Documentation for Administrators

Task List

Updated on

The Task List displays students who have been referred for evaluation. Users will only see students referred to them based on the evaluator selected on the Evaluators form or the Evaluation Tracking/Update ESE Logging Fields form included in an SSS event. Users with the "View All Users" permission for the Task List can view students referred to all users at the school. The information from this screen is populated by an “Execute SQL” event trigger set up in SSS > Setup > Event Triggers. The Task List is updated any time the step is saved and validated for a student.

A Portal alert will display to the user when students have been referred to them for evaluation. Clicking the alert will open the Task List screen.

Viewing the Task List and Marking Evaluations as Completed

1. In the SSS menu, click Task List.

Task List

Students who have been referred to you for evaluation are listed. The student ID, student name, grade level, student's enrolled school, type of task, assigned date, and due date are listed.

Task List

2. Click the student ID to open the student's record in Student Info in a new tab.

3. Click the student's name to open the relevant form in the Manage Student screen in a new tab.

Task List

4. To mark a student evaluation as completed, select the Dismissed check box next to the student and click Save.

The date will populate into the Dismissed column for the task.

Task List

5. To mark all student evaluations as completed, click Check/Uncheck All to select all the Dismissed checkboxes. Then, click Save.

The date will populate into the Dismissed column for the tasks.

Task List

Users with the "View All Users" profile permission for the Task List can click View All Tasks to see tasks assigned to all users at the school. The Assigned User column is added to the table to display the user who was assigned the evaluation.

Task List
Viewing Completed Evaluations

1. In the SSS menu, click Task List.

Task List

2. Select the Show Dismissed check box at the top of the screen.  

The list is updated to display completed tasks, along with any tasks that have yet to be completed. The date in the Dismissed column indicates when the task was marked as completed.

Task List

3. To undo a dismissed evaluation, click Undo.

Task List

4. In the confirmation pop-up window, click Undo.

Task List

The open check box in the Dismissed column redisplays for the task.

Only users with the Edit profile permission to this screen will have access to the Undo button.

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