Documentation for Administrators

Manage Student: MTSS Events

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MTSS Progress Monitoring Plan

The MTSS Progress Monitoring Plan is the first event in the Focus MTSS process and is intended to be completed by the student’s classroom teacher in conference with the parent. Some fields will auto-fill from the SIS record.

MTSS Progress Plan

1. Complete the the required fields that are highlighted in red on page 1 of the form. (Required Form)

2. Click Save & Validate.

3. After the follow-up meeting with the parents, complete page 2 of the form.

4. In section B field 5, enter the Data at Check Point.

MTSS Progress Monitoring Plan

5. In section B fields 7 and 8, enter the Date the follow-up meeting/conference took place, the format, and items that were discussed.

6. In section C, select the applicable option for Evaluate Progress.

MTSS Progress Monitoring Plan

7. After completing the form, click Save & Validate.

Meeting Minutes

If a conference or meeting was held for the progress monitoring plan, document the meeting minutes in the Meeting Minutes form. Notes can be taken in a different program, such as Word, and copied and pasted into the Meeting Minutes form, if desired.

1. Enter the Date of the meeting.

2. Enter who the minutes are being Documented By.

3. Enter the Meeting Minutes. There must be a minimum of 3 words in the text box in order to save.

4. Click Save. Users can add to the text field after clicking Save if it is during the same day.

5. The Add Minutes button is used if there is an additional meeting on a different date for the event. Clicking the button adds an additional meeting minutes form to the screen. The Add Minutes button should not be clicked to add additional minutes to a meeting already in progress or for a meeting on the same date.


Uploads can be used to add supporting documentation to the event. Documents must be in the PDF format in order to be available for selection when printing.

1. Drag a file into the box, click Select and select a file from your computer, or click the scan icon and follow prompts to scan the document.

2. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

3. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.

4. Click the pencil icon to edit the title of the file.

After making a title change, click the green check mark to save the change, or the red X to discard the change and keep the original file name.

5. Click the red minus sign to delete the upload.

6. Click OK to confirm deletion. says
MTSS Modified PMP

Progress monitoring data can be used to modify the existing Progress Monitoring Plan. When the Progress Monitoring Plan is locked and the MTSS Modified Progress Monitoring Plan is initiated, data from the original progress plan will populate. The teacher can then make changes where applicable. Each locked modified plan will be copied to the next modified plan that is initiated.

The student can have as many PMPs or Modified PMPs as necessary. Data only copies from a LOCKED PMP to a Modified PMP and from one LOCKED Modified PMP to another Modified PMP.

MTSS Modified Progress Plan

1. Locate and amend the applicable fields. It is best practice to date the amended entries.

2. In section B field 5, enter the Data at Check Point.

3. Click Save & Validate after making the changes.

4. Complete page 2 after the follow-up meeting with the parents.

Meeting Minutes

If a conference or meeting was held for the modified progress monitoring plan, document the meeting minutes in the Meeting Minutes form. Notes can be taken in a different program, such as Word, and copied and pasted into the Meeting Minutes form, if desired.

1. Enter the Date of the meeting.

2. Enter who the minutes are being Documented By.

3. Enter the Meeting Minutes. There must be a minimum of 3 words in the text box in order to save.

4. Click Save. Users can add to the text field after clicking Save if it is during the same day.

5. The Add Minutes button is used if there is an additional meeting on a different date for the event. Clicking the button adds an additional meeting minutes form to the screen. The Add Minutes button should not be clicked to add additional minutes to a meeting already in progress or for a meeting on the same date.


Uploads can be used to add supporting documentation to the event. Documents must be in the PDF format in order to be available for selection when printing.

1. Drag a file into the box, click Select and select a file from your computer, or click the scan icon and follow prompts to scan the document.

2. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

3. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.

4. Click the pencil icon to edit the title of the file.

After making a title change, click the green check mark to save the change, or the red X to discard the change and keep the original file name.

5. Click the red minus sign to delete the upload.

6. Click OK to confirm deletion. says
MTSS Referral

The MTSS Referral can be initiated by any of the student’s teachers if the student shows no progress with the informal interventions on the classroom PMP or Modified PMP.

MTSS Teacher Input

1. Select the Date Completed.

2. Enter the Teacher Name.

3. Complete all the required fields of the form, including whether PMPs have been completed and locked.

MTSS Referral

4. Click Save & Validate.


Uploads can be used to add supporting documentation to the event. Documents must be in the PDF format in order to be available for selection when printing.

1. Drag a file into the box, click Select and select a file from your computer, or click the scan icon and follow prompts to scan the document.

2. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

3. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.

4. Click the pencil icon to edit the title of the file.

After making a title change, click the green check mark to save the change, or the red X to discard the change and keep the original file name.

5. Click the red minus sign to delete the upload.

6. Click OK to confirm deletion. says
MTSS Parent Meeting Notification

This event includes a two-part form, the MTSS Parent Notification Memo and the MTSS Parent Meeting Notice; both forms are required to send to the parent/guardian. The MTSS Parent Data form is optional but can also be included.

MTSS Parent Notification Memo

1. Enter the name of the Campus Facilitator.

2. Select the Date.

3. Enter the name of the person that the form should be returned to.

4. Select the Return By date.

5. Enter the Point of Contact and the Phone number.

6. Click Save & Validate.

MTSS Parent Meeting Notice

1. Select the Date Provided.

2. Select the Meeting Type.

3. Enter the meeting information.

4. Enter the person of contact for the meeting by entering the phone number of the person, name of the person to return the form to, and the date to return the form by.

5. Click Save & Validate.

MTSS Parent Data Form

The MTSS Parent Data Form is optional and can be printed for the parent if needed.

MTSS Parent Meeting Notification

Use the Uploads tab to upload any documentation, including documents returned from the parent/guardian such as the Parent Meeting Notice and the Parent Data Form. Documents must be in the PDF format in order to be available for selection when printing.

1. Drag a file into the box, click Select and select a file from your computer, or click the scan icon and follow prompts to scan the document.

2. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

3. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.

4. Click the pencil icon to edit the title of the file.

After making a title change, click the green check mark to save the change, or the red X to discard the change and keep the original file name.

5. Click the red minus sign to delete the upload.

6. Click OK to confirm deletion. says
MTSS Tier 2/Tier 3 Initial Meeting

The forms for the MTSS Tier 2 Initial Meeting event and the MTSS Tier 3 Initial Meeting event are the same. Follow the below procedures for both Tier 2 and Tier 3 events.

Tier 2/Tier 3 Intervention Plan

1. Select the Initial Meeting Date.

2. Select the appropriate Meeting Type to designate if the form is being used for a Tier 2 (T2) or Tier 3 (T3) meeting.

3. Enter the name(s) of the Referring Teacher(s).

4. Select the grades of retention.

The attendance and discipline data auto-populates in the Absences and Office Discipline Referrals fields. There are links to the student's Attendance and Discipline data for review.

5. Enter the Previous Plan Initial Meeting Date(s).

MTSS Tier 2 Initial Meeting

6. In the Vision Screening and Hearing Screening sections, the results auto-populate. Select whether results are within normal limits.

MTSS Tier 2 Initial Meeting

7. Select the Diagnostic Test(s) Given, their respective scores, and any Additional Information.

8. Enter Current Gradebook averages for ELA, Math, and other areas as needed. Click the Gradebook Grades link to view the student's gradebook grades in a new tab.

9. Enter Test History information. Click the Student Test History link to view the student's Test History in a new tab.

MTSS Tier 2 Initial Meeting

10. Describe the specific skill deficit.

MTSS Tier 2 Initial Meeting

11. In the Gap Analysis section, select whether this is an Academic Analysis or Behavior Analysis.

12. Select the Assessment Used and Assessment Date.

13. Enter the Student level, Peer level, and Expected level.

14. For the question Are 80% students proficient?, select Yes or No.

The system will calculate the Gap fields.

15. For the question Is there greater than 2Xs gap?, select Yes or No.

MTSS Tier 2 Initial Meeting

16. In the Reason for the Problem section, select Skill or Performance.

17. Select at least 2 Hypotheses. Describe the hypotheses and provide Supporting Data.

MTSS Tier 2 Initial Meeting

18. Enter the Goal, matched to the skill and/or deficit.

MTSS Tier 2 Initial Meeting

19. For Intervention 1, select the Evidenced based instruction and Skill(s) Target.

When Other is selected in the pull-down, the Other text field becomes enabled and required.

20. Select who the intervention will be Delivered By.

When Other is selected in the pull-down, the Other text field becomes enabled and required.

21. Enter the Time of Day, Times per week, Number of weeks, and Group Size.

22. For Intervention Support 1, enter What, Who, and When.

23. For the question Has the intervention been monitored for fidelity?, select Yes or No. If Yes, enter By Whom?

MTSS Tier 2 Initial Meeting

24. Complete Intervention 2 and 3 if applicable.

25. In the Progress Monitoring of Goal section, select the Assessment tool for monitoring.

When Other is selected in the pull-down, the Other text field becomes enabled and required.

26. Enter how progress will be monitored, select How often, and select Who will measure progress.

When Other is selected in the pull-down, the Other text field becomes enabled and required.

MTSS Tier 2 Initial Meeting

27. Enter the Response Criteria.

MTSS Tier 2 Initial Meeting

28. Select the Date the plan will be reviewed on.

MTSS Tier 2 Initial Meeting

The last section of the form is for team signatures.

MTSS Tier 2 Initial Meeting

29. Click Save & Validate.

MTSS Tier 2/Tier 3 Supplements

If needed, users can add additional forms to the event.

1. Select the form to add as a supplement and click Add this form.

The selected form is added to the table.

2. Click the Edit link.

3. Complete the form and click Save & Validate when finished.

EP for Gifted Students

4. Click Return to Focus.

MTSS Tier 2 Initial Meeting

A green check mark will display in the Complete column of the table once all required fields of the form are completed. The Last Saved column will populate with the date and time the form was last saved.

EP for Gifted Students

5. To delete a supplement, click Delete.

EP for Gifted Students

The number of supplemental forms added to the student's event will display in parenthesis next to the Supplement step on the steps menu.

IEP Event
Meeting Minutes

Complete all required fields to document Meeting Minutes from the Tier 2/Tier 3 Initial Meeting.

1. Enter the Date of the meeting.

2. Enter who the minutes are being Documented By.

3. Enter the Meeting Minutes. There must be a minimum of 3 words in the text box in order to save.

4. Click Save. Users can add to the text field after clicking Save if it is during the same day.

5. The Add Minutes button is used if there is an additional meeting on a different date for the event. Clicking the button adds an additional meeting minutes form to the screen. The Add Minutes button should not be clicked to add additional minutes to a meeting already in progress or for a meeting on the same date.


Use the Uploads tab to upload any documentation to support information recorded in the Tier 2/Tier 3 Intervention Plan. Documents must be in the PDF format in order to be available for selection when printing.

1. Drag a file into the box, click Select and select a file from your computer, or click the scan icon and follow prompts to scan the document.

2. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

3. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.

4. Click the pencil icon to edit the title of the file.

After making a title change, click the green check mark to save the change, or the red X to discard the change and keep the original file name.

5. Click the red minus sign to delete the upload.

6. Click OK to confirm deletion. says
MTSS Tier 2/Tier 3 Review Meeting

The forms for the MTSS Tier 2 Review Meeting event and the MTSS Tier 3 Review Meeting event are the same. Follow the below procedures for both Tier 2 and Tier 3 Reviewing Meeting events.

Tier 2/Tier 3 Review Meeting

1. Select the Initial Meeting Date and the Review Meeting Date.

2. Select the Meeting Type to identify whether the form is being used for a Tier 2 (T2) or Tier 3 (T3) meeting.

3. Enter the name(s) of the Teacher(s) implementing the plan.

MTSS Tier 2 Review Meeting

4. Select whether the plan was monitored for fidelity and whether the plan was implemented as designed.

MTSS Tier 2 Review Meeting

5. Enter any new test scores since the initiation of the plan. Click the View Test History link to view the student's Test History in a new tab.

MTSS Tier 2 Review Meeting

6. Enter a description of the Initial Plan Goal and Results.

MTSS Tier 2 Review Meeting

7. Select whether the response to intervention was Positive, Questionable, or Poor, and select the applicable options beneath.

MTSS Tier 2 Review Meeting

8. Enter the MTSS Team's decision regarding the intervention and Intervention Support Plan.

MTSS Tier 2 Review Meeting

9. Click Save & Validate.

MTSS Tier 2/Tier 3 Supplements

If needed, add supplemental forms to the Tier 2/Tier 3 event for the student.

1. Select the form to add as a supplement and click Add this form.

The selected form is added to the table.

2. Click the Edit link.

3. Complete the form and click Save & Validate when finished.

EP for Gifted Students

4. Click Return to Focus.

MTSS Tier 2 Initial Meeting

A green check mark will display in the Complete column of the table once all required fields of the form are completed. The Last Saved column will populate with the date and time the form was last saved.

EP for Gifted Students

5. To delete a supplement, click Delete.

EP for Gifted Students

The number of supplemental forms added to the student's event will display in parenthesis next to the Supplement step on the steps menu.

IEP Event

Use the Uploads tab to upload any supporting documentation. Documents must be in the PDF format in order to be available for selection when printing.

1. Drag a file into the box, click Select and select a file from your computer, or click the scan icon and follow prompts to scan the document.

2. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

3. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.

4. Click the pencil icon to edit the title of the file.

After making a title change, click the green check mark to save the change, or the red X to discard the change and keep the original file name.

5. Click the red minus sign to delete the upload.

6. Click OK to confirm deletion. says
Meeting Minutes

Complete all required fields to document Meeting Minutes from the Tier 2/Tier 3 Review Meeting.

1. Enter the Date of the meeting.

2. Enter who the minutes are being Documented By.

3. Enter the Meeting Minutes. There must be a minimum of 3 words in the text box in order to save.

4. Click Save. Users can add to the text field after clicking Save if it is during the same day.

5. The Add Minutes button is used if there is an additional meeting on a different date for the event. Clicking the button adds an additional meeting minutes form to the screen. The Add Minutes button should not be clicked to add additional minutes to a meeting already in progress or for a meeting on the same date.

Academic Referral for MTSS

When a teacher wants to refer a student for additional support, they will initiate the Academic Referral for MTSS, which consists of a checklist for identifying the concerns the student is displaying. Once the referral is submitted, the MTSS team may complete the GAP Analysis.

MTSS Student Data Form

1. Select the Date Completed and enter the Teacher Name.

Academic Referral for MTSS

2. Enter the Areas of Concern and select the check boxes that apply to the student.

Academic Referral for MTSS

3. Select Yes or No to indicate whether Progress Monitoring Plan(s) documenting parent/guardian conferences have been completed.

4. Select any Services Received, if applicable.

5. Enter any Additional Comments/Teacher Observations.

Academic Referral for MTSS

6. On page 2 and 3, document any tier 1 interventions and strategies.

Academic Referral for MTSS

7. Click Save & Validate when finished.

GAP Analysis/ROI Supplement

The MTSS team completes the GAP Analysis based on available data to determine if a Progress Monitoring Plan needs to be implemented. This form is selected by default on this step.

Academic Referral for MTSS

1. Click Edit.

Academic Referral for MTSS

2. Using the reference document on the second page, enter data points to determine if a gap exists that would require an intervention plan.

Academic Referral for MTSS

3. Click Save & Validate when completed.

Academic Referral for MTSS

4. Click Return to Focus to close the form and return to the Academic Referral for MTSS event.

Academic Referral for MTSS
Academic Parent Communication

The MTSS team will schedule and invite the parent to the MTSS team meeting to discuss and review the referral, supporting data, and if applicable, develop a progress monitoring plan.

MTSS Parent Notification Memo

This form provides information for the parent about the MTSS process and informs them there is a parent input form being included for them to complete and return or bring to the meeting with them.

Enter the required information at the top and bottom of the form. Click Save & Validate when finished.

Academic Parent Communications
MTSS Parent Meeting Appointment

This form will contain the reason for the meeting along with the meeting date and time.

Academic Parent Communications

1. Select the Date Provided, Meeting Type, and Content Area.

Academic Parent Communications

2. Enter the meeting information at the bottom of the form.

Academic Parent Communications

3. Click Save & Validate when finished.

After all forms have been completed and saved, the forms can be printed. There is a watermark that displays on forms that are printed before an event is locked; the watermark can be disabled on the print preview screen.

Academic Progress Monitoring Plan

The Academic Progress Monitoring Plan will be completed at the Tier 2 meeting with the parent and MTSS team members. Data provided by the teachers, the parents, and any existing student records can be reviewed and used to determine appropriate interventions and goal expectations.

PMP Cover Sheet

This step displays demographic and academic background data that pulls automatically from the fields on the student’s SIS record. There are links to view the student’s grade/course history and test history.

Academic Progress Monitoring Plan

1. Select the Date of Initial Meeting.

2. In the Content Area pull-down, select one or more content areas that will be addressed in the Progress Monitoring Plan.

3. Select the Tier Level.

Academic Progress Monitoring Plan

All other information will auto-populate if it exists on the student’s record. The first page displays three years of Test History. The second page displays all years of Test History, if available in Focus. Click Save & Validate when finished completing the form.

Academic PMP/Graph

The team will identify the academic concerns, the hypothesis as to why the student is struggling, strategies, frequency and location of the strategies, data collection tools, and other relevant information. This is also where the designated team members/teachers will enter the progress monitoring data to graph the student’s progress toward the identified goal.

See Academic PMP for step-by-step directions.

PMP Parent Signature Page

The first form in the event is the parent signature page. It will default to having the current date set as the Print Date.

Academic Progress Monitoring Plan

1. Select the academic area the plan will address, and enter any relevant comments.

Academic Progress Monitoring Plan

2. At the bottom, the parent can electronically sign and date the form.

3. If the parent requests a follow-up meeting, enter the Date and select the appropriate With option.

Academic Progress Monitoring Plan

4. Click Save & Validate when finished.

Meeting Minutes

A team member can be documenting the discussion and decisions as the meeting progresses.

1. Enter the Date of the meeting.

2. Enter who the minutes are being Documented By.

3. Enter the Meeting Minutes. There must be a minimum of 3 words in the text box in order to save.

4. Click Save. Users can add to the text field after clicking Save if it is during the same day.

5. The Add Minutes button is used if there is an additional meeting on a different date for the event. Clicking the button adds an additional meeting minutes form to the screen. The Add Minutes button should not be clicked to add additional minutes to a meeting already in progress or for a meeting on the same date.

Parent/Guardian Contacts

This step looks similar to the Meeting Minutes and can be used to document all contacts with the parents/guardians throughout the life of the current plan. The "Add Minutes" button can be used to document each attempt or as the district instructs.

Academic Progress Monitoring Plan

Uploads can be used to add supporting documentation to the event, such as observation forms and the signed PMP Parent Signature Page. Documents must be in the PDF format in order to be available for selection when printing.

1. Drag a file into the box, click Select and select a file from your computer, or click the scan icon and follow prompts to scan the document.

2. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.

3. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.

4. Click the pencil icon to edit the title of the file.

After making a title change, click the green check mark to save the change, or the red X to discard the change and keep the original file name.

5. Click the red minus sign to delete the upload.

6. Click OK to confirm deletion. says
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