Documentation for Administrators

11.0.74 - 12/17/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-36192- Fix POS error on SQL Server

Only applicable to MSSQL-hosted customers. This branch resolves a database error on point-of-sale.

FOCUS-36179- Misscan on serial number

System enhancement to Fixed Assets when a barcode is scanned and not recognized it will check if it is a serial number.

FOCUS-36170- Inventory Method - Missing

System enhancement to Fixed Assets > Inventory > Take Inventory. When an asset is marked missing, it will now show 'missing' on the Location History under Fixed Assets > Assets > Managed Assets > Existing Assets > Inventoried Method.

FOCUS-36076- Category changes needed

System enhancement allowing the category to be updated en masse on imported records in Fixed Assets > Assets > Manage Assets > Import Assets.

FOCUS-36073- Add quantity/amount remaining columns to PO line items

System enhancement adding the quantity remaining and amount remaining to the line items on Purchase Orders in Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchasing > Purchase Requests/Orders.

FOCUS-35921- Restructure Customer Statements

System enhancement to update Customer Statement in Accounts Receivable > Customer Statements. This branch updates the following: 1. Remove Focus logo and Copyright, 2. Rename existing "Customer Statement" clause to "Customer Statement => Footer Text" 3. Add new "Customer Statement => Header Text" clause to replace existing Focus logo 4. Swap Bill To and Bill From 5. Move "Customer Credit" in Balances section to new line.

FOCUS-34727- Income Statement

System enhancement to provide an Income Statement Report in Budgeting/General Ledger> Budget > Income Statement. To enabled: 1. Setup > Permissions > Profiles - Add permission to setup and module. 2. Setup > Settings > Income Statement >Setup report requirements. 3. Budgeting General Ledger > Budget > Income Statement - Select Fund > Select Program > Check categories >Select Month >Run report.


FOCUS-36116- Payroll > Wage Change Retro - Add filter/sort to "Pay Retro" column

System enhancement to Payroll > Pay Runs > Run Payroll >Wage Change Retro tab. The branch removes the delete option from Changed Wage Retro. It also adds a sort option to this column.

FOCUS-36026- Error reporting enhancements

System enhancement in Payroll > Run Payroll > Checks > New section under warnings labeled Run Review: Employee Links > Click Show Employees

FOCUS-35938- Primary Position when filtering

System enhancement to Human Resources > Staff > Employee > Jobs. When the job group number is updated the primary position toggle updates automatically.

FOCUS-35284- Payroll Checks Warning

System enhancement adding Payroll warning for employees that have over $10,000 for all gross wages and employees that have over $200,000 for Medicare wages including the current run.


FOCUS-36218- Attendance: Daily Attendance Calculation Correction

This branch resolves an issue introduced in 11.0.73 that adversely impacted daily attendance calculation for a student when a full-year marking period section was not present

FOCUS-36180- Gradebook: Fix Assign Individual Students

Before the branch, if a teacher created an assessment but the assignment was only assigned to select students, all students would see the alert. This branch corrects this issue by making only the selected students see the alert.

FOCUS-36160- Student Portal: Assignment Switcher Missing Semester Classes

When viewing a student's list of assignments for a class, the class selector drop-down was missing semester classes. This branch resolves this issue.

FOCUS-36127- Discipline: Resolve Printing Referrals in Chrome.

This branch resolves an issue when printing referrals using Chrome on v108.

FOCUS-36120- Attendance: Fix Absences by Course and Student Results

The Absences by Course and Student report was not displaying both schedule records for a student scheduled into the same course for Semester 1 and Semester 2. This branch resolves this issue.

FOCUS-36066- Fix issue with custom field log entries missing UUIDs

For API purposes, this migration back-fills the UUID values on logging field entries for students enrolled this school year.

FOCUS-36060- Scheduling: Print class list reports for Inclusion sections

This enhancement adds the ability to include Inclusion Minutes Weekly to Print Class Lists.

FOCUS-36049- Add Work Order Module to SIS view

This Feature Enhancement adds an option to see the work orders menu on the Student Information System, under the Setup menu. Previously, this option was only available in ERP.

FOCUS-36038- Profile Permissions: Community App Setup

This branch corrects an issue where end-user with view only profile rights could edit the Community App setup screen located under the Setup menu.

FOCUS-36020- School Choice Report: Verify siblings not displaying students with the same address

Only applicable to customers using the School Choice module. This branch corrects an issue where siblings listed at the same address were not displaying as such in the Verify Siblings feature.

FOCUS-36015- Change of Address Updates Future Year incorrectly

This branch resolves a problem when changing a student address and using zones in the address catalog. Previously if zones differed from the current and future syear only the current syear zone stored in the address_zoned_schools table. Now when the student address updates in the current syear the zones in current and +1 syear zones are correct.

FOCUS-35842- Change Profile dropdown in user search to multiselect swiftbox

This enhancement changes the profiles search option to a multi-select for More Search Options of User Info.

FOCUS-35804- DMV Attendance Scheduled Job

Only applicable to customers using Florida state reporting. The DOE changed the way the file sent to NWRDC is processed; specifically the removal of the KEY record. This branch implements those necessary changes.

FOCUS-35788- Add Print Options to Assessment Bubble Sheets

Only applicable to customers using Focus Assessments. This enhancement adds the following bubble sheet print options: Grade Levels, Teachers, Sections, and Periods.

FOCUS-35588- Online Application Complete/Save not sending trigger emails

This branch resolves an issue with the online application to ensure workflow trigger emails are triggered correctly when an end-user clicks the save and continue later or submit button.

FOCUS-35537- Handheld Unit - Profile Issue - Can Check In Students District Wide

Only applicable for customers using Attendance Kiosks. This branch corrects the kiosk user profile validation for taking attendance to only allow student check-in if user has attendance permissions at the school.

FOCUS-35259- Prevent Early Attendance Taking - Seating Charts not working

When the system preference Prevent Early Attendance is set when a period before the scheduled class time is selected, the message is displayed, but the save and seating chart buttons allow you to take attendance anyway. This branch corrects that issue.

FOCUS-34791- School Choice Setup: Make Zone Groups Specific to the School Year

Only applicable to customers using the School Choice module. Currently in School Choice Setup > Programs, when you change the Zone Group of a Program, it gets changed for every school year. There is no way to assign one Zone Group to a particular Program in one school year, and another Zone Group to that same Program in another school year. This branch introduces changes that allow Zone Groups to be specific to a school year.

FOCUS-36154- Prevent Scheduling when No Enrollment Exists

FOCUS-36017- OCR only on Academic Category Files


FOCUS-36140- Hide "Type of Parent Contact" if the field is disabled in PMP Setup

The dropdown next to PMP data points tables currently always displays. The enhancement changes this dropdown to only display if the field is enabled on PMP setup.

FOCUS-36082- Blank records are created on student PMPs when fields are left blank in PMP Data Collection

This fix changes how data points push to the individual graphs. It will now only create a data point if a value is present.

FOCUS-35929- Add school to SSS alerts

This enhancement adds a school column to the SSS Alert Screen. The school associated with the event triggering the alert should display in a new column.

Previous Article 11.0.73, 11.0.74 - Revision - 12/19/2022
Next Article 11.0.72, 11.0.73 - Revision - 12/12/2022