Documentation for Administrators

11.0.75 - 01/08/2023

Updated on


FOCUS-36316- Fixed Asset Audit Trail includes room/building updates

System Enhancement to add room and/or building changes to the audit trails of fixed assets.

FOCUS-36311- Improve receiving handling of asset addons

System enhancement in Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchasing > Receive Orders > for capitalized Fixed Assets to receive asset and add-on lines as one fixed asset.

FOCUS-36309- Add check date to AP invoice report header

System enhancement to Invoice Report header to include Invoice Date range and Check Date range.

FOCUS-36301- Focus Pick List Start Stop Issues

System improvement to Warehouse > Pick items. When the user selects a PO and is interrupted, then resumes work at a later time, the pick list will print all items regardless of when picked.

FOCUS-36287- Manual Journal Descriptions

System Enhancement to allow users to add a description to manual journal imports.

FOCUS-36262- Billing: Add support for District Convenience Fees

This feature adds a new ERP Accounts Receivable Preference that, when enabled, allows for one convenience fee to be applied when a payment receipts multiple facilities/schools. This preference is disabled by default to maintain the current functionality.

FOCUS-36193- In Progress Transfers in Manage Assets

System enhancement to Fixed Assets > Assets > Manage Asset - Location History adding two columns for Transfer and Transfer Status for transfers that are in route and/or pending approval.

FOCUS-36185- 1099: Add ability to import vendor payments

System enhancement adding import option to Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Reports > Print 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC.

FOCUS-36172- Picklist - add field for Delivery facility

System improvement adding a column to the "Add Items" screen in Picklist for the facility the item is being delivered to. Also adding Toggle columns to this screen and adding Pickup Facility on the Courier Requests Drop Off.

FOCUS-36129- Allow non-posted applied AP invoices to be edited

System enhancement allowing AP invoices to be edited in Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Accounts Payable > Invoices.

FOCUS-36032- Revenue col in Revenue Report

System Enhancement to add "Revenue" column to the Budgeting General Ledger > Revenue Report.

FOCUS-35657- Add 2022 1099 Forms

System revisal updating the 2022 1099-MISC and 2022 1099-NEC as updated by the IRS.

FOCUS-35590- DataTable revision

System improvements for speed across ERP screens.

FOCUS-36303- Changed the Date column to Invoice Date in the Budget Drilldown

System improvement in Budgeting/General Ledger > Budget > Expenditure/Revenue Report > Expended MTD > Budget Drilldown for Invoice allocations the column label 'Date' is now labeled 'Invoice Date'.

FOCUS-36240- Reverse order in which funding source discounts are applied

FOCUS-36195- Setup -> District Codes, the footer html element generated outside of the site-container div block


FOCUS-36206- Add 2022 W2 Forms

System revisal updating the 2022 W2 form as updated by the IRS.

FOCUS-36139- Check Totals Incorrectly Include Voided Checks

System improvement to calculate check totals to update process and exclude voided payroll checks.

FOCUS-36040- Gross To Net Totals Are Incorrect

System improvement updating the Gross to Net report totals in Payroll > Reports > Payroll Reports > Gross to Net report.

FOCUS-35633- Employee Agreements: Add Decline Button

System enhancement to Employee Agreements in Human Resources > Staff > Employee adding a decline button to the agreement. In agreement history there is a new section with Declined Agreements with date column added.

FOCUS-35156- Position Control - Data Table Import

System enhancement adding import feature to Human Resources > Staff < Position Control > Positions.

FOCUS-35141- Allow mid run deduction rate changes

System enhancement to allow mid-run deduction rate changes in Payroll > Deductions > Calculated by Employment Set option 'Can be overridden for employee' to No > a table will appear below in the Wage Calculation box. Add the Effective Date and Percent and the payroll run will prorate the rate by the number of days.


FOCUS-36372- Post Final Grades: Erroneous Missing Assignment Error

This branch resolves an issue where teachers were erroneously receiving the missing grades alert while using the "Use Gradebook Grades" button on Post Final Grades.

FOCUS-36306- Print Assignment Grades: Error printing assignment grades

This branch fixes an issue where when trying to Print Assignment Grades for some students, the end-user received a database error.

FOCUS-36305- Web Pages: Resolve Error when Adding New Post

This branch resolves an issue when creating a new post for a webpage, entering a comment, and saving, causing an error stating, "Class name must be a valid object or a string."

FOCUS-36302- Attendance: Error Updating Prior Attendance

This branch resolves an issue where teachers were presented with an error updating the prior day's attendance on Take Attendance.

FOCUS-36300- Resolve NGINX errors on MSR, SSS, and School Choice

This branch resolves the NGINX error pages from displaying to end-users in laravel programs, such as Master Schedule Report, SSS, and School Choice.

FOCUS-36295- User Audit Trail: Fix display of ERP Profiles under Enrollment tab

This branch resolves an issue with displaying the name of the ERP Profile under the User Audit Trail, Enrollment tab.

FOCUS-36282- Gradebook Reports: No students appear on the Blank Gradebook Report

This branch resolves an issue with students appearing for teachers on the Blank Gradebook Report when generating for a future marking period.

FOCUS-36280- School Choice: New "Do not decline other waitlisted programs" Setup Preference

Only applicable to customers using the School Choice module. This enhancement adds a new preference under School Choice Setup, "Do not Decline other Waitlisted Programs during Parent Acceptance." When checked, if a parent accepts a pending acceptance seat for their student, the program will not auto-decline higher-choice programs with waitlisted status.

FOCUS-36278- Add a Student: Use the matching session enrollment when searching.

When searching on Add a Student, active student records returned will now display their enrollment record that matches the school year selected in the top-right.

FOCUS-36276- Re-Enrollment Form: Error when adding Contact (MSSQL)

Only applicable to MSSQL customers. This branch resolves a database error when end-users add a contact on a re-enrollment form.

FOCUS-36273- Grade Change Request: Incorrect new grade titles when requesting a standard grade change

This branch resolves an issue where after selecting a Standard Grade in Grade Change Requests, the grade titles dropdown did not update to display the correct grade titles.

FOCUS-36254- Print Student Schedules: Showing Incorrect Lunch with Rotations

Only applicable to customers using rotation and lunches. This branch resolves an issue where incorrect lunches were present when teachers printed student schedules, and the teacher has different lunches on each rotation day.

FOCUS-36232- Attendance: Entering Comment changes ' character to " character

This branch will ensure that when adding an attendance comment the single apostrophe does not get turned into a double apostrophe.

FOCUS-36225- Discipline: Hide Closed Referrals checkbox for Teachers on Discipline Referrals

The Closed Referrals checkbox will only be hidden on Discipline Referrals if the end-user is a Teacher and the system preference "Alert Teachers when a Referral is Closed" is not enabled.

FOCUS-36216- Course Catalog: Adjust Grade Posting Scheme to have correct default value

This branch fixes an issue where the value for 'Grade Posting Scheme' in Course Catalog was defaulting to '0' instead of NULL when the option 'N/A' is selected.

FOCUS-36213- Gradebook: Estimated Semester Average Letter Does not Round Percent

This branch fixes an issue where the estimated semester/year average columns in the Gradebook were not rounding the estimated percent before calculating the letter.

FOCUS-36199- Attendance Chart Display Issue

This branch resolves a display issue where HTML code was visible in the interface in the Attendance Chart.

FOCUS-36194- Student Workflow Triggers: "For this many days" Field Now Required

This branch makes the option "For this many days" required in Students Workflow Triggers.

FOCUS-36177- Resolve display issue printing student contact information in Chromebook

This branch fixes an issue with the chrome print rendering engine cutting off parts of the emergency contact info in the print preview.

FOCUS-36173- Hide footer print button when in the Grades/Transcripts screen

This branch removes the footer print option from the Grades > Transcripts screen.

FOCUS-36167- Address & Contacts: Adjust Military Base Drop Down Options

The new state options for military bases will be shortened to AA (Outlying area), AE (Outlying area), AP (Outlying area).

FOCUS-36154- Prevent Scheduling when No Enrollment Exists

This branch adds a system preference under System Preferences > Scheduling titled "Do not allow scheduling without an active enrollment."

FOCUS-36131- College Readiness Score Update

This branch updates the College Readiness Min Scores.

Min Score Changes

ACT Math 19 => 16

ACT Read 19 => 18

SAT Math 440 => 420

SAT Read 440 => 480

FOCUS-36114- Focus Assessments: Bubble Sheets Scanning Improvement

Only applicable to customers leveraging the Focus Assessments Module. This branch prevents an error from displaying when scanning Bubble Sheets.

FOCUS-36108- Post Final Grades: Resolve Issue with "Use Gradebook" when Student scheduled into duplicate section.

This branch resolves an issue where the Use Gradebook option on Post Final Grades for teachers was not issuing the correct grade when the student was actively scheduled into the same section.

FOCUS-36105- Improvement to Student Info Swift Boxes

This branch corrects an issue in student fields that once a selection is made from the swift box, the swift box options are refreshed but do not consider the defined sort order.

FOCUS-36092- Graduation Requirements Report: AP Spanish Literature & Culture Exam Not Included in Biliteracy

Only applicable to customers leveraging Florida State Reporting. This branch adds the AP Spanish Literature & Culture Exam exam to the considerations for the 'Minimum score on nationally recognized foreign language assessment' option on the graduation requirements report.

FOCUS-36079- Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank: Unable to modify 'course comments'

This branch resolves two issues on Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank: Course Comments not saving and Standard Grade Longer Comments not saving when leveraging Mass Update.

FOCUS-36065- Graduation Requirements Report: Not checking credits correctly for HOPE courses.

Only applicable to Florida state reporting customers. This branch resolves an issue where credits were not properly being checked when determining when HOPE courses should have their grad subjects changed (e.g., be in the Personal Fitness, PE, or Elective buckets). On the Graduation Requirements Report, when Personal Fitness Graduation subjects are set on the School Preferences Grading tab, the Graduation Requirements Report puts .5 credit HOPE courses under Personal Fitness, then the next .5 credit course under Physical Education.

FOCUS-36064- Discipline: Execute Validation when linking/unlinking an Incident

Only applicable to Florida State Reporting customers. When viewing an existing referral without an incident attached, the validation error displays that the referral requires a SESIR. When the link incident option is used instead of clicking on the error, the error remains after the incident is linked. The reverse also happens when unlinking an incident. This branch fixes it to immediately validate and hide/display any errors related to the incident when linking/unlinking.

FOCUS-36048- Mass Assign Student Date: Remove Computed & Placeholder Fields

This branch removes the obsolete field options of placeholder and computed from displaying in Mass Update Student information.

FOCUS-36042- Discipline: Fixed sort order of Student Referral Documentation columns

This branch fixes an issue where the sort order that is set for referral_fields is not affecting the order columns appear on the Discipline Referral Documentation screen.

FOCUS-36021- Custom Fields: Disabled editing of system field aliases

Moving forward, system field aliases will no longer be editable in custom fields (e.g., Student Fields, District Fields, School Fields, User Fields, Referral Fields, and Incident Fields).

FOCUS-35948- Graduation Requirements Report: Correct Issue with Interscholastic Sports PE Waiver

Only applicable to Florida state reporting customers. This branch corrects the Graduation Requirement Report when using waivers. If the student had an interscholastic sports PE waiver first-year course, without a second-year course in grade history, the PE enrolled course credit moved to the elective section instead of Physical Education.

FOCUS-35920- School Choice - Discrepancy between choices on Magnet/Special Assignment and School Choice Application screens

This branch fixes the issue with choices values being different on Magnet/Special Assignment and School Choice Application screens.

FOCUS-35917- Edit Rules & Workflow: Linked Field and Alert Icon Issue for ESE Students

Currently if a field in the interface is modified because of a linked field the database is not modified, nor do we see a red save button for the change. This branch makes it so that if there is a change due to a linked field edit rule then the red save button will show and once hit the value will save to the database.

FOCUS-35854- Add Due Date in Mass Invoice by Product List

This branch adds a due date in mass invoice by product list

FOCUS-35851- Discipline Referrals Printing on more than one page.

This branch resolves an issue where printing the Discipline Referrals screen is printed on two pages vs. one page.

FOCUS-35392- Post Final Grades : Co-Teachers with Read only access are able to post grades

This branch fixes an issue where Co-Teachers with 'Read' only access are able to enter grades from Grades > Post Final Grades.

FOCUS-35315- Proficiency Gradebook: Add Completion Assignment Type Option

This branch adds the completion assignment option in the proficiency gradebook. These assignments are either checked for complete or not, and do not count towards the grade for any standard.

FOCUS-34754- ERP 3801 - Student showing a balance owed

This branch corrects an issue where students were showing the wrong amount owed. It corrects this by subtracting the deferred refunds from the refunds for the balance without deferrals.

FOCUS-34714- Scheduling: Student Listing in Courses & Sections not respecting My Preference Display Name Setting

This branch ensures the My Preference Display Name setting is respected when viewing Student Lists in Scheduling > Courses & Sections.

FOCUS-33750- Not Setting Biology when it is earned via AP test

This branch corrects Graduation Requirements Report to use course number in the FTE Test Crosswalk background table so that-

Biology EOC Scholar Grad Requirement is met by the APT Biology test with the AP Biology course (from the Crosswalk table 2000340) scheduled or passed in grade history

US History EOC Scholar Grad Requirement is met by the APT US History test with the AP US History course (from the Crosswalk table 2100330) scheduled or passed in grade history.

Biology EOC Scholar Grad Requirement is met by the IBP Biology test with IB Biology course (from the Crosswalk table 2000810 or 2000820) scheduled or passed in grade history

US History EOC Scholar Grad Requirement is met by the IBP US History test with the IBP US History course (from the Crosswalk table 2109800 or 2109805) scheduled or passed in grade history.

FOCUS-28728- Order not respected in query for discipline pulldowns

This branch corrects an issue where the order was not respected in a query for discipline pulldowns.

FOCUS-36153- School Choice: Incorrect syear used when including/excluding gifted programs

Previous Article 11.0.74, 11.0.75 - Revision - 01/10/2023
Next Article 11.0.74 - Revision - 12/27/2022