Documentation for Administrators

11.0.72 - 12/03/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-35950- Import Assets - allow update

System enhancement to Fixed Assets > Import Assets to select all 3 fields when one is selected, and deselect all 3 fields if one is deselected.

FOCUS-35923- Setting to use PCard Cycle Start Month in Batch Name

System enhancement to Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable - Add new setting to determine Month for P-card invoice batch name.

FOCUS-35913- Room List Report

System enhancement to Fixed Assets > Reports > Room Report. This new report will show assets held at a selected Facility/Room.

FOCUS-35906- Misscan

System enhancement to Fixed Assets > Take Inventory. When the user scans a barcode that does not exist, the user will add the serial number to the description pop up.

FOCUS-35904- AR Invoices changes

System enhancement to Accounts Receivable > Invoices > Import Invoices adding Export, Print buttons, a record count and total amount field for Expense and Revenue Invoices.

FOCUS-35900- Text changes in Manual Journals

System enhancement to update column descriptions in Budgeting/General Ledger > Journals > Manual Journals > Manual Journal History. Void Date and Voided by now reflect as Voided/Reversed Date and Voided/Reversed By.

FOCUS-35893- Finalized Inventory

System improved to prevent the user from editing a finalized inventory.

FOCUS-35823- Add more descriptive error to budget maintenance strip permission check

System enhancement providing a clearer descriptive error message when a user tries to submit a Budget Maintenance request involving accounting strips they do not have permissions to.

FOCUS-35952- Add POS option for 'Default # of Days until Due Date'

FOCUS-35951- Error Message in Expense Product set up/edit area


FOCUS-35961- Change formatting of SSN number in Employee search

System improvement to remove the title "SSN" from Human Resources > Employee search.

FOCUS-35949- Added Overtime and Leave tab to the Manual check runs

System improvement adding Overtime and Leave tabs to Manual runs in Payroll > Pay Runs > Run Payroll.

FOCUS-35910- Add max hours per day to the pay types

System enhancement to Payroll > Maintenance > Main Tables > Pay Types > Overall Settings add a new column to enter Max Hours Per Day

FOCUS-35908- Check Register Report: Add Columns - Taxable Gross, Pre-Tax Deductions

System enhancement adding new columns to the Payroll > Reports > Payroll Reports > Check register report> Pay Runs section: Gross Pay, Taxable Gross, FICA Gross and Medicare Gross, Federal Withholding and Pre-Tax.

FOCUS-35841- School/Dep | View all records permission

System enhancement to remove view restrictions when permission is enabled so that all pending records load for Timecard, Overtime, Leave, and Misc Pay. To enable: Setup > Profiles > Select Profile > Payroll > Pay Runs > School Department Payroll Entry - View All Department Entries setting.

FOCUS-35598- Add Audit Trail for employee deductions & benefits

System enhancement adding Last Modified By and Last Modified, to Human Resources > Staff > Employee > Deductions tab. Columns added to Calculated by Job, Calculated by Employment and Taxes sections and to Human Recourses > Staff > Employee > Benefits > View Benefits tab. A Toggle Column button was also added to the Benefits > View Benefits tab.

FOCUS-35356- Checks: Convert File Copy To PDF

System improvement to Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Accounts Payable > Checks. When printing a check it will open as a PDF in a new window.

FOCUS-34996- Add EIN to allocation error

System enhancement to add the employee EIN to the allocation error message in School Department Payroll Entries for Special Requests when payroll Assigns Time & Attendance.


FOCUS-36006- Transcripts: Not breaking between student transcripts

This resolve resolves an issue with mismatched student headers when running multiple transcripts.

FOCUS-36004- Automatic Updates: Optionally install latest bug fix release

This enhancement adds a new option called 'Install latest bug fix release?' to the built-in scheduled job called Automatic Updates. When checked, the Automatic Updates scheduled job will only update to the latest (for example, if there are updates in 11.0.56, it will take those. However, it won't go to 11.0.57+).

FOCUS-35985- Honor Roll Setup : Add option to 'Include Standard Grades'

This enhancement adds a new option, 'Include Standard Grades,' on the Honor Roll Setup. This option will allow the customer to determine if standard grades should be included or excluded from determining whether or not a student qualifies for Honor Roll. The new option will be unchecked by default.

FOCUS-35944- User Info: Attached users not showing as selected

This branch resolves an issue where attached users were not displayed on User Info through the interface when present in the database.

FOCUS-35942- Transcripts: Resolve Generating Issue when Grouping CTE or Year and Course

This branch resolves an issue where generating transcripts failed when selecting three or more students and the grouping for the transcript is either "Year and Course" or "CTE."

FOCUS-35934- Attendance daily triggers job skips bad email addresses

This branch resolves an issue with the built-in scheduled job Attendance Daily Triggers. Moving forward, the job will skip bad emails vs. failing after the first encounter with a bad email address.

FOCUS-35925- Gradebook: A Category Weight Total of a Fractional Percent Over 100 Does not Show the Error for Total Weight Over 100

If category weights are rounded to 1 decimal point, weights that total up to 100.02% will be rounded to 100.0, and no error displays that the category weights do not equal 100. This branch corrects that problem.

FOCUS-35924- Student Info: SQL error caused by a file field saved in user's customized list

This branch resolves the issue with loading the Student Info screen when a user has a file upload field saved in their customized list. It is no longer possible to choose such fields in the current version; in this scenario, the user had legacy information selected.

FOCUS-35912- Incorrect section # displayed on the report when generating from Student Info > Grades for specific course

This branch resolved an issue where an incorrect section short name was displayed on the Student Final Grades & GPA report when generated from Student Information > Grades.

FOCUS-35907- Ed-Fi: Fix issue with invalid graduationSchoolYear in StudentSchoolAssociation

Only applicable to customers leveraging EdFi. This branch resolves an issue with invalid graduationSchoolYear in StudentSchoolAssociation when the value set for Year Entered Ninth Grade is not a valid school year. If 00000000 is selected for a student in Year Entered Ninth Grade, the query will convert it to 0 and add four years to the value. Since 00000000 is not a valid school year, this will change the value to null.

FOCUS-35891- Report Cards - Template settings are visible for teachers without permissions

This branch resolves an issue where users without permission to "edit template settings" could change settings on default report card templates when printing report cards. This branch ensures all settings are appropriately hidden on the report card generating screen for users without permission to adjust them.

FOCUS-35887- Grading Scales & Comments: Code & Title now Required to add Comment in setup

To prevent potential errors generating report cards, end-users must enter both the title and code when adding a new report card comment under Grading Scales & Comments.

FOCUS-35878- Final Grades : Posted grades for Double Blocked sections not showing in the 'course history' tab

Only applicable for customers leveraging sections flagged as double-blocked with an appropriate grade posting scheme configured. This branch resolves an issue where when posting grades for double-blocked sections, the grades are not showing in the course history tab in Grades > Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank as expected. (For example, If a section course_history_term is set to 'SEM,'  double-blocked sections should earn credit at the quarter level.)

FOCUS-35871- Late Check In/Early Release - Changing Prior/Following period to null

This enhancement allows the Prior Periods and Following Periods columns to be set back to null after a code has been selected and saved. The associated attendance records in the database will be updated/removed.

FOCUS-35864- Grade Verification Report: Calculated grade shows discrepancies

When printing or viewing the Grade Verification Report the calculated grade would be incorrect in cases where double-blocked sections were flagged and NG grade weights were not defined. This branch resolves this issue.

FOCUS-35857- Fix Student Inclusion Report to properly reflect "Do not subtract minutes when using the Inclusion tab" preference

This branch resolved an issue where Student Inclusion Report was not respecting the preference, "Do not subtract minutes when using the Inclusion tab."

FOCUS-35851- Discipline Referrals Printing on more than one page.

This branch resolves an issue where printing the Discipline Referrals screen is printed on two pages vs. one page.

FOCUS-35836- When Schools Use Different Marking Period Short Names, Dual Enrolled Students are Unable to View Assignment Grades

If a student is dual enrolled at two schools that use different short names for the same marking period, assignments within that marking period fail to load with an error in the Student Portal or the Final Grades and GPA page. After this branch, there is no error, but students cannot use the drop-down to view grades in another section at another school with different marking period short names.

FOCUS-35834- Setting: PCard Purchase Date in Request History

System enhancement to show Purchase Date on PCard Draft requests. To enable: Setup > General Ledger > Settings > AP settings - Include Purchase Date in Drafts.

FOCUS-35817- Change to Course Catalog Affects GPA is not preventing changes in Course Sections.

When Affects GPA is set to yes in Course Catalog and filtered down to Courses & Sections, the user could still edit the Affects GPA field to no. This branch fixes it so that when that field is populated to yes in Course Catalog, it cannot be changed in Courses & Sections.

FOCUS-35814- Mobile App: Planner includes assignments for courses from previous years' schedules

Only applicable to customers using the Community Mobile App. Moving forward, the planner entries will be limited to assignments for sections on the student's current year schedule.

FOCUS-35802- Custom Fields: Allow .heic MIME type for file upload

Parents take pictures of enrollment documentation (e.g., birth certificates, proof of address, etc.) and upload it with the online application. Apple doesn't natively store iPhone photos as .jpg but as their proprietary .heic extension. This enhancement supports administrative end-users to upload/view/download HEIC images in upload fields.

FOCUS-35792- Allow more than 1000 rows to be displayed on the Discipline Referrals

This enhancement adds a system preference to allow school districts to set the number (up to 5000) of referrals on Discipline Referrals. The preference is housed under General.

FOCUS-35753- System Preferences - Gradebook Config > Unable to see 'Gradebook Method' options from the Gradebook Configuration tab.

This branch corrects an issue with the gradebook configuration option gradebook method not displaying when the default gradebook configuration option for disallow is unchecked.

FOCUS-35749- Scheduling: New Option to Prevent Addition of Same Course & Section

This enhancement adds a new profile permission to Scheduling called "Allow User to Schedule Same Section." By default, the preference will be enabled for users with edit access to the student schedule to maintain current functionality. If the profile permission is not enabled, the user at the school will receive a message saying, "The student has already been scheduled for this course and section," when trying to schedule a student into a course and section that the student has already been scheduled in at any point during the current school year. If the profile permission is enabled, the current functionality will remain, and the users will be warned but can still schedule the student.

FOCUS-35744- Students Mass Add Log Records

This enhancement adds a checkbox called Show all Records, which removes the 200 record limitation in the By Student tab.

FOCUS-35733- Adds Military Base information to State Dropdown

If the system preference "Add additional options for non-US addresses" is checked, the address student block will have the option to select different military bases.

FOCUS-35661- Fix Execution History view output on Attendance Daily Trigger Scheduled Job

This resolution fixes an issue where the View button on the Execution History tab in Scheduled Jobs did not show the expected job results.

FOCUS-35629- Post Final Grades: Using 'Use Gradebook' button incorrectly calculates Letter grades & 'No Grades'.

This branch is intended to fix an issue where the 'Use Gradebook' button in Grades > Post Final Grades incorrectly calculates Letter Grades & 'NG.'

FOCUS-35556- Site Administration: Implement Export/Filter options on Update Log

This enhancement adds export and filter options to the Update Log data table under Site Administration.

FOCUS-35411- Change the School Column display on the Course Catalog

This enhancement changes the display for the school column in the catalog to a streamlined select-multiple field option.

FOCUS-35388- Trigger Linked Fields & ExecuteSQL changes when using Mass Assign Student Info and Students Advance Report

This enhancement adds linked fields and ExecuteSql functionality when updating student values via Advanced Reports and Mass Assign Student Info.

FOCUS-35041- Attendance: Add chronic absenteeism to ADA report

This enhancement adds a column to display the Percent of Students Chronically Absent on the ADA report. To identify the students, the program will compare the days' possible column, identifying the number of students meeting this criterion in the date range (where attendance code is setup to absent ac.state_code = 'A' for daily attendance) and compute the percent by summing these students and dividing by average daily membership.

FOCUS-35023- On the Master Schedule Report Mass Update is not updating the complete history.

This branch ensures teacher history is accurately documented when mass updating the teacher after filtering on the Master Schedule Report.

FOCUS-34934- Attendance Summary Comments Not Updating

This branch corrects an issue where attendance summary comments are not saving as expected if a student has present for daily attendance.

FOCUS-34175- Address Validation and Zoning for Upcoming School Year Fixes

This branch resolves several issues surrounding address validation and zoning for applications selected for the next school year. Currently, when an application has the option for the applicant or parent to select a future year, the address catalog validation looks at the current year instead of the future year. This branch addresses the following options: 1) Fixes an issue where the wrong syear was used for address validation/zoned schools when using the "Applicant School Year" field on the application and selecting the next school year. 2) Fixes an issue where the wrong syear was being set on the student_enrollment record when selecting the next school year 3) Implements a change to update application.desired_school_id when an applicant's address is updated through Student Info The branch includes a migration that changes the options for application_syear so that it uses an option query that saves the application_syear as a syear rather than "CURRENT" or "NEXT."

FOCUS-34031- Calendar: Change biweekly event creation logic

Biweekly events are always scheduled for the odd-numbered weeks of the month, this branch corrects the logic to simply occur every two weeks based upon the event created.

FOCUS-31267- New Print Format For DataTable

This branch adds the option 'Print All Logging Fields in Expanded View' when using Students>Print Student Information. When selected the student logging fields print in 'grid' / Expanded View.

FOCUS-29421- Electronic Grade Change Form to include Conduct, custom grades and standards

This enhancement updates the electronic grade change form to allow teachers the ability to change not only the Final Grades but allow them to have the ability to change the Conduct, any Custom Grades, and Standards.

FOCUS-35587- Add POS Comments to Invoice Report -> Detailed Report

FOCUS-35481- Daily Hours Billing Preference Error

Previous Article 11.0.70, 11.0.71, 11.0.72 - Revision - 12/06/2022
Next Article 11.0.71 - 11/20/2022