Documentation for Administrators

Bulk PMP Triggers

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The Bulk PMP Triggers screen is used to set up triggers that can be used to generate PMPs for students who qualify based on the search criteria. Students who qualify for the trigger display on the EWS report in the Florida Reports menu. From the EWS report, PMPs can be generated for the selected students.

Adding a PMP Trigger

1. In the SSS menu, click Bulk PMP Triggers.

Bulk PMP Triggers

2. To add a new trigger, enter the information in the blank row. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.

Bulk PMP Triggers
Column Description
Title Enter a title for the trigger.
Description Enter a description for the trigger. The description will populate the Basis of Concern field on the PMP if the Basis of Concern field is set up as “free form text” or “Either free form text or dropdown” in PMP Setup. If the Basis of Concern field is set up as “Dropdown” in PMP Setup, then the description will not populate on the PMP and will need to be selected by the user. 
Search Terms Click the field and select the search terms in the pop-up window. When finished, click Set Search Terms.

Tip: You can enter multiple comma-separated student IDs in the “Student” search field to pull specific students.
Min Year To limit the school years where this trigger is active, set the minimum year. 
Max Year To limit the school years where this trigger is active, set the maximum year. 
School Level Select the applicable school level(s) for this trigger. 
PMP Event Select the PMP event which will be generated for qualifying students from the list of MTSS events.

Note: To allow an event in a custom program to be available for selection, enter [pmp] in the Tag column for the event in SSS > Setup > Events.

Content Select the content that will be selected in the PMP for qualifying students. 
Tier Select the tier that will be selected in the PMP for qualifying students.
Hypothesis Select the hypothesis that will be selected in the PMP for qualifying students. 
Monitoring Tools Select the monitoring tools that will be selected in the PMP for qualifying students.
Strategies Select the strategies that will be selected in the PMP for qualifying students. 

4. Press Enter to add the row.

Bulk PMP Triggers

After adding the row on the Bulk PMP Triggers screen, the trigger is now added as a row on the EWS report. The qualifying students will be included on the EWS report, where the PMPs can be generated. Any changes made to the trigger will auto-save, and will be reflected on the EWS report.

Generating the PMPs on the EWS Report

For each trigger, a row is added to the EWS report. The title of the row uses the trigger title and description from the Bulk PMP Triggers screen. PMPs can be generated for the selected students from the EWS report.

1. In the Florida Reports menu, click EWS.

Bulk PMP Triggers

Each trigger is listed in its own row, using the title and description given to the trigger.


2. Click a number link to view the list of students who qualified for the trigger.


The students who qualified for the trigger are displayed.

If needed, the PMP Teacher column can be individually updated for a student or mass updated for all students using the Mass Update button. The PMP Teacher is used to populate the person responsible on the PMP.


3. To mass generate a set of SSS events, select the check boxes in the Bulk PMP column for each applicable student, or select the check box in the column header to select all students in the list.

4. Click Create Bulk PMPs at the top of the screen.


5. In the confirmation message, click Yes.


A PMP will be generated for the selected students using the PMP event, content, tier, hypothesis, monitoring tools, and strategies from the trigger.

If a student already has an open PMP event with the same content area and tier level as the trigger, the PMP will not be generated for the student.

If a student already has an open PMP event with a different content area and the same tier level, a new row will be added to the existing PMP populated based on the trigger's setup.

If a student already has an open PMP event with the same content area and different tier level:

  • lower tier to higher tier (e.g. Math Tier 1 already exists, and Math Tier 2 trigger) - A new row will be added to the existing PMP populated based on the trigger's setup
  • higher tier to lower tier (e.g. Math Tier 3 already exists, and Math Tier 2 trigger) - A new row is not created on the existing PMP

6. The pop-up window will indicate the number of PMPs created, the number of students exempt from PMP creation, and the number of students who had goals added to an open PMP. Click the X to close the pop-up window.

7. Click the MTSS button next to a student to open the most recent MTSS event for the student in a new tab.

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