The IEP 2.0 event provides the same functionality as the original IEP event, but in a more streamlined format. IEP 2.0 has 13 default steps versus 15 in the original IEP event. Additionally, some step names and form components are different.
1. Select the IEP Type.
Do not select Amended for the IEP Type as that is a separate event.
2. The 3 Year Reeval Due Date may auto-populate if present in the student's SIS record. If not, enter the date.
3. The IEP Plan Date and IEP Plan End Date will auto-populate from the locked IEP Meeting Notice.
If multiple meeting notices were created, the system pulls the dates from the most recent locked notice.
4. Enter the IEP Services Start Date.
![IEP Event](
5. Answer the transition questions.
If the student turns 14 between the IEP Services Start Date and IEP Services End Date, Yes will automatically be selected for "Will the student be 14 years of age or entering the first year of high school during the validity period of the IEP?" question.
If the student turns 12 between the IEP Services Start Date and IEP Services End Date, Yes will automatically be selected for "Will the student be in the 7th grade or turning 12 years of age or older during the validity period of the IEP?" question.
If the student is 14 years of age or entering the first year of high school, the Transition Services 14 and Transition Resources steps are added after this step is saved and validated. If the student will be in the 7th grade or turning 12 years of age or older, the Transition Services 12 and Transition Resources steps are added after this step is saved and validated.
6. If Yes is selected for the Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy section, then self-determination must be addressed through annual goals, short-term objectives/benchmarks, or services in the IEP.
![IEP Event](
7. Indicate if and how the parent/guardian/student was provided with procedural safeguards or transition resources.
The "Yes" radio button for Transition Resources will be selected by default if any of the transition questions above are answered with "Yes." The "No" radio button will be selected by default if all the transition questions above are answered with "No" or "N/A."
![IEP Event](
8. Select the Frequency of IEP Goals Progress Reporting to Parents.
9. Select whether the parent was provided notification of parental rights regarding use of public benefits or insurance. Select whether the parent consented to share information to obtain Medicaid eligibility status. This is a separate form.
The answer to this question will auto-populate if the data exists in the field parent_billing_medical_consent. If the parent_billing_medical_consent field is null or Z, "No" will be auto-populated. If "No" is auto-populated, and the parent provides consent when requested, the "No" can be changed to "Yes." Upon locking the IEP, the event trigger will update the parent_billing_medical_consent field if a change was made.
![IEP Event](
10. Click Save & Validate at the top of the screen when finished completing the form.
This step features a hyperlink to the student’s SIS Test History, which opens in a pop-out window. Standardized test data will also automatically populate from the Test History record. Each Domain in the PLAAFP must be addressed whether or not the student needs instruction, support, or services for that domain.
- Each Domain must have Yes or No selected as an Area of Concern. If Yes is selected, a separate step will generate for that domain to describe strengths and concerns.
- Only Domains selected as Yes will be available for selection on the Goals & Objectives screen.
- Selecting No for a Domain will require an explanation.
- Transition Service Area(s) can also be selected for each Domain for Transition IEPs.
Hover over the i icon to view a description of the domain in a tool-tip.
![IEP Event](
Selecting Yes for the Alternate Assessment Eligibility question will generate an Alternate Assessment Eligibility step.
Hover over the i icon next to the Matrix of Service Consideration question to view a tool-tip explaining when a matrix is required.
Selecting Yes for the Matrix of Service Consideration question will generate a step for Matrix of Services. Only Domains selected as Yes can be edited on the Matrix of Services with the exception of the Health Domain; it can be edited whether Yes or No is selected as a student may need services but not a goal.
Click Save & Validate when the form is complete.
For each domain marked as an area of concern in the Present Levels step, a separate step is generated to document the student's strengths, areas of concern, the effect of the disability, and priority educational needs.
1. Describe the Strengths and Area(s) of Concern.
![IEP 2.0](
2. Describe the effects of the disability and the student's priority educational needs.
![IEP 2.0](
3. Click Save & Validate when finished.
This form must be completed for all students and all sections must be addressed. This form consists of two pages and a rationale must be provided for every YES and/or NO answer. Typically if the Present Levels indicated no goal was needed for a Domain, the answer for the related Domain on this form would be NA.
1. Questions 1 - 4 co-relate to a Domain on the IEP, excluding the Health Domain. The Supporting Data and Rationale may be completed before selecting Yes or No, however:
- If NA is selected as any answer, the Supporting Data and Rationale text fields are disabled.
- If Yes or No is selected, enter the Supporting Data that was reviewed for the domain. Enter the Rationale for selecting Yes or No.
![IEP Event](
2. The CRUCIAL STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT section may include emergent skills for Pre-K students as well as critical points of instruction on existing skills.
![IEP Event](
3. The NATURE/SEVERITY OF DISABILITY section may include the student’s rate of progress.
![IEP Event](
4. In the EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES section, consider the student’s current situation(s) that indicate FAPE wouldn’t be provided without ESY services.
![IEP Event](
5. Select Yes or No for "Does the data support the need for Extended School Year services?" The answer will be pushed to the student's ESE tab.
![IEP Event](
6. Click Save & Validate when finished.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) lists special factors that the IEP team must consider in the development, review, and revision of each student's IEP. This form will address this key information and individualized consideration of each factor to be addressed in the student’s IEP. Selecting Yes on certain fields will require the completion of additional fields.
1. Complete the form:
Question | Response Info |
1. Does the student's behavior interfere with his/her learning or the learning of others? |
Selecting Yes will require the FBA question to be addressed. |
If "Yes", is there a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) or Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)? |
Selecting No will require a description of strategies, interventions, and supports to address the behavior. |
2. Does the student have unique communication needs? | If Yes, describe the needs in Present Levels, Goals, Services or other appropriate section of the IEP. |
3. Does the student meet eligibility under Deaf or Hard of Hearing? | If Yes, the explanation field becomes required and the Communication Plan supplement must be completed. |
4. Does the student have limited English Proficiency? | If Yes, the explanation field becomes required to describe how needs are being met. |
5. Does the student need instruction in Braille and/or the use of Braille? | Select Yes or No. |
6. The IEP Team has considered the student's need for Assistive Technology and has determined: | Select the appropriate option. When "Assistive Technology is recommended” is selected, the options "Additional information is needed to determine whether there is a need for Assistive Technology” and "Currently using Assistive Technology” become enabled and required. An option must be selected, and a description entered. |
7. Has the Career and Professional Education (CAPE) digital tool certificate(s) or CAPE industry certification(s) the student is seeking to attain prior to high school graduation been addressed? |
If Yes, enter the certificate. |
8. Is there a need for extended school year services? | This is automatically set to No if the question “Does the data support the need for Extended School Year services?” is set to No in the Extended School Year Eligibility Review form. |
9. Is there a need for specially designed or adaptive physical education? | If Yes, address in Present Levels, Goals & Objectives, and/or Schedule of Services. |
10. Is there a need for special transportation services? If Yes, explain below and specify on the Schedule of Services. |
If Yes, describe the need and include it in the Schedule of Services as a Related Service. |
11. Information Regarding the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities that is replacing the McKay Scholarship effective July 1, 2022 has been provided/discussed. More information is available at: |
Select Yes if provided at the IEP meeting; otherwise select Mailed. |
12. Has the parent/guardian been provided information on the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind? |
Select the applicable response. |
Parent Input | Enter the parent’s concerns and how the parent’s input was obtained. |
2. Click Save & Validate when the form is complete and all required fields are filled.
Districts have the option to use the default one-domain-per-goal option, or the multiple-domains-per-goal option (consolidated domains). Districts can also require two objectives in order to save a goal. These options are set at the district level in SSS > General. The domains selected as an Area of Concern in Present Levels populates headers in this section of the IEP.
If no domain was selected as YES for Area of Concern on the Present Levels step, an error will display. Return to the Present Levels step and mark the applicable domain(s) as YES for Area of Concern.
If the district is using the default one-goal-per-domain option, this message is displayed until each domain has at least one goal saved.
If the district also requires two objectives per goal, an additional statement displays indicating that each goal must have at least two objectives.
1. Click the Create Goal button.
2. Select the Domain in which to add the goal. This pull-down is populated from the domains identified as an Area of Concern selected on the Present Levels step.
3. Select the staff and/or teachers that will be responsible for the implementation/progress monitoring of the goal.
4. Select the Service Type.
5. The Goal Start Date and Goal End Date will auto-populate but can be edited by turning off the toggles Use Plan Start Date and Use Plan Review Date.
The Goal Start Date and Goal End Date are auto-populated from the IEP Plan Date and IEP Plan End Date fields in the Demographics and Desired Outcomes step.
6. Select the Schedule of Services. Options are IEP Duration, ESY, and Additional Schedule of Services.
7. Enter the Condition, Behavior, Criterion and Timeframe for the goal statement. As you type, the blue header will update with the goal statement.
8. Select the Mastery Criteria of the goal. After selecting an option, additional fields will display for entering the criteria. This criteria will be referenced when creating the IEP Goals Progress Report.
9. Identify the Assessment Procedures that will be used for data collection on the student's progress toward goal mastery.
10. Select how frequently progress monitoring data will be collected. This data will be considered when creating the IEP Goals Progress Report.
The title of this field and the field options are customized by the district in SSS > General. A custom message may also be included above this field.
The Diagnosis, Instructional Area, and Transition Service Area(s) fields may also display on this screen, depending on whether the district has enabled the Additional Goal Fields option in SSS > General.
11. Click the Add button to view the Objectives screen, which is a pop-up.
12. The information entered in Condition, Behavior, Criterion and Timeframe for the goal will auto-populate into the Objective Details fields.
13. Click the Clear button at the top of the pop-up to clear the fields and enter different verbiage.
14. Click the blue Add button when finished entering text.
Click Cancel or the X to exit the pop-up window without adding the objective.
16. Click Edit or Remove next to the objective to edit or delete the objective.
17. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen after the goal has been written and objectives have been added.
After saving the Goal and Objective, the system reverts to the Create Goal screen where the new goal will display and additional goals can be created in the same or a different domain.
18. Click the links to Edit or Remove the goal.
If the district has enabled the option for a goal to apply to multiple domains (consolidated domains), no message displays upon initiating the Goals & Objectives step.
1. Click Create Goal.
![IEP Event](
2. Select the Domain in which to add the goal. This pull-down is populated from the domains identified as an Area of Concern selected on the Present Levels step.
3. In the Secondary Domain pull-down, select one or multiple secondary domains. This pull-down is populated from the domains identified as an Area of Concern selected on the Present Levels step.
4. Select the staff and/or teachers that will be responsible for the implementation/progress monitoring of the goal.
5. Select the Service Type.
6. The Goal Start Date and Goal End Date will auto-populate but can be edited by turning off the toggles Use Plan Start Date and Use Plan Review Date.
The Goal Start Date and Goal End Date are auto-populated from the IEP Plan Date and IEP Plan End Date fields in the Demographics and Desired Outcomes step.
7. Select the Schedule of Services. Options are IEP Duration, ESY, and Additional Schedule of Services.
8. Enter the Condition, Behavior, Criterion and Timeframe for the goal statement. As you type, the blue header will update with the goal statement.
9. Select the Mastery Criteria of the goal. After selecting an option, additional fields will display for entering the criteria. This criteria will be referenced when creating the IEP Goals Progress Report.
10. Identify the Assessment Procedures that will be used for data collection on the student's progress toward goal mastery.
11. Select how frequently progress monitoring data will be collected. This data will be considered when creating the IEP Goals Progress Report.
The title of this field and the field options are customized by the district in SSS > General. A custom message may also be included above this field.
The Diagnosis, Instructional Area, and Transition Service Area(s) fields may also display on this screen, depending on whether the district has enabled the Additional Goal Fields option in SSS > General.
12. Click the Add button to view the Objectives screen, which is a pop-up.
13. The information entered in Condition, Behavior, Criterion and Timeframe for the goal will auto-populate into the Objective Details fields.
14. Click the Clear button at the top of the pop-up to clear the fields and enter different verbiage.
15. Click the blue Add button when finished entering text.
Click Cancel or the X to exit the pop-up window without adding the objective.
16. Click Edit or Remove next to the objective to edit or delete the objective.
17. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen after the goal has been written and objectives have been added.
After saving the Goal and Objective, the system reverts to the Create Goal screen. The selected secondary domain(s) will display the same goal.
18. Click the links to Edit or Remove the goal.
To accommodate situations where a student’s IEP may carry from one school year or grade level to the next, the system allows users to create up to 4 different Schedules of Services for an IEP validity period. This also accommodates ESY when service dates and total minutes will be different. This screen contains a hyperlink to view the student’s schedule in a new window.
There are several options in SSS > General that affect the Schedule of Services step; additionally, the Schedule of Services Setup screen can be used to customize the headers, field titles, and options used in this step. This default procedure may differ from the procedure used by your district due to these customizations.
1. Select the ESE IDEA Educational Environment from the drop-down. This field is required, and defaults to Z if no option is selected.
2. Click Add Schedule.
A series of tables will display to select Instructional Services, Related Services, Supplementary Aids and Services, and Supports for School Personnel.
3. Select a Schedule Type from the drop-down. The selected Schedule Type will display on the Accommodations screen so that accommodations will match in the event that multiple schedule types are selected.
The Total School Minutes will auto-populate with the value entered in Setup > School Information. These are the bell-to-bell minutes. The system will display the Calculated ESE Minutes and Percent GE as ESE minutes are added to the schedule. This will facilitate the LRE Considerations selection.
The Total School Minutes per Week field can be used for ESY minutes when the student has multiple schedules or in the case of pre-K moving to Kindergarten during the validity period of the IEP.
5. The Start Date and End Date will auto-populate based on the start date and review date of the IEP. To manually enter a start date, click the Use Plan Start Date toggle so that it turns off and enter the date. To manually enter the end date, click the Use Plan Review Date toggle so that it turns off and end the date. The IEP Plan Date and IEP Review Date display for reference if one or both of the toggles are turned off.
Dates are typically manually entered to match any specific goal that may only be active for a portion of the IEP validity period, where the selected services for supporting that goal will only be for that timeframe.
If Additional Schedule of Services was selected as the schedule type, the start and end dates will need to be adjusted accordingly. A text field will be provided to enter a title for the schedule.
The start and end dates will auto-fill on the Accommodations screen when the schedule type is selected. This is to ensure that the goal, schedule of services, and accommodations align as necessary.
6. In the Instructional Services section, click the Add button to select the Specially Designed Instructional Services; this opens a pop-up box.
7. Select the Specially Designed Instruction the student will receive in support of the goal.
In the How? pull-down, select how the instruction will be provided. Selecting Other will display a open text field to enter a specially designed instruction that does not appear in the pull-down.
Click the radio button to select the Location, either GE or ESE.
Enter the number of Minutes per Week. This is the total number of minutes of the instruction that will be provided with regard to the frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.). ESE minutes wil be subtracted from the Total School Minutes per Week to calculate the LRE. Gen ed minutes are not subtracted.
In the Progress/Grade Determined By pull-down, select who determines the grade or progress for the student. Selecting Other will display an open text field to define the role.
8. Click Create. The pop-up will close and you will return to the Schedule of Services screen.
9. In the Related Services section, click the Add button to select the Related Services, which opens a pop-up box.
10. Use the Services pull-down to select the related service the student will receive in support of the goal. If no services are needed select The team has addressed this area and determined that services are not appropriate at this time.
Select the Service Type (Direct or Consult). Selecting Consult will display an open text field to enter how or to whom the consult will be provided.
Click the radio button to select the Location, either GE or ESE.
Enter the number of Minutes per Week. This is the total number of minutes of the instruction that will be provided with regard to the frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.). ESE minutes wil be subtracted from the Total School Minutes per Week to calculate the LRE. Gen ed minutes are not subtracted. This does not apply if Transportation is selected as the related service.
Select Concurrent to not include the minutes for this related service in the total minutes calculation for LRE.
Select who the service is Provided By.
Selecting Transportation as the related service will require the selection of the Transportation Code(s).
The options available for the Transportation Code pull from custom_2125.
11. Click Create. The pop-up will close and you will return to the Schedule of Services screen.
The district may have enabled the option to replace "Minutes per Week" with "Minutes" and "Frequency of Minutes" for Instructional Services and Related Services in SSS > General.
12. In the Supplementary Aids and Services section, click the Add button to select any supplementary aides and services the student will receive.
13. Use the Services pull-down to select the supplementary aids or service the student will receive. If no services are needed, select The team has addressed this area and determined that services are not appropriate at this time.
Select the Service Type (Direct or Consult). Selecting Consult will display an open text field to enter how or to whom the consult will be provided.
Select the Frequency of the aid or service.
Select who the aid or service is Provided By.
14. Click Create. The pop-up will close and you will return to the Schedule of Services screen.
15. In the Support Services for School Personnel section of the screen, click the Add button to select any support services for school personnel.
16. Use the Services pull-down to select the support service needed for school personnel. If none needed, select The team has addressed this area and determined that services are not appropriate at this time. Selecting Other will display an open text field to define a support service not available in the dropdown.
Select the Initiation Date and Duration Date of the service.
Select the Frequency in which the service will occur.
17. Click Create when finished.
18. After all services have been added, click Save at the top of the screen.
The top of the completed Schedule of Services will display the calculated Time with Non-Disabled Peers showing as Percent GE in addition to any ESE minutes. This value will determine the student’s LRE Considerations.
19. Click Edit or Remove next to a section on the Schedule of Services to edit or remove the service.
20. To remove the entire Schedule of Services, click Remove at the top of the screen.
21. If applicable, click Add Schedule at the top of the screen to create an additional Schedule of Services that may take effect for a different date range than the first.
When adding a schedule of services for ESY, disable the Use Plan Start Date and Use Plan Review Date toggles and manually enter the ESY start date and end date. The Total School Minutes per Week can be manually entered.
When the Schedule of Services will be for a portion of the validity period as when students are transitioning from middle school to high school, then select Additional Schedule of Services from the Schedule Type pull-down and provide a title. This may need to be done more than once to cover IEP validity period. Disable the Use Plan Start Date and Use Plan Review Date toggles and enter applicable start and end date. Manually enter the Total School Minutes per Week if applicable.
Entering a Start Date that precedes the IEP Plan Start Date or an End Date that extends beyond the IEP Plan Review date will display the date fields in red and the Schedule of Services will not save.
For students who require transportation services, validations may require a transportation service to be added to the first schedule. When adding additional schedules, a pop-up window will display after clicking Add Schedule which will ask "Are transportation services required for this schedule?" Clicking Yes will select the "Transportation Service(s) required" check box, which displays above the Related Services table on the added schedule. Adding a transportation service to the schedule will be required. If No is selected in the pop-up window, the "Transportation Service(s) required" check box will not be selected, and adding a transportation service to the schedule will not be required.
The default value for the Instructional Accommodations step is "The Team has determined that the following accommodations/supports are necessary…." and "Determination of Need for Instructional Accommodations and Support," which will only display the Accommodations table for allowable accommodations on state assessments.
1. For each tab, select the Schedule type to which these accommodations will apply. Only the Schedule Types selected on the Schedule of Services will display here.
2. Select the Accommodation, Location, and Frequency using the drop-down menus.
The Duration dates will auto-populate based on the Schedule Type selected.
3. Press the Enter key to add the row. A red save button will also display that must be clicked to save the form.
Selecting "Extended Time" as the Accommodation on the Scheduling tab displays an additional Extended Time column where an option must be selected.
4. Selecting the second box for Other Accommodations may not be allowed on Statewide Assessments displays the Other Accommodations table below. An open text field displays to manually enter the Accommodation details. The accommodation may be an instructional accommodation that may not be allowed on statewide assessments.
5. After entering accommodation information in the blank row, press Enter to add the row.
6. Click Save.
If an error is made when making selections in the insert row, click Reset Insert Row to clear the selections.
The district may have enabled one or more of the following accommodation options in SSS > General:
- Accommodation Extended Time Custom List - replaces the default Focus list
- Accommodation Extended Time Free Text Option - adds a new column next to Extended Time to enter a custom value
- Accommodation Small Groups Custom List- replaces the default Focus list of small group options
- Accommodation Small Groups Free Text Option - adds a new column next to Small Groups to enter a custom value
The "State & District Assessments" step from the original IEP Event has been renamed to "Testing Accommodations" in the IEP 2.0 event. The form is titled "Participation in State and District-Wide Assessments" in the original IEP Event, and is now titled "State & District Testing Accommodations" in the IEP 2.0. The pages for determining Alternate Assessment Eligibility have been removed, as that is now its own step if Yes is selected for Alternate Assessment Eligibility in the Present Levels step.
1. Select the specific assessment(s) and applicable testing accommodations. Accommodations can only be selected if the Status is Yes-Accommodations.
If extended time is the intended accommodation for Flexible Scheduling, be sure to select a value from the Describe Extended Time pull-down above it.
2. Click Save & Validate when finished.
When Yes is selected for Alternate Assessment Eligibility question in the Present Levels step, the Alternate Assessment Eligibility step is generated. A link is provided to the student's Test History.
1. To determine eligibility for Alternate Assessment, all questions on page 1 and 2 must be answered.
2. Click Save & Validate when finished.
The % GE from the blue bar on the Schedule of Services will pre-determine which radio button is selected when this form is opened. If the % GE on the Schedule of Services is less than 40%, the third radio button will be pre-selected, allowing selection of either of the 2 remaining buttons.
Selecting any of the last 3 radio buttons makes the middle of the form required.
1. Fill in all required fields to complete the form.
When Yes is selected in the Prior Written Notice section, a language must also be selected. The Prior Written Notice step for the selected language will be generated when the form is saved and validated.
![IEP 2.0](
2. Click Save & Validate after completing the form.
A blank signatures page without the Draft watermark can be printed ahead of the meeting and scanned or uploaded back into the IEP prior to locking the event, or the form can be completed and signed electronically.
If the IEP team has recommended instructional accommodations that may not be allowable on statewide assessments, the parent consent and signature fields on the second page of the form need to be completed.
1. Complete the form.
2. Click Save & Validate when finished.
The Meeting Minutes can be completed by a team member other than the one filling out the IEP forms, as multiple users can be logged in to the student’s IEP event at the same time (there just can only be one person at a time on any given step or an error message displays stating the step is being edited by person X). Notes can be taken in a different program, such as Word, and copied and pasted into the Meeting Minutes form, if desired.
1. Enter the Date of the meeting.
2. Enter who the minutes are being Documented By.
3. Enter the Meeting Minutes. There must be a minimum of 3 words in the text box in order to save.
4. Click Save. Users can add to the text field after clicking Save if it is during the same day.
5. The Add Minutes button is used if there is an additional meeting on a different date for the event. Clicking the button adds an additional meeting minutes form to the screen. The Add Minutes button should not be clicked to add additional minutes to a meeting already in progress or for a meeting on the same date.
When Yes is selected for the Matrix of Service Consideration question in the Present Levels step, the Matrix of Services step is generated and displayed beneath the Meeting Minutes step. The Matrix of Services pulls in student demographic information from SIS to populate the top of the form. The Matrix is designed to work with the Present Levels step to populate and calculate values on the form.
Once the event is locked, the "Update Cost Factor From Matrix of Services" scheduled job can be used to update the Charter/McKay field (Matrix Cost Factor) and ESE FEFP Code fields throughout SIS from the Matrix of Services form.
On the SSS > General screen, the SIS field that will be updated by the scheduled job is set in the Charter/McKay Field setting. The "Push Matrix of Services data to SIS" tool can also be run from the General screen if the "Update Cost Factor From Matrix of Services" scheduled job did not push data to SIS because it did not run on the start date of the matrix.
1. If a domain is selected as an Area of Concern on Present Levels, select the domain level for the domain on the Matrix. Level 1 is disabled for selection.
If a domain is not selected as an Area of Concern, it will be marked as a Level 1 in that domain on the matrix. The level cannot be edited unless a change is made to the PLAAFP.
This does not hold true for the Health Domain, which is able to be edited no matter the selection on the PLAAFP.
Once all fields of the Matrix are completed, the system will display values selected in the domain at the bottom of the page.
The system will calculate the values for Total of Ratings and Cost Factor based on the value of the domain ratings and any applicable special considerations, and will display the values in the appropriate fields throughout the form.
2. Enter the Services Start Date on page 1. This must be entered in order to save the form.
3. Complete the rest of the fields on page 1.
![IEP 2.0](
4. Click Save & Validate when the form is complete.
If needed, users can add additional forms to the IEP 2.0 event.
1. Select the form to add as a supplement and click Add this form.
The selected form is added to the table.
2. Click the Edit link.
3. Complete the form and click Save & Validate when finished.
4. Click Return to Focus.
A green check mark will display in the Complete column of the table once all required fields of the form are completed. The Last Saved column will populate with the date and time the form was last saved.
5. To delete a supplement, click Delete.
The number of supplemental forms added to the student's event will display in parentheses next to the IEP Supplemental Forms step on the steps menu.
![IEP Event](
Uploads can be used to add documentation to an event, such as student work samples or forms completed by the parent/guardian of the student. Uploads must be in PDF format in order to be available for printing.
1. Drag a file into the box, click Select and select a file from your computer, or click the scan icon and follow prompts to scan the document.
2. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.
3. The number of uploads will display in parentheses on the side menu.
4. Click the pencil icon to edit the title of the file.
5. Click the red minus sign to delete the upload.
6. Click OK to confirm deletion.
![ says](
Focus allows for updates or changes to be made to an annual IEP 2.0 by initiating the Amended IEP 2.0 event. The Amended IEP 2.0 event is housed in the Event pull-down on the Manage Student screen for ESE.
The Amended IEP 2.0 event cannot be initiated if the current locked IEP event has expired. A warning message will display.
When the Amended IEP 2.0 is opened, it is populated with the information entered on the IEP 2.0 event. The IEP Plan Date, IEP Services Start Date, and IEP Plan End Date are locked from editing.
1. Update the Amend IEP 2.0 event according to district policy.
Fields will display with a yellow highlight when changes are made, with the exception of select one or select multiple fields.
2. Click Save & Validate on each step.
When the Amended IEP 2.0 is printed, select the "Highlight Changes" option to display the changed fields with a yellow or gray background.