Documentation for Administrators

11.0.53 - 07/16/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-34222- Prevent address deletion when attached to PO

System update to ensure a vendor address is not removed when associated with a PO.

FOCUS-34174- Budgeting/General Ledger> Journal Report> Request "Description" from Receipts show on Journal Report

System enhancement to include Accounts Receivable Receipts descriptions on the Journal Report.

FOCUS-33990- Add ability to use {INSTANCE_ID} in Form Builder ACTIONS

This enhancement adds support for referencing the instance id in a query used in the actions tab of a form.

FOCUS-34207- Exclude budgets with ended elements from internal budget report

FOCUS-34179- Account title column should be resize

FOCUS-34213- Budget Maintenance - Missing Cents Display

FOCUS-34014- Board Packet Report - Figures Right Justified


FOCUS-34200- Allow rollover to create position allocations if running the rollover after the year has started.

System enhancement to allow rollover to create position allocations when rolling after the year has started.

FOCUS-34216- Positive Pay - Updating Payroll Name Handling

FOCUS-34086- Run 023 - large hours displaying in payroll report Under Run payroll


FOCUS-34301- Avery Labels: Correct Margins

This branch resolves margin errors that are impacting the printing of certain Avery Label formats.

FOCUS-34289- Pull Grades: Prevent SQL error when multiple incomplete grades are setup

When pulling grades leveraging the Grade Posting Averaging scheme option to set Incomplete as the Blank Exam Score Treatment, a database error was presented if the Grading Scale had more than one grade designated with the Incomplete flag. This branch removes the database error from displaying to the end-user, however, the duplicate incomplete grade will need to be corrected in the schools of the site's applicable Grading Scale.

FOCUS-34224- Public Course Catalog: Add Availability Validation to Direct Purchase URL

This branch adds availability validation earlier in the direct purchase URL functionality if the section is full. With this improvement, the direct url page loads but does not ask the student to create an account / log in.

FOCUS-34206- School Choice: Evaluate Placement Performance Improvement

Only applicable for customers using the School Choice Module. This branch improves the performance of the Magnet/Special Assignment Evaluate Placement screen.

FOCUS-34183- Remove permission requirement for 'Effective Date' on Report Cards/Standard Report Cards

This branch removes the template permission requirement to see the 'Effective Date' field. The effective date can now be changed when generating a report card regardless of the user's permissions to Print Report Cards and Standards Based Report Cards.

FOCUS-34177- Graduation Requirements Report: Update Total Credits Earned calculation logic

This branch improves the calculation of the Total Credits Earned value on the Graduation Requirements Report. The logic will now include courses earned by Waiver.

FOCUS-34162- Portal Message has specific grade levels selected are not showing on the Community App

Only application for customers using the Community Mobile App. This branch corrects an issue where Portal Messages were not displaying in the News Feed if they were tied to student gradelevels.

FOCUS-34145- Online/Re-Enrollment Forms: Improve End-user Experience with Required Fields

With this enhancement to the Online Application and Re-enrollment Forms, end-users will now be auto-directed to the first missing required field vs. the last when attempting to save or navigate further in an application when not all required fields have been completed.

FOCUS-34126- Profile Permissions for logging field not granting ability to add new row

Prior to this branch, an end-user's profile must have edit rights to one of the logging field columns or the profile must be set on the field as default edit view in order to create a new entry within a logging field. This branch will remove these conditions. Moving forward, an end-user with create permissions will be able to add new logging field entries.

FOCUS-34007- Check for existing records before persisting in Elementary Scheduler

This branch resolves an issue where students were duplicated in the Elementary Scheduler.

FOCUS-33967- Add 'Only Include Graded Sections' Checkbox to Teacher Gradebook Usage

This enhancement adds a checkbox to the Teacher Gradebook Usage feature that will hide/show ungraded courses in the report. If a teacher only has ungraded sections and the checkbox is enabled, they will now be hidden from the report.

FOCUS-33966- Add support for Focus Assessments in Community Mobile App

Only applicable for customers using the Community Mobile App. This branch adds support for the Assessment Module in the Community Mobile App when teachers are adding new assignments to their Gradebook.

FOCUS-33950- Discipline Category Breakdown: Resolve DB Error for JSON fields

This branch resolves a database error from appearing to the end-user when a JSON field is included in the Discipline Category Breakdown report.

FOCUS-33743- Add Dismissed Time, Downloaded, and Download Time columns to table SCHOOL_FOLDER_USER

Only applicable for customers using Florida State Reporting. This improvement adds a DISMISSED_TIME, DOWNLOADED, and DOWNLOADED_TIME to the SCHOOL_FOLDER_USER table. This allows for better tracking when end-users dismiss and download reports from the School Folders Portal Block feature.

FOCUS-33470- Make Profile Editable on Students Advanced Report

This enhancement makes it possible to edit the student's profile from Advanced Reports.

FOCUS-32876- Transcripts: Letterhead template header fields missing for inactive student

When printing transcripts from the Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank screen for a student not active in the current school year, some Insert Fields were not displaying as expected. This branch corrects that issue.


FOCUS-34150- Don't display empty rows on printed Schedule of Services

Schedule of services is currently set up to always print a specific number of rows, even if those rows have no data. Only rows with data should be printed.

FOCUS-34046- Adjust IEP custom steps when used in Service Plan events

The Service Plan event includes Goals & Objectives, Accommodations, and Schedule of Services, but those steps are only meant for IEP events. They should be updated with different wording and dropdown options if they're included in a Service Plan event. See Zendesk for the list of changes.

FOCUS-34033- MSSQL queries are not copied when cloning forms

When cloning a form in formbuilder, collections and actions that have a unique query for mssql should have that query copied to the clone.

FOCUS-33990- Add ability to use {INSTANCE_ID} in Form Builder ACTIONS

This enhancement adds support for referencing the instance id in a query used in the actions tab of a form.

Previous Article 11.0.50, 11.0.51, 11.0.52, 11.0.53 - Revision - 07/18/2022
Next Article 11.0.52 - 07/09/2022