Documentation for Administrators

11.0.78 - 01/29/2023

Updated on


FOCUS-36554- Add 'Last 4 digits' option to ERP > Setup > Settings > Payroll > General Settings > Display SSN in Employee Dropdown

System improvement to the 'Display SSN in the Employee Dropdown' setting. Selecting 'No' will remove the SSN entirely and selecting 'Last 4 Digits' will display the last 4 of the SSN.

FOCUS-36283- Direct Deposits: Make Account Number Encryption Configurable

System enhancement to Setup > Settings > Miscellaneous > Misc > Encrypt Direct Deposit Account Numbers on reports. Default is set to yes, to encrypt account numbers. Select no to store the account numbers as decrypted plain text.


FOCUS-36642- W2 - Add instructions to forms created through ESS

System enhancement to add tax form instructions to the W2 in Employee Self Service.

FOCUS-36554- Add 'Last 4 digits' option to ERP > Setup > Settings > Payroll > General Settings > Display SSN in Employee Dropdown

System improvement to the 'Display SSN in the Employee Dropdown' setting. Selecting 'No' will remove the SSN entirely and selecting 'Last 4 Digits' will display the last 4 of the SSN.

FOCUS-36381- Clarifying the check void screen

System enhancement to Payroll > Pay Runs > Check Voids and Reallocations to remove the clear history option. The Void process will now automatically void history in Human Resources > Employee > Pay History and Employee Self Service.

FOCUS-36283- Direct Deposits: Make Account Number Encryption Configurable

System enhancement to Setup > Settings > Miscellaneous > Misc > Encrypt Direct Deposit Account Numbers on reports. Default is set to yes, to encrypt account numbers. Select no to store the account numbers as decrypted plain text.


FOCUS-36630- EdFi: Fix error in StudentProgramAssociation

This branch resolves an error in the Ed-Fi API in StudentProgramAssociation.

FOCUS-36609- Post Standard Grades: Duplicated apostrophes in 'longer course comments' causing time out.

This branch is intended to fix an issue where the page times out when clicking the gray arrow to get the dropdown of standards for a student in the 'detail view' of Post Standard Grades.

FOCUS-36586- Graduation Requirements Insert Fields Update Logic

The graduation subject "credits earned" displayed on the report card letterhead template was not including courses with a course catalog record with the enrolled school not selected on the Schools field. The branch updates the logic to no longer reference the Course Catalog for Credits Required, Credits Earned, and Credits Remaining on a students Letter Head Template.

FOCUS-36576- School Choice: Application screen displays incorrect value in 'Current Magnet/SPA' field

Only applicable to customers leveraging the School Choice Module. This branch resolves a display issue in the "Current Program" field of the School Choice Application if the app type was SPA or Choice.

FOCUS-36575- School Choice: Resolve Run Failure in Refresh Choice Data

Only applicable to customers using the School Choice module. This branch corrects an issue in the built-in scheduled job "Refresh School Choice Data" that was causing the job to fail.

FOCUS-36573- Assessment: At Risk Student Report

This branch prevents a database error from appearing on the At Risk Students report under the Assessments menu.

FOCUS-36570- Teacher Completion Grades: Teacher showing in Report (cannot post in Marking Period)

This branch corrects an issue where a section/teacher was incorrectly displaying on the Grades Teacher Completion Report as not having posted grades for a marking period that is hidden in the Grade Posting Averaging scheme.

FOCUS-36527- Scheduling: Display the Instructional Model Full Title

This enhancement will display the full title for the Instructional Model instead of just the code in the Search for a Section to Add scheduling output.

FOCUS-36518- SSO: Validate SAML signatures

Single Sign On: This branch ensures that SAML response signatures are being validated for 'success' messages.

FOCUS-36515- School Choice: Add a preference to disallow applications for inactive students

Only applicable to customers using the School Choice module. This enhancement introduces a school choice preference titled "Do not allow applications for inactive students." When checked, parents will not be able to complete a School Choice Application for an inactive student.

FOCUS-36514- Letterhead Templates: Add Hyperlink to CKEditor

This enhancement adds a hyperlink option to the CK Editor within Letterhead templates.

FOCUS-36511- 30 day count in Allow Users to Future Date Enrollment Dates

This enhancement adjusts the limit from 20 to 30 days for 'Allow Users to Future Date Enrollment Dates' in Enrollment System Preference.

FOCUS-36483- Improve Display of Student Alert Icons

This branch improves the display of student alert icons next to student names in lists for improved visibility to end-users.

FOCUS-36476- Online Enrollments Report: Deleting an Applicant

This branch resolves an issue where on occasion clicking the delete button on the Online Enrollments Unprocessed Applications report would not delete the applicant record.

FOCUS-36455- Attendance Scanner: Absences Scheduled Job Respect Section Calendars

Only applicable to postsecondary customers. This branch resolves an issue where the built-in scheduled job for Attendance Scanner Absences was not respecting the Attendance Calendar set on the course section.

FOCUS-36438- Student Info: Re-Enrollment Logging Field displaying Wrong Processed By

This branch resolves an issue where the built-in re-enrollment logging field on Student Info was displaying the incorrect Processed By user or student record from the database.

FOCUS-36406- Mass Add Log Records by Group: Page 2 Database Error

This branch resolves an issue where users encounter an error when loading the students listed on page two of Mass Add Log Records by Group.

FOCUS-36403- Calendar: Student Groups should respect Profile Permissions

This branch resolves an issue where end-users at schools had access to student groups assigned to other schools under the Calendar Setup Availability.

FOCUS-36384- Login History: Clear Session User when visiting Login History

This branch resolves an issue where when navigating to Login History if the end-user had a user selected in their session, they were unable to search for a different user.

FOCUS-36382- Values for multi-select fields are not formatted properly in formbuilder actions

When a multi-select dropdown's value is used on a formbuilder action query, the value will be formatted as a comma separate list of selected values. It now needs to be JSON formatted, with square brackets around the full value.

FOCUS-36355- Final Grades: Database error shows when entering a date in incorrect format

This branch prevents a database error when entering dates with an incorrect format (e.g., 01012001) into Certification Date fields on the Studen Final Grades, GPA & Class Rank (Course History) screen.

FOCUS-36347- Call Out System: Prevent Calls Outside Hours & Duplicates

This branch resolves two issues with the Call Out System. First, it prevents calls from occurring outside the specified times set in system preferences. Secondly, it prevents duplicate calls to be received by an individual user.

FOCUS-36258- Online Application: Status gets updated even after being completed.

This branch will prevent the status of student applications from being updated once the status is marked as complete and there is a migration to resolve all incomplete applications that have a completed_at indicated, but their status is null or "in_progress."

FOCUS-36236- Resolve Security Name Display Issue with Nickname

This resolution corrects an issue where names were replaced with [Nickname Hidden] when the nickname system field was null and the end-user didn't have view access to the field.

FOCUS-36211- Resolve Course Title Display in Print Grade Assignments

This branch corrects an issue where the Course Title was not displaying as expected under Print Grade Assignments.

FOCUS-35453- Hourglass in Grad Programs

This enhancement introduces support for an 'hourglass' to the custom SQL query requirements on Graduation Programs and Requirements setup. When leveraged, an hourglass will display to the end-user when viewing the Graduation Requirements Report. Options now include:

1) 1 or 'check' returns a Green Checkmark

2) x, 0, or false returns a Red X

3) as display_text 'hourglass' returns an Hour Glass

FOCUS-35023- MSR: Resolve Updating History when Mass Updating Teachers

This branch ensures teacher history is accurately documented when mass updating the teacher after filtering on the Master Schedule Report.

FOCUS-36620- Post Final Grades: Pull Gradebook Comments

This branch resolves an issue where when teachers clicked Use Gradebook on Post Final Grades, the system was not bringing in posted comments from Post Standard Comments.

FOCUS-36537- Discipline: Do not remove attendance when changing Attendance Related Action

Previously, when an end-user changed a Discipline Action flagged for attendance, the attendance between the start and end date was updated, which included a delete of attendance where the timeframe was before the change. This branch removes the system from deleting attendance period records even when impacted by a change to the begins and end date on a Discipline Action flagged for Attendance.

FOCUS-36426- Form Builder: Update Textbox Time Validation

Within the Form Builder, a textbox with the time format value entered as "xx:xx am" was not validating due to the space between the time and timezone. This branch will correct this issue.


FOCUS-36496- SSS/Formbuilder Snapshot (January 2023)

FOCUS-36331- Change school permission logic for Form Builder school dropdown

This fix addresses an issue when user with multiple school permissions (active and inactive) opens a form request, the school dropdown shows all schools, even though the user is active only at one.

FOCUS-36161- Imported archive files with apostrophes might not display a link

This fix addresses an issue in the SSS Archive Cataloguer. During the import process, apostrophes in names were being doubled. This causes the file to not be found on disk, so a link to it was not generated.

FOCUS-36137- Validate that PMP end date is after start date

This enhancement adds an error message that should be displayed if the end date of a PMP intervention is before the start date.

Previous Article 11.0.78 - Revision - 01/30/2023
Next Article 11.0.72, 11.0.73, 11.0.74, 11.0.75, 11.0.76, 11.0.77 - Revision - 01/27/2023