Each district's Threat Assessment process will differ. This help document pertains to the default setup in Focus without any district-defined customizations, events, forms, or alert triggers. The first five forms/steps are set as required per Florida DOE. Districts can decide if any answer on a specific form should make any of the remaining steps required. The Threat Assessment program should be opened on the student making the threat.
The first page of the Threat Overview Report provides guidelines from the DOE for conducting a Threat Assessment. The second page is for collecting the data regarding the threat, and the third page is for assigning the next 4 required steps to specific profiles. Click Save & Validate after completing each page.
Page 2: The Threat Report
The school where the threat is reported (Focus looks at the user_id of the user reporting the threat) and the school where the threat occurred will push to the Threat Classification logging field on the subject’s General Demographics tab in Student Info when the event is locked.
The name of the student making the threat will copy to the Threat Subject Interview & Mental Health Assessment (MHA) Subject Interview.
There are links on the form to view the student’s Discipline and Course History records.
Page 3: Team Responsibilities
This page is used to assign the next 4 required forms to a user profile. The profiles in the drop-downs are based on the SIS/SSS profiles that exist for the district, or, if applicable, the profiles with permission to the SSS module/program/event.
1. Select the user profile who will complete the Subject Interview. Additionally, you may select the specific user.
2. Select the user profile who will complete the Target Interview. Additionally, you may select the specific user.
3. Select the user profile who will complete the Key Observations. Additionally, you may select the specific user.
4. Select the user profile who will complete the threat Response. Additionally, you may select the specific user.
The district may create one or more Portal alerts to these user profiles that would trigger once the Threat Overview/Report is saved and validated. If and when applicable, the team can return to this form to assign the remaining steps to the user profile(s) responsible.
Consisting of two pages, this form has three fields that will push to the Threat Classification logging field on the subject’s General Demographics tab in Student Info upon locking the event: Initial Classification or Reclassification, Date of Classification, and Type of Classification. These fields are near the bottom of page 1. All required fields must be completed to Save & Validate the form.
Question # 12 if answered Yes, this may require the completion of a suicide assessment. This form may be in the Supplements step, may become an additional step in the event, or may generate a new event if set up by the district. These options are not set up by default.
The district may also have created form triggers that will make the remaining interviews and Mental Health Assessment become required based on how the threat is classified (Transient, Serious Substantive, or Very Serious Substantive). There is a form trigger provided by Focus that will require the Mental Health Assessment if Very Serious Substantive is set as the classification.
Though not set by default as required forms/steps, the remaining forms in the Threat Assessment can be completed on a case-by-case basis. The district may set form triggers that make the steps required based on the threat status or the answer to a specific question on any of the other 5 forms.
Additionally, it may be necessary to return to page 3 of the Threat Overview/Report to assign users to each of the following forms.
The Mental Health Assessment (MHA) is usually conducted when a threat has been classified as Very Serious Substantive. It is used to determine whether the subject student requires treatment or referrals and to reduce the risk of the threat being carried out. It might be helpful to print the form to gather the information from the student, and then enter the data on the form in Focus.
The Subject Name will copy from the Threat Overview/Report. This form contains six pages.
Page 5 of the Mental Health Assessment contains a link to the student’s Discipline record.
Typically, the individual completing the MHA Subject Interview would also complete this form/step. This is form is two pages long, with the first page being a description of what should be contained in the report.
On page 2, the Identifying Information section is a computed table that will autopopulate with the student’s demographic information as required by the report template.
The remainder of the form has required fields for Reason for Referral, Sources of Information, Major Findings (from the MHA Subject Interview), and the report writer’s Conclusions.
If used, the district may set this step/form to become required if Behavior Support Plan is selected as an option on the Threat Response form. The district may instead opt to use a district-specific behavior plan instead of this form that may or may not be included in the Threat Assessment event or may be generated as its own event.
On the Supplements step, there are three forms available by default. The district may add or remove forms contained in the supplement drop-down.
1. Select the form to add as a supplement and click Add this form.
The selected form is added to the table.
2. Click the Edit link.
3. Complete the form and click Save & Validate when finished.
4. Click Return to Focus.
A green check mark will display in the Complete column of the table once all required fields of the form are completed. The Last Saved column will populate with the date and time the form was last saved.
5. To delete a supplement, click Delete.
The number of supplemental forms added to the student's event will display in parenthesis next to the Supplement step on the steps menu.
Uploads can be used to add documentation to an event. In order to print with the event, uploads must be in the PDF format.
1. Drag a file into the box, click Select and select a file from your computer, or click the scan icon and follow prompts to scan the document.
2. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.
3. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.
4. Click the pencil icon to edit the title of the file.
5. Click the red minus sign to delete the upload.
6. Click OK to confirm deletion.
By default, certain information from the Threat Assessment will copy over to the student’s SIS record from which reports can be generated in addition to providing a way to track the event for a student.
After the Florida Standardized Statewide Behavioral Threat Assessment event is completed and locked, the Threat Outcome Summary event can be initiated to document the outcomes for case review and evaluation purposes. Complete this event after the threat assessment and update at the end of the school year.
1. The student's demographic information may populate the fields at the top of the form. Complete any fields as needed.
2. Select the Person(s) threatened.
3. Select Who threatened (check that apply).
4. Select the Threat classification.
5. Select the Threat outcome.
6. Select the Most serious injury to person(s) threatened (only answer when threat carried out).
7. Select the Social-Behavioral Outcomes.
8. Select the Consequences for person making threat (partial list; select all that apply).
9. Select the applicable options for Follow-up (completed at end of school year after the year of the threat assessment).
10. Select the applicable options for End of year behavior status.
11. Select the applicable options for End of Year Academic Status.
12. Click Save & Validate when finished.
Uploads can be used to add documentation to an event. In order to print with the event, uploads must be in the PDF format.
1. Drag a file into the box, click Select and select a file from your computer, or click the scan icon and follow prompts to scan the document.
2. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.
3. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.
4. Click the pencil icon to edit the title of the file.
5. Click the red minus sign to delete the upload.
6. Click OK to confirm deletion.
The Intake & Disposition step documents the reporting of the concerning behavior, including whether law enforcement or the school principal were notified before the SBTMT Chair was.
1. In the Today's Date field, the current date is auto-populated. Modify the date as needed.
2. Select the Date & time of incident.
3. Select the Location of incident.
4. Enter the Location Details.
5. Select the Date & time of report received by SBTMT Chair.
6. Select Yes or No for Was this an Imminent Threat reported to law enforcement before the SBTMT Chair?
When "Yes" is selected, the three following questions become enabled and required in order to document the date and time reported to law enforcement, the name and agency of officer, and law enforcement case number. If "No" is selected, these questions are disabled.
7. Enter the Name of reporter to SBTMT Chair, as well as their Contact number.
8. Enter the Method of receiving information by SBTMT Chair (i.e. in-person, FortifyFL, phone, etc.).
9. Enter the Reporter's affiliation to school.
10. Select Yes or No for Was the matter reported to a school administrator before SBTMT Chair?
When "Yes" is selected, the two following questions become enabled and required in order to document the date and time reported to the school administrator and the administrator's name. If "No" is selected, the two following questions are disabled.
11. Enter the Name of SBTMT Chair completing this intake form.
District, school, and demographic information will populate on the next part of the form for the student.
12. Select whether the student has an existing IEP, 504, BIP, or None.
13. Select the Incident Type.
When "Harm Towards Others" or "Unable to Determine" is selected, the If Harm Toward Others, who is the target of the threat field becomes enabled and is required.
14. Select Yes or No for Was the matter reported to the target of the threat's parent?
When "Yes" is selected, the Method of Notification and Date and Time fields become enabled and required.
When "No" is selected, the If parent was not notified, explain reason field becomes enabled and required.
15. Select Yes or No for Was the matter reported to the student of concern Parent(s)?
When "Yes" is selected, the Method of Notification and Date and Time fields become enabled and required.
When "No" is selected, the If parent was not notified, explain reason field becomes enabled and required.
16. On the next page of the form, document any witnesses.
17. Enter the Date & time Student of Concern interviewed by SBTMT Chair.
18. Enter the narrative in the provided text area.
19. Select an Action by Chair.
20. Select Yes or No for Upon initial assessment, is there a factual basis for the claim?
When "No" is selected, the date & time matter closed as unfounded and explanation fields become required.
21. If the Action by Chair is Unfounded, the principal and DTMC may review and approve the determination to close as unfounded. The principal and DTMC can click to sign the form electronically, as well as enter their Name and Date of review.
22. If the Action by Chair is Unfounded, the principal and DTMC may answer the question Returned to SBTMT Chair for further consideration?
When "Yes" is selected, the reason why and Date returned fields become required. When "No" is selected, the Approval Date field becomes required.
23. If the Action by Chair is Unfounded, the principal and DTMC may answer the question Was there an extension of the timeline approved by the principal/DTMC? (NOT to exceed two school days)
When "Yes" is selected, the describe field becomes required.
24. Click Save & Validate when finished.
1. Select what the claim alleges.
When "Self-Harm" or "Harm to Self & Others" is selected, enter who the matter was referred to for self-harm assessment.
When "Self-Harm" is selected, enter the Date/Time closed by SBTMT chair.
2. When "Self-Harm" is selected, the principal and DTMC may review and approve the determination. The principal and DTMC can click to sign the form electronically, as well as enter their Name and Date of review.
3. When "Self-Harm" is selected, the Principal and DTMC may answer the question Returned to SBTMT for further consideration?
When "Yes" is selected, the reason why and Date Returned fields become required. When "No" is selected, the Approval Date field becomes required.
4. When "Self-Harm" is selected, the Principal and DTMC may answer the question Was there an extension of the timeline approved by the principal/DTMC?(NOT to exceed two school days).
When "Yes" is selected, the describe field becomes required.
5. When "Harm toward Others" or "Harm to Self & Others" is selected, the question For a claim that involves Harm toward Others, does it warrant review by the full SBTMT? becomes enabled and required. Select Yes or No.
When "No" is selected, the explanation becomes required.
6. Select Yes or No for Was the case referred for services?
When "Yes" is selected, enter the Date/Time and the services.
7. When it is determined that the case does not warrant review by the full SBTMT, the principal and DTMC may review and approve the determination. The principal and DTMC can click to sign the form electronically, as well as enter their Name and Date of review.
8. When it is determined that the case does not warrant review by the full SBTMT, the principal and DTMC may answer the question Returned to SBTMT for further consideration?
When "Yes" is selected, the reason why and Date Returned fields become required. When "No" is selected, the Approval Date field becomes required.
9. When it is determined that the case does not warrant review by the full SBTMT, the principal and DTMC may answer the question Was there an extension of the timeline approved by the principal/DTMC?(NOT to exceed two school days)
When "Yes" is selected, the describe field becomes required.
10. If the case is referred to the full SBTMT, select the Date the SBTMT convened. When a date is selected, the first four SBTMT member rows become enabled and required. For each SBTMT member, select their name (or select "Other"), enter their title, and select their role(s).
11. Select Save & Validate when finished.
1. Select the preliminary level of concern.
When "Low Level of Concern" is selected, the question If designated as Low, does the matter require an interim SSMP? becomes enabled and required.
When "Medium Level of Concern" or "High Level of Concern" is selected, the field If designated as Medium or High, interim SSMP required - Implementation date becomes enabled and required.
When Low Level of Concern, Medium Level of Concern, or High Level of Concern are selected and the form saved, the Initial Interview of Student of Concern, Initial Interview of Parent/Guardian, Witness/Target Interview, Teacher or Staff Questionnaire, and Final Determination of Level of Concern steps become required.
When Medium Level of Concern or High Level of Concern are selected and the form is saved, an SSMP Implementation & Monthly Monitoring event will be automatically created.
2. Select the Name of the user responsible for obtaining law enforcement, school, and mental health information and the Date.
After the form is saved, the selected users will receive an SSS Task alert on the Portal for each assigned task. Clicking the alert will open the Task List.
3. List the information obtained and made part of the file for consideration by the SBTMT.
4. List the information regarding the totality of concerning behaviors, stressors, and protective factors.
5. Enter each Person to be Interviewed and Date Interviewed.
6. Select the Name of each user responsible for completing staff questionnaires, the interview of student of concern, and the interview of parent/guardian of student of concern, along with the Date. If applicable, select the Name of the user responsible for the mental health interview of the student of concern and mental health interview of the parent, along with the Date.
After the form is saved, the selected users will receive an SSS Task alert on the Portal for each assigned task. Clicking the alert will open the Task List.
7. Click Save & Validate when finished.
The Initial Interview of Student of Concern is required for all preliminary levels of concern.
1. Select the Date of Interview.
2. Enter the Interview Location.
3. Enter the Interview Start Time. At the end of the interview, enter Interview End Time.
4. Select the Interviewer #1 Name and enter the Interviewer #1 Title. If applicable, select the Interviewer #2 Name and enter the Interviewer #2 Title.
5. If applicable, select Student refused interview.
6. Complete the interview questions on all of the pages.
7. Click Save & Validate when finished.
The Initial Interview of Parent/Guardian is required for all preliminary levels of concern.
1. Enter Name of parent or guardian being interviewed.
2. Select the Date of Interview.
3. Enter the Interview Location.
4. Enter the Interview Start Time. At the end of the interview, enter Interview End Time.
5. Select the Interviewer #1 Name and enter the Interviewer #1 Title. If applicable, select the Interviewer #2 Name and enter the Interviewer #2 Title.
6. If applicable, select Parent refused interview.
7. Complete the interview questions on all of the pages.
8. Click Save & Validate when finished.
You can complete as many witness/target interview forms as needed.
1. Form D - Witness/Target interview is already selected in the pull-down. Click Add this form.
2. In the table, click the Edit link.
3. Enter the Name of person being Interviewed.
4. Select the Date of Interview.
5. Enter the Interview Location.
6. Enter the Interview Start Time. At the end of the interview, enter Interview End Time.
7. Select the Interviewer #1 Name and enter the Interviewer #1 Title. If applicable, select the Interviewer #2 Name and enter the Interviewer #2 Title.
8. Complete the interview questions on all of the pages.
9. Click Save & Validate when finished.
10. Click Return to Focus.
The Last Saved Column in the table will be populated with the date and time this form was last saved. If all required fields on the form have been completed, the Complete column in the table will display a green check mark.
11. To delete a form, click the Delete button next to the form.
12. To add an additional Witness/Target Interview, click Add this form next to the pull-down, and repeat the above steps.
An integer will display in the ( ) on the step for each supplemental form that was added.
You can complete as many teacher or staff questionnaire forms as needed.
1. Form E - Teacher or Staff Questionnaire is already selected in the pull-down. Click Add this form.
2. In the table, click the Edit link.
3. Select the Date Prepared.
4. Select the Teacher or Staff Name.
5. Complete the interview questions on all of the pages.
6. Click Save & Validate when finished.
7. Click Return to Focus.
The Last Saved Column in the table will be populated with the date and time this form was last saved. If all required fields on the form have been completed, the Complete column in the table will display a green check mark.
8. To delete a form, click the Delete button next to the form.
9. To add an additional Teacher or Staff Questionnaire, click Add this form next to the pull-down, and repeat the above steps.
An integer will display in the ( ) on the step for each supplemental form that was added.
The Mental Health Parent/Guardian Interview may be completed for a high level of concern.
1. Enter Name of parent or guardian being interviewed.
2. Select the Date of Interview.
3. Enter the Interview Location.
4. Enter the Interview Start Time. At the end of the interview, enter Interview End Time.
5. Select the Interviewer #1 Name and enter the Interviewer #1 Title. If applicable, select the Interviewer #2 Name and enter the Interviewer #2 Title.
6. Complete the interview questions on all of the pages.
7. Click Save & Validate when finished.
The Mental Health Student of Concern Interview may be completed for a high level of concern.
1. Select the Date of Interview.
2. Enter the Interview Location.
3. Enter the Interview Start Time. At the end of the interview, enter Interview End Time.
4. Select the Interviewer #1 Name and enter the Interviewer #1 Title. If applicable, select the Interviewer #2 Name and enter the Interviewer #2 Title.
5. Complete the interview questions on all of the pages.
6. Click Save & Validate when finished.
The Final Determination of Level of Concern step is required for all levels of concern.
1. Select the SBTMT meeting date for final determination.
2. Select the Determination and a brief factual basis for determination.
3. When "Unfounded" is selected, the If Unfounded, date closed field becomes enabled and required. Select the date closed.
4. When "Unfounded" is selected, the principal and DTMC may review and approve the determination to close as unfounded. The principal and DTMC can click to sign the form electronically, as well as enter their Name and Date of review.
5. If "Unfounded" is selected, the principal and DTMC may answer the question Returned to SBTMT Chair for further consideration?
When "Yes" is selected, the reason why and Date returned fields become required. When "No" is selected, the Approval Date field becomes required.
6. When "Unfounded" is selected, the principal and DTMC may answer the question Was there an extension of the timeline approved by the principal/DTMC? (NOT to exceed two school days).
When "Yes" is selected, the describe field becomes required.
7. When "Low Level of Concern" is selected, answer the question If Level of Concern is designated as Low, was SSMP implemented?
When "Yes" is selected, the field If Yes, duration of SSMP becomes required. When "No" is selected, the field If No, why not? becomes required.
8. When "Low Level of Concern" is selected, the principal and DTMC may review and approve the determination to close as low. The principal and DTMC can click to sign the form electronically, as well as enter their Name and Date of review.
9. When "Low Level of Concern" is selected, the principal and DTMC may answer the question Returned to SBTMT Chair for further consideration?
When "Yes" is selected, the reason why and Date returned fields become required. When "No" is selected, the Approval Date field becomes required.
10. When "Low Level of Concern" is selected, the principal and DTMC may answer the question Was there an extension of the timeline approved by the principal/DTMC? (NOT to exceed two school days).
When "Yes" is selected, the describe field becomes required.
11. Click Save & Validate when finished.
12. If "Medium Level of Concern" or "High Level of Concern" is selected, the step Medium or High Level of Concern becomes required upon saving the form.
The Medium or High Level of Concern step becomes required if "Medium Level of Concern" or "High Level of Concern" is selected and saved in the Final Determination of Level of Concern step.
1. Select the Date SSMP implemented.
2. Select the Duration of SSMP.
3. For a medium level of concern, select Yes or No for Medium Level of Concern determination reviewed by DTMC, referred to DTMT.
4. For a high level of concern, select the Date High Level of Concern Determination Referred to DTMT.
5. Select the Date DTMT Reviewed the Case.
6. Select a response for DTMT Referred Back to SBTMT or Retained and Providing Support to SBTM.
7. Select the Date Referred Back to the SBTMT.
8. Enter any DTMT Comments.
9. The principal and DTMC may review and approve the final determination to close as a medium or high level of concern. The principal and DTMC can click to sign the form electronically, as well as enter their Name and Date of review.
10. The principal and DTMC may answer the question Returned to SBTMT Chair for further consideration?
When "Yes" is selected, the reason why and Date returned fields become required. When "No" is selected, the Approval Date field becomes required.
11. The principal and DTMC may answer the question Was there an extension of the timeline approved by the principal/DTMC? (NOT to exceed two school days).
When "Yes" is selected, the describe field becomes required.
12. Click Save & Validate when finished.
The Parent/Guardian Notification step is used to document contact with parents/guardians of the target student and student of concern.
1. In the Target Student's Parent/Guardian Notification section of the form, enter the Target Student's Name, Parent/Guardian Name, Date/Time of Contact, and any Comments.
2. In the Student of Concern Parent/Guardian Notification section of the form, enter the Parent/Guardian Name, Date/Time of Contact, and any Comments.
3. Click Save & Validate when finished.
Uploads can be used to add supporting documentation to an event. In order to print with the event, uploads must be in the PDF format.
1. Drag a file into the box, click Select and select a file from your computer, or click the scan icon and follow prompts to scan the document.
2. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.
3. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.
4. Click the pencil icon to edit the title of the file.
5. Click the red minus sign to delete the upload.
6. Click OK to confirm deletion.
When a student is placed on an SSMP, the SBTMT is required to meet a minimum of once per month to assess the effectiveness of the SSMP. If desired results are not being attained, then the SBTMT should consider modifying existing or adding new requirements to the SSMP.
Form H is used to document all Interim and Final SSMPs as well as the monthly meetings to evaluate the student’s case.
Focus has created a default trigger that will initiate this event if the Preliminary Level of Concern is selected as Medium or High on Form A3. This form can also be manually initiated by selecting "SSMP Implementation & Monthly Meeting" on the Create New Event table in Manage Student.
1. Select the Date of Meeting.
2. Select the Member Name and SBTMT User Role for each participant. At least four must be identified.
3. Describe the requirements imposed by the interim SSMP.
4. Click Save & Validate when finished.
At the appropriate time, the Final SSMP can be documented.
1. Select the Date of Meeting.
2. Select the Date of Mandatory Monitoring Period Ends.
3. Select the Member Name and SBTMT User Role for each participant. At least four must be identified.
4. Describe the requirements imposed by the final SSMP.
5. Select Yes or No for Has the DTMT provided any input to the SBTMT regarding this SSMP?
When "Yes" is selected, the If Yes, what? field becomes enabled and required.
6. Select a response for If the mandatory monitoring period is expiring, will the SSMP be extended or terminated?
When "Extended" is selected, the expiration Date and explanation fields become enabled and required. When "Terminated" is selected, the termination Date field becomes enabled and required.
7. Select the Date copy of SSMP was provided to the student of concern's Parent?
8. Click Save & Validate when finished.
1. The Form H2 - Monthly SSMP Monitoring form is already selected in the pull-down. Click Add this form.
2. In the table, click the Edit link.
3. Select the Date of Meeting.
4. Select the Member Name and SBTMT User Role for each participant. At least four must be identified.
5. Select whether the SBTMT is modifying the SSMP, and enter an explanation.
6. If the SSMP is modified, select the Date the copy was provided to the student of concern's parent.
7. Click Save & Validate when finished.
There are additional spaces on the form to document subsequent monthly meetings.
8. Click Return to Focus.
The Last Drafted column in the table will be populated with the date and time this form was last saved as a draft. If all form requirements are complete, the Complete column will display a check mark, and the Last Saved column will be populated with the date and time the form was last saved.
9. To delete a form, click the Delete button next to the form.
10. To add an additional Monthly SSMP Monitoring form, click Add this form next to the pull-down, and repeat the above steps.
An integer will display in the ( ) on the step for each supplemental form that was added.
1. Select Yes or No for During Subsequent SSMP Reviews was the Level of Concern Modified to a Higher Level?
When "Yes" is selected, the field Level of Concern was Modified, State New Level becomes enabled and required.
2. Select the Date Threat Management Case Closed.
3. The principal and DTMC may review and approve the case closure. The principal and DTMC can click to sign the form electronically, as well as enter their Name and Date of review.
4. The principal and DTMC may answer the question Returned to SBTMT Chair for further consideration?
When "Yes" is selected, the reason why and Date returned fields become required. When "No" is selected, the Approval Date field becomes required.
5. Click Save & Validate when finished.
Uploads can be used to add supporting documentation to an event. In order to print with the event, uploads must be in the PDF format.
1. Drag a file into the box, click Select and select a file from your computer, or click the scan icon and follow prompts to scan the document.
2. Once documentation is scanned or uploaded it will populate in the upload field with edit/delete options.
3. The number of uploads will display in parenthesis on the side menu.
4. Click the pencil icon to edit the title of the file.
5. Click the red minus sign to delete the upload.
6. Click OK to confirm deletion.
Focus has created a system logging field to capture basic information from a student’s Harm Prevention event. The district must enable the field for manual input because based on the current workflow defined by the Florida DOE, it is unclear when the event will be locked for Focus to automatically push to the fields.
The logging field contains the following field types and options:
- School where Threat was reported (Select One)
- List of schools in district
- School where Threat took place (Select One)
- List of schools in district
- Level of Concern (Select One)
- Unfounded
- Low LOC
- Medium LOC
- High LOC
- Date of LOC Determination (Date)
- Date SSMP Implemented (Date)
- Date SSMP Ends (Date)
- SSS Event ID (Link to Event)
See Student Fields for information on setting the field category and setting profile permissions.
FL Harm Prevention & Threat Management Instrument in Student Fields: