Documentation for Administrators

View Mass Print Batches

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The View Mass Print Batches screen displays the batches that were generated from the Mass Print Events screen. From this screen, the PDFs can be downloaded. Batches that are no longer needed can be deleted.

Downloading a PDF

1. In the SSS menu, click View Mass Print Batches.

View Mass Print Batches

Your previously generated batches are listed, including the user, event, date and time the batch was generated, status of the batch, number of instances included in the batch, and a link to download the PDF.

View Mass Print Batches

If your user profile has the "View All Batches" sub-permission enabled for the View Mass Print Batches screen in Users > Profiles, you can select the "View All" check box at the top-right corner of the screen. This will display batches generated by all users. Otherwise, you will only see the batches you have generated.

View Mass Print Batches

2. Click the Download link.

View Mass Print Batches

The PDF will open in a new tab, where you can view or download the document.

Deleting a Batch

1. In the SSS menu, click View Mass Print Batches.

View Mass Print Batches

2. Click the red minus sign next to the batch to delete.

View Mass Print Batches

3. In the confirmation message, click OK. says

The batch is deleted.

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