Documentation for Administrators


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The General screen allows district and school administrators who have permission to the screen to set preferences for how the SSS module functions.

Setting Program Preferences

1. In the SSS menu, click General.

The configuration screen for general settings for SSS will display, with the Program Preferences tab opened by default.

Enable Session Verification - Select this option to require users to agree to the district-defined verification statement before accessing the system. The statement will display on every page in the SSS menu, except for those defined in the Session Verification Exceptions preference below.

Example statement:

Session Verification Message - Enter the message that users must agree to before accessing the system.

Session Verification Exceptions - Enter the URL route for pages that do not require verification to access (one route per line).

Enter the part of the URL that displays after modname. For example, to exclude the General screen, enter sss/config.

PDF Generator - Select the method for generating PDFs within SSS.

Archived Records - When using the Archive Cataloguer, enter the web-accessible location of the archived records.

Project IEPs and FIEs - This option does not have functionality for Florida districts.

Require Objectives - Select the Enabled check box to require 2 objectives to save the goal on the Goals & Objectives step in the IEP event.

Select the Evaluate Access Points check box to reference the Alternative Assessment SIS field (students.custom_791) to determine the necessity of objectives.

  • Objectives become mandatory if the 'D' or 'P' option is selected in the 'custom_791' field.
  • If a student's 'custom_791' field is null or marked 'Z', then whether objectives are required will depend solely on the student's grade level.
  • The presence of an alternate assessment designation ('D' or 'P') overrides the grade level criterion, mandating objectives regardless of the student's grade level.

To only require objectives for students in specific grade levels, select one or multiple grade levels in the Grade Levels pull-down.

Allow uploading files to locked events - Select the check box to display the Additional Uploads column in the Locked Events tab of the Manage Student screen. This column allows users to upload PDFs to the locked event via a pop-up window. Any documents uploaded via this pop-up window are available when printing the event in the Additional Uploaded PDF Files step. See Uploading PDFs to a Locked Event for more information.


Update Event Log data in Logging Fields - This ensures all event log records that have been completed have pushed their data to SIS logging fields and reformats date values to the form MM/DD/YYYY.

This preference is no longer in use.

Enable Event Log - Select the check box to enable the event log. The event log allows SSS programs to be set up to insert records into custom student logging fields with an optional accompanying SSS event.

This preference is no longer in use.

Progress Monitoring - Select the check box to enable progress reporting on IEP objectives in SSS.

Number of Progress Periods - Select the number of progress periods for reporting progress to parents.

This preference will be ignored if "Quarterly" or "Every Marking Period" is selected as the Frequency for Reporting Progress to parents on the Demographics and Desired Outcomes page of the IEP. In those two cases, the system will look at the setup in Setup > Marking Periods in SIS.


Diagnosis Goal Field - Select the check box to add the Diagnosis field to the Goals & Objectives screen.


Instructional Area Goal Field - Select the check box to add the Instructional Area field to the Goals & Objectives screen.

Transition Service Area(s) Goal Field - Select the check box to add the Transition Service Area(s) field to the Goals & Objectives screen.


Goals & Objectives - Select the check box to replace the text boxes on the Goals & Objectives screen with drop-downs. The drop-downs will contain the goals and objectives from the goal bank set up in the SSS > Goals & Objectives Options screen.

Goals & Objectives - Select the check box to remove validation for one goal to one domain. The Secondary Domains pull-down is added to the IEP Goals & Objectives step, which allows multiple selections. The primary domain selected in the Domain pull-down will not be available as an option in the Secondary Domains pull-down. After the primary and secondary domains are selected and saved, the same goal displays under all the selected domains. When printing the Goals & Objectives, the primary domain is displayed first, followed by the secondary domains in a comma separated list.


Goals & Objectives - To change the form and fields used to display the Goal Start Date and Goal End Date fields on the Goals & Objectives custom screen, select the Form, Start Date Field, and End Date Field.


Goals & Objectives - Select the check box to require one goal per domain/subject area for custom events. Enabling this setting will add a validation on custom events using the custom goals and objectives screen to ensure one goal is set for each present level/domain.


Frequency of Progress Monitoring Options - Enter the options that will be available in the “Frequency of Progress Monitoring” pull-down. 


Frequency of Progress Monitoring Wording - Enter the custom phrase to use instead of “Frequency of Progress Monitoring.” 


Expectations of Progress Reporting Message - Enter the custom message that will display below the goal and above the frequency.


Charter/McKay Field - Select the local SIS field that will be updated by the "Update Cost Factor From Matrix of Services" scheduled job with the matrix values of 251, 252, 253, 254, and 255. This is used for Charter and McKay scholarship schools. Leave "None (Use Default Field)" selected to use the system field "Charter/McKay Matrix Ranges" (alias is matrix). Note that these values are separate from the FEFP code values.


Push Matrix of Services data to SIS - Enter a Start Date and End Date and click Run to process matrices with a start date between the dates entered. This tool is used if the "Update Cost Factor From Matrix of Services" scheduled job did not push data to SIS because it did not run on the start date of the matrix.


Archive Catalogue Options - Click the "Archives Cataloguer" button to open the Focus SSS Archived Files Cataloguer screen. The Focus SSS Archived Files Cataloguer tool is used to catalogue archived files after they have been uploaded to the server, so that they may be accessible from Focus SSS. It's recommended to consult with Focus Support to configure this tool. See Archived Files Cataloguer for more information.


In order for this tool to display on the General screen, the user’s profile must have the permission “Archive Cataloguer Setup” enabled in SSS > User Profile Permissions > System Permissions

In order for users to be able to access the Archived Files tab in Manage Student (which contains the student's archived files), the user's profile must have the permission "Archive Tab" enabled in in SSS > User Profile Permissions > System Permissions

PMP Behavior Charts - Select the check box to replace the charts that display on the Behavior PMP (discipline referral charts) with charts similar to the Academic PMP, where data can be entered row by row, which are used to create graphs.


Progress Monitoring Charts - Select the check box to enable creating a chart per goal on the IEP Goals Progress Report with the student's data compared to the expected level. 


PMP Chart Data Label - Select an option to display as the label of the Y-axis for Academic or Behavior PMP charts. When "Custom" is selected, enter the custom text to use as the label in the text box.


Demographics and Student Desired Outcomes Form - If using a custom form instead of the default Demographics and Student Desired Outcomes form, select the custom form to use for the Update Cost Factor From Matrix of Services scheduled job.


Matrix of Services Form - If using a custom form instead of the default Matrix of Services form, select the custom form to use for the Update Cost Factor From Matrix of Services scheduled job.

Custom PMP/BMP Title - To display a custom title at the top of the screen when viewing the PMP and BMP steps, enter the PMP Title and BMP Title.


Schedule of Service - To customize the title of the Schedule of Service screen when printing the IEP, select the "Use step name" option or enter a "Schedule of Service Title."


Transition Service Area(s) - Enter a custom title for the Transition Service Area(s) field on the Goals & Objectives screen.


Transition Service Area(s) - Select whether to use a Custom List or Default List for the Transition Service Area(s) field options on the Goals & Objectives screen. When Custom List is selected, enter the options in the text box, one per line.

Document Upload Integration - Enter the SFTP information for the server where PDFs of locked events will be placed. Users with the "Auto-Image" system permission set to allow in SSS > User Profile Permissions will have access to the Image button on locked events. The events that can be auto-imaged must have the "Auto-Image" option selected in SSS > Setup > Events tab. Clicking the Image button on the event in the Locked Events tab of Manage Student will generate a PDF with all of the event's forms and place it on the server. The event's file name will be: {student ID}_{focus SSS program}_{event name}.pdf.  

  • {student_id} - the Focus student ID
  • {focus SSS program}  - any SSS program, e.g. ESE, Section 504, Gifted Program
  • {event name} - name of the SSS event 
  • File name example:  auto-image IEP Event for student 123456789 = 123456789_ESE_ IEP Event.pdf

ESY Eligibility Form, ESY Eligibility Component, ESY Eligibility Option - These options are used together to dictate whether ESY is available as an option on the IEP Goals & Objectives and the Schedule of Services steps for a student.

ESY Eligibility Form - This defaults to the ESY Eligibility Review form. If the district uses a different form to consider ESY eligibility, select the form.

ESY Eligibility Component - This defaults to ESY_eligibleYN ("Does the data support the need for Extended School Year services?”). If the district uses a different form component to determine the need for ESY, select the component.

ESY Eligibility Option - This is the value that will enable ESY eligibility when that value is selected by a user in a student's IEP in the field designated as the ESY Eligibility Component.

For example, when Yes is selected for the ESY Eligibility Option on the General screen:

  • If the user selects Yes for "Does the data support the need for Extended School Year services?" on the ESY Eligibility Review form,  then ESY is available as an option in the Goals & Objectives and Schedule of Services steps.
  • If the user selects No for "Does the data support the need for Extended School Year services?" on the ESY Eligibility Review form,  then ESY is removed as an option in the Goals & Objectives and Schedule of Services steps.

When No is selected for the ESY Eligibility Option on the General screen:

  • If the user selects Yes for "Does the data support the need for Extended School Year services?" on the ESY Eligibility Review form,  then ESY is removed as an option in the Goals & Objectives and Schedule of Services steps.
  • If the user selects No for "Does the data support the need for Extended School Year services?" on the ESY Eligibility Review form, then ESY is available as an option in the Goals & Objectives and Schedule of Services steps.

When "Select One" is selected for the ESY Eligibility Form, the ESY Eligibility Component and ESY Eligibility Option become blank, and the ESY eligibility functionality is disabled and not enforced in the Goals & Objectives and Schedule of Services steps.


Caseload & Service Add Service: Require IEP Goals - Select the check box to require selecting an IEP Goal when adding a service to a student if the student has IEP goals defined.


Caseload & Services - Add Service: Report progress towards IEP Goals - Select the check box to require selecting an IEP Goal Progress option when adding a service to a student in Caseload & Services. The IEP Goal Progress column is also added to the Service History screen.


Caseload & Services - Add Service: Progress towards IEP Goals - Select whether to use the Default List or a Custom List for the options in the IEP Goal Progress pull-down. When Custom List is selected, enter the desired options, one per line.


Caseload & Services - Add Service: Report exact minutes of the service - Select the check box to display the exact minutes of the service for the Duration instead of rounding the minutes or units. In the Service History tab, the Duration total minutes will display in the table footer.


Caseload & Service Billing Columns - Select the check box to remove the Type and Product List Item columns in the Services tab of the SSS > Setup screen.


Tool for re-generating header and footer data - Run this tool to regenerate the header and footer data for specific events or steps using current information. After clicking Open, select the whether to update header data and/or footer data, and enter the comma-separated event instance IDs or step instance IDs.


MTSS enrollment alert profile - This setting is used in conjunction with the "Alert when existing MTSS students enroll" scheduled job. Enter the ID of the profile that will receive the Portal alert when a student with inactive MTSS events enrolls in a new school (student has been dropped from their current school, and has an enrollment date and code entered for a new school). An "SSS event alert" will display for the designated profile. Clicking the Portal alert will open the Alerts screen, which will indicate that the student has inactive MTSS events for review.


2. After setting the preferences, click Save.

Setting Instructional Accommodations Preferences

The Instructional Accommodations tab is used to set the preferences that affect the Instructional Accommodations screen in the IEP event.

1. In the SSS menu, click General.

2. Click the Instructional Accommodations tab.


Accommodation Extended Time - Select whether to use the Default List or a Custom List for the Extended Time column for IEP accommodations. When Custom List is selected, enter the Extended Time options, one per line, in the provided area.

General - Google Chrome

Accommodation Extended Time Free Text Option - Select the check box to display the Other Extended Time column next to the Extended Time column on IEP accommodations, which allows for free text to be entered.

General - Google Chrome

Accommodation Small Groups - Select Custom List to customize the list of options that will display in the "Small Group" pull-down in the Accommodations/Modifications step of the IEP. When "Individually/Small Group" is selected as an accommodation, the "Small Group" pull-down becomes available.


Accommodation Small Groups Free Text Option - Select this option to add the "Other Small Group" column where free text can be entered. This column displays next to the "Small Group" pull-down when "Individually/Small Group" is selected as an accommodation in the Accommodations/Modifications step of the IEP.


Instructional Accommodations Title - Enter a custom title to use instead of Instructional Accommodations.


Instructional Accommodations Radio Button Text - Enter custom text to replace the default text on the second radio button on the Instructional Accommodations screen.

Instructional Accommodations Checkbox Group - Enter custom verbiage for the first check box on the Instructional Accommodations screen.


Instructional Accommodations Checkbox Group - Enter custom verbiage for the second check box on the Instructional Accommodations screen.


3. After setting the preferences, click Save.

Setting Schedule of Services Preferences

The Schedule of Services tab is used to set the preferences that affect the Schedule of Services screen in the IEP event.

In addition to the Schedule of Services preferences on the General screen, the Schedule of Services Setup screen is used to customize the headers, field titles, and field options that display within the Schedules of Services step in the IEP event.

1. In the SSS menu, click General.

2. Click the Schedule of Services tab.


Schedule of Services Transportation Codes Source - Select the SIS field used to populate the Transportation Codes on the Schedule of Services. In addition, when the event trigger "Sync Transportation Code" is set up,  the trigger will push transportation codes to this SIS field when they are added to Related Services on the Schedule of Services screen within the IEP/Amended IEP events.

Custom Total School Minutes Fields - Select the school field to use instead of the "Total ScheduledMinutes" field for updating the Total School Minutes in the Schedule of Services for the IEP/Amended IEP. This field is used to calculate the Total Time, Non-Disabled weekly minutes on the ESE record.

General - Google Chrome

Push Schedule of Services data to SIS - Enter a Start Date and an End Date and click Run to process schedules of service with a start date between the dates entered. This tool is used if the "Synchronize Schedule of Services" scheduled job did not push data to SIS because it did not run on the start date of the schedule of service.


Schedule of Services IDEA Environment - Select the check box to disable the IDEA Environment option in the Schedule of Services step of the IEP.


Schedule of Services Frequency of Minutes - Select the "Instructional & Related Services" check box to add the “Frequency of Minutes” field to the Instructional Service and Related Service pop-up windows on the Schedule of Services form in the IEP event. The options are Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly. The “Minutes per Week” field is changed to “Minutes.” Select the "Supplementary Aid & Services" checkbox to add the "Minutes per Session" field to the Supplementary Aids and Services pop-up window on the Schedule of Services form of the IEP event.


Schedule of Services Location Type - Select the "Instructional & Related Services" check box to add the "Location Type" field to the Related Services and Instructional Services pop-up windows on the Schedule of Services form in the IEP event. Select the "Supplementary Aid & Services" check box to add the "Location Type" field to the Supplementary Aids & Services pop-up window on the Schedules of Services form in the IEP event.


Schedule of Service - Service descriptions - Select the check box to add a Service Description text field that displays when adding a service in the IEP Schedule of Services step. Users can provide detailed descriptions of services using the text box.

Schedule of Service - Linked goals - Select the check box to enable linking goals to a service in the IEP Schedule of Services step. When adding a service, a Goal pull-down will display where users can select a goal from the goals created in the Goals and Objectives step.

Special Factors Form - If using a custom form and not the Focus default, select the form that configures the Adaptive PE and Transportation validations in the Schedule of Services step.

Adaptive PE Component - When a custom form is selected for the Special Factors Form, select the component that selects an Adaptive PE option.  

Adaptive PE Option - When a custom form is selected for the Special Factors Form, select the Adaptive PE option value that when selected enables the Adaptive PE validation.

Transportation Component - When a custom form is selected for the Special Factors Form, select the component that selects a Transportation option.

Transportation Option - When a custom form is selected for the Special Factors Form, select the Transportation option value that when selected enables the Transportation validation.


3. After setting the preferences, click Save.

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