Documentation for Administrators

11.0.61 - 09/11/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-34902- Can we make Needs Barcode editable on the Inventory Report

System update to the Fixed Asset Inventory Report. The Needs Barcode column is a checkbox and when checked it will display 'yes' on the Existing Asset in Managed Assets.

FOCUS-34785- K12 Billing: Adjust logic for Customer Pulldown

Only applicable for customers using Focus' Billing module. When 'Show Users' is enabled for Point of Sale, all user records are currently displayed. With this enhancement, the Users added to the Customer pulldown will be limited to the school (facility) they are enrolled in.

FOCUS-34945- Round outstanding deferred on Funding Source Report

FOCUS-34886- Attempting to Delete Invoice line

FOCUS-34875- Speed up Fixed Asset pages

FOCUS-34868- Error when running district wide Inventory Report

FOCUS-34770- Focus Analytics - Receipt job pulling voided receipts


FOCUS-34800- Profile Permission for Payroll Reimbursements

System enhancement to add profile permission to process reimbursement in Payroll > Reimbursements. This permission disables view of the menu options in Payroll allowing the user to only see the Reimbursements tab.

FOCUS-34574- EAF - "From Facility" Field Addition

System improvement to add the 'From Facility' in Human Resources > Employee Action Form on Change a Position, Terminate Position, and Change Allocation screens.

FOCUS-34418- Time & Attendance Daily and Weekly Overtime Thresholds

System enhancements to Time and Attendance: To include Daily and Weekly Overtime Thresholds


FOCUS-34975- Performance Improvement: Online Enrollments > Unprocessed Forms

This branch includes a performance improvement to the load time of the Online Enrollments > Unprocessed Forms report.

FOCUS-34881- SwiftBox Filtering: Add "Readonly" & "Historical Options" support

Improvements to Swiftbox filtering methods on datatables.

FOCUS-34866- Mass Add Log Records: Selected field is being reset to the first option on page reload

This branch fixes an issue with Mass Add Log Records where the selected field is reset to the first swift box option when the user switches a school in the top-right or reloads the page. With this resolution, the last selected field_id will be stored in the session and will be selected after the page is reloaded, if that option is still available for the user.

FOCUS-34839- Add a Student: Adjust minimum character limit for Last Name

When enrolling a student, the minimum number of characters for the last name was 2. This branch changes that requirement to just 1 character.

FOCUS-34820- Form Builder: User-injected styles may disrupt data appearing on custom headers

If the user has an extension to inject styles onto particular elements when creating the Form Builder custom header, those styles may be saved as part of the header and may cause the regex to fail due to the unexpected format. With this resolution, elements will have their data filtered when saving a header to remove problematic values. Also, the regex used for the replacements was adjusted to allow for more flexibility.

FOCUS-34801- Add Sub Permission for Certica Item Bank under Create Assessments

Only applicable for customers using the Focus Assessment module with Certica Item Bank add-on. This enhancement adds a profile and user permission for Certica Item Bank. When this permission is removed from a profile, end-users will not have access to Certica questions in Create Assessments or Create Questions.

FOCUS-34798- Post Final Grades : Incorrect MP tabs show for sections marked as 'Double Blocked'.

This branch corrects an issue where the incorrect marking period tab displays when posting final grades, and the school has a 'Double Blocked' Grade posting scheme set.

FOCUS-34795- Letter Queue: Print letters in alphabetical order

This branch resolves an issue where printing from the Letter Queue was not printing the letters in alphabetical order.

FOCUS-34793- Allow video file uploads in Focus.

This branch allows 3gpp formatted video files to be uploaded into a custom fields logging upload field.

FOCUS-34780- Grade Posting Averaging : Unable to check & uncheck the 'hide' checkbox's in double blocked schemes.

This branch resolves an issue where end users cannot check and uncheck the 'hide' checkbox in double-blocked grade posting schemes.

FOCUS-34732- Create Packages page does not prompt to Save

This branch implements standard functionality to turn the save button red when a change has been made in Create Packages.

FOCUS-34721- Gradebook: Store Latest 'Enter Grades By' by Section When Gradebooks are Configured Differently per Section

When a teacher has the preference for configuring Gradebooks separately per section, the 'Enter Grades By' starting on the most recent selection is now the most recent selection made when grading in the top right section or grading a section that is part of the same Gradebook group as that section. Additionally, if grades couldn't be saved due to an error, the Gradebook will reattempt the save when the 'Enter Grades By' is changed.

FOCUS-34715- Course Progression: Resolve database error

This branch prevents a database error from appearing in Course Progression when attempting to save while students with dropped/deleted enrollment records are selected.

FOCUS-34707- Gradebook Assignment Option Stuck on Preventing Late Student Uploads

Only applicable for self-hosted MSSQL customers. This branch allows the change to 'No' or unchecked for the 'Don't Allow Late Submissions' gradebook option.

FOCUS-34683- Adding Courses in Courses & Sections resolution

This branch fixes an issue where courses with n/a for Low/High grades cannot be added to a subject in Courses & Sections.

FOCUS-34664- Portal: Report card link error

This branch resolves an issue where an error would appear to parents/students accessing report cards if the student was not enrolled on the effective date when generating the report cards.

FOCUS-34591- Increase modal size and fix touch scrolling for Forms Summary -> View Changes

This branch modifies the 'View Changes' modal within Online Enrollments to be larger to be more readable on mobile devices.

FOCUS-34588- Remove the '-' select option when taking attendance for previous days.

This branch removes the ' - ' option from the attendance code options dropdown when taking attendance for previous days. (The dash only appeared in the drop-down on the first update - before a code was ever entered. Once a code was entered and saved, it was not an option.)

FOCUS-34551- Truncate long emails and school names in formbuilder student headers

In order to make Student Header 2 more compact and reduce the chance of overflowing onto other parts of the form, the email and school name fields should be truncated if their values are too long. The truncation should occur on a word boundary, or the @ symbol in the case of the email.

FOCUS-34402- Convert "Hearing Screening Date" and "Vision Screening Date" to system fields

The "Hearing Screening Date" and "Vision Screening Date" fields are standard fields but previously marked as local. This branch includes a migration to update these student fields to system fields.

FOCUS-34998- Web Pages: Uploading an image throws 'Invalid mode' error

FOCUS-34954- FWISD - Attendance Chart: Daily attendance displayed incorrectly when daily code is calculated to 'P'

FOCUS-34936- graduation met column needs to be removed from BCPS ASAP


FOCUS-34938- Display step names for custom steps in Event Reporting

In the Forms & Steps section of Event Reporting, steps that have custom functionality, like Goals & Objectives, currently display a generic name based on the type of functionality. To avoid confusion, it should instead display the actual step name used in the event.

FOCUS-34879- Crash on Manage Student if user who locked the event has been deleted

The check for an existing user doesn't consider if the user might not exist in the Users table anymore, causing an error when trying to access the user's information. This fix changes the check to ensure the user's info exists before trying to access it.

FOCUS-34786- Add additional options to Schedule of Services

Instructional Services:

  • Specially Designed Instruction
    • Add: Instruction in Vocational Training
  • How?
    • Add: Very Small Group Instruction

Related Services:

  • Provided By
    • Add: School Intervention Therapist, Behavior Analyst/Management Specialist, School District Staff

Supplementary Aids and Services:

  • Provided By
    • Add: School Intervention Therapist, Behavior Analyst/Management Specialist, School District Staff
  • Services
    • Add: Behavior Management Services, Daily Medication, Emergency Medication Administration, Individual Assistance, Alternative Academic Achievement Standards

Support Services for School Personnel:

  • Services
    • Add: Training on student specific behavior management plan

FOCUS-34771- Add new responsible implementers options.

Branch adds 3 new options to Responsible Implementers dropdown in IEP Goals & Objectives step of the IEP Event: Behavior Specialist, School Intervention Therapist, HH Teacher

FOCUS-34725- Copy Field Value From Event triggers fails if the source form has not been saved

The Copy Field Value From Event form trigger action will fail and throw an error if the source form doesn't have a valid instance. This can happen if the source form was never filled out and saved, most likely on non-required steps.

FOCUS-34689- Sort supplementary forms alphabetically

The lists of supplementary forms are not ordered in any particular way. This fix puts them in alphabetical order making the lists easier to read.

FOCUS-34404- Typo on printed accommodations

A misspelling of "Accommodations" on the accommodations screen when printing needs to be corrected. It is only visible when no accommodations are needed.

Previous Article 11.0.59, 11.0.60, 11.0.61 - Revision - 09/14/2022
Next Article 11.0.60 - Revision - 09/09/2022