Documentation for Administrators

11.0.86 - 04/02/2023

Updated on


FOCUS-37453- Fixed Assets Report missing Facility Number

System enhancement adding a Facility's code as a prefix to its displayed name in the Fixed Assets Report.

See Fixed Assets Report for more information.

FOCUS-37291- Room Report Filters Notification

System enhancement to the Fixed Assets Room Report. If a building/room has no assets an updated error message of  "No Assets found for building/room" will display for the location on the Fixed Assets report.

FOCUS-37139- Update Adult Fee Status Process

See Point of Sale and Student Schedule > Billing from Postsecondary Student Schedules for more information about the updated adult status fee.


FOCUS-37386- On the run maintenance add a column filter

System improvement to add filters to Payroll > Run Payroll> Run Setup > Run tab > View Run > Pay Codes.

FOCUS-34999- ESS Leave Enhancement

System enhancement adding various Leave Types to the Approval Flow for Employee Request. To enable: Setup > Permissions > Approval Flows > Employee Requests > Direction Node > Property Dropdown now displays Leave Type.

See Approval Flow for information about the new "Leave Type" used to create approval flows for Employee Requests.


FOCUS-37470- Rollover: Correct Logic in Rollover Scheduled Job

This branch corrects an issue present in the Rollover Scheduled Job that would automatically set the student's rolling/retention value to their currently enrolled school if a null value was present in the database.

FOCUS-37431- Post Final Grades: Resolve Issue with Use Gradebook Grades

This branch corrects an error in the browser console when using the Use Gradebook Grades option in Teacher Post Final Grades when students do not have comments.

FOCUS-37404- Attended Hours Report: Display Program Number

Only applicable to Postsecondary customers. This branch corrects a small issue with hours displaying as expected and ensures the program number vs. the course number displays in the program number column

FOCUS-37401- Re-enrollment Forms: No longer display Portal Alerts for Second School Enrollments

This branch ensures the Portal Alert for Re-Enrollment Forms to administration will only display in the student's primary school of enrollment.

FOCUS-37392- Request Grade Changes: Prevent Grade Change Requests equal to the existing grade record

Branch prevents creation of grade change requests that match the original posted grade and/or conduct when Grading system preference "Allow Posting Comments and Conduct Without a Grade" is checked.

FOCUS-37383- Scheduled Jobs: Better handling of duplicated records in the Address Catalog in the Set Next School job

This branch ensures the Set Next School scheduled job will ignore address catalog records with a null zoned school if another qualifying record exists with a zoned school.

See Scheduled Jobs for more information about the changes to the "Set Next School" scheduled job.

FOCUS-37374- Gradebook: Check Qualifying Marking Period when Designating Assignments to Students

This branch corrects an issue in teacher gradebook where teachers can assign assignments to an individual student in semester two, even if the student is scheduled in semester one only.

FOCUS-37372- Print Letters: Improve Display of Computed Tables

This branch corrects an issue where generated letters that contained a computed insert field would print off-page.

FOCUS-37365- Assessments: Correct Display in Gradebook for Assessment Score

Only applicable to customers using Focus Assessments. This branch corrects an issue that prevented the student's assessment score from displaying as expected.

FOCUS-37362- Master Schedule Report: Add Graduation Subject 2 & Graduation Subject 3

This enhancement adds the ability to adjust the secondary and tertiary graduation subjects in the Master Schedule Report. Previously this value could only be set in Courses & Sections.

See Master Schedule Report for more information.

FOCUS-37346- Request Grade Changes: Improve Performance

This branch enhances the performance of Request Grade Changes.

FOCUS-37289- Update Calculate Adult Fee Status Scheduled Job

Only applicable to Postsecondary customers. This branch updates the Calculate Adult Fee Status Scheduled Job to set the schedule record to K if the cost reporting code is 371 or 372.

See Scheduled Jobs for more information about the changes to the "Calculate Adult Fee Status" scheduled job.

FOCUS-37249- Referral: Resolve Override Priority Access to Actions

This branch allows users with a Referral code override profile to have access to all appropriate action codes.

FOCUS-37237- Re-Enrollment Forms: Prevent Duplicating on Portal

This branch prevents online form links from being clicked multiple times that created multiple duplicate form records.

FOCUS-37209- Form Builder: Sort Last Modified as Timestamp

This branch resolves an issue where the data table present in Form Builder ordered the "Last Modified" column by its contents as text instead of as a timestamp.

FOCUS-37198- School Choice: Ensure Appropriate Students Display in Tours & Auditions

Only applicable to customers using the School Choice module. This branch resolves an issue where incoming students in transition gradelevels were not displaying as available options in Tours & Auditions.

FOCUS-37186- Print ID Badges: Add Options for Grade & School Year

This enhancement adds two new options to Print ID Badges that allow end-users to add the school year and gradelevel to display on the front of the badge. Previously this information could only be displayed on the back of the ID Badge.

See Print ID Badges for more information.

FOCUS-37172- Online Application: Correct Display of Date Picker

This branch resolves an issue where the Date Picker at times would present off-screen to end-users in the Online Application when Google Translate widget was in place.

FOCUS-37170- Parent Auth: Send Verification Emails to Parents

This branch resolves an issue where some parents were not receiving the verification email when signing up for a Parent Portal Account with the "Send parent verification when opening up for a new account" preference enabled.

FOCUS-37167- Assessments: Display Alert to Reissued Assessments

Only applicable to customers using Focus Assessments. This branch ensures that the appropriate portal alert displays on the Student Portal when an assessment has been discarded and reissued to the student.

FOCUS-37141- Master Schedule Report: Resolve erroneous display of Teacher History pop-up

This branch corrects an issue where filtering for teachers and clicking outside the filter box caused the history box to appear when an update was not made.

FOCUS-37134- Call Out System: Prevent Duplicate Calls & Respect System Preference.

Only applicable to customers leveraging the Call Out System. This branch improves the pending queue when large batches of messages are generated to prevent duplications between instances of the scheduled job. Secondly, generating messages is further refined to ensure communications are not delivered outside of the start and end times indicated in the system preference.

FOCUS-37128- Student Schedule: Inclusion minutes are being added to the main section on page reload

Only applicable to Florida State Reporting customers. This branch corrects an issue where Class Minutes Weekly increases after each page refresh after adding a drop date on the schedule record.

FOCUS-36214- Add Schedule Additions and Deletions to the Audit Trail

This branch updates the Student Audit Trail. Now when sections are added or deleted they will be recorded on the Legacy tab of the Student Audit Trail. It continues to record student schedule edits and shows details with Insert, Delete and Update statements.


FOCUS-37381- Editing SSS supplementary form doesn't consider "Edit User Only" permission

This fix addresses an issue if a user profile has View User Only/Edit User Only permission to SSS Event, the user is not able to edit and save forms in a Supplemental Step of that event.


FOCUS-37016- Billing: Add 2023 - 2024 Full Time Pell Schedule File

Only applicable to postsecondary customers. This branch adds the 2023-2024 Full-Time Pell schedule file to be available for import under Billing > Pell Updates.

See Pell Updates for more information.

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