Documentation for Administrators

11.0.79 - 02/12/2023

Updated on


FOCUS-36801- Allow posting journal into closed year when Month 13+ is used

System improvement to allow manual journal posting to a closed year in month 13+.

FOCUS-36677- Fixed Asset Report Make & Model Search

System enhancement adding Make and Model search to Fixed Assets > Reports > Fixed Asset Report.

FOCUS-36655- Add Check Out Date to Manage Assets Screen

System enhancement to view Date Assigned in Fixed Assets > Assets > Manage Assets > Existing Assets.

FOCUS-36638- Add fiscal year selector to Work Orders history

System enhancement adding Fiscal Year drop down to Work Orders > Work Orders > Work Order Request > Request History.

FOCUS-36332- Add import button to Product List

System enhancement adding import functionality to ERP > Account Receivable > Setup > Product List and SIS > Billing > Product List.

FOCUS-36097- Import Assets - allow update

System enhancement when updating imported records in Fixed Asset > Assets > Manage Assets > Import Assets tab when updating Facility, Building and Room are now required.

FOCUS-35665- AR Receipts overpayment CR

System enhancement to Accounts Receivable > Invoices and Accounts Receivables > Receipts to allow for a credit balance for customers.

FOCUS-36791- Add convenience fee notice

FOCUS-36725- Add Due Date to "Apply To" in SIS Billing and ERP POS

FOCUS-36692- Focus Returns showing on add pick list after being denied


FOCUS-36755- Retirement Adjustments - Expand Year Selection

System enhancement to add additional Fiscal Years to Payroll > Maintenance > Retirement Adjustments to Adjustment Year and Send Year columns

FOCUS-36568- Benefits | Explain invalid claims

System enhancement adding a new column labeled 'Coverage found'. This column displays why the claim is not valid: "No - Coverage not active", "No - SSN Not Found", "No - Member Not Found" in Human Resources > Benefits > Claim Reconciliation

FOCUS-36451- Create Gross Totals Report for Voided Checks

System enhancement creating Gross Totals Report for Voided Checks. To enable: Profile Permissions > Payroll > Payroll Reports > Voided Check Gross Totals.

FOCUS-36345- Position Control Changes - Allocations Tab

System Enhancement to Humans Resources >Staff> Position Control adding a new tab labeled Allocations. This new tab allows the user to see allocations for positions and update en masse. Note*** At this time, any changes made to allocations does not automatically update accounting data to employee records.

FOCUS-36289- Create a review of all current wage changes

System enhancement to display Wage Change Log in a pop up window in Human Resources > Staff > Employee > Jobs > Details.

FOCUS-36274- Adding confirmation message to the Post button on Payroll -> Run Payroll

System enhancement adding a confirmation message to appear when clicking Payroll > Run Payroll > Checks > Post Payroll.

FOCUS-36016- Employee Contracts: Counter Signature

System enhancement adding the ability to add counter signatures to signed employee agreements.

FOCUS-36720- Feature Enhancement: New Inactive checkbox for Address table

System enhancement adding an inactive column to address in Human Resources > Staff > Employee > Address. To enable: Setup > Permissions > Profiles > Permission Type: Employee Fields > Address > Inactive.


FOCUS-36819- Post Final Grades : Co-Teachers able to post grades outside of grade posting window

This branch corrects an issue where Co-Teachers can post final grades even though the 'You can't currently post final grades for {marking_period}' error message is present, and the date is outside the posting windows.

FOCUS-36807- Ed-Fi: Populate missing UUIDs in Logging fields

This branch includes a migration to backfill UUIDs in logging fields for current and previous year records to prevent an error in Ed-Fi.

FOCUS-36784- Attendance Setup: Substitute teachers not listed in Substitute dropdown.

This branch is intended to fix an issue where some substitutes are not appearing in the substitute dropdown in the Subs tab of Attendance Setup.

FOCUS-36782- FormBuilder Collections: When loading Dropbox, resort does not respect original sort from the query

This fix corrects an issue in FormBuilder Collections where any queries for Dropbox that include ORDER BY SQL statements would not sort respectfully to the ORDER BY and instead would sort normally when the form is loaded.

FOCUS-36778- Ed-Fi: Add identificationCode to alternativeCourseIdentificationCodes in CourseTranscripts

This branch resolves an Ed-Fi data reporting problem when a grade record does not contain a course_id or course_period_id. The branch ensures the alternativeCourseIdentificationCodes will be populated correctly based upon the student's courses.

FOCUS-36769- Student ISP: Resolve Database Error

Only applicable to postsecondary customers. This branch prevents a database error from appearing within the grades section of the student ISP screen.

FOCUS-36767- Re-Enrollment Forms: Return to Saved Page

This branch ensures parents and students are returned to the page they saved when coming back to a re-enrollment form, which ensures all content entered prior is retained.

FOCUS-36763- Student ISP: Sort grades section by enroll date newest to oldest

Only applicable to postsecondary customers. The Student Info ISP Page Grades section is now ordered by displayed enrolled date newest to oldest (marking period begins date).

FOCUS-36754- FLShots Integration: Remove Vaccinations Without Doses

This branch resolves an issue with the Florida Shots import. Previously the import included invalid vaccinations & dates from the Florida DPH. When merged, only those vaccinations with dosages are imported into the student's immunization record.

FOCUS-36750- Print ID Badges NGINX Error

This fix corrects an NGINX error shown when printing a large number of ID Badges.

FOCUS-36746- Student Info: Correct enrollment visibility issue

This branch is intended to fix an issue in Enrollment where a read-only field (year field) in the insert row is causing multiple fields to be greyed out.

FOCUS-36736- Process Assessments: New Remove Student Listing Option

Only applicable to customers using Florida State Reporting. A new district option under Florida Reports Setup called "Process Assessments - Do not output student listings after process completion" was added. When selected, the built-in Process Assessment scheduled job's execution history will display a count of updated students rather than listing each student.

FOCUS-36710- Student Info: Correct visibility issue in Letter Log

This branch corrects an issue introduced in 11.0.77, causing letters in the letter log to not display as expected.

FOCUS-36704- Re-Enrollment Restrictions Reasons

The branch corrected an issue where the Re-Enrollment Restrictions Reasons menu would not display as expected.

FOCUS-36697- School Choice: Modify data for schema compliance

Only applicable to customers using the School Choice Module. This branch includes a migration to appropriately reset sequences caused by records with a 0 id value.

FOCUS-36686- Advanced Report More Search Options: Scheduled into Teacher

This branch corrects an issue where the More Search Options called "Scheduled into Teacher" shows all user profiles instead of just teachers.

FOCUS-36682- Inclusion Minutes subtracting from core course

This branch corrects an issue where when the System Preference 'Do not subtract minutes when using the Inclusion tab' is checked, the minutes were still subtracted from the core course.

FOCUS-36662- IPEDS: Graduation Rates Report Not Pulling Students Correctly

Only applicable to customers using Postsecondary. This corrects an issue where the IPEDS Graduation Rates report is not pulling students as expected.

FOCUS-36657- New Parent Registration Preference Options for Verification

This system enhancement adds three new options when configuring parent portal account registrations. The preferences have been added under the Default School Preferences, Parent Portal section.

1) Send Parent Verification when Opening up for New Account: When checked, this new preference will send the parent a verification email when they initiate a new parent portal account through /auth. The preference is installed in the off position to maintain existing functionality.

2) Email Validation Subject: When "Send Parent Verification when Opening up for New Account" is selected, the district may designate the desired email subject text.

3) Email Body Letter Template: When "Send Parent Verification when Opening up for New Account" is selected, the district may select from templates created under Print Letters & Send Emails. The verification link will automatically be added to the email body's bottom.

FOCUS-36646- School Choice: Fix access issue of Choice Application in Mobile

Only applicable to customers leveraging the School Choice Module. This branch corrects an issue where parents received the "This student does not exist in the current school" error when accessing the School Choice Application in the Community Mobile App.

FOCUS-36640- Advanced Report: Resolve error on Mass Updating

This branch resolves an issue where a blank screen was received when running a published Advanced Report.

FOCUS-36624- Discipline Incidents: Display label for Inactive select options

This branch corrects a display issue where the custom field ID vs. the label was displaying on the Discipline Incidents report for inactive select options.

FOCUS-36622- Progression Plan: Creating a plan with short name 'MSPlan' does not pull MS grade levels as expected

This branch is intended to fix an issue where when creating a progression plan and setting the shortname of "MSPlan" the 7th and 8th-grade levels are not showing as expected.

FOCUS-36621- Courses & Sections: Scheduled Hours Missing in Alert Message

Only applicable to customers using Postsecondary. This branch corrects an issue where the display of hours was not displaying as expected in the "unable to complete course hours in the time scheduled" alert in Courses and Sections.

FOCUS-36620- Post Final Grades: Pull Gradebook Comments

This branch resolves an issue where when teachers clicked Use Gradebook on Post Final Grades, the system was not bringing in posted comments from Post Standard Comments.

FOCUS-36619- School Choice: Filter programs on Magnet/Special assignment screen using records syear

Only applicable to customers using the School Choice Module. This branch ensures the list of programs on Magnet/Special Assignment screen is filtering on the school year selected within the data table and not the session school year.

FOCUS-36614- Gradebook: Correct issue when printing Grades Summary

This branch corrects an issue where when printing the View Grades Summary, the printed category averages did not display as expected.

FOCUS-36610- Portal Editor: Allow saving Pictures

This branch resolves an issue in the Portal Editor where end-users got an error saving a picture to a portal block.

FOCUS-36605- School Choice: Incorrect projected grade

Only applicable to customers using the School Choice module. This branch ensures the choice application is using the student's active enrollment record where applicable to determine the projected grade level.

FOCUS-36598- Attendance Administration: Correct formatting of comments

This branch corrects an issue where when adding or modifying a comment with an apostrophe, the system adds an additional apostrophe in the comment to the database.

FOCUS-36588- Request Grade Changes: Respect Constraints for Posting Certain Standards

This branch ensures teachers requesting grade changes for standards must adhere to grade entry constraints as dictated by the district's grades config.

FOCUS-36585- Add Alert Icons to SAP Minimum Requirements Report

Only applicable to customers using Postsecondary. This enhancement adds alert icons to the SAP Minimum Requirements report results. Please note you must re-run the SAP Alert scheduled job before all alert icons will appear.

FOCUS-36583- Student Fields: Ensure Residence Status system field present

This branch includes a migration to ensure the system field for Residence Status is installed for necessary customers where it is not present.

FOCUS-36580- FLEID Scheduled Job: Add Source Indicators for Import

Only applicable to customers using Florida State Reporting. The FLEID scheduled job import process previously downloaded all files available, no matter the source indicator, and attempted to import the FLIED numbers for matching students. With this enhancement, end users may select the source indicator. When selected the import is modified to only download and import the files related to the selected source indicator(s).

FOCUS-36578- Tide Family Portal: Integration Error

Only applicable to customers using Florida State Reporting. Currently, if a student has a two-part name, only the first part is sent to Cambria (Tide Family Portal), resulting in an error. This branch corrects this issue.

FOCUS-36569- Student Final Grades: Display Concurrent School Names Correctly

This branch fixes an issue when Grades from Concurrent Schools, Display Concurrent School Name is enabled on the Students final Grades Screen to display all applicable grades from other schools.

FOCUS-36562- Upload Fields: Support mimetype for .bpm extension

This branch adds the ability to upload files with .bmp extension in file upload fields.

FOCUS-36547- Post Final Grades: Deleting characters from long comments does not prompt save

This branch resolves an issue where end-users were not prompted to Save after deleting content from long comments in Post Final Grades.

FOCUS-36530- Teacher Schedules Report: Sort Teacher column

This branch corrects an issue where the results did not order alphabetically after clicking the teacher column header in the Teacher Schedules Report.

FOCUS-36526- Industry Certification Substitutions on Grad Requirement Report

This branch assigns the Industry Certification substitution courses 1200998, 1200999, 2000999, 1200997, 2000998 credit to the Graduation subject on the course grade and does not treat them like a waiver. Grade does not apply to GPA.

FOCUS-36509- Course Catalog: Correct display issue for view only users

This branch ensures users with view access only to the Course Catalog can view multiple selects within a select-multiple field type.

FOCUS-36506- Absences by Course and Student Filters

This enhancement adds inline filters to the Attendance Absences by Course and Student report.

FOCUS-36462- Online Enrollments: Do not display next-year enrolled students

This branch corrects an issue where students enrolled in a school for the upcoming year were displayed on the Online Enrollments report while being enrolled in a different school in current school year.

FOCUS-36434- School Choice: Optimize Priority Calculator Performance

This branch improves the performance of the Priority Calculator upon load of the School Choice Application.

FOCUS-36410- Gradebook Groups Options Should Include Any Groups in the Default Configuration

When selecting the Gradebook Group for a student, the only options presented are those set up in the section. Any options created in the default gradebook configuration should also be available; this branch adds them to the list.

FOCUS-36394- School Choice: Improve Print of Choice Application

Only applicable to customers using the School Choice module. This branch improves the layout of the printed School Choice Application in several areas:

1. The program selections are now ordered by choice

2. If the 'Display program titles on parent/student application' preference is not selected, the program title will not be included in the printed version.

3. If the 'Display sibling section on application' preference is not selected, the sibling area will not be included in the printed version.

FOCUS-36360- User Enrollment Audit Trail: Display deleted permissions

This branch makes it so when a Profile Permission has been deleted it will now be included in the audit trail for that user.

FOCUS-36327- Courses & Sections: Moving a Section Does Not Apply Grade Posting Scheme set in Course Catalog Settings

This branch fixes an issue where when moving a section, the newly moved section does not have the correct Grade Posting Scheme set according to the Course Catalog Settings.

FOCUS-36269- Limit Re-Enrollment forms by Profile

This enhancement introduces the 'Profiles Allowed to Assign' dropdown on the application editor, which lists all admin profiles. When profiles are selected in this dropdown, only users with a selected profile will be able to assign that particular form to individual students in the re-enrollment logging field. This restriction also carries over to the forms users can see to approve on the online enrollments screen. If no profile is selected in the new dropdown, then all admin profiles would be able to see that form as they currently can. The new dropdown is added blank for all forms leaving functionality unchanged. Note the restriction only applies to the re-enrollment logging field, not the student re-enrollment setup tab of the application editor.

FOCUS-36214- Add Schedule Additions and Deletions to the Audit Trail

This branch updates the Student Audit Trail. Now when sections are added or deleted they will be recorded on the Legacy tab of the Student Audit Trail. It continues to record student schedule edits and shows details with Insert, Delete and Update statements.

FOCUS-36177- Resolve display issue printing student contact information in Chromebook

This branch fixes an issue with the chrome print rendering engine cutting off parts of the emergency contact info in the print preview.

FOCUS-35829- Advanced Report: Add Support for Letter Log

This branch adds support for the letter log logging field to be included when running a Student Advanced Report.

FOCUS-35353- Speed improvement clicking "Use Gradebook" in Post Final Grades

This branch improves performance for teachers using the Use Gradebook option in gradebook.

FOCUS-35342- Elementary Scheduler: New filters for ESE, 504, and ELL

This enhancement adds the ability to consider additional elements, such as ESE, 504, and ELL, when running the Elementary Scheduler.

FOCUS-34832- Portal Messages are hidden when using grade-level to publish

This branch corrects an issue where Portal Messages was not recognizing future active school year students as being active when the gradelevel criteria is used to publish the message.

FOCUS-34741- Inline Filters on Checkboxes, Computed, and Long Text Logging Field columns

This branch adds inline filters to Checkboxes, Computed, and Long Text columns within logging fields.

FOCUS-33930- Graduation Requirements Report: Do not display completed courses as in progress

This branch corrects an issue for graduation requirements showing scheduled courses even through they are completed in the course history.

FOCUS-36408- Transcript: Performance Enhancements causes formatting issue


FOCUS-36459- Add blank options to each PMP dropdown

This enhancement adds a blank option to PMP dropdowns by default.

FOCUS-36441- Goals from unmarked domains may be displayed on progress monitoring

This fix addresses an issue of goals printing in the IEP Goals Progress Report that are not current goals. When a goal is created on the Goals & Objective step and the domain on the Present Levels step is then marked NO as an area of concern on the IEP, this goal was shown on the print media of the event.

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