Documentation for Administrators

Archived Files Cataloguer

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The Archived Files Cataloguer allows districts to catalog archived files after they have been uploaded to the server so that they are accessible in the SSS module in Focus. It is recommended to consult with Focus Support to configure this tool.

Before Using the Archived Files Cataloguer

1. Ensure you receive PDF documents from your current provider (.pdf files).

2. The documents must use a specific naming convention, including the student ID, name of the document, date of the document, and the .pdf extension.

Example: 123456_eventname_12-31-2021.pdf

3. The documents need to be stored in a file on the server that is not in the export file, as it will negatively affect the data importer.  

Example: /var/www/html/uploaded-assets/SSS_Archive_files

4. In SSS > User Profile Permissions > System Permissions tab, ensure the proper profile or profiles have the "Archive Cataloguer Setup" permission set to Allow.

User Profile Permissions
Using the Archived Files Cataloguer

1. In SSS > General > Program Preferences tab, click the Archives Cataloguer button.


The Focus SSS Archived Files Cataloguer screen displays, which is where the files will be mapped.

2. Enter the Location of Archived Records. This is the path on the server where the files are stored.

Example: /var/www/html/uploaded-assets/SSS_Archive_files


3. Enter the Regular Expression Pattern.  

Example: /(?<student_id>\d+)_(?<file_name>[^_]+)_(?<event_date>[\d\-_]+)/


4. Select Use Local Student ID if the file names use the student's local student ID rather than their Focus student ID.


5. Enter the Date Format if the file names have a non-standard date format.


6. Select Group By Student Directories, if needed, and enter the regular expression.

The student ID will be needed in the folder names.

Example regex: /(?<student_id>\d+)/


7. If desired, enter a Display Name for each column and select whether to Show to Users in the Archived Files tab in Manage Student.


8. Click Save Settings.


9. When ready to run the cataloguer, select the check box I have verified that the above settings are saved and correct and would like to run the cataloguer.

10. Select Insert data to database.

11. If desired, select Clear the existing archive files catalogue before executing. This can significantly reduce the time to complete the operation.

12. Click Run Cataloguer.


13. In SSS > General > Program Preferences tab, enter the server path in the Archived Records setting.


14. In SSS > Setup > Programs tab, ensure the Display Archived Files check box is selected for each desired program.


15. In SSS > User Profile Permissions > System Permissions tab, ensure the proper profile or profiles have the "Archive Tab" permission set to Allow.

User Profile Permissions

16. In Manage Student, ensure the Archived Files tab displays the correct files for the student.

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