The PMP Setup screen is used by the district to customize the columns that display on the Academic PMP and Behavior PMP. The titles of the columns can be customized. For certain columns, you have the ability to select whether the field is free-form text, drop-down, or both. Columns can be enabled or disabled, and marked as required. The sort order of the columns can also be customized.
Additional setup is required in SSS > Setup in the Hypotheses, Strategies, and Monitoring Tools tabs.
Example of the Academic PMP:
1. In the SSS menu, click PMP Setup.

The Academic tab is opened by default. Each PMP field is listed down the left side of the screen. Each of these fields is a column on the Academic PMP.
2. To customize the title of a field, enter the Custom Title.
This will display as the column header.
3. For certain fields, the Options can be customized. Select Free form text to allow the user to freely enter text in the field, select Dropdown to allow the user to select from pre-defined options, or select Either free form or dropdown to allow the user to freely enter text and/or select from pre-defined options.
4. When Dropdown or Either free form or dropdown is selected, click to edit the dropdown options.
5. In the pop-up window, add a new dropdown option by entering the information in the blank row at the top of the table. Press Enter to add the row.
6. Click Save to save the new option. When finished adding options, click Close to close the pop-up window.
7. If the field will be displayed for the Academic PMP, select the Enabled check box.
6. If the field will be required, select the Required check box.
When a field is marked as required, the field will be displayed with an asterisk on the PMP. Users will not be able to save the plan if the field is not completed.
7. To change the order the columns display for the Academic PMP, set the Sort Order. Fields with a lower sort order number display before fields with a higher sort order number.
8. Click Save at the top or bottom of the screen to save your changes.
1. In the SSS menu, click PMP Setup.

2. Click the Behavior tab.
Each PMP field is listed down the left side of the screen. Each of these fields is a column on the Behavior PMP.
3. To customize the title of a field, enter the Custom Title.
This will display as the column header.
4. For certain fields, the Options can be customized. Select Free form text to allow the user to freely enter text in the field, select Dropdown to allow the user to select from pre-defined options, or select Either free form or dropdown to allow the user to freely enter text and/or select from pre-defined options.
5. When Dropdown or Either free form or dropdown is selected, click to edit the dropdown options.
6. In the pop-up window, add a new dropdown option by entering the information in the blank row at the top of the table. Press Enter to add the row.
7. Click Save to save the new option. When finished adding options, click Close to close the pop-up window.
8. If the field will display for the Behavior PMP, select the Enabled check box.
9. If the field will be required, select the Required check box.
When a field is marked as required, the field will be displayed with an asterisk on the PMP. Users will not be able to save the plan if the field is not completed.
10. To change the order the columns display for the Behavior PMP, set the Sort Order. Fields with a lower sort order number display before fields with a higher sort order number.
11. Click Save at the top or bottom of the screen to save your changes.
Content Area
The Content Area can be displayed as Free form text, Dropdown, or Either free form or dropdown.
Tier Level
The Tier Level field can be displayed as Free form text, Dropdown, or Either free form or dropdown.
Tier Sub Level
The Tier Sub Level field can be displayed as Free form text, Dropdown, or Either free form or dropdown.
Basis of Concern
The Basis of Concern field can be displayed as Free form text, Dropdown, or Either free form or dropdown.
Group Size
When this field is enabled, it displays as an open text field, with no option to format it differently.
The Hypothesis field can be displayed as Free form text, Dropdown, or Either free form or dropdown. When Dropdown or Either free form or dropdown is selected, define the dropdown options in SSS > Setup > Hypotheses tab.
The Strategy field can be displayed as Free form text, Dropdown, or Either free form or dropdown. When Dropdown or Either free form or dropdown is selected, define the dropdown options in SSS > Setup > Strategies tab.
The Frequency field can be displayed as Free form text, Dropdown, or Either free form or dropdown.
Frequency Period
The Frequency Period field can be displayed as Free form text, Dropdown, or Either free form or dropdown.
Minutes Per Session
The Minutes Per Session field can be displayed as Free form text, Dropdown, or Either free form or dropdown.
Person Responsible
This field displays to the end-user as a pull-down of all users at the school who have view and edit permissions to the event that contains the PMP.
Student Response to Intervention
The Student Response to Intervention field can be displayed as Free form text, Dropdown, or Either free form or dropdown.
Content Area Status at Time of Closing
The Content Area Status at Time of Closing field can be displayed as Free form text, Dropdown, or Either free form or dropdown. For the selected Content Area, the end-user will indicate the reason for closing/ending the current plan.
This field is dependent upon the Student Response to Intervention field and will display an error message if the end-user selects an option or enters text in the Content Area Status at Time of Closing field without selecting an option or entering text in the Student Response to Intervention field.
Progress Monitoring Tool Type
Academic PMP only
This field can either be set up as a Dropdown or Dropdown and optional free form field. Select the Show input type options check box to view and change the input type.
Options for the dropdown are defined in SSS > Setup > Monitoring Tools tab. Dropdown options are required for the PMP record to be accessible from the PMP Data Collection screen.
When this field is enabled, it displays as an open text field, with no option to format it differently.
The Observations field can be displayed as Free form text, Dropdown, or Either free form or dropdown.
Score Type
The Score Type field can be displayed as Free form text, Dropdown, or Either free form or dropdown. This field is related to the progress monitoring/data collection tool and the data that will be entered for graphing.
The Location field can be displayed as Free form text, Dropdown, or Either free form or dropdown. This field defines where the intervention will be implemented.
Goal Date
Academic PMP only
This field displays a calendar icon which the end-user can click to select the date.
Data Collection Tool
Behavior PMP only
This field can either be set up as a Dropdown or Dropdown and optional free form field. Select the Show input type options check box to view and change the input type.
Options for the dropdown are defined in SSS > Setup > Monitoring Tools tab. Dropdown options are required for the PMP record to be accessible from the PMP Data Collection screen.
Targeted Behavior
Behavior PMP only
The Targeted Behavior field can be displayed as Free form text, Dropdown, or Either free form or dropdown.