Documentation for Administrators

11.0.73 - 12/10/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-36091- Add new MJ linked record types

System enhancement to add Field Trips and Manual Journals to linked records in Manual journals.

FOCUS-36036- Point of Sale: Convenience fee improvements

This branch implements several improvements to Convenience Fees in Point of Sale. Convenience fees in the online Purchase & Pay store will now be applied to a new invoice per facility. Flat fees will be billed per facility. Convenience Fees for partial payments will now be issued on top of the partial payment. A new UI element will display the total charge to the user before payment.

FOCUS-36032- Revenue col in Revenue Report

System Enhancement to add "Revenue" column to the Budgeting General Ledger > Revenue Report.

FOCUS-36025- Add description to MJ entry

System Enhancement to add "Description" to Budgeting General Ledger > Manual Journals.

FOCUS-36010- Allow warehouse returns from prior closed fiscal year into current year

System Enhancement to allow Warehouse returns when items are purchased from a previous Fiscal Year.

FOCUS-36111- Fix POS reference number error when response is missing account_number

FOCUS-35964- Fix ongoing voucher totaling during deferral creation

FOCUS-35869- Remove Departments


FOCUS-36033- Payroll Encumbrances Show Checks for Beginning of the Fiscal Year

District specific enhancement to Payroll > Encumbrances - Show Checks for Beginning of the Fiscal Year.

FOCUS-36013- Payroll over allocation issue

System improvement to Payroll > Run Payroll > Adjustments - Find Employee's Adjustments dropdown, and display applicable allocations.

FOCUS-35990- Run Payroll - Warning Message For Skipped Leave

System improvement to Payroll > Run Payroll > Checks to display a run warning when leave is attempted to be taken, but is skipped because there is no active job for the leave date. Warning #85.

FOCUS-35803- Add "Address" category from ERP employee info to SIS user info

System Enhancement adding the Address field, currently only visible in ERP, now is visible in SIS. To enable: Setup > Permissions > Profiles > Users Fields - Enable "edit" button under Address.

FOCUS-34742- Time & Attendance Improve User experience when editing a timecard

System improvement widening the columns on Timecards in Time and Attendance.

FOCUS-35959- Job Postings - Don't require applications for job postings in the same Bargaining Unit

FOCUS-35533- HR Advanced Report


FOCUS-36072- Graduation Requirement Report Improve Searching

This branch allows the Student Search Screen in the Graduation/Promotion Requirements Report to display when the "Display student search screen by default" User Preference is not checked.

FOCUS-36071- Courses & Sections: Database Error on Section When Populating School and District of Instruction

Only applicable to customers using Florida State Reporting. This branch corrects an error when populating the District and School of Instruction in the Family Empowerment School.

FOCUS-36069- Discipline: Display inactive select options on Discipline Category Breakdown

This branch adjusts viewing referral information in Discipline Category Breakdown. Moving forward, regardless of the session school or year, if the student's referral has a select-option value that is inactive, it will display within the report.

FOCUS-36050- Ed-Fi: Update end dates for StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation

Only applicable to customers using EdFi. Before the branch, the results for the StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation query would only display results for records that were added this year, omitting students who were still active ESE students. With the branch, the query is updated to look for active students with primary disabilities without a dismissal date.

FOCUS-36022- Default Gradebook Configuration: Restore missing "Display estimated full year average column" setting

This branch restores the "Display estimated full-year average column" for gradebook configuration.

FOCUS-35970- Adding Co-teacher / Standard Grade Posting Alerts

This branch resolves an issue where co-teachers with modify rights did not see the post standard grades portal alert.

FOCUS-35933- Transcript Letterhead Template values not being populated.

This branch corrects an issue where number of referrals does not display on a letterhead template.

FOCUS-35735- Custom Fields: Resolve display issue of field names with view access.

This branch resolves an issue where fields set by a Linked Field edit rule would not display their title to end-users with view-only access.

FOCUS-35729- Updating formbuilder headers may change the wrong header

This fix addresses an issue if a form builder header has been imported, the ID of that other exported header may still be present. If the ID is still there, saving the imported header may actually update the form that was exported. Example: the original (exported) header id 1 was renamed to (imported) header id 2 and received the changes made in header id 2.

FOCUS-35625- Retakes Causing Item Analysis and Activity Summary by Group Error

This branch resolves an error when viewing the Activity summary by group district report or the response analysis by item classroom report on a test assigned with retakes.

FOCUS-36052- Keystone Login: Provide reason for test login failure

FOCUS-35932- Tracking down where an emails is coming from


FOCUS-35973- Display inactivity on PMP Data Collection based on selected school

This fix addresses an issue where a student with an intervention that was initiated at a school where the student is currently inactive (unenrolled), the student would not show on the screen at the student's current school of enrollment. With this fix, if the student is inactive at the school showing in the dropdown at the top right, they should only appear if the "Include Inactive Students" option is selected. If the student is active at the selected school, they should appear normally.

FOCUS-35939- Accommodations Extra Time value is not visible if the list of options has changed

The fix addressed an issue when an IEP has been locked and the list of extra time options has changed such that the previously selected option is no longer available, nothing will be displayed on the locked IEP. Since the event is locked and no changes can be made anyway, the original extra time value should be displayed directly, instead of in a dropdown.

FOCUS-35927- Error when saving a form draft in SSS

This fix addresses an issue in SSS Events when a user would attempt to save & validate a step, the save & validate button would not refresh and the loading circle would just spin. The data was being saved but the validation was not completed.

FOCUS-35858- PMP strategies and monitoring tools in locked events may change if the student's grade level has changed

This fix addresses an issue where the options on a student's locked PMP were changed when the student's grade level changed. With this fix, even though strategies and monitoring tools are based on a student's current grade level, once the event is locked, the selections will not change.

Previous Article 11.0.72, 11.0.73 - Revision - 12/12/2022
Next Article 11.0.70, 11.0.71, 11.0.72 - Revision - 12/06/2022