable for customers using the Call Out System add-on module. This branch limits sending the unsubscribe message in SMS text messages to recipients to only sending it in the first ever SMS text message.

FOCUS-33724- Courses & Sections (CTE): Add 'Catalog Details' tab

Only applicable for Postsecondary customers. This branch implements two enhancements: 1) It adds a 'Catalog Details' tab to Courses & Sections for CTE schools that have the 'Public Course Catalog' system preference enabled. 2) It adds Direct Purchase URL functionality to /catalog. The 'Catalog Details' tab lists section-specific data that affects the display of that section on /catalog. In particular, new Catalog Publish Start Date and Catalog Publish End Date fields will control when a section will appear as an item for sale on /catalog. The new Section Description and Section Materials fields will appear on the item card on /catalog. There is also a new field, Direct Purchase URL, which lists the URL that can be used by marketing to provide a direct link to purchase just that section on /catalog. The new Catalog fields are also viewable/editable in the Master Schedule Report.

FOCUS-33710- Add option to show all schools linking sesir

Only applicable to Florida State Reporting customers. This branch adds a new system preference titled 'Enable All Schools checkbox.' When enabled a checkbox appears allowing users to link incidents from any school when clicking link SESIR when adding a referral. The system preference will be installed in the off position to maintain current functionality.

FOCUS-33704- Restrict MIME types allowed for file upload custom fields + add restricted file extension parameter to NuFile

This branch restricts the allowed MIME types for uploaded files in Student Info/User Info. It also adds a parameter to the session variable to block specific file extensions from being uploaded. The allowed MIME types for User Info/Student Info are: Plain text, RTF, PDF, XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, CSV, PNG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, and SVG. Additionally, the following file extensions are blocked: .vbs, .bat, .js, and .php.

FOCUS-33689- Enforce Full Year Grade Posting Averaging constraints

On Grade Posting Averaging for Full Year there are 2 rows. Each row is an option of weighting by either semester or quarter grades. Only one of these should be used and the weights must equal 100. This branch updates it to display an error and not save if both rows are used or one row doesn't equal 100.

FOCUS-33682- Recalc DT Grades Job Improvement

This branch improves the performance of the built-in Recalc DT Grades Scheduled Job.

FOCUS-33651- Final Grades - Course History showing incorrect 'Credits Earned' & 'Credits Attempted'

This branch adds a constraint to Student Final Grades preventing an end-user from marking an Exam Marking Period grade record with the Course History flag.

FOCUS-33604- Online Enrollments: Defaulted Fields on Process Online Enrollments Not Saving

Only applicable for customers enrolling students through an Online Application through Online Enrollments. This branch resolves an issue where student field values with default options were not saving to the student record upon completion of enrollment.

FOCUS-33526- Improve Form Builder District Logo Behavior

This branch makes necessary updates to the logic behind how Form Builder pulls in and resizes the District logo.

FOCUS-33142- Address & Contacts: Relationship and Contact Type are now required fields for admins

When an administrator is adding or editing a student contact, relationship and contact type will now be required fields. This does not change the functionality on simple address entry within the online application or re-enrollment form, if the relationship field is not marked as required in the form for parents/students to complete.

FOCUS-33140- Students with Inclusion Report

Only applicable for Florida State Reporting customers. This enhancement adds a new Scheduling Report called Students with Inclusion. This report provides a one-stop-shop to add, remove, and edit student's schedules for inclusion. Step-by-step guidance can be located by clicking the following link:

FOCUS-33139- Options to Select which applications appear on apply and auth and prevent duplicates

This branch implements two new enhancements to the Online Application. 1) The Application Editor Publish Options now allows the district to specify which online applications appear on /auth vs /apply. 2) A new online application preference has been added called 'Alert User the email address entered is already associated with another user in /apply.' The preference will be installed in the off position to maintain existing functionality. When enabled, if a new user goes to /apply and enters an email address that is already associated with an existing username in the users table or students table, a pop-up will display that reads 'The email address you entered is already associated with a user in this system. Please select the Continue Application tab to login to an existing application.' For additional information, please reference the following help article:

FOCUS-33024- Update 'Recalc DT Grades' Scheduled Job to delete DT & DY grades for sections that don't have any assignments

When a teacher first adds an assignment and assignment grade in their gradebook, a DT/DY (average) grade is generated in the student_report_card_grades table. However, if that assignment was in error and the teacher deletes the assignment leaving no assignments in the gradebook, the DT/DY grade was not removed. This branch updates the DT Scheduled Job to now remove these averages from the student_report_card_grades table.

FOCUS-32984- School Choice - Add remaining seats to Setup Page

Only applicable for customers using the School Choice module. This enhancement adds a new feature to Setup > School Choice Programs called Show remaining seats. When selected, the setup screen will display the remaining seats in each program and gradelevel. For additional information, please reference the following help article:

FOCUS-32880- Mobile App: Hourly Attendance

Only applicable for postsecondary customers using the Community Mobile App. This enhancement adds hourly attendance to the teacher take attendance in the mobile app. If the hourly attendance is enabled in system preferences, teachers may enter the hours and minutes for each student. Hours default to the hours set on the student's schedule record; there is an additional preference to allow hours beyond scheduled, which must be enabled to set more hours than are on the schedule record. If a student is given an absent code, their hours are disabled, and they will get 0 hours if saved with that code.

FOCUS-32738- Run Lottery - Do not accept students with priority 0 and status DECLINED

If a student has a status other than Waiting and a priority of 0 and status = declined, they will not automatically be accepted when the lottery is run.

FOCUS-32635- Add Transcripts to District Report Cards

This enhancement adds the ability to generate Transcripts from District Report Cards. End-users can now batch generate transcripts and publish transcripts to student & parent portals. For additional information, please reference the following help article:

FOCUS-32630- New Scheduled Job: Automatic Updates

This enhancement adds a new built-in scheduled job titled Automatic Updates. When configured, the job will update the instance of Focus to the latest revision. For example, if the environment is on revision 11.0.48 and the latest revision is 11.0.50, the job will update the site to 11.0.50. A confirmation email, if configured, will provide the end-user with the results of the update.

FOCUS-32618- Add SQL Triggers for Positive Behaviors on Edit Rules & Workflow

This enhancement adds an additional feature to Edit Rules & Workflow Triggers. End-users now have the ability to trigger Positive Behavior Badges to the Student & Parent Portal based on a query tied to  attendance, student, grade, schedule, and test history scores tables. This new feature requires the setup of a built-in scheduled job titled "SQL triggers."

FOCUS-32606- Posting Max & Min All Marking Period Terms

This branch relabels two system preferences from Max Quarter Posted Percent to be Max Posted Percent and Min Quarter Posted Percent to be Min Posted Percent. It also adds a new preference called Min/Max Posted Percent Affected Marking Periods with two options All and Quarters. All means the min/max posted percent affects all marking periods. Quarters means min/max preference retains its original functionality.

FOCUS-32566- Standard Grades Report Cards New Options

This branch adds two new configuration options to Assessments > Standard Grades Report Cards. First, we've added an Include in Standard Title section, that allows the end-user to better customize what elements from their standards will be printed (e.g. Subject Area, Grade Level, Strand, and Cluster). Second, font and font size options have been added allowing end-users to customize these elements on the generated Standard Grades Report Cards.

FOCUS-31982- Gradebook: New Proficiency Gradebook

New Proficiency Gradebook. Additional information can be accessed in the following help article:

If your district is interested in leveraging the new proficiency gradebook for the 2022-2023 school year, please contact your support representative.

FOCUS-31630- Change progression plan signatures to new format

This branch improves the usage of signatures in Progression Plans.

FOCUS-31602- Don't copy certain fields during a Student Merge Unless they are NULL

This enhancement impacts Students > Delete a Student > Merge 2 Students. When the demographics option is included we will no longer copy the following fields from the student being deleted into the student being kept unless the field is null in the student being kept: FLEID, Student Number Identifier, Florida Alias, and Social Security Number.

FOCUS-31489- Reenrollment forms alerting at future schools

This branch updates the Re-enrollment portal alert to be visible only in the student's currently enrolled school.

FOCUS-31166- Teacher Completion: Check for period length minutes based on schedule in calendar

The Teacher Completion Report will no longer display sections that are tied to periods with null/0 length in minutes, even if the Take Attendance checkbox is selected on the Period setup. This change also requires a Period length in minutes to be configured in order for a section to take attendance as expected.

FOCUS-30810- Better look at number of minutes (require length to be set for taking attendance)

Setup > Periods. A minute length is now a requirement in periods taking Attendance.

FOCUS-30775- Utility: Florida Core Standards from Certica

With this enhancement, Focus K12 standards utility now includes BEST, Florida LAFS, and Florida MAFS from Certica. The utility has also been updated so it can be run in the default school year and next school year. If you are interested in importing standards into your site, please contact your support representative.

FOCUS-30569- Adapt New Gradebook View for Admin Student Grades/Assignment List & Grades Tab in Student View of Webpages

A view from the new gradebook is now used from the Student Info>Grades screen. The new view replaces what was displayed after clicking a grade from the Details page on the screen, or clicking to Print Assignment List as an administrator. Both views show all information students would see based on current settings. When viewing a teacher webpage as a student, if the student is enrolled in at least one grades section that is attached to the webpage, then the webpage will include a new Grades tab. This tab lists all of the assignments/grades for the current class. Clicking an assignment will open the assignment within the webpage, with an arrow to return back to the class page. All functionality for students in the gradebook view should (launch learnosity/upload files) remain available on the student gradebook view, but is now in web page as well.

FOCUS-30547- Changes to Graduation Programs - District Wide

This enhancement modifies Graduation Programs to be district-specific vs. school-specific. A new district tab (visible only with adequate profile permissions) has been added to the Graduation Requirements setup screen. District can now assign graduation programs to schools en masse vs. using 'Copy School' or configuring programs at each school. The branch includes a migration to de-dup graduation programs across schools; the migration is predicated on the title, short name, and content of the Graduation Program.

FOCUS-32018- Add inactive checkbox to profiles

This enhancement adds an Inactive checkbox that can be assigned to profiles under Users > Profiles > Edit Profiles. Profiles marked as inactive by customers will no longer be available in the profile dropdown when adding new students or users. These inactive profiles will also not appear in the view/edit profiles dropdowns on student/user/school/district/referral/incident fields.

FOCUS-34120- Gradebook: Full Year/Semester Configuration Issue with Calculated Weighted Gradebooks or Drop Lowest Grades per Category

FOCUS-33951- Expenditure/Revenue Report - Add option to split element descriptions into separate columns

FOCUS-33879- Catalog: Add item to shopping cart validation needs to check publish end date instead of class start date

FOCUS-33799- Speed up Teacher Requests Alert


FOCUS-34050- SSS/Formbuilder Snapshot (June 2022)

Please click the following link to view details of the June Snapshot:

FOCUS-33699- E-signature size/display issue

The E-Signature component has the ability to be sized and therefore the size of the actual signature and printed name and date should dynamically adjust up or down based on settings. The actual signature & printed name should be inside the size of the component. The printed component should stay where it is on the form and not shift on the print media.

Previous Article 11.0.50 - Revision - 06/27/2022
Next Article 11.0.48, 11.0.49 - Revision - 06/14/2022