Documentation for Administrators

11.0.29 - 01/08/2022

Updated on


FOCUS-32378- Fix for batch creation issue

FOCUS-32352- Allow serial number scanning in Take Inventory

FOCUS-32247- Fix to FA Report toggle columns

FOCUS-32209- SIS - Forms - 'Show all' not listing history for specific Form/User

FOCUS-32123- Split Tax Number Padding Between A/P and Payroll

FOCUS-32062- Add mobile module for confirming picklist delivery


FOCUS-32402- Adjustments to FICA reducing deductions are not applying to FICA wages correctly.

FOCUS-32324- Human Resources> Employee> Benefits> "Total Rate of Plan" shows excessive decimal places

FOCUS-32317- Pay Stub Visibility Options

FOCUS-32284- Misc Pay Batch totals change depending on the # of records listed in the detail.

FOCUS-32281- Add suspend check box to the "Calculated by Employment" and "Taxes"

FOCUS-32197- Add date selector to misc pay, adjustments and reimbursements

FOCUS-32123- Split Tax Number Padding Between A/P and Payroll

FOCUS-32103- Calculated by Employment Monthly Option

FOCUS-32037- Add ability to manually add "Wage Recovery" records.

FOCUS-31986- If you open a run in a previous contract year then the time sheet entry doesn't show facilities

FOCUS-31313- Dynamic Start/End Dates For Allocations


FOCUS-32440 - If Exam is Null in Scheme don't include Blank Exam Score Logic when pulling/posting

In Version 10, the Blank Exam Score Treatment logic configured on the Grade Posting Averaging scheme was expanded to work for teachers using the average button in Post Final Grades. When this was implemented if the Blank Exam Score Treatment was set to Incomplete and the teacher posted using the average, it was setting the grade as an 'I' even if there was no numeric value in the exam field for that given marking period. This branch ensures that when posting or pulling grades the Blank Exam Score Treatment logic will only be considered if there is a numeric value for an exam in the scheme calculation. (Example: For semester 1 if the calculation is Q1 40% / Q2 40% / S1E 20% the Blank Exam Score Treatment would be factored, but a semester 1 calculation of Q1 50% / Q2 50% it would not be factored in)

FOCUS-32405 - Add Allow Teachers to Approve Requests to MSR

The course value of "Allow Teachers to Approve Requests" was only available on Scheduling > Courses & Sections. This branch adds the field to the Master Schedule Report.

FOCUS-32394 - Post Final Grades, down arrow on your keyboard (or Enter) skips a student

On Post Final Grades, teachers were experiencing an issue where when selecting the down arrow on your keyboard (or Enter) it skips a student instead of taking you to the next student listed. This branch corrects this issue.

FOCUS-32374 - Average Daily Attendance totals incorrect

This branch corrects the totals for the following columns on the Average Daily Attendance report: Average Daily Membership, Average Students Attended per day, and Average Students Absent per day.

FOCUS-32371 - Signature Fields Re-Authenticate Issue on Online App

Specific only to Online Applications that include a signature student field that is configured to require authentication. This branch resolves an issue where parents or students were required to re-authenticate a signature after saving their online application and returning to it at a later time for completion.

FOCUS-32370 - School Choice Setup - Sub-tabs not wrapping when Programs tab is selected

Resolves an issue where on the School Choice Setup screen the sub-tab menu options were not wrapping when the end-user was on the programs screen. This is only applicable for customers using the School Choice Module.

FOCUS-32366 - Assign Standards to Courses not working when selecting multiple courses

When selecting multiple courses from Assessment > Assign Standards to Courses to attach standards to them, the green checkmark would indicate to the end-user that the standards were added, but they were not saved to the courses.

FOCUS-32359 - School Choice Priority Chart Preference Code Fix

This only applies to customers using the School Choice add-on module. When making an edit to the Preference Code in a School Choice Lottery Chart, the system was incorrectly displaying the "Duplicate preference code. Please use a unique code." and preventing saving the change when the code was unique.

FOCUS-32354 - Focus Messenger Fix for Teacher Name Display

Only applicable for customers using Focus Messenger. This branch corrects an issue where the teacher's name was not displaying as expected to students in the recent chat list or the messenger box.

FOCUS-32348 - Focus Analytics: Add report title to powerbi_report_configs table

Only applicable to customers using Focus Analytics add-on module. Currently, only the report ID is given; this branch adds the Power BI report title to the powerbi_report_configs table. The report title in the table should match to the report title displayed on the Focus Analytics Power BI launching screen.

FOCUS-32345 - School Choice Application - Add 'Display local ID on application' preference & adjust the application screen

This new feature adds a preference to School Choice Setup > Customize Application titled "Display local ID on application." When checked, the applicable school choice application will display the student's local ID vs. the student ID. The preference will be installed turned off and only applies to customers using the School Choice Module.

FOCUS-32336 - School Choice Report - Add Local ID column to the reports

This feature enhancement change adds a Local ID column to the School Choice Report. It also adjusts the Student ID and Local ID values present on the report to hyperlinks. When clicked, a new tab will open in the end-user's browser to the student's demographic screen. This is only applicable for customers using the School Choice Module.

FOCUS-32334 - Gradebook: Fix for Dynamic Recalculations of Letter Grades when Data is Imported with Incorrect Letters

Dynamically recalculate letter grades for assignments, when displayed in the mobile app or gradebook. The recalculated grade will be shown instead of the record on the assignments grade record, when the calculated letter has a higher default breakoff set in the grading scale. Note this doesn’t effect grades entered through the gradebook itself, since the letter would match the percent from the points saved.

FOCUS-32309 - 'SAML button text for Mobile App' Preference Doesn't Work

Fix for "SAML Button Text for Mobile App" system preference. Previously, the text entered here by the customer was not displaying on the login screen of the Mobile App. With this fix any text entered by the customer will be displayed as the login button text for the SAML option on the Mobile App and Handheld devices. Note: This is only applicable to customers that have SAML configured as a Single Sign On option under System Preferences.

FOCUS-32302 - Grade Change Request: Display Current Grade

When a teacher puts in a grade change request for a grade posted by another teacher, the current grade column would not populate. This branch ensures the Current Grade displays as expected.

FOCUS-32292 - Discipline Referral Codes & Actions: Add new Severity option

This branch adds an additional option '5 - Dangerous' with a value of 5 to the Severity field on Discipline > Referral Codes & Actions.

FOCUS-32290 - Align 'Test History' tables by column in Grades -> Transcripts

This branch ensures the columns are aligned evenly in the Test History table on the generated student transcript.

FOCUS-32282 - Florida Shots: Error on import when Gender not Present

This branch fixes an error on Student Info screen under "Immunizations" category when importing from Florida Shots for a student who doesn't have the gender field filled out.

FOCUS-32274 - Profiles: Allow unchecking of "Send user as..." permissions for the API.

Currently, once you've checked a "Send user as..." permission under Third Party Systems, you cannot uncheck it. This branch allows end-users to uncheck all the "Send user as..." permission types.

FOCUS-32248 - Database Error on Print Letters & Send Emails caused by Permissions

This branch fixes this problem: when a user has permissions for no schools for a permission key they then will have access to all schools (conflating a null return value for an empty array). Given an incorrect permission key the list of schools for this user was empty (which means permissions for no schools) but it was being treated as null (which means permissions for all schools). This was causing a database error message to be presented to end-users when viewing Print Letters & Send Emails.

FOCUS-32239 - Report Cards: Fix printing when default template is set and end-user is not an admin

When a teacher goes to generate report cards (Report Cards, Standard Report Cards, or CTE Report Cards) and there is a default template set by the district and they do not have permission to edit template settings the defaults from the template including the marking period are not set and the teacher cannot generate PDF's

FOCUS-32226 - Gradebook Student Detail: Dynamically Update Average & Option to Show Average to Three Decimal Places

There are three aspects to this branch: 1. The gradebook average in the student detail of the gradebook now updates dynamically as grades are entered on the screen. 2. If weighted categories are enabled, the grades per category will update as well. And the total points scored/total possible has been removed. The total points was causing confusion, since dividing it by total possible will usually not be equal the overall percent, due to the weighting. 3. Adds a new Gradebook configuration setting ‘Show gradebook average to three decimal places on student detail.’ When the teacher has this setting checked and they click to see the detailed view of the student, the “Current Grade in Class” the average would display the version rounded by gradebook setting, plus rounded to three decimals. Ex. 92.500442442 → Rounding set to ‘Up’ “93% A (92.500%)”  This also displays for the student/parent in their respective portals. Since this is a teacher gradebook settings, if your district did not want this to display as an option to your teachers, you can disable the option altogether via Setup > System Preferences > Default User Preferences. Therefore, this new setting is added to both the Default Gradebook Configuration and Gradebook Configuration tabs of System Preferences. The setting is installed in the off position. 

FOCUS-32222 - MSR: Fix mass updating inclusion teacher to N/A

On the Master Schedule Report, Inclusion sections tab, when a mass update is done to change the inclusion teacher to N/A, a database error was thrown. This branch resolves this error.

FOCUS-32143 - Form Builder: Signature components are not clickable from behind text components

If a text component is arranged in a form such that it covers a signature component through the Form Builder, that signature component was not clickable to the end-user. Only impacts Google Chrome browser

FOCUS-32129 - Don't include inactive users in Edit Rules & Workflow > Workflow Triggers

From Students > Workflow Triggers > Add Trigger > Action: Send an Email the dropdown was adjusted to no longer include inactive users.

FOCUS-32125 - Take Attendance - Teachers are able to take attendance after it was taken by an admin

If teachers have their class list open for attendance and an absent is recorded by administrative staff, the teacher is able to save over the locked attendance record modified by admin staff . This branch corrects that issue.

FOCUS-32122 - Respect Sort Order on Graduation Requirements enrollment dropdown

This branch ensures the sort order defined in Grades > Graduation Requirements is respected on a student's enrollment record.

FOCUS-32092 - Remove CAI HIA Exam as biliteracy seal language requirement

CAI HIA, Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) (06/01/2021) History A Lvl, will no longer be allowed to display for a foreign language exam.

FOCUS-32020 - Advanced Report - Unexcused absences field displays all absences

Fixes an issue on Advanced Report with the field "Days Unexcused Absence YTD" to display Unexcused Absences.

FOCUS-32011 - Error on Merge Students when Gradebook Grades

This branch resolves a database error occurring when merging students with the option Gradebook Grades selected.

FOCUS-31995 - Respect Publish Report Card Permission on Standard Report Cards

There’s a permission for publishing report cards to the portal. This branch makes it so the publish button only shows on the page if you have the profile permission AND you are not a teacher.

FOCUS-31963 - Make Post Final Grades consistent with the Teacher Completion Report

Post Final Grades won't show the green checkmark unless the current primary teacher has posted the grades for the marking period. While the Teacher Completion Report will show the green check mark if the primary or co-teacher posted the grades. This branch makes Post Final Grades mimic the behavior of the Teacher Completion Report.

FOCUS-31733 - set Affects GPA = null for excluded grades in post final grades

When a teacher posts a grade marked as excluded the student's grade in Final Grades should set the Affects GPA to no.

FOCUS-31647 - Display multiple profiles separated by commas, and display distinct permissions in the Permission Report

This branch ensures all profiles and permissions display for users with multiple profiles when running the Profile Report and Permission Report located under Profiles.

FOCUS-31351 - Student Groups - Limit Assigned User not limiting in Student Info Pulldown

This branch ensures that when a user is limited to an assigned Student Group, they cannot access other students outside of the group from the student dropdown when viewing student information.

FOCUS-30987 - Application Courses

Improvements to Online Application Course Builder for Postsecondary customers. Please contact your support representative for additional information

FOCUS-30944 - Web Pages "public" option requesting login

If a teacher's web page is set to public, users are still being redirected to the login screen. This branch will change this behavior and not redirect to the login screen if a web page is marked as public.

FOCUS-30300 - Add a camera switcher to user/student photo uploader

This branch adds a camera option to switch between front facing or forward facing camera when taking a student photo through a mobile devise browser.

FOCUS-32438 - Elementary scheduler not counting students where custom_9='N'

FOCUS-32421 - Gradebook: If Several Duplicates of a Category Exist, an Error can Occur When Modifying the Category

FOCUS-31917 - Update the “Basic Skills Assessment Job” to also set for future schedule records.

FOCUS-30794 - MetLife Integration


FOCUS-32411- Deleted permissions included in SSS core permissions logic

Before this fix, when new System & Program permissions are disabled but SSS Event permission is enabled, the user is NOT able to Unlock/Delete events in Locked Events tab as expected, but the Delete button is present on the Active Events tab in SSS. After this fix, the Delete button is no longer present on the Active Events tab as expected.

FOCUS-32304- PHP error when IEP event not found for monitoring event

If a progress goals event is incorrectly initiated before any IEP events, there will be an exception when opening the progress event. This fix allows the IEP Goals PR event to open without error. There will be no info available. A new event will need to be initiated.

FOCUS-32303- Do not send new device emails for login tokens created within 1 hour

The new SSS Mass Print feature for SSS events uses login tokens in a loop to log in as the user when generating the PDFs, but there is nothing in place to bypass the "new device" email, so the user gets an email for each PDF generated This branch bypasses the "new device" email when logging in using a token generated <= 1 hour ago. This makes it so that emails are not sent when using login tokens in an automated way, while ensuring that if a long-lived token is copied and used on a different device (> 1 hour after the token was created), the new device email will still be sent. This will allow the formatting on the pdfs being generated in the new Mass Print SSS Events downloads to all be the same.

FOCUS-32301- Dropdowns that allow editing of the option text do not always save the user's edit.

Before this fix, dropdown components where collections are tied to them and they are set to allow edits in the dropdown did not save or print the edits. After the fix, the dropdowns with collections that allow edits now save and print as expected.

FOCUS-32280- Draft text shows on locked inactive SSS event

If an event is locked and inactive, the draft watermark incorrectly shows when printing the event. After this fix, the draft watermark is removed from the locked inactive event.

FOCUS-32242- Bulk PMP adjustments

Remove the Schools Tab & Adjust permissions to reflect this change. Identify the required fields on the Bulk PMP Trigger Screen with a RED Asterisk like in SSS setup. Description of Trigger should be placed into the Basis of Concern field on the PMP custom screen. End Date should default the last date of school year just like single pmp event defaults. Follow up Date should be left blank; do not populate on creation through bulk PMP Button on EWS report should say: Create Bulk PMPs - no possessive apostrophe.

FOCUS-32168- Meeting Minutes may be duplicated and flow onto other pages

Before this fix, meeting minutes may be duplicated and then cause issues with printing. After this fix, events print as expected. Test Scenario: SSS>Manage Student>Select a student>ESE>Initiate IEP Event>Open Meeting Minutes step>Add at least 5 meeting minute entries with a very long text>Save & Validate > Fill out and save the rest of the required fields >Print>Preview>Print Form>Save file to your computer>Open it>Scroll down to the last meeting minutes>Make sure text is NOT moved into the Matrix of Services form in the actual printout.

FOCUS-31997- Display Forms for Inactive Students on Forms > History

The school_id was not being set when an inactive student completed a form, which caused their completed form to not be visible under History.

FOCUS-32209- SIS - Forms - 'Show all' not listing history for specific Form/User

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